He made Christ who knew no sin to be sin for me that I might become the righteousness of God in Him. (Galatians 5:22-23) I am not easily offended and will not hold onto bitterness. I turn away from my sin and want to walk in holiness. If I sin, I have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. “I tell you the truth,” Jesus says, “before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58). 1 Corinthians 6:20. I am alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:5). Incredibly some were still asking for a miraculous sign to help them believe He was who He claimed to be. He travels extensively throughout the world encouraging churches and leaders and has authored a number of books. "i Am" Declarations Of Jesus - Sermon Iii: "true Vine" Contributed on Aug 26, 2019 Daniel 4, Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele. We need to realize, though, that these declarations don’t make God act or do anything. He received forgiveness from his father, his privileges as a son was restored and he was fully restored into his father’s family (Luke 15:11-32). - Digital download. I am a new creation in Christ. Features: A set of 21 Personalised Daily Declaration, Encouraging, Uplifting and Bible Verse card to regain your self-worth. [A Biblical declaration is a set of words that are spoken out of the mouth of a believer, for the purpose of making the Word of God true to them. This is precisely what happens when we fail to let the world know our real self. Example: I AM (blessed), I AM (a child of God), I AM (an overcomer) and I AM (for Christ). I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I am God’s masterpiece. Steve is a leader developer, joy activist, a revivalist teacher, and as Senior Associate Director, is a key part of the Global Legacy (a ministry of Bethel Church) leadership team. Knowing Who I Am in Christ Scriptures – 48 Declarations. Christ dwells in my heart by faith. Steve Backlund was a senior pastor for seventeen years before joining the team at Bethel Church in Redding, CA in 2008. These declarations when spoken aloud will cause the energy of faith to rise to new levels in your heart. The apostle John gives the context in which one of the great “I Am” declarations was given by Jesus --- John 6:22-29. . Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. I am patient. Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele.............. Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............ Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele.......... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele......... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele........ Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele....... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele..... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele. God says that I am worthy to be a part of His kingdom. These are not metaphors; rather, they are declarations of God’s name, as applied by Jesus to Himself. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Ephesians 2:10 NLT. Spiritual Warfare Online Course: This week, I have added these Bible verses and confessions as a downloadable PDF on my online course, ‘Spiritual Warfare 101: How to Identify and Overcome Spiritual Attack’ This course includes around 30 mini lectures on video, and is full of Biblical wisdom and faith-filled strategies to help you overcome in time of battle. These Biblical declarations are like your daily dose of vitamins you need to stay healthy. I am far from oppression, and will not live in fear (Isaiah 54:14). It’s time to start speaking declarations of God’s Word over your life every morning! I am a saint (Ephesians 1:18). 1 Corinthians 2:16. I have learned that it only matters what God thinks. God gives me the victory through Jesus Christ my Lord. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. Ephesians 2:6. I am strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man according to the riches of His glory. We have the authority to change the narrative of our lives. Just find the day listed below that corresponds with the date of the month, and speak that declaration out loud. The following declarations are based on bible verses for positive self affirmations: "I am Accepted" "I am Annointed" "I am Blessed" "I am Chosen" "I am Equipped" "I am Empowered" "I am Favored" "I am Forgiven" "I am Free" "I am Healthy" "I am Loved" "I am Prosperous" "I am Redeemed" "I am Saved" "I am Well Able" Before you go, will you please take a moment to rate this post, leave a comment in the comment box and share this article with your loved ones or within your networks. I am posting the entire list of 31 declarations to speak over your life each day, from the book I Declare - 31 Declarations To Speak Over Your Life, by Joel Osteen. I am joyful. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Jesus is the Good Shepherd that provides for us and protects us. 10 Daily Bible Declarations to Speak Over Yourself in August Declarations of Faith: I am coming into a newness of life like never before. (Verse 2) I am BLESSED. God says I am greatly admired and His heart is full of compassion for me. Tags: I Am, Light Of The World, Knowing God, I Am Declarations Of Jesus 3. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit. God says I am chosen specifically for a purpose and He will fulfil that purpose in my life. Proverbs 23, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. There actually isn’ta lot in the Bible about declaring things about ourselves. I am predestined to adoption as a son or daughter by the Father through Jesus Christ according to the good pleasure of His will. They will bring our minds back to who truly matters in life and also build up our faith in God as we so need. 2 Corinthians 5:17. He has given me the courage of a soldier and the boldness of a lion.He says I am His warrior on earth and He backs me to win every war.God says He is my helper and He strengthens me.He says He is my shield and He is for me at all times.When He looks at me, He says I am perfect in His eyes. Speak the Word and Change your World for Good. I AM alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:5). He will strengthen me; He will help me; He will uphold me with His victorious right hand. to your life and needs. I will not be dismayed, for He is my God. Note: Some versions of the Bible say, "I am the gate." He always leads me triumphantly by the Messiah and through me spreads everywhere the fragrance of knowing Him. I am God's child. You will be quickened to operate in a higher level of faith and expectation. I am a child of God. I thank God! !! Colossians 1:13. (Galatians 5:22-23) I am gentle. We must trust God. Join our private Facebook group to connect with others who are praying and changing the world together. MORNING PRAYER & DECLARATIONS Heavenly Father I come to you this day in the name of Jesus and ask you forgive me for every sin. He created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things He planned for me long ago. God says I am the creation of His hands and He delights in me.I am carefully crafted and creatively created.I carry the breath of the living God and it gives me life daily.God says I am fearfully and wonderfully made.God says I am worthy of forgiveness and I am forgivenGod says His mercy is upon me. I AM free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele................................. Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele................................ Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele.............................. Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............................. Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............................ Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele........................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele.......................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele......................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele........................ Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele....................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele...................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele..................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele.................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele................... Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele.................. Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele................. Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele................ Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............... Affirmations, Declarations, Prayers and More.. Biblical Declarations for Restoration and Newness. These declarations are the same. I am chosen chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world that I may be holy and blameless before the before the Father. My body is the house of God. Ephesians 3:20. John 15:15. Use our bible verses by topic page which lists popular verses from the Old and New Testament. All of God’s promises are yes and amen for me because I am in Christ. “I am the true vine.” (John 15:1, 5) By attached ourselves to Christ, we enable His life to flow in and through us. Then we cannot help but bear fruit that will honor the Father. DECLARATION: I will put my trust and belief in God’s word because I … Ephesians 2:13. I am sealed with the Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of my inheritance. "I Am the Good Shepherd" In John 10:11 and 10:14, Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd." 75 Biblical Declarations to Speak Over Yourself. (John 6:35)Jesus had recently fed the 5000. Proverbs 20, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. He made the Gentiles and the Jews into one by breaking down the barrier of the dividing wall. (Verse 1) I am a saint, set apart and designated by God as holy. Likewise, we are fully God’s children if we believe and accept that we are. I AM complete in Him Who is the Head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:10). The first instance comes as Jesus responds to a complaint by the Pharisees. I am a minister of reconciliation. Proverbs 29, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. Our words have power… (Galatians 5:22-23) I am kind. Ephesians 1:13-14. ( Log Out /  The Power Of Biblical Declarations. We are forever God’s children and we have privileged access to our heavenly Father. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Don’t forget to sign up to the newsletter too. I can face Him with confidence on the day of judgment because I live like Jesus here in this world (I John 4:17 NLT). Ephesians 1:3. 20 “I AM” Daily Declarations for Christian Women. I'm not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation to those who believe. Romans 5:1. You can’t do without them and they require your daily commitment in order for them to work. For He Himself is my peace. Ephesians 1:4. And yet, I do think there is some value in claiming or declaring over ourselves some of the general truths of Scripture, when they are properly understood as actually applying to us. I am chosen chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world that I may be holy and blameless before the before the Father. Ephesians 1:4. 4. Ephesians 3:16. (James 5:16b) God richly supplies all my financial needs. I am rooted and grounded in love. Proverbs 22, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. These words are our real identity in God and they’ll never change. 1 Corinthians 12:27. Chapter Parallel Compare. Daniel 3, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I am far from oppression, and fear does not come near me (Isaiah 54:14). I am who God says I am and God says I am His beloved.God says I am His choice out of a million others for a specific reason.God says I am chosen specifically for a purpose and He will fulfil that purpose in my life.God says I am greatly admired and His heart is full of compassion for me.God says I am unique, I am one of a kind and I cannot be compared to anybody else. ### This commentary is from the New King James Study Bible. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Don’t let the world fool you into believing that right is wrong and wrong is right. Proverbs 24, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. ( Log Out /  I beli… After Wedding Declarations to Speak Over Yourself and Your Spouse, 10 Scriptural Declarations to Speak Over Yourself, Uplifting Declarations for the Persecuted Christians. I receive an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. We can accept the truth about our true identity in Christ, and start to live as one in alignment with God’s word about us. (Isaiah 53:3-5, Psalm 103: 1-3) I live under a supernatural protection. Here is the list of Daily Declarations and their scriptures: My prayers are powerful and effective. The prodigal son did not realise his identity through his father until he made a mistake that landed him in trouble. 21 Quick Powerful Declarations God's Word is a light unto our feet and light unto our pathway! Proverbs 18. When we receive these words into our lives we are saying to God that we believe in his word and we are in agreement with his plans for our lives. As I live in God, my love grows more perfect. I have access by one Spirit to the Father through Christ Jesus. (Romans 6:11) I walk in ever-increasing health. In the end, the “I am” language in John is a likely reference to God’s self-declarations in Isaiah, and thus a dramatic claim by Jesus to be the one true God of Israel. Speaking out loud these declarations over ourselves will not only remind us of God’s ever-present never-ending love to us daily but it will also help us to be grounded in our true identity in God. (Psalm 91) Would you consider making a donation? Ephesians 1:6. I am saved by grace through faith. God says I am unique, I am one of a kind and I cannot be compared to anybody else. Declarations To Start Your Morning, Conquer The Enemy and Live Victoriously! God is turning tides and situations around for my good. I am alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:5). Daily Declarations: “I AM” Statements. (2), Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............. (1), Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............. (2), Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............. (3), Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............. (4), Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............. (5), Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............. (6), Daily Bible Declarations with Ayoola Bandele............. (7). Through me the blind will see, the deaf will hear and the lame will walk, all to the glory of God. You should do this, and you should do that. By contrast, my concern is that many people who practi… I am complete in Him Who is the head over all rule and authority—of every angelic and earthly power (Colossians 2:10). Notice He did not call Himself a shepherd. SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:7-8 1 Corinthians 13:4 STATEMENT OF TRUTH: Wrong is wrong, right is right. I am free from the law of sin and death . Ephesians 1:11. I am justified. Daniel 1, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. A failure to affirm our identity regularly is really setting ourselves up for the world to label us with names that God has not called us. He said we are His children (John 1:12). Steve, Why Are You Not Radically Joyful Now? Colossians 1:12. I am in Christ Jesus and therefore I am a new creation. No matter what our feelings say to us, God’s thoughts about his children never change. Here are some motivating declarations by Joel Osteen to jump start your day! I have been made holy through my faith in Jesus Christ. I am who I am by the will of God. Declaring Truth, Praying the Promises, Rediscovering Identity and Overcoming everyday life challenges. Thankfully he came back to his senses, made restitution and he was fully restored. Click on the topics below for specific scriptures. John 1:12. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), 4 Reasons to Affirm your Identity in Christ, declare his identity at least fifteen times, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. God says that I am worthy to be a part of His kingdom.God says that I am forgiven.God says I belong to Him and that I am worthy to be called His child.God says that I am part of His royal family and I carry a special anointing.God says that I belong to Him and I have a special place in His heart.God says that I am worthy of forgiveness and I am saved by His grace. (Philippians 4:19) I am dead to sin and alive to obeying God. God my Father has delivered me from the power of darkness and transferred me into the kingdom of His beloved Son. 25 Biblical Identity Declarations. It’ll go a long way in supporting this work. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14. - A bulk print also available to purchase upon request. I am the salt and light of the earth (Matthew 5:13-14). Together we can change our world for good. Bible Promises Healing No Fear Provision Direction Peace Unsaved Loved Ones Barren Mothers and Mothers To Be Bible Promises I am the Body of Christ. Ephesians 1:3. I am born of God, and the evil one does not touch me (1 John 5:18). I AM (that) is a spiritual seed and a powerful declaration. Ever been through a period of mistaken identity in your life where people misjudge and make assumptions about you, but you know that’s not who you really are? I support different Christian missions through personal donations and your generosity will support this vision to equip Christians with the truths that are founded in God's word. I have been chosen and God desires me to bear fruit (John 15:1,5). 1 Corinthians 6:17. I am free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). Faith Declarations. "I Am" Confessions; 10 Scriptural Confessions; Everyday Confessions; Faith Food Confessions; GRACE; Prayer for Salvation of Lost; Prayer of Salvation; Promises for the Lost; 30 Days of Love; Special Confessions. Proverbs 27, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. God does exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask or think according to His power that works in me. We live in a society that pressures us every day to conform to their standards. I have obtained an inheritance in Christ. I have the mind of Christ. I am God’s co-worker (2 Corinthians 6:1). They require nothing but your daily commitment in order to shift our focus from distractions in this world, set our minds on God’s word and speak over ourselves what God says about us so that we can achieve all the things our heart ever so desires. God says that I am gifted and I am talented.He calls me the light of the world and I bring the right energy into my world.He calls me the salt of the earth and I enhance the quality of lives around me.He says I am the solution to the world’s problems and the world is waiting for me to manifest my glory.God says that I am appointed as a priest to nations and many will hear the good news of Christ through me.God says that I am anointed to perform wonders on earth. (Galatians 5:22-23) I am self-controlled. I am qualified in Christ to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. (John 1:12-13) I am strengthened by God who upholds me, protects me, and defends me. I am complete in Him Who is the Head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:10). Using I AM (that) declaration is connecting our spoken declarations to the power of God. Ephesians 2:18. Bible Verses About Victory- Christians can have victory over sin when they are living for Christ, and there are many Scriptures which detail this topic. I am on a global mission to help overcome everyday life challenges by debunking lies, declaring the truths and praying through the Bible. His words are the same yesterday, today and forever. I have been brought to Father by the blood of Christ. Proverbs 26, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. Ephesians 2:14 (NAS). Proverbs 30, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. (Galatians 5:22-23) I am faithful. I am one spirit with the Lord. I am a member of Christ's body. I am not saved by my own works. Deuteronomy 20:4. I have been bought with a price and I glorify God in my body. - Size: A6 14.8 x 10.5 cm - Each card is double-sided with supporting scriptures on the reverse side. ( Log Out /  I am sealed with the promised Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). 2 Corinthians 2:14 (ISV). I believe we can change the world when we speak the Word of God over ourselves. STATEMENT OF TRUTH: Kindness and love are the order of my day today, tomorrow and every other day. God says I am courageous. There is a lot more I can do to provide my services on this platform and your support will go a long way in helping to impact lives. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Change ), A SET OF 21 PERSONALISED DECLARATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, UPLIFTING + BIBLE VERSE CARD – DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. The Father has accepted me in the beloved. One of the most famous miracles of Jesus occurred when He took the two loaves of bread and a couple of fish, gave thanks, and multiplied it so that there was enough to feed a crowd of five thousand - and have leftovers. Ephesians 2:8-9. List of Declarations. 1 Corinthians 15:57. I have redemption through Jesus Christ’s blood and the forgiveness of sins. 1 Corinthians 6:19 . Use these declarations and you will see a wonderful difference in your life. This is where you’ll receive regular updates on Daily Bible Declarations events, free printables and downloads and the opportunity to get involved in this mission. 2 Corinthians 1:20. I AM far from oppression, and fear does not come near me (Isaiah 54:14). The same meaning is there because a gate is an entrance and exit just like a door. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus is the source of all truth and knowledge about God. If Jesus could declare his identity at least fifteen times in the Bible from as little as at age twelve, then we ought to follow in his footsteps and start to proclaim the truth about ourselves to the world. I am a friend of Jesus Christ. Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Proverbs 31, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. Declaration 1. Here are 6 verses that have helped me to overcome! Ephesians 3:17. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. Proverbs 21, Daily Bible Declarations By Ayoola Bandele. But I am a servant of the Most High God and I fear not, for He is with me. 1 John 2:1 (ESV). (Verse 1) I am covered by God’s grace (unmerited favor, divine empowerment) and peace through Jesus Christ. ( Log Out /  I am a personal witness of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). declare: To make known formally or officially; To reveal or make manifest. God raised me up in heavenly places to sit with Him in Jesus Christ. DECLARATION: I choose to walk in love, every day of my life because this is God’s command. Instead we read of people declaring the praises of God: “I will declare that your love stands firm forever” (Psalm 89:2). They brought up the manna their forefathers had eaten in the wilderness (Exodus 16:13-18), and that established the context for this statement. Let us, therefore, have moments with Christ when we regularly speak the following declarations over ourselves daily. For more on topics like this, listen to my podcast by clicking the link below. Ephesians 1:5. We too can declare and use I AM (that). Cm - Each card is double-sided with supporting scriptures on the reverse side the Bible His are! Always leads me triumphantly by the Pharisees am kind thankfully he came back to His,. I could ask or think according to His senses, made restitution and he will help me he... Steve Backlund was a senior pastor for seventeen years before joining the team at Bethel Church Redding. World, knowing God, my love grows more perfect servant of the Bible,. Praying and changing the world encouraging churches and leaders and has authored number., that these Declarations and their scriptures: my prayers are powerful effective. Strong tower from the law of sin and death ( Romans 8:2 ) am in Christ right. 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