Wir erhalten für einen Kauf über unseren Link eine kleine Provision und können so die kostenlos nutzbare Webseite teilweise mit diesen Einnahmen finanzieren. A torpedo salvo from Z-23 destroys two enemy cruisers at once. Posted by 2 days ago. Alle Leser bekommen bei uns täglich kostenlos News, Artikel, Guides, Videos und Podcasts zu World of Warcraft, Pokémon Go und anderen Lieblingsspielen. They were initially tested on the 1934-class destroyer Z-8 Bruno Heinemann, these guns were meant to counter new French and British destroyers, as well as allowing the 1936A class ships to serve as scout units and to compensate for the continual shortage of light cruisers and scouting units. Main Battery & AA Specialist-5% main battery reload time.+10% continuous AA damage. She received 150mm main gun mounts, but retained the torpedo armament of her predecessor. Main Battery & AA Expert+20% main battery range.+15% flak damage. hide. Official Discord. While we are busy trying to bring you the best naval action game, we also have time to command our warships and dominate the seas. Der Zerstörer 1936 A ist etwas länger und breiter als die bisherigen Zerstörer der Kriegsmarine. Recruit Legendary Commanders, upgrade your vessels, and stake your claim to naval domination alongside and against players from around the world. card. Best Cruiser in Each Tier. The 1-knot increase in speed is small but can only help as well. Hot New Top. The latter was eventually removed, however, as it proved to have negative side effects on the bow. share. In the foreground is Kapitän zur See Pönitz. Sierra Mike+5% to the ship's maximum speed. © 2011–2021 Wargaming.net. Hotel Yankee-20% to damage received when ramming the enemy.+50% to damage dealt when ramming the enemy. Danke! High amount of hit points for a Tier VIII destroyer, second only to. Captains should mount India Yankee to decrease time to extinguish fires, mount November Foxtrot to decrease reload time of consumables, and mount Sierra Mike to increase the ship's maximum speed. Finally, the upgraded torpedoes pick up an extra kilometer of range, improving their flexibility. Wyvern+50% credits earned for the battle. Advertisement. To summarize: Winning engagements against dds is not an optional play style it is how you win the game. Unterstützt buffed - es dauert nur eine Minute. 138 posts. Liquidator+30% chance (multiplicative) of causing flooding. Dadurch stieg die Verdrängung auf etwa 3.600 Tonnen an. Very short smokescreen duration limits offensive smoking ability. Damit ist auch die Spielweise des ungesehenen Jägers möglich, wenn auch nicht ganz so effektiv. Grease the Gears+15% main battery traverse speed. Upgrade the hull first for a massive increase in survivability. Log In Sign Up. Red Dragon+100% XP earned for the battle.+100% Commander XP earned for the battle. She received 150mm main gun mounts, but retained the torpedo armament of her predecessor. Check out community member Farther Mundy's build for the Germany Destroyer, Z-23 with Erich Bey as commander. 49 comments. report. Posted by . Z-23 keeps the pressure going as it evades enemy torpedoes. Hot. Surface Detection means the range at which another ship has to be in order for your ship to show up on their radar. The 150mm main battery guns have good AP shells, and has HE shells with a high (12%) fire chance. 50 [ASHIP] TarasBulba_ Members. Leviathan+50% XP earned for the battle.+100% Commander XP earned for the battle.+200% Free XP earned for the battle.+20% credits earned for the battle. Radio LocationShows the direction to the nearest enemy ship.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken.. Fearless Brawler-10% main battery reload when ship is spotted+1 flak burst per salvo.+5% detectability range of the ship. Im Duell sind euch dank der zusätzlichen Strukturpunkte andere Zerstörer unterlegen. Check out community member akaf47's build for the Germany Destroyer, Z-23 with Erich Bey as commander. Gun Feeder-50% time to switch loaded shell type. Take the gun range last. World of Warships Community Talk ... 1 x verloren gegen z23, hat mich gut rausgetorpt und ich versagt. https://m.in.mg/ky6dY Juliet Charlie-100% to the risk of magazine detonation. Allerdings muss sich die Z-23 nicht nur auf die Artillerie verlassen. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Consumables Enhancements+10% action time of: Hydroacoustic Search (), Surveillance Radar (), Smoke Generator (), & Engine Boost (). 47 comments in this topic. World of Warships:Z-23 - Guide zum deutschen Zerstörer (buffed Shipyard Folge 75 Ask the Turtle . In unserem World of Warships Guide erklären wir euch die Vor- und Nachteile des deutschen Zerstörers und geben euch Informationen über den historischen Hintergrund. With the twin turret weighting more than four times that of a single mount, the fore ship was even more prone to being wet. Z23 was one of fifteen Type 1936A destroyers built for the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) during World War II. Juliet Yankee Bissotwo-20% to flooding duration. As the turret was not properly designed to be waterproof the electrical systems within would often fail in heavy seas and the fixed ammunition meant that a lot of physical effort was required by the gun crews to reload the gun, which would hamper the ability to maintain a high rate of fire during combat. Swift in SilenceSo long as the ship remains undetected: +8% ship speed+5% main battery reload time. Und ich muss sagen ich freue mich auf deutsche Premium DDs :). Bei der Hauptartillerie tauschte man die kleinen Kanonen gegen 15-cm-Geschütze. Wargaming . 274. 10,885 battles [ASHIP] … Recommended Posts. Quelle: buffed. Der Zerstörer 1936 A ist etwas länger und breiter als die bisherigen Zerstörer der Kriegsmarine. Developed from the Leberecht Maass-class destroyers (Zerstörer 1936A type), this ship had larger dimensions and greater firepower compared to her prototype. The result was a 127 meter long and 12 meter wide hull with a draft of up to 4.65m. However German destroyers are not useful as scouts, they're actually mini cruisers, they hunt the enemy and use smoke in order to get out of tricky situations. Unterstützt buffed – es dauert nur eine Minute. The choice of which Signal Flags to mount will confer to the individual preference of each captain, and are subject to great variation, although there are certain flags which suit Destroyer game play better. The only exception for this layout was Z-28, which was used as a fleet command vessel and instead mounted four single mounts in two superfiring pairs, one at the bow and one at the aft. Other than the number of guns in these mountings, they also differed in terms of gun elevations: the single mounting allowed for 30° elevations, whereas the twin turret could elevate up to 65°. 8. pinned by moderators. Mike Yankee Soxisix+5% to secondary battery maximum firing range.-5% to maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells.-5% to secondary battery loading time. The hull was reinforced, and a bulge was installed at the bow to improve seaworthiness. This, however, required that one of the ship's main guns be demounted. Completed in 1940, the ship spent the war in Norwegian and French waters, escorting German ships and occasionally engaging Allied warships. It's still a great ship, but the MAASS is far better at teir 6 than the Z23 is at teir 7. Basilisk+75% XP earned for the battle.+30% credits earned for the battle. Priority TargetThe detection indicator will show the number of enemies aiming at you with main battery. Papa Papa+300% Free XP earned for the battle. The first destroyer of the next generation (Zerstörer 1934 type), which paved the way for the development of ships of this type in the German navy until the end of World War II. Zu deren Aufgaben gehörte unter anderem der Geleitschutz für die Schweren Kreuzer Admiral Hipper, Admiral Scheer und das Schlachtschiff Scharnhorst. When the twin turret was eventually installed in 1942 the issues with these guns became more noticeable. Man ist ja doch mehr auf T6-8 mehr unterwegs als … Jetzt ist Deine Meinung gefragt: Hier kannst Du Deinen Kommentar zum Artikel veröffentlichen und mit anderen Lesern darüber diskutieren. share. A forward view of a Zerstörer 1936A at sea. Superintendent+1 charge to all consumables. Jeder Beitrag, ob groß oder klein, ist wertvoll. Can deliver torpedo strikes from beyond her detection range. Wer bereits mit einem russischen Zerstörer unterwegs war, findet sich mit der Z-23 schnell zurecht. After that, get the 150 mm guns if you prefer them. Relatively large detection range compared to other Tier VIII destroyers. In comparison with her predecessors, she had fewer torpedo tubes and new, more powerful 120 mm guns mounted in turrets with the design that enabled firing at aircraft. Players who wish to spend doubloons can equip Z-23 with Type 18 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, and increases the amount of experience she earns. You can not be spotted outside of your surface detection range by another surface vessel regardless of what kind of modules or captain skills the enemy has acquired. Die Z-23 ist als Projekt 1936 A der Nachfolger der Leberecht Maass. DazzleFor 15 seconds after you are detected: +20% dispersion of enemy shells fired at you. All rights reserved. Developed from the Leberecht Maass-class destroyers (Zerstörer 1936A type), this ship had larger dimensions and greater firepower compared to her prototype. Humour . World of Warships - free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer game from Wargaming. Dadurch stieg die Verdrängung auf etwa 3.600 Tonnen an. share. She carried 150mm guns. 1 x Tirpitz. Availability issues with the 15cm twin turret meant that the first few vessels built only received four 15cm guns in single mountings. FREQUENT UPDATES New content in the form of ships, … Each ship of the Z-23 class was slated to receive one twin-barreled mount on the bow and three single-barreled mounts at the stern of the ship, with the sternmost two being superfiring and the central turret facing forward. Fill the Tubes-10% torpedo tubes reload time. Dabei wuchsen nicht nur die Dimensionen des Schiffes, sondern auch die Bewaffnung wurde durch ein größeres Kaliber verstärkt. Preventive Maintenance-30% chance of main armament, engines, steering becoming incapacitated. However, like predecessor Ernst Gaede, Z-23 has a choice between between two different calibers of guns: the standard 128mm destroyer guns, or 150mm barrels like those found in the mid-tier German cruisers (Konigsberg and Nürnberg). This page has been accessed 91,654 times. 124. World of Warships:Z-23 - Guide zum deutschen Zerstörer (buffed Shipyard Folge 75, World of Warships: Z-23 - Empfohlene Modul-Upgrades, World of Warships: Z-23 - Wichtige Verbesserungen. Unglücklicherweise verschlechterte sich durch das zusätzliche Gewicht die Seetauglichkeit der Z-23 deutlich und der Zerstörer musste bei Seegang die Geschwindigkeit reduzieren. Posted by. Don't believe me? Completed in 1940, the ship spent the war in Norwegian and French waters , escorting German ships and occasionally engaging Allied warships. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem, Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell, 150 mm/55 Tbts KC/36 on a Tbts LC/36 mount, 20 mm/65 C/38 on a Flak 35 Vierling L/38 mount. She received 150mm main gun mounts, but retained the torpedo armament of her predecessor. Z-23 > Yudachi. Concealment Expert-10% detectability range of the ship. Z-23 – WoWS: Legends – Stats + Builds – Tier VII Destroyer. Adrenaline Rush-0.2% reload time of all armaments per 1% HP lost+0.2% AA continuous damage per 1% HP lost. If captains wish to buff their primary artillery, they are encouraged to mount Victor Lima + India X-ray to increase fire chance to HE shells. The last sister ship of destroyer Z-23 belonged to a series of ships laid down after the start of World War II (Zerstörer 1936A Mob). X-Ray Papa Unaone+15% action time of Smoke Generator. Das Wrack ging später als Kriegsbeute an die Franzosen und wurde 1951 endgültig verschrottet. Der T61 ist ja im Kommen, desweiteren ja auch ein Tier 8. Legends! Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! Victor Lima+1% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm.+0.5% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber below 160mm.+4% chance of flooding (against your ship). November Echo Setteseven+5% continuous AA damage at all ranges.+5% damage from flak bursts. There were two mountings available on the 1934A class, a single mount and a twin turret. Has decent speed for a Tier VIII destroyer. Extra-Heavy AP Shells+5% main battery AP shell damage. Posted by. การอัพเดทครั้งต่อไปเดือนกุมภาพันธ์จะมี Collaboration นำตัวละครจากเกม Azur Lane เข้าด้วย. Viele Unternehmen kürzen oder streichen für 2020 ihre Werbebudgets. 8,900,000. Bislang haben wir diese Seite über Werbung finanziert und möglichst frei von Bezahl-Artikeln gehalten, doch seit COVID-19 wird das zunehmend schwieriger. Consumables Specialist-10% cooldown time of: Main Battery Reload Booster (), Torpedo Reload Booster (), Spotting Aircraft (), Catapult Fighter (), & Defensive AA Fire (). Humour . Facebook Twitter Instagram. Ouroboros+777% Free XP earned for the battle. The Z23 is great too, though I will say teir for teir it is weaker tha the MAASS. Z-23 Destroyer | World of Warships Legends Console - YouTube Also ich fande/finde die Z23 auch nicht übel. Discussions about Warships ; Cruisers ; Best Cruiser in Each Tier Sign in to follow this . (*) Affiliate-Links haben wir mit einem Sternchen gekennzeichnet. 06.01.2017 um 00:11 Uhr 8. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . 21 comments. Z-23— German Tier VIII destroyer. User account menu. Posts Official Website. Rising. View Entire Discussion (9 Comments) More posts from the WoWs_Legends community. Main battery turrets have a somewhat slow turret traverse speed. It sure feels this way a lot... 372. World of Warships World of Warships is a naval action MMO, dipping into the world of large-scale sea battles of the first half of the twentieth century. Epic battles rage across the oceans of the world in order to claim victory among teams comprised of the greatest representatives from the era of multi-ton marine giants. card classic compact. An L-class destroyer, a next step in the development of J-class ships. November Foxtrot-5% reload time on all consumables. Inertial Fuse for HE Shells+25% armor penetration of HE shellsBase fire chance reduced by half. Battery & AA Expert+20 % main battery very fast rate of fire mm if! For Free is at teir 6 than the preceding 1936 class, a next step in development. 'S maximum speed und reichte trotz größerer Ausmaße für eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von knapp über 37 Knoten been taken upgraded are. 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