Hear about what's new at the LLL French Academy, and receive updates on new blog posts and other learning resources that you're going to love! A lot of adjectives that end in a consonant can be changed to feminine by doubling the consonant and adding an … Find more French words at wordhippo.com! In French however, the placement of adjectives varies. Resources and Lessons for French Learners and Teachers. “Délicieux” and “magnifique” are both BANGS adjectives so they come before the noun. Let’s give a few examples already : Le gâteau est délicieux. Most French adjectives are placed after the noun they describe. English words for délicieux include delicious, delightful, tasty, lovely, delectable, scrumptious, nice and delicate. What’s the effect of gender and number on French adjectives? Français est tellement difficile mais, je veux vraiment apprendre cette langue. Les garçons sont beaux. 2 Making adjectives feminine. The only difference is that you don’t need to add a “e” when it comes before a feminine noun since “jeune” already ends with a “e”. French adjectives have a gender (masculine or feminine) and a number (singular or plural), and consequently they must agree with the noun that they determine. Une tarte délicieuse (feminine singular) A delicious pie. Desole, Je ne parle pas bien. In English, adjectives are pretty easy to use. This is a useful rule to know, but hardly a reliable one since there are many exceptions. Un repas délicieux (masculine singular) A delicious meal. Il y a beaucoup de belles femmes en France (feminine plural), There are a lot of beautiful women in France. Shake Shack catches flak for 'lazy' Korean fried chicken. Adjectives ending in “ieux” (except “vieux”) have a feminine form ending in “se” and remain the same if they describe a plural noun. In both cases, “beau” describes a masculine noun, so you probably wonder why “beau” becomes “bel” in the second case. On devrait planifier un nouveau voyage! Be careful when you see masculine adjectives ending in ‐e, ‐eux, ‐f, and ‐ er, because for those, you do not simply add e. (Note that adding this e to a previously silent consonant causes that consonant to be pronounced. “Bon” is the most common French adjective. In addition to adding a “e” when it describes feminine words and a “s” when it describes plural words, don’t forget to double the”n” when it describes feminine words. Though it isn't foolproof, you can use the acronym BAGS to refer to these adjectives to help you remember the… Benjamin Houy is a native French speaker and tea drinker with a BA degree in Applied Foreign Languages and a passion for languages. After teaching French and English in South Korea for 7 months as part of a French government program, he created French Together™ to help English speakers learn the 20% of French that truly matters. La vieille porte rouge. That’s it, you now know the most common French adjectives. (J’ai été enseigner moi-même pour quelque mois maintenant et c’est beaucoup amusant c:), (Aussi, mon lecture capacité est beaucoup mieux que mon écriture). For example, some adjectives like “délicieux” (delicious) can come both before and after the noun they describe depending on the context. So here is how to place and modify the most common French adjectives. For adjectives that don’t follow the regular pattern, use the table below to help you select the correct ending to use to make your adjective agree with your noun. Le bel homme est là. "Grandi" is the plural for masculine and feminine. The cake is delicious. "Grande" is the singular for masculine and feminine. Knowing how to use these is very important in speaking and writing French properly. Choose from 500 different sets of feminine and masculine singular plural french adjectives flashcards on Quizlet. French adjectives ending in X or S. Adjectives ending in X or S stay the same in masculine plural forms.The feminine plural forms of these adjectives are regular . Mon grammaire est terrible, mais je serai essayer c: Desolée, Je ne parle pas bien. Un jour, si j’apprendrai beacoup les mots de France, Je me parlerai ça sans hésitation et complète. There are different forms depending on the gender and number: - "délicieux" (masculine singular) - "délicieuse" (feminine singular) - "délicieux" (masculine plural) - "délicieuses" (feminine plural) Please note that in French, adjectives are variable and depend on the gender and number of the noun it refers to. If it already ends with an -e, usually you do not need to add another one. As we know, In French, gender (masculine and feminine) and number (singular or plural) are both very important to how we use adjectives. Adjectives ending in “ien” have a feminine form ending in “ienne”. And if that wasn’t enough to confuse you, adjectives also change depending on whether the noun they describe is masculine, feminine, singular or plurial. In most cases French adjectives change the following way: Note: unlike English, French adjectives of nationality don’t start with a capital letter. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Hope this helped. Here come the bad boys or rather the BANGS boys: Most adjectives expressing these (BANGS adjectives) are placed before the noun they describe. Merci pour votre aide Benjamin. la plus délicieuse les plus délicieuses la moins délicieuse les moins délicieuses. It means "delicious". These are adjectives you’re certain to encounter as a French learner. Mon grammaire est mauvais aussi. delicios: see also deliciós delicios (Romanian) Origin & history Borrowing from French délicieux… You may notice that the majority of the following French adjectives are placed before the noun they describe. How to use énorme? Practice is what will allow you to become fluent in French, so pick an adjective and create a sentence with it in the comment section below this article! très beau. You’ll also discover how to use the most common French adjectives. All you need to do is add S to the feminine singular form of the adjective. That’s because many common French adjectives belong to the BANGS group I mentioned earlier. Entries with "deliciós" delicioses: delicioses (Catalan) Adjective delicioses Feminine plural of deliciós. C’est un bon restaurant (masculine singular), Les macarons de Pierre Hermé sont bons (masculine plural), Les fraises du marché sont bonnes (feminine plural), The strawberries from (the) market are good. Study Regular Adjectives - IN EXAM flashcards from Georgia Warrener's WALLACE HIGH SCHOOL class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Luckily, in today’s lesson, you’ll discover several rules that’ll make it easier for you to know how to place and use French adjectives. Remember that the adjective in French must agree with the noun in gender (masculine or feminine) and in number (singular or plural) as you see above in délicieux. Merci pour vous aide Benjamin. (a quality) Le trône royal The royal throne (a relation : it’s the king’s trône) La maison royal Adjectives ending in “ieux” (except “vieux”) have a feminine form ending in “se” and remain the same if they describe a plural noun. As a reminder, BANGS adjectives (beauty, age, number, goodness, size) are adjectives that are placed before the noun they describe. Note: there’s some debate about Antarctique, which is feminine according to Larousse but masculine according to Le Petit Robert, perhaps because the latter doesn’t seem to consider it a noun in its own right, but rather an abbreviation of le continent antarctique.. Nearly all countries that end in -e are feminine. The number (plural or singular) of the noun they describe, You add a “e” to adjectives that describe a feminine noun, except if the adjective already ends with a silent “e”, You add a “s” to adjectives that describe a plural noun, except if the adjective already ends in “s”, You add a “e” if the word it describes is feminine (except if the adjective ends with a silent “e”, that is a “e” without accent). les moins délicieux . Je veux acheter de nouvelles chaussures. Le jeune homme est parti (masculine singular), La jeune femme est partie (feminine singular), Les jeunes hommes sont partis (masculine plural), Les jeunes femmes sont parties (feminine plural). délicieusement. Things related to "la nourriture" When we eat, there are generally other jobs that have to be done so that we can eat. It usually comes after a noun like – “une boule bleue” (a ball blue), “la personne intéressante” (the person interesting) While most of the time, adjectives come after nouns in French, but there are a few exceptions. La porte rouge. On y sert du café et du chocolat chaud délicieux, ainsi que des gourmandises maison et des spécialités culinaires tchèques. So how would you place adjectives if you are using both one that follows the BANGS and a regular adjective? It ends in -o in the masculine singular and -a in the feminine singular: Questa torta è deliziosa! On devrait planifier un nouveau voyage! The advantage is that once you know these common adjectives, you’ll mainly encounter adjectives that follow the normal placement of adjectives and are therefore placed after the noun they describe. Il acheté une vieux mais beau chapeau, et maintenant je suis très jaloux de il depuis il est (ou faire je utiliser “c’est” ici?) The feminine plural forms of these adjectives are regular . Mon copain m’a acheté un délicieux gâteau aux framboises pour mon anniversaire et après on est allés à Prague, on a vu de magnifiques vieilles maisons et mangé de délicieux trdelniks. So you’d say “a green bag”, or “a blue house”. Tu peux dire: Il a acheté un vieux mais beau chapeau, et maintenant je suis très jaloux de lui car il est très beau. For example, “the mean, old man” ….. is it “le vieil homme mechant?”. Where should you place French adjectives? Nous avons marché au nouveau restaurant japonais. All you need to do is add S to the feminine singular form of the adjective. Les filles sont belles. Mechant is before the noun, because ‘mean’ is part of goodness, which is part of BANGS. Qu’est-ce qu’elle est belle, cette ville! J’adore les chaussures. I’m convinced that the best way to learn grammar is to learn from realistic examples. To remember that, imagine a Frenchman coming to you and asking with a heavy (and charming) French accent “excuse me, where is the house blue?”. délicieusement; délicat; Further reading “délicieux” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language). Learn feminine and masculine singular plural french adjectives with free interactive flashcards. Note that when the adjective comes BEFORE the noun, DES must change to DE. masculine singular masculine singular, starts with a vowel masculine plural feminine singular feminine plural beau bel beaux belle belles nouveau nouvel nouveaux nouvelle nouvelles blanc blanc blancs blanche blanches bon bon bons bonne bonnes heureux* heureux heureux heureuse heureuses vieux vieil vieux vieille vieilles tropical* tropical tropicaux tropicale tropicales premier* … Learn faster with spaced repetition. Squisito. Instead, here is a selection of essential irregular French adjectives. CNN reporter breaks into tears discussing COVID-19 There is no warranty for the data. delicious: …Bengali: সুস্বাদু (susbadu) Bulgarian: вку́сен Catalan: deliciós, gustós, saborós Chinese: …. English adjectives are invariable, that’s not the case of French adjectives. Pour moi, La française de Quebecoise est plus difficile qu’une la français de France. As opposed to the English language, in French the adjectives are placed before the noun that it is describing. He is also the creator of a marketing blog called Grow With Less. “Nouveau” follows the same pattern as “beau”. FRENCH ADJECTIVES 1 Most adjectives add e to the masculine singular form to get the feminine singular. That’s because the ending of adjectives ending in “eux” often becomes “euse” if they describe a feminine noun. J’adore tellement cette langue. This is an exception in the French language. (masculine plural), Ces petites friandises sont délicieuses (feminine plural). Here is another tricky and extremely common French adjective. ; un chat noir a black cat → une chemise noir e a black shirt; un sac lourd a heavy bag → une valise lourd e a heavy suitcase; If the adjective already ends in an -e in the masculine, you do not add another -e.; un sac jaune a yellow bag → une chemise jaune a yellow shirt Luckily it’s also one of the most common, so you’ll quickly know how to use it if you get a lot of exposure to the French language. I’m not going to list all irregular French adjectives, because learning them would be a waste of time. Most of the time, French adjectives go after the nouns the describe: une voiture rougea red carun repas délicieuxa delicious mealun livre intéressantan interesting book Other times, certain adjectives come before the nouns they describe. Cookies help us deliver our services. This is a French idiom that literally translates as “to be in beautiful sheets”. Should I put before the noun or after the noun? – This cake is delicious Questo biscotto è delizioso – This biscuit is delicious. After U.S. Capitol assault, a different threat emerges. Je veux ashete une nouveau chaussures. Common crawl en The hotel's Blue Lion cafe and bar is a great place for night-time activities or for a warm-up during daytime, serving delicious coffee and hot chocolate, home-made pastry and specialities of the Czech cuisine. Le vieil homme est ici (masculine singular), La vieille femme est ici (feminine singular), Les vieux quartiers de Paris sont magnifiques (masculine plural), Les vieilles maisons sont moins chères (feminine plural). Je te comprends parfaitement, c’est l’essentiel :). It means "delicious". A simple explanation of "Adjectives ending in -s or -x change in the plural forms only when feminine ". “Jeune” follows the regular pattern. De rien :). In English, you put adjectives before the noun they describe. This also means ‘delicious’ or ‘excellent’ and follows the same grammar rules for masculine singular (-o) and feminine singular … The additional “s” indicate that the adjective describes a plural noun too. You could consider that French adjectives are placed after the noun they describe and would be correct in most situations, however it’s important to know there are a few exceptions. Elle est pas chère et les Tchèques sont gentils (surtout). J’adore ton nouveau manteau (masculine singular), J’ai acheté un nouvel ordinateur (masculine singular), Jean a une nouvelle copine (feminine singular), Il a reçu ses nouveaux vêtements hier (masculine plural, Mes nouvelles chaussures ont beaucoup de succès (feminine plural). You add a “s” if the word it describes is plural except if the adjective already ends with a “s”. With most adjectives you add an -e to the masculine singular form to make it feminine. The reason is simple. There are different forms depending on the gender and number: - "délicieux" (masculine singular) - "délicieuse" (feminine singular) - "délicieux" (masculine plural) - "délicieuses" (feminine plural) Please note that in French, adjectives are variable and depend on the gender and number of the noun it refers to. So you’d say “un sac vert” (lit: a bag green) or “une maison bleue” (lit: a house blue). Ces petits gâteaux sont délicieux. J’adore chaussures. Ma copin m`acheté un gateau aux framboises délicieux pour mon anniversaire et après on est allés à Prague, a vu des vieux maisons magnifiques et mangés des trdelniks délicieux. It means "delicious". In French, adjectives change depending on two things: Here is a rule you can follow in most cases: Now let’s review some common French adjectives and see how to place them and modify them based on what we’ve learned. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Elle est pas chère et les Tchèques sont gentils (surtout). Adjectives ending in X or S stay the same in masculine plural forms. Des … Qu’est-ce qu’elle est belle, cette ville! C’est parfait pour les adjectifs :). This is the pattern for all adjectives where the dictionary form ends in -e. ... Délicieux (delicious) Australien (Australian) Vieux (old) Beau (beautiful) Nouveau (new) The following example uses an adjective that falls into the BAGS category, so it is placed before the noun that it describes. “Beau” becomes “bel” before masculine nouns starting with a vowel or a silent “h”. Mon copain est australien (masculine singular), Ma copine est australienne (feminine singular), Elles sont australiennes (feminine plural). délicieux (feminine singular délicieuse, masculine plural délicieux, feminine plural délicieuses) delicious; delightful; Related terms . 10 Mots du Jour – Chez le docteur 2 – At the doctor’s 2, Online French Conversation and Grammar Group, French Writing & Reading Primary Curriculum, JOIN LLL’S ONLINE FRENCH CONVERSATION AND GRAMMAR GROUPS ON TUESDAYS, Placement of French Adjectives – BAGS Adjectives, French Partitive Articles and 4 Ways to Use DE, French Adjectives Ending in EL – Love Learning Languages, French Adjectives Ending in EUX – Love Learning Languages, French Adjectives Ending in EUR – Love Learning Languages, Countries, Nationalities and Languages in French, French Passé Composé with Être - List of Verbs, French Relative Pronouns: QUI - QUE - OÙ - DONT, French Past Tense Story - Le Passé Composé, List of Regular French Verbs Ending in -ER. Irregular adjectives. Revise and improve your French with detailed content, examples, audio, personalised practice tests … adverbe . feminine form of délicieux Meanings of "feminine form of délicieux" in French English Dictionary : 1 result (s) Il est dans de beaux draps (masculine plural). délicieux translation in French-Greek dictionary. delicioso (feminine singular deliciosa, masculine plural deliciosos, feminine plural deliciosas) (superlative deliciosísimo) delicious , delectable , luscious Synonyms: exquisito , rico , sabroso Irregular French adjectives are adjectives that don’t follow the usual pattern of French adjectives. Voici une version corrigée de la phrase . Masculine singular: Feminine singular: Masculine plural: Feminine plural: Délicieux: Délicieuse: Délicieux: Délicieuses: Merveilleux: Merveilleuse: Merveilleux: Merveilleuses The basic rule in changing a masculine adjective into its feminine form is simply to add an -e to its ending. Elle a un beau visage (masculine singular). This week we are focusing on descriptive adjectives. This is one of the most tricky French adjectives. If you have questions, suggestions or if you have found a mistake, please send us an email@cactus2000.de. ☺☺☺ Merci Benjamin! La porte rouge est vieille. And don’t worry about making mistakes, I’ll happily correct you :). How to place and modify the most common French adjectives? You put them before the noun they describe and you’re done. Here are a few examples with common adjectives: This is an adjective you probably already know. Here you can see that “délicieux” becomes “délicieuses”. Je veux vraiment apprendre cette langue so they come before the noun ’ elle belle! And number on French adjectives 1 most adjectives add e to the masculine plural. The usual pattern of French adjectives, old man ” ….. is it Le! Or s stay the same in masculine plural délicieux, feminine plural of deliciós selection. 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