You cannot build a “forced” community. They are either going to other more welcoming places of worship or not going at all. People within the church regularly trust church members they don’t even know with their children simply because they feel obligated to respect those who are of a higher authority within the church. Ok then “JonnyB” that snot your really your name, you are in school so your smarter than this person but you don’t need to stop during a Religion lesson to type this whilst sitting next to your friends laughing. please i want to change my comfirmation name,the name i used doesnt have a meaning and my bishop said nothing about it because we where much….please is it possible?i dont know if i would get a reply. The Catholic Church sees the confirmation as … Along with Baptism and Eucharist, Confirmation is one of the three initiation sacraments and is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. His sister has 2 adopted daughters. I got confirmed when I was 13 almost 14. He had his teenage girlfriend as his sponsor. In the Eastern churches (non-Latin rites) the priest is the ordinary minister of this sacrament and performs it immediately after baptism. Purpose is a transformative approach to confirmation. All 3 instances she has been married through city hall with the same man. The purpose of this arrangement is to assist the bishop in his administration of the diocese. And you spelled ‘find’ as ‘fjnd’, still can’t tell a ‘j’ from an ‘i’ either. Often members of the parish will volunteer for those who are unable to find a suitable sponsor. He has a very small family. A confirmation sponsor offers support and encouragement during the confirmation preparation process. There are many women who are a vital part of salvation history and their stories are critical parts of Sacred Scripture. What is the role of a confirmation sponsor? Pope Francis has actually done a homily on each of them: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, piety, counsel, and fear of the Lord. Often a diocese is a large geographical region and in … Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation which completes baptism through sealing in Holy Spirit and anoints the recipient as priest, prophet, and king. Does someone who is to be a Godparent need to be Catholic? If my husband has a friend with 2 children can he sponsor them both? They, too, must freely accept the Catholic faith and commit to practicing it at all times. Prayer, scripture, and service in the parish is seen as the sacred commitment each Catholic gives to live His will, not ours. Answer: The primary responsibility of the sponsor is to provide the candidate prayerful support and guidance in his or her Christian walk and to “take care that the confirmed person behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations inherent in this sacrament” (canon 892). In the Latin rite (which is the largest of all rites) the bishop is the ordinary minister. . What purpose does it serve, if this stranger won’t be able to be there for him & teach him anything. Many of the teachers in our current Catholic system have no faith or are have no belief in the Catholic way of life. Through Confirmation, our personal relationship with Christ is strengthened. I doubt they would want to do anything to make her feel inadequate. i feel like the old testament is better to read than the new testament. I am going to say a prayer for you that you make the right decision for you. However, I’m going to try my luck! Don’t leave it up to chance - leave it in the hands of the Holy Spirit. The Church encourages us to consider our godparents as sponsors for confirmation. When the year comes that we actually receive the sacraments, Jesus and His disciples are called to bring our sons and daughters into a deep spiritual journey. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed. Where is this sacrament found in Scripture? The majority of Catholics are baptised as babies before they are old enough to understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Read and learn instead of spewing what some anti everything taught you. I can’t even get confirmed in a Christian church and have it count. Where is this being applied, with over 20 catechism classes. I mean never been to confession in the time I have known him. 400! He was baptized into a different religion- the same as his parents. If someone is baptized in one Faith and converts to another, they are not baptized again. To build trust, to build a faith. Praying for Healing: 2020 Healing Retreat. I go to church every Sunday at a Christian church and my pastor would confirm me. and find the church that fits you. If you can not get a response from that Church try asking a different one, see what they say. This to me seems disorganized. YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Am now at the age of 24 making my comfamation, i spoke to my priest of my parish about this he was very happy that i wanted to take this step iv been attending meetings to prepare myself for this commitment and i honestly can say i can not wait and am excited :). The problem lies more in poor educating of the Catholic lay people and misunderstandings. Traditionally, the rite (or ceremony) of baptism was held outside the doors of the main part of the church, to signify this fact. Instead of trying to be welcoming and bringing more individuals/families to our churches, we are turning them away from our beliefs. The only exception would be is if you are confirmed as an adult. Most people won’t admit it, but they would rather sacrifice their children than look bad in the eyes of the church. But not under Catholic. This messiah happened to be Jesus. My brother chosed me to be his daughters godmother but I haven’t done my first communion. Catholics are in error by sprinkling, so the haven’t been baptized correct tly. “Bishops are the successors of the apostles. 2) I am a convert and can tell you that you know nothing about the church. Do I know really force my child to conform to what the church requires of her and make her unhappy or have a setback or just let it be as I have only really gotten her back to be on the straight and narrow. HALLELUJAH to THE LAMB of GOD who sacrificed Himself for the atonement for our sins! You have to remember that several documents, epistles and Gospels alike did not make it past Hippo into what we call the New Testament. They must be spiritually fit to take on their responsibility which is evidenced by. People can say they believe, but the LORD examines our hearts. But in the Holy Eucharist we have the one sacrament whose principal purpose is to increase sanctifying grace, repeatedly and often, through personal union with the Giver of grace Himself. To serve as a Sponsor for Confirmation within the Catholic Church: The individual must be at least 16 years old. Confirmation is no longer seen as the completion of Christian initiation, nor is Confirmation a prerequisite for receiving communion. As one of our priests (a Canon Lawyer) once said – we owe these students Confirmation by virtue of their baptism. I also forgot to add the actual signed contracts that both my 7 yr old and 13 yr old had to sign, read aloud and vow to partake! This means that a sponsor must be in good standing with the Church (no public dissent, believes in the teachings of the Church, and in full communion with the Church). Tradition is the things that the Church Father’s decreed, but weren’t necessarily in the books in the Bible. Unless they lied about it. My daughter, confirmation. Truthfully, the Church does not require that a child have two sponsors, but traditionally this is what most … We receive the message of faith in a deeper and more intensive manner with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church for building up the community in loving service. I also apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors as when you are typing with passion little typo errors seem insignificant. She also wants to keep his name as is and not take it in a female form. -So many rules are changing. I am not looking to be bashed here and I feel I have a right to my opinion and questions. They pray for you and provide a support system for your faith. If he or she is married, the marriage should have taken place in the Catholic Church. I want to follow Gods laws exactly as in the bible but I don’t think that’s what the Catholic Church is about, I know my parents only want me to get confirmed because of my “obligations to the family” my dad even said I was breaking his heart when I told him I didn’t want to get confirmed, but I believe this is what I have to do for God, no matter how much it hurts. Will you join us? i been baptized and did my first communion but not confirmation getting married catholic church in august this year that’s 5 months away I live in florida it’s been a year now but marrying in ohio I was told I have to be confirmated how do I go about doing this when im getting married in 5 months? It is not your place to judge. Through Group Discussion and Class Activities, this program can help Catechists teach from the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a way that reaches our … These classes take priority over sports, parties, etc. Repent to GOD yourselves. No – Purpose is a brand new curriculum developed with the input and feedback of several youth ministers, directors of religious education, and priests. What is the purpose of deferring the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church until the person has reached the age of reason? Because I am sorry but this is wrong. In other words, just once! For example, the Bishop used to Confirm, but now it is our local priest, due to the declining attendance. He’ll help you. They are all described in the collection of books now known as the Holy Bible but some are obscured by the description. The Catechism of the Catholic Churchexplains: We can see here that the sacrament of Confirmation’s main function is to bestow God’s grace upon us, which is always a free gift. What is the minimum age for confirmation in The United Methodist Church? Now our Catholic churches, only consist of the older, stronger faith worshipers. With them, divine life is bestowed after us. It is also one of the three sacraments of initiation into the Catholic Church, the other two being Baptism and Holy Communion. There are two things things that organise the “running” of the Church, Scripture and Tradition. Faithful people have been receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation for almost 2,000 years. Second daughter she insisted to my husband that there was no paperwork for him to be godfather (we think she filled in the paperwork both times and forged his name) and found some customer of her husband’s to be godmother – and she missed the ceremony. My son who recently turned 16 years old was confirmed last weekend. What is interesting is that you are very keen to follow the bible and the teachings but what’s holding you back is the individuals that you have encountered in the Church. Other Catholics choose not to select a new name and stick with the one that they were baptized with to show Confirmation’s close connection with Baptism! Can someone explain this to me?? We are offering ourselves o be part of the church and it seems that once we are in, we are feared to not leave. I’m not challenging th faith! Holy Eucharist is very different in the Catholic Church as one receives the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. You may want to update your information to include that you must now pass a written and oral exam to be confirmed otherwise you may not be allowed to be confirmed. I can’t wait for my Confirmation next month and I can only hope you’ll fell the same way! My neigew asked me to be his sponsor for his confirmation. I am married to a non-Catholic that has never been baptized. The Eucharist He must be a Catholic who has received the sacraments of holy Eucharist and confirmation, and "leads a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken." Confirmation is the third sacrament of initiation and serves to "confirm" a baptized person in their faith. Confirmation’s strong connection to baptism makes one’s godparent to be a natural choice if this person meets the requirements above. The Jews had a messiah and it was usually their king at the time, howver they were also awaiting a greater messiah, one that would deliver them and raise them up. What happens if you’ve been baptised but have not been confirmed and die without being confirmed? I wouldn’t say “Catholic and Christian” in the same sentence. Confirmation, in the Roman Catholic Church, is one of the seven sacraments. How are they supposed to teach our kids about being Catholic? The rite of confirmation can occur as early as age 7 for children who were baptized as infants but is commonly received around age 13; it is performed immediately after baptism for adult converts. Hopefully, these facts will help you on your journey to Confirmation. Confirmation is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church in which the one who is confirmed (confirmandi) receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the imposition of hand and anointing with oils by the bishop. about the sponsor, the fact that your Sister is not married is not necessarily the issue, the sponsor for Sacraments is someone that is active in the Church, is not enough to have raise your kids catholics, the Church wants to ensure that the person sponsoring the confirmed is someone who lives an active Catholic christian (goes to church, etc) and that is going to be a good role model for the person being confirmed, if this is the case of your Sister all you have to do is go and talk to the person in charge of the program and explain, them your situation. To all those others finding things to ridicule in J Byrd’s post, please remember, we live in a Worldwide society, because the name is typically Anglo-Saxon/Old English, does not mean the poster is English/American/Australian etc. Don’t give up. Remember, you can always go to Mass, and then go up for a blessing by crossing your hands across your heart. We knew the date of the confirmation, but until he called her and asked she had not told him the time – and calling her is not easy as their phone broke last November and still is not fixed. You would know if you have been or not you normally make this when you are 13 to 14 years old , Can you become catholic without an annulment. No man can give anyone the Holy Spirit or forgive sins. What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit? Husband says that after his he and his parents went out to lunch with one set of his grandparents. Feared to partake or else. I am 59 years old ( I live in the UK)and was baptized in to the Catholic Church as a baby but was never confirmed, I have been drawn back to attending Church for the last year, I am self employed so can take time to attend mass just about every morning in whatever town I am working in. Edge helps middle schoolers unleash who they were created to be, in Christ. A Jewish Bar mitzvah is the ceremony celebrating a physical reality, the passing from childhood … In the early Church the three Sacraments of initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist—were celebrated in the same ceremony by adult catechumens at the Easter Vigil. My daughter is also going through confirmation at the moment and she too has challenged and been unsure if she wants to do it. Confirmation, is a recognition of the Acts 2 experience of the Holy Spirit descending on the apostles who were waiting in the Upper Room for the Initial Infilling the Catholic Church, at the time I did not understand this, I am now an ex, used this to make it into a ritual of sorts. History Of The Naming Of Godparents In The Catholic Church In the early centuries after Jesus’ death and Resurrection (about 300 A.D.), “the Church was under the persecution of the Roman Empire and had to be cautious in conducting its affairs so as to prevent … Accordingly, Confirmation has been increasingly understood in terms of a mature, public reaffirmation of the Christian faith and the baptismal … When Saul was converted and became Paul he was feared and distrusted by the early Christians because he previously was huniting them down to persecute them. The mysteries of the life of Christ, are the foundations of exactly what he would from this point forward give in the sacraments, through the ministers of his Church. I’m challenging the true motives behind all these obligations? Grow up! Ask him to be sure, but I’m pretty positive that if you are a baptized Catholic over the age of 7, you’re sorry for your sins and you’ve confessed all of the mortal sins on your soul, you can receive the Eucharist. Baptism frees you from original sin, confirmation strengthens your faith and Eucharist allows you to taste the body and blood of eternal life and be reminded of Christ’s love and sacrifice. Not to mention the huge percentage of paedophile priests who abuse children- all covered up by the Vatican. If this is the case, congratulations! get off this site if youre going to judge, that is so mean. Don’t be upset about it, it just makes things worse for you and your kid. I don’t get it. Go have a chat with the priest he will lead you to recieve the Holy Spirit. Talk to your priest or parish RCIA director, they may want you to do a bit more. … It is down with the likeness of his death and raised to walk in newness of life. In other words submerged under water. He goes to mass on Christmas and Easter. As we go through our sacramental preparation for Confirmation, Confirmation saints are chosen to be a person we want to be like, as well as someone who can pray for us from heaven. SO SAD””’ RITUALS ALL RITUALS…GET INTO A BIBLE BASED CHURCH NOT A DEAD RELIGION. I never made mine only baptism and first communion. Hey I’m currently 17 I’m going through preparation of receiving my confirmation and will receive it around may next year. This shows your intention to copy their dedication to God. So, basically you’d have to be a married priest, or an ordained widowed man to be able to receive all 7 sacraments. Sometimes as parents we want what is best for our kids we just need to guide them and give them the time. This is the difficulty sometimes that we think that the people attending church should almost be perfect but actually quite often this is not the case and maybe some actually struggle more. Your soul changed permanently and you were filled with grace from God. Confirmation is the completion — the confirmation — of the baptismal grace the believer received as an infant. Your email address will not be published. Anointing with oil is an ancient Biblical tradition originating in the old testament with the Jewish people. Three strikes, you’re out is what they imply. No wonder the priest Martin Luther protested at such corruption & buying favours & salvation in order that the Vatican get richer. Can each individual parish do as they want? Baptism was the sacrament of the initial gift of the Spirit, while Confirmation was the sacrament of the fullness of the Spirit with his seven gifts. I don’t get why he had to do that maybe you guys can explain that to me! Life Teen strengthens our teens' Catholic identity, while rooting them firmly in Christ and in His Church. It’s funny to see all of these remarks. It most commonly refers to the person, whether lay or ordained, who is commissioned to perform some act on behalf of the Church. Are we not suppose to express the freedom of expression even within the church? An annulment is the catholic way of ending a marriage; it has nothing to do with entering the catholic faith. Question: To be Confirmed, do I have to be in a valid marriage? Download Share. A mixture of oil of olives and balsam, blessed by a bishop in a special manner and used in the administration of certain sacraments and in the performance of certain ecclesiastical functions. Any baptized person, even an infant, may receive Confirmation, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that it provides, if he or she is in danger of death. Confirmation/My Faith/Sacraments/Teen Faith. The appointed pastor has full discretion to decide whether someone is ready, regardless of their … Hebrews 6:2 is especially important because it is not a narrative account of how confirmation was given and, thus, … Don’t need to know each other to have different view point. Attend a mass or two this weekend (Sat. First of all, you have to be properly baptized. One of the key problems with our children being taught in the Catholic school system friend is predominantly that idiots that one might call Cival Liberarians have taken over the world with their policitically correct crap AND now we are forced to employ teachers of any faith in Catholic School System! Confirmation strengthens faith; Matrimony sanctifies marriage… …and so on. A cult? We are pulled in a lot of different directions by many different time priorities. If I am not confirmed what do I do to correct the situation? During these more difficult times, don’t forget about your sponsor. Actually, the vast majority of Catholics will never receive all 7 sacraments.. Baptism Hi, how old does a child need to be to be confirmed? Or mention it during confession and he’ll tell you what to do. Each bishop in the Catholic Church is a successor to the Apostles. Oh and by the way, ‘a child’ is two separate words, not one. They prayed that the Ruach HaKodesh MIGHT be given to those who believed the wonders that were performed by Phillip. It isn’t discrimination. Thank you, I am preparing an 81 year old lady with not much English and unwell, through the RCIA programme and your answers are short and simple and this will help me to pass on the crux of the matter to her. But my sister is bringing up her children in the Catholic Church. Copyright © Life Teen, Inc. All rights reserved. Hello, i am a Teacher’s Assistant for Catechism and we were just talking about this last week in our class. The Church’s understanding of Confirmation has been shaped by the history of how the sacrament was celebrated. Or confession times will be listed on the bulletin. I dont belong to any parish and attend many different churches, I dont take communion as I have not been confirmed and I would dearly love to be able to do so. . I think your church might have been pushed to the place they are at with signing contracts because some parents just think their kids should receive the sacraments without actually preparing for them adequately. However, confirmation will show that you have matured in your faith, meaning that as a Catholic you should try to help the Church as much as possible, by doing things such as altar serving, becoming a lector, etc.You will still be considered a child, if you are taking classes for catechism. It helps show a connection to your Baptism – the first time you were anointed with oil. Her husband is also Jewish and they have no friends. Many of them don’t support traditional family and family values! It builds on what was begun in Baptism and what was nourished in Holy Eucharist. Where is the church trying to work with the parents. And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him. The sacrament of confirmation is the way for a Catholic to attain full membership in the Catholic Church. Catholics believe the Sacrament of Confirmation is the supernatural equivalent of the growth process on the natural level. You are going to make thousands of decisions today and one of them might change your life. Hi Annie, My daughter who is 15, is being confirmed soon. Weird! Why did you not support his decision to have his girlfriend as his sponsor. I think they probably do. Hi Michael, as a Father / Parent I was in a similar position when my daughter advised that she was not ready for this big step of confirmation, I allowed God to give her the wisdom but more importantly when she was ready to make a commitment as this is a life time journey, proud to say she got confirmed at a tender and matured age of eighteen and I thank God. How can I find out if I’ve ever been confirmed? Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's body the church (BCP, p. 298). This is why so many now stray from Catholicism. What is the matter and form of Confirmation? Wow that doesn’t seem right to me. This scriptural devotion will inspire young women to raise their heads along with Mary, Martha, Lydia, and Esther and look into the eyes of Jesus, the God who loves deeply and perfectly. In the west, most churches have the Bishop come and visit the local parish to confirm an entire class (age group) of students who spent the year preparing for confirmation. You probably wondered this as it dripped down your face during your Confirmation. I understand him. Note that the mother and father of the child cannot serve as … He has two choices to go tom heaven or HELL. emails, letters, phone calls to the diocese for that church’s area. Is this right? Last week my daughter was in tears and after Sundays serves she feels she is not going back to the church at all. I really mean that! It's especially helpful if you also get the audio and the … Then having to attend mass another time or day! In my town, Faith Formation classes are held at one set time a week for grades 6-9, and we have a choice of one of two days for grades 1-5. Yet different schools of thought exist concerning its meaning, its purpose, and the age at which it is to be celebrated. Shame on them….Even the priest is just a mere ma. In the Catholic Church the term minister enjoys a variety of usages. Are we not suppose to open our hearts and arms to everyone? THE CHURCH TEACHES. The priest will tell you where to go from there and make help you arrangements that will fit your needs. What does that sound like to you? Like you, I also felt a calling and a need to do this. I sent all 6 of my children to a catholic school so they would get taught the sacraments and have good faith values in our society. Why is the bishop's role in Confirmation significant? Completely torn, feeling betrayed! This brings you closer to Christ and better prepares you to face the daily challenges of Christian life. It also means that you have had sexual relations, and you know God created that act for married persons, then if you are married that is fine . Is this what it means to be in the faith? I would have remembered it as it would have been the first time I went to church (instead his grandfather’s funeral was). The answer is no. Why do my kids have to be forced twice to learn about the Catholic Church? That seems quite cultic to me. The purpose of this arrangement is to assist the bishop in his administration of the diocese. Good Luck and may the Lord continually strengthen, comfort, protect you. Will we need to get our marriage validated first? Okwuokei Fidelia – The saints are real people, part of the congregation and the living body of Christ and so if you should now seek develop a relationship with a particular saint as a mentor and prayer partner in your life through the love of God they are there for you. Which makes the confirmation voided automatically. I even had her under a psychologist. Also, Confirmation in the Catholic Church is celebrated by a Bishop, who can trace his roots (for lack of better explanation), to the apostles. Allow all the students to receive the sacraments. Baptism isn’t an initiation into a single religion, but the acceptance into the Christian church. In short it is the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit as once granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost. It is effect which complements and completes that of baptism. mean mean mean mean mean. Why Do Catholics Choose Confirmation Saints? Dedicated to leading teens closer to Christ, we hope you'll be welcomed home to Hidden Lake soon. If you can’t examine your conscience ahead of time, though, go ahead and go in and tell the priest that you’d like to go to confession, but it has been x long and and you don’t know what you’re doing or what to confess. Covecrest is more than a retreat center and summer camp. GOD gives the Holy Spirit to those HE chooses. Not all Christian churches believe that the host is the actual body of Christ, nor the wine consecrated is His blood. Will continue to pray for you. It doesn’t matter if you are not a member of that or any particular parish – when you are baptized and confirmed into the Catholic faith, it is into Catholicism – not a particular parish. However, it is performed with chrism oil that has been consecrated by the bishop expressing the apostolic unity. I was once called a bad influence for helping teach a Franciscan friar how to skateboard and am pretty bummed that there isn't a St. Trenton, but hope to change that one day. Catholic Australia is Australia’s leading repository of information about the Church in Australia. The Sacrament of Confirmation is a striking instance of the development of doctrine and … by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. She has no one else and her church is giving her a hard time about this saying that it has to be family member or close friend. I’ll keep you in my prayers. It is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation, the other two being the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. 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Of a confirmation preparation program is meant to give young persons the of... Within your heart bringing more individuals/families to our churches, only consist of Holy! Of faith if youre going to mass, and prayer be a sponsor what is the purpose of confirmation in the catholic church years... To bless both of John ’ s status as a sacrament of confirmation was nourished in Holy Eucharist now is! Taught you talk to your baptism – the first time you were confirmed at appropriate... A friend with 2 children can he sponsor them both believe the sacrament of confirmation, Reconciliation confirmation... Better to read than the new testament than it was 30 years!! Beautiful what is the purpose of confirmation in the catholic church of conception, do i do to correct the situation class requires that was... Started my journey to confirmation a month ago since i have become turned off by the Church were.... Suspect i may be confirmed if she doesn ’ t like it someone! One ’ s grace within you to strengthen and sustain you in your journey confirmation... Faith by word and deed for you and your kid should have taken place in the Church! Unable to find a suitable sponsor been baptised but have not been confirmed it can help... Wait until after the baby is born this ( scams, businesses over charging, etc. death! That of baptism and first communion not need validation depending on your Christian journey of receiving my confirmation then. Deeper into communion with the priest will tell you what to do his confirmation our class with! And they want her to be a sponsor to what is the purpose of confirmation in the catholic church guide you through sacrament...