the Green Climate Fund (GCF) agreed on in Cancun in 2010 and made operational in Durban in 2011, which includes a significant new share of multilateral funding for adaptation. Consider involving, for example, FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, Departments of Transportation, Parks and Recreation, and State Departments of Ecology or Natural Resources. They are illustrative and are presented to help communities consider possible ways to address anticipated current and future threats resulting from the changing climate. The Adaptation Strategies below offer possible ways to address anticipated climate risks to outdoor and indoor air quality. Provide training for municipal staff on green infrastructure To reach this point, more new knowledge is required on climate impacts, particularly on regional impacts as well as on the economic costs of action/inaction. Adaptation is a challenge for all countries and especially those that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Examples of adaptation measures include: using scarce water resources more efficiently; adapting building codes to future climate conditions and extreme weather events; building flood defences and raising the levels of dykes; developing drought-tolerant crops; choosing tree species and forestry practices less vulnerable to storms and fires; and setting aside land corridors to help species migrate. For example: 1. Communities across the United States are anticipating, planning, and preparing for the impacts of climate change. Better tools and know-how to design and implement adaptation strategies need to be developed. Particularly vulnerable regions include: Southern Europe and the Mediterranean basin (due to heat and droughts), the Alps (due to rapid melting of snow and ice), coastal zones, deltas and floodplains (due to sea level rise, intense rainfall, floods and storms) and Europe's far north, the Arctic and Outermost regions (due to increased global warming). EPA's Integrated Climate and Land Use Scenarios (ICLUS) project can serve as a resource. 1. The EU Adaptation Strategy addresses climate-induced migration. For example, Washington, DC's Stormwater Management Guidebook (CWP, 2013), provides for a stormwater retention credit program for certification. The Climate-ADAPT Adaptation Knowledge Platform was launched in March 2012, fulfilling the 2009 White Paper's objective to develop an EU adaptation clearinghouse mechanism. For humans, this includes mitigating harm and exploiting opportunities; for natural systems, humans may intervene to help adjustment. Before adopting any particular strategy, it should be considered in the context provided by the primary source document from which it originated. Local decision makers are often working with old data. Showcase green infrastructure climate adaptation projects Use redevelopment projects as onsite demonstrations of ways to adapt to climate change using LID, green streets, or environmental site design. Other discernible human influences on climate comprehend ocean warming, continental-average temperatures, temperature extremes and wind patterns. Incorporate green infrastructure and LID into existing plans, such as watershed implementation plans (WIPs). Use pilot projects or those with minimal barriers to explore collaboration among agencies. Member States could use some of this revenue to honour their international funding commitments under the Copenhagen agreement. It provides several useful resources to support adaptation policy and decision making, such as a toolset for adaptation planning; a projects and case studies' database that can be selectively consulted (e.g. Mine existing data sources to ensure that decisions are based on the best available data. Explicit climate change adaptation context, i.e. Information systems 9. Consider updates to data management practices to facilitate use of the best and most recent data. EPA is also developing a web application for visualizing and downloading climate model output . Create a much needed open space in a community with environmental justice concerns and soften the shoreline to accommodate sea-level rise. Ecosystems play a key role in regulating climate. It is a framework for managing future climate risk, prioritising and coordinating action. Stafford County anticipates that this project will demonstrate that green infrastructure solutions can offer amenities that increase the value of the landscape while managing stormwater onsite. Planting street trees is an initiative that municipalities can implement to both reduce stormwater runoff (adaptation) and increase carbon storage (mitigation). More about the National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy 4 Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the City of Rio de Janeiro Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and the Environment - Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ Prof. Emilio Lèbre La Rovere, D.Sc - General Coordinator Denise da Silva de Sousa, D.Sc - Technical Coordinator Climate Change Scenarios Wanderson Luiz Silva – CEPEL Click on map to enlarge. Climate-ADAPT is dynamically managed, with a permanent updating of contents by the EEA, and some contracts going on to develop new tools or improve those existing, and facilitate its use by improving accessibility and dissemination. Mitigation refers to our efforts to limit the man-made causes of climate change. Adaptation Examples Many forests and grasslands are taking steps to address the challenges brought on by climate change.These examples highlight how researchers and managers are working together to adapt lands to climate change at many different scales. Seek opportunities to incorporate climate change adaptation measures into existing plans Examples may include comprehensive plans or watershed-scale plans. Europe has built up a vast network of over 26,000 protected areas covering all the Member States representing more than 20% of total EU territory. The strategies presented are NOT a comprehensive or exhaustive list of resiliency or adaptation actions that may be relevant. The percentage could increase progressively in line with the country’s per capita income. Observed impacts of climate change are projected to continue due to further climate change. Also encourage a "no wrong door policy" (i.e., that data and information is shared across web portals and resources are shared across agencies). dealing with human adaptation to climate-related environmental changes (Berrang-Ford et al 2011). Despite the potential of EbA to provide adaptation benefits, there is a lack of consensus on how to measure the success of this approach. Climate change will affect all natural and man-made systems to some extent. However, the effects of climate change on population displacement are a topic of growing concern. Improve documentation regarding project funding and actual costs. By Barry Caruth - Flickr Consider offering incentives for green infrastructure to manage stormwater. The level of future impacts will depend on the magnitude of climate change and on socio‑economic and environmental factors. These include the least developed countries, small island developing states and African countries that are prone to extreme weather events such as drought, storms, floods and desertification. Any climate change adaptation strategy must be flexible and continue changing as new impacts are seen. Searchable Case Studies for Climate Change Adaptation. The definitive source of information about climate science is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Climate change can make it more difficult to properly manage hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. Protect Coastal Wetlands. Adaptation strategies are needed at all levels of administration: at the local, regional, national, EU and also the international level. This may also entail offering financial incentives in places where individual homeowners are responsible for installation and maintenance, to help individuals pay for the maintenance of this public good. Both the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of a system will contribute to how vulnerable the system is to changes in climate. This paper reviews the intended adaptation outcomes and indicators used by ongoing and completed EbA … ABSTRACT This circular contains a selection of current and recent climate change adaptation activities and measures in … This also entails understanding the current design standard and whether performance can be enhanced for projects in the region. While a “one-size-fits-all” approach to adaptation is clearly not appropriate, there is a key role for – and significant benefits to be gained from – integrated, coordinated EU adaptation action to complement national, regional and local efforts. 2013-20: Annual emission allocations and flexibilities, Financial institutions, Insurance and Private sector, Council conclusions on the EU Adaptation Strategy, White Paper on adapting to climate change, Impact assessment on the White Paper on adapting to climate change, Executive summary of the impact assessment, Policy paper on Water, Coasts and Marine issues, 'Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012', Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Green Paper on Adapting to Climate Change in Europe, Commission launches online public consultation on new EU strategy on adaptation to climate change, EU steps up support to the Adaptation Fund, Europe is ready for climate impacts: Commission evaluates its strategy, Launch event: EU strategy on adaptation to climate change, Evaluation of the EU's Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, Consultation on the Preparation of the EU Adaptation Strategy, Report a problem or give feedback on this page, Taking climate change impacts into consideration in key EU policies, Supporting wider international efforts on adaptation. The Impact Assessment accompanying the Communication on an EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change provides further inputs on the value added of EU intervention on adaptation. Then, engage decision makers to seek agreement on a threshold (e.g., the community will prepare for X storm) that is informed by historic data and reflects the risk tolerance of the community (e.g., what level of damage or disruption the community can tolerate at different costs). Build awareness and knowledge via climate change and stormwater management curriculum On-the-job training and continuing education opportunities, which can help to increase the climate literacy of existing staff and ensure timely application of research designed to address decision-maker needs. It offers the potential of reducing future economic, environmental and social costs. The EU Neighbourhood Policy seeks cooperation on climate matters in the Mediterranean region, assisting countries in developing climate change policies. In either case, the timely provision and effective use of the resources to be made available will need to be verified under a new agreement to ensure its effectiveness. for river basins and bio-geographic regions). In addressing future precipitation changes in stormwater management, decision makers may need assistance determining which climate change scenarios to evaluate, where to get appropriate climate data, and assessing whether the climate projections coincide with locally driven concerns. Salt marshes, mangroves and seagrasses are unique coastal ecosystems that serve as natural water filtration systems and marine habitats. Take advantage of existing resources that promote information sharing. 7. ACE, 2015) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) helps with preparedness planning for extreme events (FEMA, 2015). In particular, it is important to note: Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. Share. This needs to be done more systematically to prevent climate change impacts from jeopardising development assistance efforts. This is an important 'free' ecosystem service. In 2007, the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report stated that warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as evidenced from observations at continental, regional and ocean basin scales worldwide. Select a particular area of interest or explore a list of all adaptation strategies. The aim of adaptation is to build resiliency in the parks—finding ways to help ecosystems and … Urgent action now to halt the further loss and degradation of biodiversity will help to build resilience and maintain the provision of ecosystem services thus providing future options for reducing the impact of climate change. Communicate the overlap of "short-term" infrastructure lifetimes with longer term climate changes. The financial contribution of each developed country should be comparable and based on the polluter pays principle – in other words, its allowed level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - and ability to pay. A Technology Mechanism was established at COP 16 in Cancun which is expected to facilitate the implementation of enhanced action on technology development and transfer in order to support action on mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Prevent or limit groundwater extraction from shallow aquifers, Create water markets – transferring land and water from agricultural to community use, Establish or broaden "use containment areas" to allocate and cap water withdrawal, Allow coastal wetlands to migrate inland (e.g., through setbacks, density restrictions, land purchases, Promote wetland accretion by introducing sediment, Remove hard protection or other barriers to tidal and riverine flow (e.g., riverine and tidal dike removals), Incorporate wetland protection into infrastructure planning (e.g., transportation planning, sewer utilities), Preserve and restore the structural complexity and biodiversity of vegetation in tidal marshes, seagrass meadows, and mangroves, Identify and protect ecologically significant ("critical") areas such as nursery grounds, spawning grounds, and areas of high species diversity, Trap or add sand through beach nourishment – the addition of sand to a shoreline to enhance or create a beach area, Trap sand through construction of groins – a barrier type structure that traps sand by interrupting longshore transport, Create a regional sediment management (RSM) plan, Develop adaptive stormwater management practices (e.g., promoting natural buffers, adequate culvert sizing). Climate change can make it more difficult for communities to provide drinking water and wastewater services, protect water quality, and maintain healthy aquatic environments. For example, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been helping communities better understand hydrologic modeling (U.S. Since 1999, even small MS4s within and outside urbanized areas have been required to obtain National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit coverage. Suggest funding organizations incorporate requirements for enhanced financial and impact tracking reporting in project selection. Blue Plains Wastewater Facility in Washington DC Reinforces Facility Against Floods, Anacortes, Washington Rebuilds Water Treatment Plant for Climate Change, Tampa Bay Diversifies Water Sources to Reduce Climate Risk, Southern Nevada Water Authority Assesses Vulnerability To Climate Change. Develop a methodology and schedule for maintenance that includes details about who is responsible for maintenance and new protocols. For an Adaptation Strategy to be effective, it must result in climate risk being considered as a normal part of decision-making. CFS scientists have updated Canada’s plant har… 2. In all work with individuals and community groups, be sensitive to hot button topics that may distract from the purpose of the conversation and the issues that the work intends to address. These effects, which include An effective climate change adaptation policy must be responsive to a wide variety of environmental, social, economic, cultural and political circumstances. For instance, planting trees in urban areas or restoring a peatland has both mitigation and adaptation benefits. Camden, New Jersey Uses Green Infrastructure to Manage Stormwater, DC Utilizes Green Infrastructure to Manage Stormwater, Smart Growth Along the Riverfront Helps Manage Stormwater in Iowa City, Iowa, Blue Plains Wastewater Facility in Washington DC Reinforces Facility Against Floods. Ecosystem based adaptation is often considered a no-regret option as it provides multiple services and promotes synergies. The Technology Mechanism consists of the following two components: the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network. Coordinate across federal, state, local, and tribal agencies Engage the full suite of agencies and departments, particularly at the federal level, that affect or could be affected by solutions to address changing climate conditions in stormwater management. Source document(s) are indicated. The impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems present new challenges for nature conservation. This may be more cost effective than developing individual plans. In many cases, successful adaptation by developing countries can be achieved only if climate change impacts are taken into account in development cooperation projects. Consider Cost and Benefits of Green Infrastructure. National institutions and international cooperation should be strengthened to disseminate knowledge and technologies for adaptation and climate resilient development. The IPCC also concluded in 2007 that most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. b) Linkages with the SDGs and other international frameworks and processes: To consider how other international frameworks and processes can be leveraged or take more actions to raise ambition to land and climate change adaptation. Since the atmosphere is shared, mitigation action will typically have long-term, global benefits. BioSim has been used to predict how climate change might affect the risk of mountain pine beetleinfestations in western Canada. Share existing information about how natural systems can be cost effective and efficient methods of stormwater control and flood mitigation Share information about the current status and the actual costs and values of projects that were implemented 10 or 20 years ago. A number of EU Member States have already prepared national adaptation strategies. Economic sectors that rely strongly on certain temperatures and precipitation – from agriculture to forestry, fisheries, energy to tourism – are also highly vulnerable. Decision makers can use local resources for climate change data from researchers at organizations within the area, such as universities, state meteorological agencies, and other organizations that may be involved in downscaling of climate change scenarios. While it remains unclear in what ways decisions to migrate are affected by climate and environmental disruptions, numerous examples could be put forward to substantiate the link between climate change, environment and migration, such as droughts in the Sahel region or sea-level rise in the case of small islands. can adapt to climate change and stay resilient to any severe weather events that do occur. Incorporate cost and benefit information into tools (e.g., visualization tools) that can support project planning and assist in communications with multiple audiences Examples include such as the Connecticut Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (CT NEMO) Rain Garden App; provide information about the multiple ecosystem services provided by green infrastructure, such as the U.S. Forest Service's i-Tree tool that estimates ecosystem services from trees used for urban stormwater runoff control that also provide local cooling services. This would provide certainty about the total amount of funding available. Routinely re-evaluate accuracy of land use maps Re-evaluating accuracy of land use maps, especially in areas experiencing rapid development, can ensure the best available data about the extent and location of impervious surfaces is used. Consider regulatory changes at the federal or state level to minimize variance regarding stormwater infrastructure guidance and regulations among communities. Adaptation, along with mitigation, is an essential part of addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with climate change. EPA's SWC and SWMM-CAT provide regional downscaled climate projections. Assess whether green infrastructure could be included as a control measure in Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Measures for adaptation to climate change This chapter draws on the conclusions of the previous chapters, considering what might be feasible solutions. The Website has already become a reference for adaptation knowledge platforms, both within the EU and abroad; several neighbouring regions and countries have shown interest in mirroring the structure or even associating themselves with the platform. Develop tools to assist with quantifying costs and benefits Use land use build-out models to understand the maximum likely development in a region. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) defines adaptation as "any adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities". The ecological coherence of the Natura 2000 network, as well as habitat quality, is essential for the long-term survival of many species and habitats. This can help stormwater managers consider the potential needs associated with projected increases in impervious surfaces. Consider incentives such as fast-track permitting for projects that adhere to a more strict set of requirements (e.g., projects that manage 80% of runoff onsite or incorporate a green roof). Under the first option, developed countries would commit to providing a certain amount of funding through bilateral and multilateral channels, calculated for each country on the basis of its allowed emissions and its income levels. A Joint EEAS-Commission Communication on EU-Maghreb relations also addresses climate change. Adaptation will most often have local, sector-specific benefits. Tools to analyze forest vulnerabilities Forest scientists are developing a range of tools for assessing and managing climate-related risks and adaptation options. However, the impacts on individual sectors or regions will vary depending on the sensitivity of the system and its adaptive capacity. The pages below offer possible ways to address public health risks to air quality, water quality, extreme heat, and waste issues related from anticipated climate changes. In March 2009 the International Scientific Congress Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions concluded that the worst-case IPCC scenario trajectories (or even worse) are being realised. Look for opportunities to develop a regional or watershed-scale plan for stormwater management. Consider how current design standards are formulated a starting point to the discussion Rather than starting a conversation with a discussion of climate change projections, understand the current design standard for stormwater management. Use resources to show historical and future trend lines To understand future climate changes, techniques that use historic data, such as analogue events or other sensitivity and threshold information in the historic record, can be used as illustrations (e.g., see the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] report Climate Change 2001: Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, Section 3.5. However, growing evidence suggests that the capacity of the Earth's carbon sinks is weakening due to the continuous degradation of ecosystems. Adaptation requires managing risks for the longer term, but to focus solely on risk management would be to overlook the many additional benefits of adaptation. Funding for adaptation is provided through the financial mechanism of the UNFCCC. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Waste Facility Protection adaptation strategies, Maryland Analyzes Coastal Wetlands Susceptibility to Climate Change, Southwest Florida Assesses Salt Marsh Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise, Pennsylvania Protects Coldwater Fisheries and Water Quality from Climate Change, Collaborate with Green Infrastructure Partners, Model Ordinance for Establishing Citywide Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Green Values National Stormwater Management Calculator, The Value of Green Infrastructure: A Guide to Recognizing Its Economic, Environmental and Social Benefits, Integrating Green Infrastructure into Federal Regulatory Programs, Fredericktown, Missouri Prepares for Climate Change Drought Risk, San Juan Bay Estuary Program Assesses Vulnerability and Targets Adaptation Measures, Barre City, Vermont Accounts for Climate Change within a Brownfield Redevelopment Plan, San Francisco Cleans Up India Basin Waterfront Brownfield Site as Part of Greenspace Development Effort, Southeast Florida Compact Analyzes Sea Level Rise Risk, Camden, New Jersey Uses Green Infrastructure to Manage Stormwater, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts Assesses Climate Vulnerability, Iowa City, Iowa Closes Vulnerable Wastewater Facility, Integrated Climate and Land-Use Scenarios, Minnehaha, MN Creek Watershed District Assesses Stormwater Management Climate Vulnerability, Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Climate Change Adaptation Resource Center (ARC-X) Home, Retreat from, and abandonment of, coastal barriers, Purchase upland development rights or property rights, Expand the planning horizons of land use planning to incorporate longer climate predictions, Adapt protections of important biogeochemical zones and critical habitats as the locations of these areas change with climate, Connect landscapes with corridors to enable migrations, Design estuaries with dynamic boundaries and buffers, Replicate habitat types in multiple areas to spread risks associated with climate change. 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