5. Sentence Examples. He calls Aga Mahommed chief of Mazandaran, as also of Astarabad and some districts situate in Khurasan, and describes his tribe the Kajar, to be, like the Indian Rajput, usually devoted to the profession of arms. Sentences with word «profession» (see phrases) A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain. The profession of a teacher is very respectable. He practised law in Frankfort, Kentucky, in1840-1841and in Burlington, Iowa, from 1841 to 1843, and then returned to Kentucky and followed his profession at Lexington. Trained for the scholastic profession, he was appointed assistant professor at the Academy of Paris in 1831, professor of mathematics at Lyons in 1834, rector of the Academy of Grenoble in 1835, inspector-general of studies in 1838, rector of the Academy of Dijon and honorary inspectorgeneral in 1854, retiring in 1862. The independence of the judiciary and of the legal profession is a fundamental constitutional safeguard. Here the Bohemian profession agreed with the views of Calvin rather than with those of Luther. Striding up and down the House in a passion, he made no attempt to control himself, and turning towards individuals as he hurled significant epithets at each, he called some "whoremasters," others "drunkards, corrupt, unjust, scandalous to the profession of the Gospel.". Your teachers might've even made you write a paper on it. A strong anti-clerical prejudice is manifest in his historical work generally, and is doubtless the result of the change in his views on Church matters and his abandonment of the clerical profession. He continued attached to the regiment till 1 754, when, disappointed at not obtaining a living, he abandoned the clerical profession and resolved to devote himself to literary pursuits. She is a professional actress. How to use profession in a sentence. : The film is about a professional killer who's hired to liquidate a powerful businessman. This means that graduates will have clear evidence of their ability, making them readily employable within their chosen profession. Admitted soon after into the counting-house of a friend of his family, he "turned his stool into a Pegasus on three legs, every foot, of course, being a dactyl or a spondee"; but the uncongenial profession affected his health, which was never strong, and he was transferred to the care of his father's relations at Dundee. He had in fact started his university course as a medicinae cultor, and in his autobiography he half regrets that he did not choose the medical profession. Jackson raised his eyebrows as if to say that profession wasn't necessarily a guarantee of anything. He found the medical profession of his time split up into a number of sects, medical science confounded under a multitude of dogmatic systems, the social status and moral integrity of physicians degraded. Many of his colleagues followed his example and openly made profession of marriage. He was educated for the law, but gave up his profession on the death of his father, and devoted four years to the study of literature, philosophy and science. He graduated at Harvard College in 1774, and began the practice of the law at Dedham in 1781, but eventually abandoned that profession for the more congenial pursuit of politics. 181. At Lyons he found a new patron in Dr Symphorien Champier (Campegius) (1472-1539), whose profession he resolved to follow. profession examples - profession in a sentence - 25. ), from Latin professionem (nominative professio), meaning “public declaration,” from the past participle stem of profiteri : 5. One of them, who followed his father's profession, made himself the champion of the others in disputing Leonardo's claim to his share, first in the paternal inheritance, and then in that which had been left to be divided between the brothers and sisters by an uncle. Need to translate "PROFESSION IN" from english and use correctly in a sentence? The only office he held was that of reporter of the supreme court of Indiana for two terms (1860-1862 and 1864-1868), and this was strictly in the line of his profession. Though he showed a fondness for the profession of arms, he studied divinity, and was licensed by the presbytery of Edinburgh in 1745. After his election the pope had to make a profession of the Catholic faith, and give guarantees against arbitrary translations. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Profession" in Example Sentences Page 1 286778 He is a doctor by profession. In the history of the United States the politician has been too often the man who, in connexion with some other trade or profession, has taken up politics as a tool to carve out some personal ambition or manufacture a financial profit. The son of an advocate, he was intended to follow his father's profession, but the events of 1789 turned his mind in another direction. Principle: Members of the museum profession should observe accepted standards and laws and uphold the dignity and honor of their profession. Teachers is not a profession; teaching is. After receiving a sound education, he entered the legal profession and became advocate at the King's Council at Paris. A similar series of works was projected and begun about the same time as that of Le Vaillant by Audebert and Vieillot, though the former, who was by profession a painter and illustrated the work, was already dead more than a year before the appearance of the two volumes, bearing date 2802, and entitled Oiseaux dores ou a reflets metalliques, the effect of the plates in which he sought to heighten by the lavish use of gilding. BERTOLD (1442-1504), elector and archbishop of Mainz, son of George, count of Henneberg, entered the ecclesiastical profession, and after passing through its lower stages, was made archbishop of Mainz in 1484. I will be starting a website soon which will give the lowdown on the ESL profession from the teachers ' point of view. Hamilton (Discussions, p. 541), one of his most resolute opponents, described Cousin as "A profound and original thinker, a lucid and eloquent writer, a scholar equally at home in ancient and in modern learning, a philosopher superior to all prejudices of age or country, party or profession, and whose lofty eclecticism, seeking truth under every form of opinion, traces its unity even through the most hostile systems.". (learn, begin, start, enter) " They practice the same profession. He entered the profession of the law, and became in succession advocate to the general council of Artois, procureur to the parlement of Douai, master of requests, then intendant of Metz (1768) and of Lille (1774). nursing as a profession and professional development are examined and this leads into the final area of collaborative care. Besides the private practice of his profession, he contributed largely to medical knowledge by the publication of several books, mainly on the anatomy of the pancreas and the abdominal viscera, by papers in the Proceedings of the Royal Society and in professional journals, and by editing for a time the Quarterly Medical Journal. In 1840 he appeared before his father at Saint-LO, and announced that he had determined to adopt the profession of literature. My brother studied bookbinding as a profession - I think the glues used varied according to which parts you were gluing to what. Many of the notes and essays written by him at Auxonne bear witness to his indomitable resolve to master all the details of his profession and the chief facts relating to peoples who had struggled successfully to achieve their liberation. The Brehonship was not an office of state like that of the modern judge, but a profession in which success depended upon ability and judgment. This profession will give peace and satisfaction to mind. Translate Profession. By nurturing a diverse legal profession today, we are ensuring a more diverse judiciary in the future. He was distinguished in his profession as a physician, and wrote a number of medical works in Arabic (including a commentary on the aphorisms of Hippocrates), all of which were translated into Hebrew, and most of them into Latin, becoming the text-books of Europe in the succeeding centuries. This is the profession I wish to adopt in life. uphold the dignity and honor of their profession. These (distinguished by the use of a special language and by the profession of Mohammedanism) are descendants of natives of the Banda islands who fled eastward before the encroachments of the Dutch. As the admission of converts is no longer permitted, the faithful are enjoined to keep their doctrine secret from the profane; and in order that their allegiance may not bring them into danger, they are allowed (like Persian mystics) to make outward profession of whatever religion is dominant around them. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, and was from his childhood destined for the clerical profession, in which through the great influence of his family he obtained rapid advancement, becoming bishop of Exeter in 1458. Parliament was not more liberal, for the statute of Kilkenny, passed in 1366, ordained that "no Irishman be admitted into any cathedral or collegiate church, nor to any benefice among the English of the land," and also "that no religious house situated among the English shall henceforth receive an Irishman to their profession.". 2. It's difficult to see profession in a sentence . He had the double dignity of having refused the highest prize in his profession for conscience' sake, and of having accepted that dignity without loss of consistency; in his life he acquired a high reputation and the sincere admiration of his fellowmen, as well as an abundant fortune and ample titular distinctions. It assists the public and legal profession locate suitably qualified, conveniently located Court Lawyers. Eleanor Bold appeared before him, no longer as a beautiful woman, but as a new profession called matrimony. Most people, when asked to rewrite something, will find themselves still repeating much of the original wording. Discussing your profession in German requires a new list of vocabulary. In 1658 he was nominated an advocate to the parlement of Paris, and for nine years followed the legal profession. Back problems, cement dermatitis, vibration white finger and deafness can ruin people's lives and force them out of their chosen profession. He was educated at St Andrews and Oxford, where he graduated in natural science, with a view to following the medical profession, which he abandoned in favour of a scholastic career. Thirdly, the accounting profession is quite influential in Hong Kong. draftsmann aim is to promote and foster a proper appreciation of the contribution made by law costs draftsmen within the legal profession. The Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion constitute Hume's formal profession of religious faith. It was the zeal with which they were taught, the clear distinction which they drew between the profession of godliness and the enjoyment of its power - added to the emphasis they laid upon the immediate influence of the Holy Spirit on the consciousness 1 "Methodism" is derived from "method" (Gr. Roscoe Conkling was admitted to the bar at Utica, New York, in 1850, was appointed district-attorney of Oneida (disambiguation)|Oneida county in the same year, and soon attained success in the practice of his profession. The definition of a profession is a job, or what you do for a living. From an early age he determined to adopt chemistry as his profession, although his father, who was a builder, would have preferred him to be an architect. Chartered status is only bestowed on those at the peak of the financial advice profession. Until 1145 he lived at Bec in absolute seclusion. (1) Professional distillers (bouilleurs et distillateurs de profession); (2) private distillers (bouilieurs de cru) under state control~ (3) small private distillers, not under state control, but giving notice to the state that they distil. HENRI CERNUSCHI (1821-1896), Italian politician and economist, was born of wealthy parents at Milan in 1821, and was destined for the legal profession. Originally intended for the profession of a painter, he preferred writing tragedies until attracted to science by the influence of Nicolas de Lacaille. The incidents which have been brought forward as evidence to this effect may with at least equal probability be interpreted as cases of profession or transference of personal allegiance. After leaving Westminster school, he was apprenticed, in 1802, to his brother, an apothecary, with the view of adopting the profession of medicine, but his bent was towards chemistry, a sound knowledge of which he acquired in his spare time. Until today, in the long history of the legal profession, We all know that part of the coaching profession involves change. I was in a perfect profession to mask a depressive illness, It's … DOCTORS' COMMONS, the name formerly applied to a society of ecclesiastical lawyers in London, forming a distinct profession for the practice of the civil and canon laws. How to connect 'professional' with other words to make correct English sentences. But as he soon became eminent in his profession he altered some of his measures. Free from the yoke of the brewer, she fell in love with a music master, high in his profession, from Brescia, named Gabriel Piozzi, in whom nobody but herself could discover anything to admire. solemn profession in a religious order, patrimony and benefice. He was educated for the legal profession at Oviedo, and passed the necessary examinations. A Brehon whose decision was reversed upon appeal was liable to damages, loss of position and of free lands, if any, disgrace, and a consequent loss of his profession. Although no system or important doctrine of medicine was originated by the Roman intellect, and though the practice of the profession was probably almost entirely in the hands of the Greeks, the most complete picture which we have of medical thought and activity in Roman times is due to a Latin pen, and to one who was, in all probability, not a physician. photography as a hobby, as well as a profession. He graduated at Yale in 1837, was admitted to the bar in New York in 1841, and soon took high rank in his profession. He is listed in Chambers Guide To the Legal profession as one of the leading junior barristers in housing law. His lectures formed a new departure in the academic treatment of zoology and botany, which, in direct continuity from the middle ages, had hitherto been subjected to the traditions of the medical profession and regarded as mere branches of " materia medica.". The contest being carried on by warfare, it followed that these captains in the burghs were chosen on account of military skill; and, since the nobles were men of arms by profession, members of ancient houses took the lead again in towns where they had been absorbed into the bourgeoisie. a psychiatrist who had entered the profession in 1948 fewer people are entering the teaching profession than in any period in recent history the number of women entering the legal profession has risen dramatically only 75 per cent of women who joined the profession in 1982 are in permanent, full-time jobs only 20 per cent of jobs in the professions are held by women The constitution in force (1908) was adopted on the 28th of October 1880, and is a model in form and profession. In conjunction with Sir George Newman he was mainly instrumental in securing the medical treatment of school children and State provision for medical research; and he was one of the few doctors of distinction who supported Mr. Lloyd George in his struggle with the profession over the Insurance Act (1912). I welcome the teaching awards so recently televised as an attempt to acknowledge the importance of teaching as a profession. It was his conduct of the Dreyfus case, however, which placed him at the top of his profession and earned him his unique reputation. He chose the profession of military engineer, spent three years, to the decided injury of his health, at Fort Bourbon, Martinique, and was employed on his return at Rochelle, the Isle of Aix and Cherbourg. It was owing to their thorough organization, the secrecy and security with which they went to work, but chiefly to the religious garb in which they shrouded their murders, that they could, unmolested by Hindu or Mahommedan rulers, recognized as a regular profession and paying taxes as such, continue for centuries to practise their craft. His father, who was an attorney of substance, had a distaste still stronger for so vagrant a profession as letters were in that day. The first column contains the word for the profession in English, while the second contains the correct French article— un for masculine terms and une for feminine words—followed by the word in Fench.Click on each French term to hear the proper way to pronounce it. On the desertion of schoolmastering as a profession, Thoreau became a lecturer and author, though it was the labour of his hands which mainly supported him through many years of his life: professionally he was a surveyor. Ussher's recognition of the fact that this profession of faith by Marcellus was the creed of Rome, not of Ancyra, is the starting-point of modern discussions of the history of the creeds. hypnotherapy profession has a great deal to offer the public at large. Examples of Profess in a sentence. (3) His son is intended for the medical profession. (2) Drastic measures are needed to clean up the, (7) Medicine is, by common assent, a good, (11) She followed her mother into the medical, (21) Her ambition and dogged determination ensured that she rose to the top of her, (22) Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the, (23) The new drug has become the subject of heated debate within the medical, (24) He soon came to revise his opinion of the, (25) In the 1930s he was forbidden to practise his, (26) A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the, (27) Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this, (28) This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. In 1810 the examen pro facultate docendi first made the profession of a schoolmaster independent of that of a minister of religion. Let us stand up and be heard as a unique specialist nursing profession. Profession definition: A profession is a type of job that requires advanced education or training. Nor is this surprising when we consider the marvellous skill of Continental and especially German taxidermists, many of whom have elevated their profession to a height of art inconceivable to most Englishmen, who are only acquainted with the miserable mockery of Nature which is the most sublime result of all but a few " bird-stuffers.". Young Rainy was intended for his father's profession, but he was caught by the evangelical fervour of the Disruption movement, and after studying for the Free Church he became a minister, first in Aberdeenshire and then in Edinburgh, till in 1862 he was elected professor of Church history in the theological seminary, New College, a post he only resigned in 1900. How to use professional in a sentence. He graduated at Harvard in 1798, was admitted to the bar at Salem, Mass., in 1801, and soon attained eminence in his profession. The Commissioners considered in what circumstances a body set up to regulate the profession could be charitable. Gerard Cauvin began to suspect that he had not chosen the most lucrative profession for his son, and that the law offered to a youth of his talents and industry a more promising sphere. In 1833 Altenstein appointed Trendelenburg extraordinary professor in Berlin, and four years later he was advanced to an ordinary professorship. 112. His ability and uprightness were known, and he at once entered on such a successful career in the profession to which he had been brought up that at the age of twenty-five, we are told, he was already rich. Assassination for gain was with them a religious duty, and was considered a holy and honourable profession. ‘By profession she was a registered nurse and in later years moved into private practice in London.’ ‘By profession he is a barrister but he skilfully juggles so many other careers he ought to be in a circus.’ ‘A qualified nurse by profession, Annemarie had put in 16 years of service in various hospitals in Germany.’ (4) Christ, when he was about to be baptized, did not recite the creed of the 318 fathers of Nice, therefore shall they not make profession of it. Making sentences with jobs and professions in Spanish SER + job names in Spanish. William Godwin was educated for his father's profession at Hoxton Academy, where he was under Andrew Kippis the biographer and Dr Abraham Rees of the Cyclopaedia, and was at first more Calvinistic than his teachers, becoming a Sande manian, or follower of John Glas, whom he describes as "a celebrated north-country apostle who, after Calvin had damned ninety-nine in a hundred of mankind, has contrived a scheme for damning ninety-nine in a hundred of the followers of Calvin.". Lastly, he introduced the idea of stability, whereby monk and community were bound to each other for life, the normal thing for the Benedictine being to live and die in the monastery of his profession: thus the. This still colors most of the histories of the Reformation period, because the issues of that time are living issues, and the writers of these histories are committed beforehand by their profession and their position~ to a particular interpretation. 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