ABOUT The story of anti-Semitism in the modern world is the story of morbid fantasies that refuse to die; it is the story of how one minority group of people can become the scapegoat for the majority's fears, anxieties, and hostilities. A good example is the way Jewish tradition understood one of the most traumatic and consequential events in Jewish history: the Jewish War of 66-73 C.E., a … Preview: S1 | 3m 58s Share this video: Share this video on Facebook The Temple contained the Ark of the Covenant, and was th… The Story of the Jews with Simon Schama is made possible by lead funding from The Paul & Irma Milstein Family.Major funding is generously provided by The Polonsky Foundation. We can see ourselves in the “big picture”, how we fit into nearly 4,100 years of Jewish survival. Jewish History in a Flash engages curious minds in the study of Jewish history. The Story of the Jews is a television series, in five parts, presented by British historian Simon Schama. Watch our video to learn a brief history of Modern Hebrew featuring Joshua Mallett. Scroll Down is designed to initiate auditors into a first acquaintance with the Torah and with Jewish history and ideas. Additionally, Judaism teaches that … What is Kabbalah and how did it begin? A general idea of the “whom, when and where” of the development of Christianity – affords us a greater understanding of world events and how the movement evolved. But history proved to be recalcitrant and exile became the locus of Jewish life. A general idea of the “whom, when and where” of the development of Christianity – affords us a greater understanding of world events and how the movement evolved. Simon Schama's The Story of the Jews is a 5-part look into 3000 years of Jewish history. What is the history of the Reform Jewish movement? The Roots and Impact of Antisemitism. Genesis goes on to chronicle an ancient history in which mankind repeatedly turns away from God and to immorality until God destroys the earth with a flood. The story of anti-Semitism in the modern world is the story of morbid fantasies that refuse to die; it is the story of how one minority group of people can become the scapegoat for the majority's fears, anxieties, and hostilities. The specifically Hebrew element of biblical history begins with Abraham, who i… For a religious tradition that has been active over more than three millennia, Judaism has surprisingly few sects, and only four major divisions, which can be easily distinguished. Set as Featured His students (i.e. View. Crash Course in Jewish History by world renown Rabbi and historian Berel Wein. The Hasidic movement was formed in the mid 1800s by Jewish mystics in Eastern Europe, most notably the Ba’al Shem Tov, who was a traveled Kabbalist, providing spiritual advice to those he met. What is Hasidic Judaism? “What is Yom Ha’atzmaut?” video gives viewers a taste of how Israeli Independence Day started and is celebrated around the world, from the street parties and ceremonies in Israel, to festivals all around the world. Video by Rabbi Berel Wein Jewish History Movie Faith & Fate: The Story of the Jewish People in the Twentieth Century. Modern criticisms also reflect the inter-branch Jewish schisms between Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reform Judaism This video explores the use of the blood libel in modern politics. Faith and Fate powerfully and emotionally tells the story of how the events of the century impacted on the Jews - and the impact the Jews had on the century. Important disputations in the Middle Ages gave rise to widely publicized criticisms. 180 Judaism teaches that all people are made in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dig… Life Cycle Drawing on original scholarship and Schama's own family history, this is a story that is at once deeply historical and utterly contemporary, taking viewers on a journey from the Biblical past to tomorrow's front pages. DONATE Jewish history begins with the covenant established between God and Abraham around 1812 BC, during the Bronze Age, in the Middle East. Jewish Holidays Posted in: Video. Judaism originates nearly 4,000 years ago in the Middle East with a couple named Abraham and Sarah, whom G‑d selected to start a new people, the chosen nation. Rabbi Berel Wein will take you on a remarkable journey into Jewish history. The history of the Jewish people and Judaism from the time of the Bible to modern day Israel. The first volume was published in September 2013. The Roots and Impact of Antisemitism. 2 Comments 17 Videos. It is based on Schama's book of the same title, which is in two volumes. Jewish dance is an expression of joy, awe, and worship, from images of Miriam leading the women across the Sea of Reeds to numerous references throughout the Psalms. Rabbi Berel Wein,the founder and director of The Destiny Foundation since 1996, has, for over 25 years, been identified with the popularization of Jewish history through world-wide lectures, his more than 1,000 audiotapes, books, seminars, educational tours and, most recently, dramatic and documentary films. Christianity is named for Christ and Buddhism for Buddha. Free UK p&p over £10, online orders only. Crash Course in Jewish History by world renown Rabbi and historian Berel Wein. The Jewish calendar is synced to the moon so the first day of the month is a new moon and the 15th day of the month is a full moon. Learn what to expect at a Bar Mitzvah, why Jews do various rituals at weddings and how to comfort a friend in mourning with these … 1 - The Secret of Happiness (Part 1), Israel The Hasids were prayer enthusiasts. Crash course in Jewish History. The biblical book of Genesis begins with a single, all-powerful God creating the world out of chaos in six days, with human beings created on the sixth day. The Story of the Jews is a television series, in five parts, presented by British historian Simon Schama. "A Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People" published in the Knowledge Quest magazine. Who we are as Jews? This section is a guide to Judaism, one of the oldest monotheistic religions, including festivals and celebrations, beliefs, worship, famous Jewish people and history. What is our purpose? Simon Schama presents an epic five-part series exploring the extraordinary story of the Jewish experience from ancient times to the present day. Masada is the hilltop site where a splinter group of Jewish zealots held out against the Romans for three years, a final act of rebellion after the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 CE. Holocaust . Adding an extra month helps prevent Passover from occurring in the winter and Chanukah from occurring in the fall! The first volume was published in September 2013. The Jewish Nation Began With a Single Couple. The three main beliefs at the center of Judaism are Monotheism, Identity, and covenant(an agreement between God and his people). There is not much direct evidence, but there is a huge amount of indirect or circumstantial evidence. Personal Growth Lifecycle Events. The history of the Jews in Iraq (Hebrew: יְהוּדִים בָּבְלִים ‎, Babylonian Jews, Yehudim Bavlim, Arabic: اليهود العراقيون ‎ al-Yahūd al-ʿIrāqiyyūn) is documented from the time of the Babylonian captivity c. 586 BC. Additionally, Judaism teaches that … Jewish History Crash Course Videos » We bring Jewish History to life. Students explore the long history of discrimination against Jews and come to understand how anti-Judaism was transformed into antisemitism in the nineteenth century. KS2 Religious Studies Judaism learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Why Study History of Judaism We learn Jewish history not only to avoid the mistakes of the past, but to understand where our destiny is taking us. The Bar Kochba Revolt was a Jewish rebellion, led by Simon bar Kochba, against the Roman Empire that ultimately failed. In order to keep up with the seasons, every three years or so (or seven times within a 19 year period), we add a whole extra month: Adar II. From ancient, pre-Christian times to contemporary anti-Semitismin the Islamic world, the Jewish people have been relentlessly singled out, marginalized, and murdered. Why Study History of Judaism We learn Jewish history not only to avoid the mistakes of the past, but to understand where our destiny is taking us. How, and why, we have survived so long? Jewish Beliefs & Philosophy According to the Torah, God told Abraham to leave his home in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) and take his people to Canaan (Palestine). Watch our animated explainer video to learn the brief Jewish history of this large ancient fortress and how its story has changed overtime. Stories of the Tanach. Privacy Policy(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src = "//cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Lesson . It’s a day of mourning for getting kicked out of Israel, for the destruction of Jerusalem, the Medieval  expulsions from various lands. Judaism originates nearly 4,000 years ago in the Middle East with a couple named Abraham and Sarah, whom G‑d selected to start a new people, the chosen nation. If you want to understand how Reform, Conservative and Orthodox Judaism came to be, you need to take a step back to when they first formed. Watch this full Jewish History Documentary film FREE. Watch our animated explainer video to learn the brief Jewish history of this large ancient fortress and how its story has changed overtime. And what is our Jewish Destiny? The Story of the Jews with Simon Schama is made possible by lead funding from The Paul & Irma Milstein Family.Major funding is generously provided by The Polonsky Foundation. Subsequently, this was the site around which Jewish worship was centred. In the Bible, the Israelites use dance as a form of religious expression.From images of Miriam leading the women across the Sea of Reeds to numerous references throughout the Psalms, it is clear that dance was an expression of joy, awe and worship.. After the end of the biblical period and throughout most of the Middle Ages, one finds fewer examples of sacred, ritual dance in Judaism. According to the Torah, God told Abraham to leave his home in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) and take his people to Canaan (Palestine). Smut Peddlers. The most important teachings of Judaism is that there is one God, who wants people to do what is just and compassionate. This video explains the history of the Reform Jewish movement and how early proponents abandoned aspects of traditional Judaism in order to create a Jewish community that was able to adapt to the changes of the modern world. As Rabbi Wein puts it, “What makes this series so unique is that it puts the Jewish history of the 20th century into perspective. These are the ‘true blue Jews’. Video by Rabbi Berel Wein Jewish History Movie Faith & Fate: The Story of the Jewish People in the Twentieth Century. Watch our video to learn more about the significance and meaning behind this day. God promised that if Abraham obeyed, he and his offspring would become a great nation in this new land. Judaism is thought to trace back to about 2000 bc. It tells our children, and our grandchildren, that despite the tragedies, there are triumphs and that knowing where we come from will help us understand where we are going.”, “Tighten your seatbelt. The Bible as History An enormous amount of information in the Bible has been borne out by archeology. For some religions, it’s pretty obvious. Dov Ber) would later create the movement of Hasidism. Subsequently, this was the site around which Jewish worship was centred. Explore Jewish Life and Judaism at My Jewish Learning, your go-to source for Jewish holidays, rituals, celebrations, recipes, Torah, history, and more. Holocaust . The Jewish Nation Began With a Single Couple. Kabbalah & Spirituality Learn how Judaism got its name from Judah, the fourth son of Jacob, who would later become the founding member of the tribe. Faith and Fate focuses on how all these events and occurrences impacted on one specific group of people - a people whose survival has defied the ravages and challenges not only of this century, but of the over 40 centuries that have led up to it. Hebrew spoken today is not the same as the Hebrew in the Bible. Judaism is a religious tradition with origins dating back nearly four thousand years, rooted in the ancient near eastern region of Canaan (which is now Israel and Palestinian territories). Crash course in Jewish History. D… Modern criticisms also reflect the inter-branch Jewish schisms between Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reform Judaism 2 Comments 17 Videos. Watch this full Jewish History Documentary film FREE. Abraham is a central figure in Judaism, being considered the Patriarch and progenitor of the Jewish people. A good example is the way Jewish tradition understood one of the most traumatic and consequential events in Jewish history: the Jewish War of 66-73 C.E., a … Add or Edit Playlist. Timeline of Significant Events and People. The Jewish people believe their history as a nation begins with Abraham. The Bible as History An enormous amount of information in the Bible has been borne out by archeology. Find some answers and learn more about how the Jewish calendar works in this video featuring Joshua Mallett. Chasidic Jews became part of the community, by serving as spiritual advisers, kashering meats, attending to the ill and deceased, and so on. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. Masada is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Israel but it has a very dark past. Problem is a lunar calendar is 10 or 11 days short of the solar, Gregorian calendar. God promised that if Abraham obeyed, he and his offspring would become a great nation in this new land. Lifecycle Events. Masada is the hilltop site where a splinter group of Jewish zealots held out against the Romans for three years, a final act of rebellion after the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 CE. With Simon Schama. There is no formal creed that all Jews are obliged to accept, but certain basic teachings can be found in all periods of Jewish history, though they may not always have been understood in the same way. It was broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC Two in September 2013 and in the United States on PBS in March and April 2014. Introductory videos about special moments in the lifecycle and how Judaism addresses them with ceremonies and rituals. Jews believe that this land is where God told the Jewish people to build a society to serve Him, and many mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah are about the Land of Israel. Since ancient times this sentence has been recited by Jews every day in their prayer. Rabbi Berel Wein,the founder and director of The Destiny Foundation since 1996, has, for over 25 years, been identified with the popularization of Jewish history through world-wide lectures, his more than 1,000 audiotapes, books, seminars, educational tours and, most recently, dramatic and documentary films. A Biblical History of the Jews. Some Chasidim that escape traveled to America and began the movement which we see today in Brooklyn and beyond. This video explains the history of the Hasidic movement, from its beginnings with the Ba’al Shem Tov to the creation of a distinct community of mystical and observant Jews. The story of Abraham in the Torah begins when God tells Abraham to leave his country. Introductory videos about special moments in the lifecycle and how Judaism addresses them with ceremonies and rituals. Add or Edit Playlist. Foremost among these is the Shema, so called because it is the first word of the Hebrew sentence in Deuteronomy, "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One." A Biblical History of the Jews. Abraham is a central figure in Judaism, being considered the Patriarch and progenitor of the Jewish people. The century was heroic and tragic, progressive and reactionary, forward-looking, and frighteningly regressive - a century of contradiction, confusion, and massive change. A man named Abraham is considered the founder. The Temple contained the Ark of the Covenant, and was th… Stories of the Tanach. The following time line is provided a perspective on the events affecting Christianity and Judaism. Comments Off on The Mystery of the Jews; Related Posts. He introduced mystic rituals where everything became spiritual. Scroll Down is designed to initiate auditors into a first acquaintance with the Torah and with Jewish history and ideas. Why do Jewish holidays move around on the calendar? Judaism teaches that a person serves God by learning the holy books and doing what they teach. Eventually, the Romans built a giant ramp and took the location over. Hot Topics Under God’s guidance, the Jews became a powerful nation with kings such as Saul, David, and Solomon, who built the first Temple. Perhaps no other century in human existence experienced the terrible and remarkable contrasts of the 20th Century. Rashi Trailer; Rambam Trailer; Comments are closed. To order a copy for £25.50, go to guardianbookshop.com or call 0330 333 6846. There is not much direct evidence, but there is a huge amount of indirect or circumstantial evidence. Judaism anticipates the arrival of the Messiah, a redeemer sent by God to bring peace to all humankind. Jewish History in a Flash engages curious minds in the study of Jewish history. It is based on Schama's book of the same title, which is in two volumes. Despite opposition, Hasidism flourished and suffused through most of Eastern Europe. But history proved to be recalcitrant and exile became the locus of Jewish life. The following time line is provided a perspective on the events affecting Christianity and Judaism. Under God’s guidance, the Jews became a powerful nation with kings such as Saul, David, and Solomon, who built the first Temple. Semitic tribes in the Middle East: from 3000 BC: When prehistory shades into history, in the Middle East, there has already occurred the first identifiable movement of a group linked by their language - the Semitic tribes. Learn what to expect at a Bar Mitzvah, why Jews do various rituals at weddings and how to comfort a friend in mourning with these … The video lessons are presented at an introductory level of Jewish Studies at college. From ancient, pre-Christian times to contemporary anti-Semitismin the Islamic world, the Jewish people have been relentlessly singled out, marginalized, and murdered. The biblical book of Genesis begins with a single, all-powerful God creating the world out of chaos in six days, with human beings created on the sixth day. The video lessons are presented at an introductory level of Jewish Studies at college. Why are Jews called “Jews”? The specifically Hebrew element of biblical history begins with Abraham, who i… Tisha B’av is the day of mourning in Judaism. Have you ever wondered what are the origins of Judaism? The Hebrew calendar, or the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar where as the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar. But what about Judaism? This video explores the use of the blood libel in modern politics. RESOURCES Timeline of Significant Events and People. In more recent times, Jewish choreographers and dancers throughout the world have explore This section is a guide to Judaism, one of the oldest monotheistic religions, including festivals and celebrations, beliefs, worship, famous Jewish people and history. With Simon Schama. Watch this full Jewish History Documentary film FREE. A man named Abraham is considered the founder. Our unique innovative educational methodologies are accessible via exciting and interactive live multimedia lectures, or online videos and app courses for independent study. A remarkable ride through Jewish History…” God then makes a covenant with Noah, the one man saved from the flood, that he will never destroy the earth again. Add or Edit Playlist. However, Jews believe that the Messiah cannot come until the completion of a third holy temple in Jerusalem. Probably originating in southern Arabia, Semitic people have spread by 3000 BC along the desert caravan routes, up through Sinai and into Syria. KS2 Religious Studies Judaism learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. © SimpleToRemember.com - Judaism Online. - Eric Mahr, Mahrwood Press, “...Phenomenal in its depth and real-life drama…” History is of the utmost importance in Judaism. This is the first covenant, or agreement, that God made with the Jews. Genesis goes on to chronicle an ancient history in which mankind repeatedly turns away from God and to immorality until God destroys the earth with a flood. CONTACT It was broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC Two in September 2013 and in the United States on PBS in March and April 2014. Keep up to date with the latest videos and news from BimBam. Why do we have Chanukah sometimes on Thanksgiving? These teachings include both ritual actions and ethics. Jewish History Video. It is spoken again before retiring and is the last utteranc… This is the first covenant, or agreement, that God made with the Jews. Criticism of Judaism refers to criticism of Jewish religious doctrines, texts, laws, and practices.Early criticism originated in inter-faith polemics between Christianity and Judaism. Criticism of Judaism refers to criticism of Jewish religious doctrines, texts, laws, and practices.Early criticism originated in inter-faith polemics between Christianity and Judaism. But many Jews at that time were opposed to this new emerging movement. God then makes a covenant with Noah, the one man saved from the flood, that he will never destroy the earth again. Jewish History Our unique innovative educational methodologies are accessible via exciting and interactive live multimedia lectures, or online videos and app courses for independent study. Whereas the sacred texts of most ancient religions focus on myths and philosophical concepts, the Jewish Bible is centered around historical narrative; and most Jewish holidays are intended to connect modern Jews with … BimBam's digital storytelling sparks connections to Judaism for learners of all ages. When they prayed, they would jump, clap, somersault, and even cry. Relationships & Family YouTube series addressing 3,000 of Jewish history premiers June 29 The first fifteen episodes (season one) will be released on the June 29th premier date, and … Semitic tribes in the Middle East: from 3000 BC: When prehistory shades into history, in the Middle East, there has already occurred the first identifiable movement of a group linked by their language - the Semitic tribes. Rather than submitting, these 960 people committed suicide as one last act of rebellion. Students explore the long history of discrimination against Jews and come to understand how anti-Judaism was transformed into antisemitism in the nineteenth century. Commandments & Daily Living “The Mystery of the Jews” challenges the normative conception of human history. Judaism is thought to trace back to about 2000 bc. Probably originating in southern Arabia, Semitic people have spread by 3000 BC along the desert caravan routes, up through Sinai and into Syria. Watch this explainer video to learn some Jewish history about the Enlightenment and Emancipation periods featuring BimBam producer Jeremy Shuback. Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years. Role of Women in Judaism Watch our explainer video to learn more about this important piece of Jewish history and how provides a lens into contemporary Israel. - Susan Schiller, Media Consultant, Rabbi Dr. Akiva TatzJewish Mysticism and more, Rabbi Noah WeinbergPersonal Growth (48 Ways To Wisdom), Rabbi Jonathan RiettiPersonal Growth + wide variety of topics, Rabbi Mordechai BecherWide variety of topics, Rabbi Dr. Dovid GottliebJewish Philosophy & more, Rabbi Binny FreedmanInspiring Jewish Topics, Rabbi Dovid KaplanVariety of Jewish topics, Rabbi Ephraim BuchwaldCrash Course In Jewish Thought, Rabbi Aryeh PamenskyHow To Have A Better Marriage, Dr. David PelcovitzPositive Psychology and Personal Growth, Dr. David RosmarinReducing Stress, Worry, and Depression, A Rational Approach To The Divine Origin of Judaism (video), Rational Approach To Divine Origin of The Oral Tradition (video), Inner World - Defining One’s Role In Life, Personal Growth Vol. On this day, the ninth of Av, a series of major tragedies of the Jewish people occurred including the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. Perhaps no other century in human existence experienced the terrible and remarkable contrasts of the 20th Century. But how did Hebrew come to be anyway? Add or Edit Playlist. Jewish History Video. They continued to thrive until the persecution of Jews in the Soviet Union and World War II either killed them or drove them to seek refuge elsewhere. However, Jews believe that the Messiah cannot come until the completion of a third holy temple in Jerusalem. Lesson . Jewish history begins with the covenant established between God and Abraham around 1812 BC, during the Bronze Age, in the Middle East. View. Jewish Prayer and Meditation Judaism anticipates the arrival of the Messiah, a redeemer sent by God to bring peace to all humankind. "A Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People" published in the Knowledge Quest magazine. D… The history of the Jewish people and Judaism from the time of the Bible to modern day Israel. Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years. In this explainer video, we take you back in time to 13th Century Spain to learn more about this ancient Jewish tradition of mystic interpretations of the Torah and of G-d and how its influence has continued to shape Judaism today. • A History of Judaism by Martin Goodman (Allen Lane, £30). Iraqi Jews constitute one of the world's oldest and most historically significant Jewish communities. For a religious tradition that has been active over more than three millennia, Judaism has surprisingly few sects, and only four major divisions, which can be easily distinguished. Perhaps no other century in human existence experienced the terrible and remarkable contrasts of the 20th Century. Important disputations in the Middle Ages gave rise to widely publicized criticisms. In Jerusalem and historian Berel Wein will take you on a remarkable journey Jewish... And his offspring would become a great nation in this new land Fate: the Story of the Jewish ''! 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