The concept of ‘sustainability’ or ‘sustainable development’ is multi-dimensional, encompassing economic, environmental, social, and institutional governance aspects. It also addresses the two-way interactions between livestock and the environment; while livestock production is often a driver of environmental change, future climate change will have significant impacts on livestock production. This trend will exert pressure in the limited Grazing lands sequester more carbon per unit area than cultivated croplands. Sustainable livestock production systems are needed to feed the larger, more urban, richer and older world population in 2050. Supermarkets and other retailers have a decisive role to play. . A conceptual approach to design livestock production systems for robustness to enhance sustainability Research and innovation through the agri-food top s… This goes for every sector, but none more so than the livestock sector, one of Europe’s key focus areas in the EU Green Deal. In general, future generations should have the same or greater quality of life benefits as the current generation do. . All Focus Group results can be found online via This is an EIP-AGRI Service Point publication Brochure ‘Sustainable livestock farming’, January 2019 Pictures: EIP-AGRI Service Point, Grazing Cow Monitor, Operational Group ‘Maximum milk from grass’, Operational Group ‘Sustainable pastures’, Rob Richmond, Shutterstock The global food system is experiencing profound changes as a result of anthropogenic pressures. production systems’. Organic livestock husbandry has a lower impact on local biodiversity and a lower risk of bacteria becoming antibiotic resistant. . It is clear that silvopastoral systems increase biodiversity, improve animal welfare and provide good working conditions while enabling a profitable farming business. The authors conclude that any assessments of the impacts of livestock on the environment and livelihoods ‘should not focus on single criteria such as greenhouse gas emissions, but should balance ecological, social, and nutritional costs and benefits.’. © 2021 International Livestock Research Institute. In his opening remarks at the workshop, Mr. Julius Kiptarus, the Director of Livestock Production at SDL, emphasized the need to work towards a standardized market information system among pastoralist producers, citing the government’s recognition and prioritization of arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) development, as underpinned in the nation’s development blueprint, the Kenya Vision … . . A system approach for the future should be holistically constructed through examining the nexus of water, energy, and food (WEF) systems … Since 1994, when the first edition of this Special Reference Brief was compiled, \"sustainability\" has become a more familiar term. The figure shows schematically how the social and economic systems are embedded in the environment. Sustainable livestock production means making livestock systems economically more efficient and striking balance between meeting the growing demand of animal-origin products and reducing to the minimum the negative side effects and externalities from the livestock sector. By 2030, the number of people within the global middle class is expected to grow to five billion and by 2050, 10 billion people will live on our planet. The authors detail the varied reasons for low consumption of animal-sourced foods in developing countries, where economic and sociocultural factors, including religion and traditional beliefs, can constrain consumption of animal-sourced foods by the poor. This chapter will dig into the Sustainability of Animal Production Systems: An Ecological Perspective1 Martin Vavra ... tained Yield, a concept that did not work. This Special Issue will comprise papers covering a wide range of aspect related to environmental sustainability and environmental impacts of livestock production, including environmental issues, such as emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide), nitrogen and phosphorus excretion, ammonia emissions, land use and land management, and use of energy and other resources. 2��&�0� ��p�18Lp�N4�C�u�0�_���{ˀők�&SAF1��J�\�� This figure has also been corrected in the article above. The project brings together professionals in human and animal health and the environment to achieve better access to human and veterinary health services and sustainable natural resources management. The farming sector is facing a challenge. The productivity of livestock in silvopastoral systems depends on the quality and yield of the forages produced throughout the year. h��XmO9�+�T����J��"-m�r�(�dх%˩���gl/����~:�a�3�w{V*oD! His research interests include use of animal-sourced foods to improve human health and nutrition, improving food and feed safety and quality, and devising sustainable strategies to optimize the performance, health and welfare of livestock. . Her research seeks to explain how household behaviour, women’s empowerment and gender dynamics, climate change, hygiene and sanitation, and livestock ownership affect child growth and nutritional outcomes. Consequently, for many families, animal-sourced foods are not consumed at all, or only on rare occasions such as religious festivals.’, In addition, ‘taboos associated with animal-source foods often create barriers to consumption of these foods.’ In some countries, pregnant women and menstruating girls and children are denied milk, meat or eggs due to various cultural beliefs. Meat, milk and eggs are a dense source of energy, essential amino acids and micro-nutrients (iron, B12, Zn), very relevant for children as their stomachs are small and their requirements for these nutrients are high. There is increasing global trend of demand for livestock products (due to increasing population), and rate of increase in demand is very high in developing countries due to the increase in income level. Livestock systems, say the authors, … Globally, more than half (57%) of the 2.5 billion hectares of land used for producing forage is unsuitable for food production., so forage crops make productive use of non-cultivable land. Read the whole paper, Sustainable livestock systems to improve human health, nutrition, and economic status, by Padmakumar Varijakshapanicker (ILRI), Sarah Mckune (Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems at the University of Florida), Laurie Miller (Tufts University),  Saskia Hendrickx (University of Florida),  Mulubrhan Balehegn (University of Florida and Mekelle University), Geoffrey E Dahl (University of Florida),  Adegbola T Adesogan (University of Florida), Vol 9, Issue 4, Oct 2019. While most production systems, ranging from shifting cultivation and pastoral systems to crop-based or mixed crop/livestock systems, are inherently sound and sustainable on an individual basis, their rapid multiplication and intensification may impose stress on the wider agro-ecosystem in which they are situated. In either case, the achievement of sustainable animal production … 1. The authors list some of the huge economic impacts of livestock systems worldwide. Sarah McKune is assistant professor in the department of environmental and global health and the center for African studies at the University of Florida. Section 2 Development and Monitoring of Systems The second section (Units 4–6) begins by describing what types of information and data are necessary for assessing the development of livestock production systems and for their ongoing monitoring. She also serves as a consultant on zoonotic diseases to a World Bank-funded project in Nepal. Livestock production receives a lot of criticism, yet often there is a failure to differentiate between livestock that are part of problem (primarily intensively reared, grain-fed) and high welfare livestock systems that can be a vital part of the solution, restoring ecosystems, maintaining soil fertility, producing food from marginal land and providing important nutritional benefits. Padmakumar’s paper in Animal Frontiers, ‘Economic impacts of sustainable livestock systems’ has an incorrect figure that is now being corrected by the journal. Quantitative information about the sustainability performance of existing livestock production systems can aid the debate of which actions could be … 2014; John et al. Livestock systems capitalize on underutilized family labour. The concept of a sustainable farming system refers to the capacity of agriculture over time to contribute to overall welfare by providing sufficient food and other goods and services in ways that are economically efficient and profitable, socially responsible, while also improving environmental quality. h�bbd```b``�"6�H�Dɞ"Yn�E��d�"���$Dd�d�f׃HF���dZ�V� DrǀȐ����H2���s��L���t0i"�yA$/XDH�������`hv3#����> !p� Sustainable livestock systems for sustainable lives. Livestock income allows farm households to make better dietary and health choices. Development of index-based livestock insurance (IBLI). there is food allocation bias against females of all ages, and against younger household members. It is clear that silvopastoral systems increase biodiversity, improve animal welfare and provide good working conditions while enabling a profitable farming business. ��-�7. … It is argued that identification of livestock-specific criteria is impossible because of the large heterogeneity of livestock production systems and the non-linear relation between livestock-specific criteria and agroecological criteria. This month, in a new issue of the science journal Animal Frontiers, ILRI scientist Padmakumar Varijakshapanicker leads authorship of a paper on Sustainable livestock systems to improve human health, nutrition, and economic status. Quantitative information about the sustainability performance of existing livestock production systems can aid the debate of which actions could be … She is currently a visiting professor and researcher in the department of child psychiatry at St Anne’s Hospital, in Paris. 1. The authors cite several of these factors, including lack of awareness. They must themselves find ways to make livestock production more sustainable. This concept also encompasses many things such as human rights, environmental law, and public involvement & participation. Ironically, also the contextual appropriate use of the sustainability concept … Raw milk collection and distribution in Bangladesh and India creates 20 to 40 full-time jobs per 1,000 liters of milk traded. He has active extension programs in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Rwanda, and Ethiopia and is the former president of the American Dairy Science Association. This web-based platform is both a practical instrument and an information resource for developing environmentally sound livestock production systems. The ISL Guide provides guidance, suggested activities, and indicators needed to ensure livestock projects are environmentally sustainable (future versions will also address public health and equity dimensions of sustainability). . Sustainability issues Sustainable livestock production systems are needed to feed the larger, more urban, richer and older world population in 2050. One of the most important tasks is to keep detailed records on livestock stocking rate, livestock performance, and forage production. Livestock within the farming system creates a reason to diversify rotations to a wider variety of crops, including the production of protein from sources other than cereals, e.g., grain and forage legumes, oil seed rape, or grass. 1 The purpose of the workshop was to reflect on the sustainability of livestock production, its role within the circular economy and doing this from a systems perspective. The ability to transform feed not suitable for humans into high-quality food will be of great importance in the long-term for feeding a growing population. 2The list of FG experts and a short description of the FG work are provided in Annex B. EIP-AGRI FOCUS GROUP ON MIXED FARMING SYSTEMS MAY 2017 5 1 Current status of MFS in Europe 1.1 Impacts of the intensification and … . Sustainable Livestock. Forage production and stocking rate records are critical in making timely management decisions. Introduction. We used data from a multi-year field-scale trial in Kings County and related container trials to simulate a forage-grazing system under saline conditions. Low consumption Jeanne Dollinger Received: 4 February 2019/Accepted: 4 February 2019/Published online: 7 February 2019 Springer Nature B.V. 2019 Abstract Silvopasture, as an integrated land use practice that combines trees, forage and livestock, has been in existence for millennia. An animal nutritionist, his research interests include improving the quality and productivity of animal feeds in developing countries. Nutritional, genetic, health and management strategies can reduce greenhouse gas emission intensities by as much as 30%. Sustainable livestock production systems are needed to feed the larger, more urban, richer and older world population in 2050. Finally, concepts of participatory research and extension in the development of livestock farming and the emergence of organic farming, as an example of farmer-driven innovation and development, will be described. The Integrated farming system (IFS) aims to optimize the use of agricultural waste by extending the biological cycle. In recent years, there has been a growing consensus among scientists, farmers, and the general public that agricultural production practices must change. Cattle production has the potential of being an important component of sustainable agriculture globally. Social sustainability is based on the concept that a decision or project promotes the betterment of society. Failing to put emphasis on the social … He is currently working as a research coordinator at the University of Florida. Laurie Miller is professor of pediatrics and adjunct professor of nutrition and child development at Tufts University. This paper illustrates that feed impacts almost all sectors and services of the livestock sector and its sustainability hinges on how feed is produced and fed. The goal of achieving a sustainable planet, one that will accommodate the basic needs of its present inhabitants while preserving the resources that will enable future generations to flourish, has gained increasing acceptance. For an evidenced-based review of the role of protein (meat and otherwise) in our future food supply, see the 2019 World Economic Forum-ILRI white paper on Meat: The Future Series—Options for the livestock sector in developing and emerging economies to 2030 and beyond. Meat: The Future Series—Options for the livestock sector in developing and emerging economies to 2030 and beyond. Adgebola (Gbola) Adesogan is director of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems and professor of ruminant nutrition at the University of Florida. The concept of sustainable agriculture lies on a delicate balance of maximizing crop productivity and maintaining economic stability, while minimizing the utilization of finite natural resources and detrimental environmental impacts. "Sustainable agriculture: A whole-systems approach to food, feed, and other fiber production that balances environmental soundness, social equity, and economic viability among all sectors of the public, including international and intergenerational peoples. The correct figure updated for 2016 is US$1.27 trillion. In many cultures, women may prepare household meals but they will eat last and least, fast the most, and have little decision-making power over food purchases. However, the term "GAP" has different meanings and is used in a variety of contexts. Padmakumar and his co-authors begin their paper by making the case for a ‘holistic’ definition of ‘sustainability’, one that ‘jointly considers ecological, social, and economic dimensions of a system or intervention for long-lasting prosperity.’, ‘This also applies to livestock systems, which should be economically viable for farmers, environmentally friendly or at least neutral, and socially acceptable in order to be considered sustainable.’. 2016; Gao et al. The importance of many biological balances in the system. The current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has brought into sharp focus the interconnectedness of people, animals and the environment and how this can contribute to the spread of disease. She is a veterinary epidemiologist by training with experience in public health, livestock research, and project management in developing countries. %PDF-1.6 %���� Livestock are contribute 13% and 28% of global human protein and energy, respectively. Food security, climate change and biodiversity loss belong to the key challenges for a sustainable development of humankind. 0 Demand from shops for sustainable products is rising, and this is leading more farmers to produce sustainably. Land maintained for livestock grazing has lower greenhouse gas emission than the same land converted for crop production. For more about the nutritional benefits of livestock-sourced foods, see another paper in this currant (Oct 2019) issue of Animal Frontiers, The role of livestock products for nutrition in the first 1,000 days of life, written by three other ILRI scientists. In Ethiopia, devout orthodox Christians . Mulubrhan Balehegn Gebremikael is associate professor of livestock production and pastoralist development at Mekelle University, in Ethiopia. The ever-increasing human population (more than 9 billion by 2050), together with changes in consumption patterns (i.e., increasing demand for livestock products) caused by urbanization, increasing incomes, and nutritional and environmental concerns, is shaping what we eat, who eats, and how … The ‘bio-availability’ (proportion of nutrients absorbed and used for normal body functions) of eggs and other animal-sourced foods is up to one-third greater than that in food crops. Livestock systems, say the authors, contribute to global sustainability by providing various ecosystem services, including the following. Economic benefits . Livestock income is more regular, less seasonal, than crop income, enabling farmers, and women in particular, to depend on their animal stock as a vital source of regular income for household essentials, such as paying for school and medical expenses. endstream endobj 12710 0 obj <>/Metadata 419 0 R/Outlines 561 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 12678 0 R/StructTreeRoot 737 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 12711 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[623.622 0.0 1218.9 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 12712 0 obj <>stream However, the potential and actual contribution of various livestock production systems to environmental sustainability varies according to production system. Paul Cezanne, Still Life with Bread and Eggs. *�9��t����u��D�L ����]Q�� It is challenging to analyse or discuss the sustainability of one single sector within agriculture, because this sector is part of a global food system, and a systems approach is necessary. Sustainable livestock production is possible New research advocates use of pastures with shrubs and trees as it is more sustainable, improving animal welfare and increasing biodiversity. %%EOF A side note. Livestock generate income for farmers of all categories via sale of animals and livestock products. There is clearly a need for more sustainable increases in agricultural output in order to balance the adverse effects of intensive production and the exploitation of the resource base while, at the same time, optimizing food production. It is an intrinsic characteristic of the system that needs to be shaped and managed. Thus in recent years the term sustainable agriculture has become a buzzword among endstream endobj startxref Indeed, the concept of sustainable diets that are profitable, ethically and socio-culturally acceptable, and environmentally benign is emerging as one of the key solutions to ensuring the sustainability of livestock production systems. . Two popular ways to visualize the three pillars are shown. The grassland ecosystems in the ADB are complex and constrained by available water and energy for sustainable livestock production. 12754 0 obj <>stream 12739 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1FC676926FDEAA47901A9AC0B138EC8C>]/Index[12709 46]/Info 12708 0 R/Length 137/Prev 1550700/Root 12710 0 R/Size 12755/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Before joining the University of Florida in 2016, she worked with ILRI and the World Health Organization. The concept of sustainable diets that are profitable, ethically and socio-culturally acceptable, and environmentally benign is emerging as one of the key solutions to ensuring the sustainability of livestock production systems. Government supports this approach with: 1. Sustainability and Organic Livestock. If sustainable intensification of livestock production is adopted, it could lead to greater production yields through more efficient use of resources, … Livestock production can be an important component of a sustainable agricultural system because it can provide an quality source of plant nutrients, be an income generator, and provide a an environmentally sound use of certain lands. 1Systems based on agroforestry or sylvopastoralism and autonomous livestock system using crops only for animal feeding were considered outside the scope of the FG. The concept of sustainability, evoked by King (1911) at the beginning of the 20th century, reasserted itself in the 1980s when it was understood that relevant amounts of natural resources were being irreversibly wasted and that the future welfare of man and even the survival of humankind was becoming compromised.. Animal feeding were considered outside the scope of the world correct figure updated for 2016 is $... 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