Comprehensive Guide to APA Format. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 18(2), 165-177, Principal components analyses of behavior problems in Jamaican clinic-referred children: Teacher reports for ages 6–17, Dimensions of Early Childhood Behavior Problems: Stability and Predictors of Change from 18 to 30 Months, Intratask distractibility in hyperkinetic and nonhyperkinetic children. Ninety-nine drawings represent situations corresponding to DSM-III-R based ADHD, CD, ODD, MDD, SAD, OAD, and SPh. For all children, the 1-year prevalence rate for mental health services use was 13.2% in 1989 versus 12.8% in 1999. The need to revise the design, content, and response formats of child behavior rating inventories is stressed. Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery-Revised was used to measure reading and math at age 11. The scales are strongly related to the diagnostic categories and show good test-retest reliability. An intraclass correlation of .35 or greater was found to identify boys with sufficiently severe psychopathology to warrant further clinical evaluation. Structural equation models indicated that Time 1 fear of abandonment mediated the relation between Time 1 divorce stressors and Time 2 internalizing and externalizing problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 28, 299-310, Emotional competence and aggressive behavior in school-age children. Studies highlighting risk and protective factors the ecology and correlates of children's behavior problems and advances in prevention and treatment are featured. The major remaining research challenges and the likely clinical benefits that should derive from genetic research are considered in relation to both current knowledge and that anticipated to emerge from research over the next decade. The slowness during error reactions may reflect decreased confidence or confusion during stimulus classification. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 25(4), 265-275, Relations of tripartite dimensions of emotion to childhood anxiety and mood disorders. These issues are illustrated and discussed in terms of their implications for the measurement and determination of prevalence estimates of problem behaviors in child psychology and child psychiatry. In a sample of 585 children assessed in kindergarten through 8th grade, we fit a confirmatory factor model to both mother- and teacher-reported symptoms on the Achenbach checklists (CBCL, TRF) and determined that a covariation factor of externalizing and internalizing behaviors existed, in addition to the pure-form factors of externalizing and internalizing for each reporter. January 2021. This article reports the construction of a typology of behavior problem patterns, as scored on the Child Behavior Profile. Reliability assessed through coefficient alpha, item-total score product-moment correlations, and test-retest coefficients proved acceptable. Using a LISREL model, we estimated that the trait and the important-specific, individual view components in parental ratings of externalizing and internalizing symptoms of adolescent siblings. In 3 structural equation models, between 8 and 67% of the variance in these 6 latent factors was accounted for by a set of antecedent child, sociocultural, parenting, and peer risk variables. The distribution of profile patterns was determined for each age and sex group. Journal of Research on Adolescence, Social Neuroscience, Genes, Brain and Behavior, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. The ISSN is 0091-0627. Task inefficiency could not be explained by a deficiency in divided attention or impulsive responding in the hyperactive group. Regardless of whether the sample was split according to age or sex, the analyses revealed factors similar to the Over- and Undercontrolled syndromes most often found in other cultures. We obtained teacher reports for 320 clinic-referred Jamaican youngsters on a 24-item problem checklist designed by Jamaican clinicians for the assessment of child behavior problems and subjected these to principal components analyses. Volume 62, Issue 1. Behavioral observations indicated, with minor exceptions, that fathers and mothers did not differ in their interactions with their sons. It includes empirical psychological research on cognitive, social/emotional, and physical development. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 25, 209-215, Specificity of the comorbidity of aggression and depression in children. Four dimensions of school climate were examined. Based on the Rosenthal and Allen (1978) proposal, distractibility was investigated by introducing irrelevant information within the task context. Comparing the norm sample with hyperactive subjects selected by cutoff of 15 on the ATRS showed that the groups differed greatly on hyperactivity but not on inattention. JCPP publishes the highest quality clinically relevant research in psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines. Teachers completed the Teacher's Report Form (TRF). Despite the wide usage of Conners' 10-item Abbreviated Parent-Teacher Questionnaire (APTQ), normative data for parental ratings on the APTQ are rare. The study, recently published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, investigated the longitudinal course of these issues in study participants throughout their 20s. It revealed few differences in individual, total, internalizing (e.g., depression), and externalizing (e.g., fighting) problem scores as a function of nationality, gender, or age. Level of LBW was unrelated to reading, but it had a gradient relationship with math, with birthweight < or = 1,500 g associated with a greater deficit than heavier LBW. Normative data for the Conners Abbreviated (10-item) Teacher Rating Scale (CATRS-10) derived from 1,068 children in Brazil are presented. Issues per year n/a Articles published last year n/a Manuscripts received last year n/a % accepted last year n/a % immediately rejected last year n/a Older children more frequently exhibited a concurrent major depression or simple phobia, whereas younger OAD children more commonly had coexisting separation anxiety or attention deficit disorders. It is concluded that future advances in ecological validity are likely to come from: (a) a greater reliance on assessments of the target behaviors in natural settings and (b) combining several of the more promising tasks and analogue methods into a battery that is taken over longer time intervals than has been customary and averaged across repeated administrations. Second, these analyses were satisfactorily replicated among a new sample of community adolescents using CFA. Numerous problems with both the 39-item teacher scale and the abbreviated form suggest strongly that they be abandoned as research tools. In presenting the findings, the paper highlights key methodological issues endemic to the design of behavioral rating inventories like the APTQ and the analysis of data derived from them. Reliability and validity of the Dominic questionnaire were studied in Parent DISC-2 positive and negative outpatient and general population samples and against clinical judgement. Pages: i-iv, 1-109. Modeling was inferred to successfully modify isolate behavior with or without praise. Each of the 6 latent factors, taken 2 at a time, was predicted by a unique set of risk variables; however, there were some patterns that held for both mother- and teacher-report symptom factors: Child temperamental unadaptability and female gender were predictors of higher internalizing symptoms; child temperamental resistance to control, parental harsh punishment, male gender, low SES, and peer rejection were related to higher externalizing symptoms whereas child temperamental unadaptability was related to lower externalizing symptoms; and peer rejection and family stress were also related to the covarying, externalizing-plus-internalizing component of both mother and teacher reports. The control group, which received no training, consisted of 11 children, matched with the experimental group on age, IQ, and measures of hyperactivity and impulsivity. Dimensional salience of the three dimensions used in the study was measured for each child. Results indicated that during the fall, the "fall group" had nearly equivalent rates of referrals to the "fall + spring group"; however, the "fall group" exhibited significantly lower rates of referrals during winter and spring that were nearly equivalent to the "never group," as would be expected for a punishment procedure. An official publication of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Characteristics of Child Behavior Profile (CBP) types were studied in a general population sample of 202 boys aged 6 to 11 years. Normative and reliability data were obtained from three independent samples taken from eight public schools in central Pennsylvania. The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology is the official journal of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology a multidisciplinary scientific society. Homepage. Reviewers in the 1960s and early 1970s were skeptical about any substantial role for genetic factors in the etiology of autism. Problem scores increased from 1976 to 1989 and decreased in 1999 but remained higher than in 1976. Studies focus on the epidemiology etiology assessment treatment prognosis follow-up and developmental course of child and adolescent disorders. Subjects were 185 6- to 11-year-old boys who were referred to an outpatient psychiatric service or school psychologist and whose Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) profiles correlated significantly with types previously identified through cluster analysis. This study examined the interactions of fathers and mothers with their hyperactive and normal children during both free-play and task periods. Children classified by different patterns were found to differ significantly in age, race, school performance, and amount and quality of participation in activities and social relationships. Participants were 216 children, ages 8-12, and their primary residential mothers. Overall, stimulant medication enhanced accuracy and speed. Parents of 469 6-to-13-year-old children of each nationality completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). A realization that the 2% rate of autism in siblings (as estimated at that time) was far above the general population base rate, and that this suggested a possible high genetic liability, led to the first small-scale twin study of autism. First, results from the ESEM analyses provided satisfactory goodness-of-fit statistics and reliability coefficients for a six-factor model of the EAT with 18 items (EAT-18) closely corresponding to the original seven-factor structure proposed for the 40-item version of the EAT. Advances in molecular genetics led to genome-wide scans of affected relative pair samples with a positive log of the odds to base 10 score for a location on chromosome 7. General proximity response scores appeared to be detrimentally affected by the praise contingency during posttest assessment only. The remainder of the subjects viewed the same film, but also received 2 days of teacher praise contingent on the subject's peer interaction in his classroom. The scales can be used to characterize severity in children with diagnoses and to describe problems and symptoms in children without diagnoses. The Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science Is the Future of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology: An Editorial January 2021 by Angus W. MacDonald III, Sherryl H. Goodman, and David Watson; Redefining Phenotypes to Advance Psychiatric Genetics: Implications From Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (PDF, 383KB) © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology Special Issue, Transdiagnostic Implications of Parental Socialization of Child and Adolescent Emotional Development. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (formerly Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology) brings together the latest innovative research that advances knowledge of psychopathology from infancy through adolescence. Child Behavior Checklists were completed in home interviews by parents of 7-16-year-olds in 1976, 1989, and 1999. The analyses also revealed school absence factors in each age and sex group; school avoidance was correlated with crying in children (aged 6-11) but with conduct problems in adolescents (aged 12-17). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology is the official publication of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (ISRCAP). Springer Nature. Most previous studies have failed to replicate the original factor structure of the 26-item version of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) among community samples of adolescents. Part of The Journal Impact 2019-2020 of Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology is 3.600, which is just updated in 2020.Compared with historical Journal Impact data, the Metric 2019 of Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology grew by 11.46 %.The Journal Impact Quartile of Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology is Q1.The Journal Impact of an academic journal is a scientometric Metric … Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. A replication supported the stability of these findings. The journal has been in publication for over 110 years, and it is considered to be a "preeminent outlet for research in … Also, boys with Externalizing profile types showed severe degrees of psychopathology in both home and school environments. Your composition is an opportunity for you to reveal what it is which you’re made from. We examined the prevalence of psychopathology in children of parents with recurrent major depression (n = 61) and children of normal control parents (n = 46). Although there was a trend for reliability to be somewhat higher for African Americans (kappa = .58) than for Anglos (kappa = .42) or Hispanics (kappa = .49), these differences were not statistically significant. Children with stable problems had the most problematic characteristics on all significant predictors, followed by children with problems at one, but not both, time points. The CATRS-10 was shown to be a valid instrument in Brazil since children with behavioral problems requiring medical or psychological treatment were rated higher than children without such problems. Rates of disciplinary referrals were compared for students who received no detentions or suspensions throughout the year ("never group" n = 117), students who received one or more detention or suspension in the fall but not in the spring ("fall group" n = 62), and students who received one or more detention or suspension in the fall and one or more detention or suspension in the spring ("fall + spring group" n = 75). Results indicated that PANESS total score is a reliable indicator of overall performance; tester assignment and retest had negligible effects on total score. A replication of the original research employing a larger norm sample indicates that the suggested score of 15 is too low. Results indicated that, relative to uninhibited children (1) those inhibited at age 3 obtained larger inhibition scores at age 8 (p < .0001), (2) those inhibited at age 8 obtained larger inhibition scores at age 11 (p < .002), and (3) those remaining inhibited from ages 3 to 8 obtained larger inhibition scores at age 11 (p < .002). A Sternberg memory search task was administered under placebo and methylphenidate to 42 children with cross-situational attention deficit disorder (ADD), 31 children with cross-situational ADD plus oppositional features, and 25 patients with marginal ADD. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (formerly Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology) brings together the latest innovative research that advances knowledge of psychopathology from infancy through adolescence. Research on child behavior problems requires standardized methodology in order to identify similarities and differences between societies. Source: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology - June 16, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Smith JN, Raiker JS, Fosco WD, Jusko ML, Campez M, Little K, Mattfeld A, Espinal K, Sanchez G, Merrill B, Musser ED, Gnagy E, Greiner A, Coles E, Pelham WE Tags: J Abnorm Child Psychol Source Type: research In general, 15- to 17-year-olds had somewhat better reliability (kappa = .58) than did 12- to 14-year-olds (kappa = .44). Data come from a longitudinal study of a stratified sample of LBW and normal birthweight (NBW) children from an innercity and middle class suburbs in the Detroit area. Journal of abnormal child psychology. Finally, the last study provided support for convergent validity of the EAT-18 with the Eating Disorder Inventory and with instruments measuring global self-esteem, physical appearance, social physique anxiety and fear of negative appearance evaluation. For each of these areas, special emphasis was placed on developing new ideas and obtaining critical input from other areas of investigation. A few tasks demonstrated acceptable degrees of ecological validity but even these require improvement. How to publish in this journal. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 15, 379-392, Assessment of a cognitive training program for hyperactive children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 989-998. The results imply that most of the LBW-NBW gap in academic achievement at age 11 could be eliminated by eliminating differences in cognitive abilities at age 6. In addition, the journal periodically publishes Special Topic... Read more 2008 Parisi KE, Wong Sarver N, Scattone D, & Sarver, DE Establishing a continuum of care for evidence-based behavioral treatment for youth with disruptive behavior. The abbreviated form of the Conners scale does not effectively select children with attention deficits. The scales were developed using factor analyses of data obtained from an epidemiologic survey of over 1,200 children drawn from four sites across the U.S. and Puerto Rico (the NIMH Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders, or MECA Study). Inhibition scores tended to be higher in females by age 11. Retest stability of DSM-III-R diagnoses was assessed using the DISC-2.1C with a sample of Anglo, African, and Hispanic American adolescent patients 12 to 17 years of age. Our systems will continue to remind you of the original timelines but we intend to be highly flexible at this time. These findings are congruent with those reported recently using the DISC-R (Schwab-Stone et al., 1993) and suggest that the DISC appears to be at least as reliable as other available child diagnostic instruments. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published in Netherlands focused on Children And Youth - About, Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation, Medical Sciences--Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation and Psychology. Males had somewhat higher reliability (kappa = .63) than females (kappa = .43). Tools. Dependent variables were mothers' judgments of noncompliance severity (a descriptive measure), and attributions of defiant intent to the child (an inferential measure). Results of a second-order confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the relation between aggression and depression in fact may represent a more broadband relation between externalizing and internalizing problems. To DSM-III-R based ADHD, CD, ODD, MDD, SAD,,! Score is a reliable indicator of overall performance ; tester assignment and retest had effects... 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