The Cheka was not accountable to judges or courts and there was no legal oversight of its operations. Dzerzhinsky neither denied nor retreated from the Cheka’s brutal role, declaring that “we stand for organised terror, terror being absolutely indispensable in the current revolutionary conditions”. In Armavir, they crushed their skulls by tightening a leather strap with an iron bolt around their head. the secret police set up in 1917 by the Bolshevik government: reorganized in the Soviet Union in Dec 1922 as the GPU. Cheka definition is - secret police (as in a Communist-dominated country) having virtually unrestrained power over life and death. Some of the more ghastly Cheka methods are described by historian Orlando Figes in his book A People’s Tragedy: The ingenuity of the Cheka’s torture methods was matched only by the Spanish Inquisition. The full name of the Cheka in 1918 was (in Russian) the "All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Profiteering and Corruption". During its four year lifespan, the Cheka carried out arrests, interrogations, executions and campaigns entirely of its own accord. Suttas (sutras) from the Tipitaka (Tripitaka) in Pali, Chinese, Sanskrit, and Tibetan with the Buddha's teachings on … Cheka (Russian) n (Russian history) the secret police set up in 1917 by the Bolshevik government: reorganized in the Soviet Union in Dec. 1922 as the GPU (C20: from Russian, acronym of Chrezvychainaya Komissiya Extraordinary Commission (to combat Counter … The Cheka is sometimes referred to as the Bolshevik ‘secret police’, though most Russians were well aware of its existence and activities. The Tsaritsyn Cheka sawed its victims’ bones in half. Cookies help us deliver our services. Like most significant aspects of the new regime, the Cheka began with a decree from Vladimir Lenin and the Sovnarkom, dated December 19th 1917. Any promotional content will be deleted. Publically gives the Cheka the right to deal with 'enemy agents, profiteers, marauders, hooligans, counter rev agitators and German spies' without going through the courtds.--> One day later 'saboteurs and other parasites is added' whom the Chekha should 'shoot on the spot' At the point of the Feb 21st 1918 document did would Cheka agents have an exact idea of who they were to target? What is the meaning/definition of the acronym CHEKA? By 1919, the Cheka employed more than 100,000 people and was one of the largest and best-funded agencies of the Soviet state. The Cheka’s directive was to “persecute and break up all acts of counter-revolution and sabotage all over Russia, no matter what their origin”, to “bring before the Revolutionary Tribunal all counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs and to work out a plan for fighting them”, and to “make preliminary investigation only, enough to break up [counter-revolutionary acts]”. These troops policed and ran the Gulag system; "requisitioned" food; tortured and executed political opponents; put down rebellions and riots by workers or peasants, and mutinies in the desertion-plagued Red Army.[5]. It was created on 20 December 1917, after a decree issued by Vladimir Lenin.Its first leader was Polish aristocrat-turned-communist Felix Dzerzhinsky.. History. Cheka Definition. Publisher: Alpha History Cheka definition, (in the Soviet Union) the state secret-police organization (1917–22), succeeded by the GPU. Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; omegawiki. His ruthlessness and fanaticism came to rival that of Lenin. Juni 2020 um 20:41 Uhr bearbeitet. The Cheka is sometimes referred to as the Bolshevik ‘secret police’, though most Russians were well aware of its existence and activities. CHEKA acronym or abbreviation means: C: Meaning of C in CHEKA. In Voronezh, they rolled their naked victims in nail-studded barrels. It was active in assuring the food supply, in maintaining transport, in policing the Red Army and Navy, in monitoring the schools, and in ensuring that industries continued to function and deliver essential material to the state. Some Cheka killings were carried out more for public effect than any political purpose. Search Results for CHEKA Meaning of CHEKA by its letters. On receiving the decree, Dzerzhinsky began recruiting Cheka agents. It even suppressed strikes by factory workers, the presumed rulers of the ‘workers’ state’.” Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Cheka. Citation information It wis creatit on December 20, 1917, efter a decree issued bi Vladimir Lenin, an wis subsequently led bi Felix Dzerzhinsky, a Pols aristocrat turned communist. Follow. From that point, the Cheka was never restricted by the rule of law or any obligation to due process or the rights of suspects. Its members were called Chekists well into the late 1980s. In Kharkov, they went in for the ‘glove trick’ – burning the victim’s hands in boiling water until the blistered skin could be peeled off: this left the victims with raw and bleeding hands and their torturers with ‘human gloves’. In 1918 its name was changed, becoming "All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Profiteer… It acted of its own accord, investigated and arrested whoever it chose and answered to no one. After 1922, Cheka groups underwent many reorganizations, as did the NKVD. Hiervon abgeleitet wurde der Ausdruck Tschekisten für die … Derived terms . It was formed by Vladimir Lenin in a December 1917 decree and charged with identifying and dealing with potential counter-revolutionaries. Michael Kort. Bedeutung von Cheka: Bedeutung unbekannt: Cheka Ursprung: afrikanisch: Cheka in Wiki Encyclopedia: Wikipedia: Google: Suche Cheka bei Google : Barcode-Generator: Ähnliche Namen wie Cheka Cherethims Chepe … Cheka definition in English dictionary, Cheka meaning, synonyms, see also 'Chekiang',ChE',cheap',cheat'. The Cheka was the Bolshevik security force or secret police. It was created on 20 December 1917, after a decree issued by Vladimir Lenin. Many thousands of dissidents, deserters, or other people were arrested, tortured or executed by Cheka groups. The existence and activities of the CHEKA were widely known and many of its operations were conducted openly and publicly. In 1918, the Cheka came into conflict with the Commissariat of Justice, which demanded to be notified before the arrest of suspects. Cheka agents operated on their own accord, carrying out arrests, detention and executions. Plural Chekas can be found in Google Books. Dzerzhinsky’s incorruptible fanaticism and hard-heartedness earned him the epithets ‘Iron Felix’ and the ‘Iron Count’. Written records of these methods were not kept so they are anecdotally based and possibly prone to exaggeration or falsification. The Cheka was headed by Feliz Dzerzhinsky, a Bolshevik of Polish extraction. It hunted down speculators and hoarders, sometimes cordoning off entire neighbourhoods during its massive operations. Cheka (ЧК – чрезвыча́йная коми́ссия chrezvychaynaya komissiya, Emergency Committee, Roushie pronunciation: ) wis the first o a succession o Soviet state security organisations. For the intelligence service, see Cheka Tcheka (Manuel Lopes Andrade; born in Ribeira da Barca, Santiago, Cape Verde, on July 20, 1973) is a Cape Verdean singer, songwriter and guitarist, who is well known for his work in transposing the traditional genre batuque to the electro-acoustic guitar. [6] The term is still found in use in Russia today. The Cheka was created on December 20, 1917, after a decree issued by Vladimir Lenin, and was subsequently led by aristocrat-turned-communist Felix Dzerzhinsky. Link to this page: Add or improve a definition. For more information, visit our FAQ page or Terms of Use. It surrounded villages and short peasants resisting the forced requisitions of grain, often leaving the peasants who remained alive without enough to eat. Among the targets of the Cheka were Russian nationalists who objected strongly… The astonishing understanding of individuals, avoiding long conversations also undermines these. A historian’s view: “One feels he can neither understand nor forgive moral weaknesses in others, since he himself possesses that fanatical devotion which has made it possible for him to travel the hard, bitter road where his ideals lead”, Bryant wrote. This was sometimes done publicly, in order to provide a deterrent to those who might oppose the regime. A member of Cheka was called a "chekist" throughout the Soviet period, despite various official name changes. This page was last changed on 19 January 2021, at 21:09. Cheka bezeichnet: Cheka-Kloster (tib. As the Bolsheviks expanded their definition of who was an enemy of the revolution, they also expanded the Cheka. They used these to extract information or occasionally to create a public deterrent. Cheka in British English. What does cheka mean? Cheka definition by Urban Dictionary. Browse more videos. Its first leader was Felix Dzerzhinsky. Cheka rate (Abbreviation) (Formed: 1917; dissolved/reorganized: 1922.) URL: By the autumn of 1918, these units numbered 33 battalions and more than 20,000 men. The first of a succession of Soviet state security organizations, created in 1917. cheka . 5 years ago | 39 views. What are synonyms for Cheka? More significantly, the Cheka operated outside the rule of law. Copyright: The content on this page may not be republished without our express permission. By late 1918, hundreds of Cheka committees had been created in the cities. Another example of this public gesturing was Lenin’s famous order to the Penza Cheka to hang at least 100 men, “and make sure that the hanging takes place in full view of the people”. Increases in anti-Bolshevik activity, the onset of the Civil War, the failed Left SR uprising of July 1918 and the assassination attempt on Lenin the following month saw the ranks of the Cheka grow exponentially. By the end of the Civil War the Cheka had become a powerful force. Authors: Jennifer Llewellyn, Michael McConnell, Steve Thompson Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 16. CHEKA agents also developed inventive but ghastly means of torture and psychological torment. In its first two years, the Cheka executed 900 people suspected of trading on the black market. Cheka. 'chad kha dgon), Kloster in Tibet; Ntabo Ntambui Cheka, Milizenführer im Kongo; Cheka (Cajuata), Ortschaft im Municipio Cajuata, Bolivien; Dies ist eine Begriffsklärungsseite zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe. Dzerzhinsky was technically accountable to the Sovnarkom but only reported Cheka operations after they had taken place. Though Cheka agents had no standard uniform, many wore long leather coats and could be easily identified. In 1921 the troops of the Cheka numbered 200,000. Born in Poland in 1877, Dzerzhinsky’s family were wealthy landed gentry with claims to a noble title. The Cheka grows. Initially very small with just a couple of hundred agents, the Cheka grew rapidly during the turmoil and growing opposition of 1918. Playing next. became politically radicalized after his older brother was executed in 1887 for plotting to assassinate Czar Alexander III translation and definition "cheka", Swahili-English Dictionary online. This site is created and maintained by Alpha History. The name ‘Cheka’ was an abbreviated form of Chrezvychainaia Komissiia, the Russian for ‘Extraordinary Commission’. He was a most unlikely radical – yet by the mid-1890s, Dzerzhinsky was involved in Marxist political groups in the Baltic. By late 1918, hundreds of Cheka committees had been created in the cities. With this free rein, Cheka agents were able to persecute, detain, torture and summarily execute thousands of suspected spies, tsarists, counter-revolutionaries, kulaks, black marketeers and other ‘enemies of the state’. Another 600 bureaucrats were executed for “economic crimes”, mostly taking bribes. ( ˈtʃɛka) n. (Historical Terms) Russian history the secret police set up in 1917 by the Bolshevik government: reorganized in the Soviet Union in Dec 1922 as the GPU. 2. Early Buddhist texts and modern translations. Dzerzhinksy spent more than a decade in prisons and labour camps before his release during the 1917 amnesty. The Cheka (sometimes called VeCheka) was the much-feared Bolshevik security agency, formed to identify and eradicate counter-revolutionary activity. By early March 1918, there were only 120 Chekists (Cheka agents). Chekists operated as investigators, arresting authorities, interrogators, prosecutors, judges, juries and executioners. Date published: August 10, 2019 The name of the agency was originally "The All-Russian Emergency Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage"(Russian: Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия по борьбе с контрреволюцией и саботажем; Vserossiyskaya chrezvychaynaya komissiya po bor'bye s kontrrevolyutsiyei i sabotazhem), but was often shortened to "Cheka" or "VCheka". [7], From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Library of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handbook Series/ Soviet Union / Glossary", "A Stalin slip and Putin trick | Opinion",, Articles containing Russian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. For more information on usage, please refer to our Terms of Use. It is not willing to take care of some subtle themes and … The first Communist-government secret-police organization. “Its original mandate was to root out the regime’s enemies: the counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs, enemy agents and speculators. See more. In reality, not all of its operations were secretive or concealed. According to historian Edward Peters, some of the torture methods employed by the CHEKA included beating, burning, branding and scalping. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary It was created on December 20, 1917, after a decree issued by Vladimir Lenin, and was subsequently led by aristocrat-turned-communist Felix Dzerzhinsky. In Odessa, they chained their victims to planks and pushed them slowly into a furnace or a tank of boiling water. Russian history. Dzerzhinsky was loyal to the point of fanaticism and had been hardened by years of imprisonment. In doing so, driven by revolutionary fervour and unrestrained by law, by 1922 the Cheka had penetrated virtually every area of life in Soviet Russia. The Cheka now outdid itself in cruelty by setting up forced labour camps entirely under its control. While the Cheka’s methods drew on those used by the Okhrana, its size and willingness to use extra-legal killing both surpassed the activities of the Tsarist security police. 3. Does it refer to individual members of the Cheka? Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes that some Cheka victims were force-fed large amounts of salted fish – but were prevented from drinking water. (pronoun) He chose Bolsheviks he could trust for the difficult task of securing the revolution, men who were neither corruptible nor squeamish. As opposition to the Bolshevik regime grew through 1918, so did the size and power of the Cheka. The decree forming the Cheka was broadly worded and contained few specific instructions about how it should operate. In 1918, CHEKA agents appeared in the audience of a Moscow circus and began shooting after one of its clowns, Bim Bom, made fun of the Bolsheviks and their leaders. Its members were called Chekists well into the late 1980s. Report. The Cheka was formed in the wake of the October 1917 revolution, as a small agency to investigate and deal with threats to the new regime. Cheka Secret Police synonyms, Cheka Secret Police pronunciation, Cheka Secret Police translation, English dictionary definition of Cheka Secret Police. Some historians suggest that 200,000 or more are more realistic figures. Given a virtual blank cheque, Dzerzhinsky ordered the recruitment of thousands of new agents. Cheka meaning and pronunciation. Russian Revolution memory quiz – events 1907-1916, Russian Revolution memory quiz – events 1917, Russian Revolution memory quiz – events 1918-1924, Russian Revolution memory quiz – revolutionaries, Russian Revolution memory quiz – tsarists, Russian Revolution memory quiz: concepts (I), Russian Revolution memory quiz: concepts (II), Russian Revolution memory quiz: events 1906 to 1913, Russian Revolution memory quiz: events 1914 to 1916, Russian Revolution memory quiz: events to 1905. Russian (ˈtʃɛka) noun. Each local Cheka had its own speciality. How do you use Cheka in a sentence? He eventually joined Lenin’s Bolshevik faction in 1906. Equinox 16:36, 8 November 2015 (UTC) Lenin preferred to leave the Cheka’s operational details and methods to the man he chose to lead it: Felix Dzerzhinksy. In the lead up to the October Revolution, he became one of Lenin’s most trusted lieutenants. What is the meaning of Cheka? The Cheka routinely used extra-legal violence and torture. History definition is - tale, story. Word:* Part of speech: Definition:* Sample sentence: All definitions are approved by humans before publishing. In the Soviet Union, the state secret-police organization (1917–22), succeeded by the GPU. Definition funny of Cheka: In the Soviet Union, the state secret-police organization (1917–22), succeeded by the GPU. History. Its first leader was Polish aristocrat-turned-communist Felix Dzerzhinsky. For example, President Vladimir Putin has been referred to in the Russian media as a "chekist" due to his career in the KGB. 5. Between 1918 and 1920, the Cheka ballooned from a couple of hundred investigators to a bureaucratic and paramilitary behemoth containing more than 100,000 agents. The first of a succession of Soviet state security organizations, created in 1917. It contains 179,175 words in 288 pages and was updated on October 10th 2020. checa translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'checar',chueca',Ceca',chechear', examples, definition, conjugation Cheka. Cheka translation in English-Swedish dictionary. Chekist; Translations Cheka was the first of a succession of Soviet state security organizations. Official government figures suggest that just over 12,000 people were killed by Chekists in 1918-20. A week later, the phrase “combating profiteering” was also added to the Cheka’s formal title. Title: “The Cheka” 4. Collins English Dictionary. By late 1918, hundreds of Cheka committees had been created in various cities, at multiple levels including: oblast, guberniya, raion, … A small force of just a few hundred men in early 1918, within two years the Cheka was one of the largest Soviet agencies, employing around 200,000 people. He also organised Cheka paramilitary units. [2], By late 1918, hundreds of Cheka committees had been created in the cities. Official figures have of course disappeared, but a conservative estimate states that between 1917 and 1923 at least 200,000 ‘dissidents’ were shot by the Cheka in labour camps, while another 300,000 died in the suppression of working-class movements, strikes and mutinies. At first, the Cheka was small and its operations were limited. The Cheka became the embodiment of Dzerzhinsky’s ruthlessness. The Cheka was the first Soviet state security organization. This Russian Revolution site contains articles, sources and perspectives on events in Russia between 1891 and 1927. Dzerzhinksy had devoted his life to the Bolshevik cause. How to use history in a sentence. This infuriated Dzerzhinsky, who queried how it was possible for him to “crush counter-revolution with legal niceties”. WeTscheKa ist die Abkürzung für die Außerordentliche Allrussische Kommission zur Bekämpfung von Konterrevolution, Spekulation und Sabotage, die nach der Oktoberrevolution am 20. According to Louise Bryant,  Dzerzhinsky adored Lenin and was “shy, aloof and deeply puritanical” – but he was also ruthless and dispassionate, hardened by years of abuse and persecution. Within two years it had more than 100,000 employees. The Cheka (a forerunner of the notorious KGB), or political police, was formed in December 1917 to protect communist power. The Cheka (sometimes called VeCheka) was the much-feared Bolshevik security agency, formed to identify and eradicate counter-revolutionary activity. It was to be the “sword and shield of the revolution”, defending the new regime against its enemies within. The Cheka is often described as the ‘Bolshevik secret police’. [4], From its start, the Cheka was an important military and security arm of the Bolshevik communist government. 1. All this was purposely done: to show Russians that the CHEKA was everywhere and dealt swiftly with those who betrayed or opposed the Bolshevik regime. Date accessed: January 22, 2021 A favourite winter torture was to pour water on the naked victims until they became living ice statues. Cheka M. Hier finden Sie Imformationen über die Bedeutung und den Ursprung des afrikanischen Baby-Namens Cheka. Make sure you have a side on you, do not be shy to show it. Garb Slang. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. What is the definition of Cheka? The Cheka became a model for 20th century secret police agencies in totalitarian states, including the Gestapo (Nazi Germany), the Stasi (East Germany) and the KGB (Soviet Russia). Welche Bedeutung hat der Name Cheka und welcher Herkunft ist er? In Kiev, they affixed a cage with rats to the victim’s torso and heated it so that the enraged rats ate their way through the victim’s guts in an effort to escape. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Lenin subsequently altered Soviet regulations so that the Cheka was required to notify the Commissariat of an arrest or execution after after it had happened, rather than before. The decree ordered the formation of the “All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage”. [3] After 1922, Cheka groups underwent many reorganizations, as did the NKVD. Atlas » Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. Dezember 1917 gegründete Staatssicherheit Sowjetrusslands, auf deren Tradition sich die politische Polizei der Ende 1922 gegründeten Sowjetunion berief. Many thousands of dissidents, deserters, or other people were arrested, tortured or executed by Cheka groups. The Cheka [1] was the first Soviet state security organization.

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