Went through your above writings SUPERB WOULD like to know more. Added to this may have been breakdowns, glitches, cancellations, snafus, issues with siblings or neighbours or how you get around. It’s time to protect your image and reputation. Even though in June and July Jupiter will send you good vibes, Saturn will be poorly linked to your zodiac sign. Its gravity is so powerful it is literally ‘the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart’. The Sun’s position illustrates your strengths and talents but it has a shadow side that describes the karmic challenges you face for the evolution of your soul… Your karmic lesson: relinquishing power Your emotional reactions are […], Mars Conjunct Neptune Transit. And the next. >> Get your career horoscope 2021 forecast <<. What influence will the Scorpio rising sign have on your year? You could make incredible in-roads when it comes to career matters, that business plan or advancement. And the fabulous trine between Mars and modern-day ruler Pluto – the only slow-moving planet left in your 3rd on the 25th, is perfect for letting anyone know how much you care. Susan Taylor. You will have realised that all these factors will square or oppose your Scorpio ones. Out of this world love connections can be made in March with the Sun and Venus meeting Neptune in your 5th making this a magical time for romance or rekindling the spark for settleds. So, try to live this year coyly; doing so will lead you to success. Eris– Shaking It Up in Your Chart, Michele’s Quick & Easy Guide to Astrology Houses, The Moon in Astrology – Your emotional power, Sun Neptune Transits – Dream A Little Dream, New Moon in Pisces – A Higher Power – A Deeper Love, Is the world ready for all your fierce fabulousness this week, Scorpio? Someone could just be in the mood to say ‘Yes’ to you now. Someone who knows what they want and where they are going is sexy. want to see another star sign? Blame the heavyweights in here. This also includes letting that present or potential client or employer know how much you would like to be part of their business. Scorpio horoscope 2021: Learn to control your hot headedness. Sep 1 - Dec 31. A time for setting new goals and powerful new beginnings. Studies may have felt like hard work. Bringing them […], Venus Square Neptune Transit – Here is an essential Venus square Neptune transit reminder. A soulmate (or soul friend) relationship could emerge, adding a … This Moon is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. Each sign has planets which help or hinder when it comes to attracting money into your lives. Here are all the dates for this destructive motion from 2022 to 2023. It tells you wishes were made to be granted. Mars square Neptune transit steams into our lives and tapdances over our boundaries. Saturn and Jupiter exited your 3rd in late December. Here's what Susan Taylor announced for Scorpio in 2020, leave us a comment below and tell us how your year went. Business, work or commercial ventures blocked. It’s in your 11th which is all about goals and your future. So, if you’re after that loved-up feeling, make it a ‘we’ not a ‘me’ month. Children may be important now. Your ascendant sign also plays an important role in your year. Gone are the days of feeling your words are falling on deaf ears or your ideas are being rejected or dismissed. In July, you will consider changing jobs as you will be receiving offers from elsewhere in the middle of May to the end of July. Capricorn video horoscope Get the ultimate guide to 2021 for every zodiac sign, The AstroTwins’ 2021 Horoscope. I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. What you want to attract in other words. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that. This in fact sets you up for the Sun and Venus to arrive in your 5th of attraction and romance on the around your day job, wellbeing or your routine. What’s more, you’ll be willing and precise in what you do, especially when it comes to organization and management. You will find out what this is between the time of this eclipse taking place and Venus retrograde in your 3rd from December 19. That is simply because […], Jupiter in astrology supersize me! Jan 1 - Jan 22. 3 Planets will have an impacting influence on Scorpio this year, these planets are;eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'astrofame_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])); >> Discover the impact Mercury retrograde will have on you this year <<. First it marks the start of the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Ox. It’s time for a few wishes and dreams to be set in motion. The astrological sign of Scorpio is a rebel who listens to their instincts. You have the opportunity to use this fixed sign weather this year to harness your true purpose and sense of empowerment. Whether this is in your professional or your personal life. It’s just that this house rules babies and children too. And its position in our charts shows where we get ‘lucky’. To be seen as someone who keeps their word but who will explore a compromise position when necessary. You also have Mercury retrograde in here in February. Many of you will even be, Scorpio health horoscope 2021: Don't fight the slow pace. Simultaneously, the moon’s fateful North Node will dwell in Gemini and your seventh house of partnerships from May 5, 2020 until January 18, 2022. Venus in your 3rd meets Pluto providing the ultimate turn-on talk for settleds and singles alike. Treating yourself to a special self-pamper? The 2021 Horoscope Guide and Workbook is now available for download here or your Kindle and in paperback on Amazon. 2022 Chinese Horoscope: Preview Rat Horoscope 2022. Being too social about these things may put them in jeopardy. The Chinese Rat can look forward to the Year 2022 with a lot of transformations. 2022. Hurry 2021 Horoscope Guides through Feb. 2022 is available at the Pre-Publication price of $26.00. You could have found your ideas dismissed and also, having to repeat yourself again and again. It’s between holding firm to your values yet being ready to adapt without ‘selling out’. What’s the secret to your sign pairing? Later in the month you have Venus also square Mars again. This could mark an important new beginning when it comes to love, your children or parenting. This along with your 11th is a house of attraction. But the 1st is also one of the days where showing your appreciation to someone matters as the Sun in here sears ancient ruler Mars in your 7th. Then head backwards and meet it again on the 25th. Astro Karma – SCORPIO Your birthchart is a karmic blueprint of the moment your soul incarnated into this lifetime. I would like to know some prediction about both of them. Venus arrives in here on the 1st and will meet Saturn in here on the 6th. Astrologers are now beginning to embrace the importance of the Galactic Centre in our charts. Learn more about Scorpio. If you do you will end up with conflicts in your personal life. Times are uncertain and we are questioning our future more than ever before. Leo 2021 Forecast. As well as one in your 7th in November in the middle of your birthday cycle. Your family’s or your roots. We have a series of eclipses on your money and sharing axis – your 2nd and 8th houses this year. At work, you will feel like walking out in January but will eventually come round in February. Mars square Neptune can make the impossible, well, possible! Sure, certain people might not want to hear what you have to say. What better way to attract more to love? This especially applies to you if you are seeking a romantic partner or a collaborator. But if it’s not, the Now Age of Aquarius and February in particular offers you the chance to claim yours and make it yours – once and for all. If there is no ‘we’ right now in your life– then focus on the work or friendship front where someone can benefit from you showing them how much they matter. You have determination, confidence and energy in reserve thanks to ancient ruler Mars along with the Sun in here. Scorpio is a water sign ruled by Pluto the lord of transformation. Conditions Privacy Policy. Just ensure you are prepared to back up talk with action however. I am not saying the retro rules are entirely suspended. Although tensions at work may get the better of you at times, Financial horoscope for 2021: Luck is on your side, The stars will help you consolidate or improve your financial situation. However, you will become closer with your brothers and sisters through the hobbies you share or the outings you go on together throughout the year. So, as February winds down, ask yourself what you are ‘hungry’ for. Jupiter always wants to expand our horizons in some way. Aug 29 - Dec 31. If disagreements occur, they could well arise from someone feeling this. General sales conditions This should make doing this easy for you. Ancient ruler Mars stirring up passion in your 7th and Pluto adding the power of intention in your 3rd. As the Metal element refers directly to the lungs, beware of respiratory infections. It's now up to you to fully prepare by following our advice. I am a Scorpion. The hard work of the past few years is now well and truly over as that heavy duty Capricorn line up in your 6 th breaks up – for good.. December 2020 saw both Saturn and Jupiter leave this sector of your chart and enter your 7 th.It’s been approximately 29 years since Saturn entered here for a long-term stay. For those looking for or seeking to change their job, despite that Mercury retro, you can move forward with positivity and confidence on the 8th (Sun conjunct Mercury), and especially at the time of the new Moon on the 11th. Palentine’s or Galentine’s love is all around you and this month wants you to focus on what love you do have, rather than the kind which may be missing. In love, things were very up and down because you made no concessions. Hopefully you are ready to feel it, live it and radiate it now Venus lands in your 5. . This new Moon coincides with two important events. ♏ Top tips on how to attract a Scorpio man, ♏ Find out what the day will bring with your Scorpio horoscope today, ♏ What does this week hold? You may be making a final push now with career matters or a project or plan. Is the world ready for all your fierce fabulousness this week, Scorpio? Scorpio Yearly Forecast 2021. Thanking you W B R JK. Star Sign Seduction – Seduce Your Partner By the Stars – Scorpio. Discover the power of your money planets. * Literature Source: The New International EPHEMERIDES 1900 - 2050, Author; Francis SANTONI, Published in June 1994 and available here: Amazon - The New International EPHEMERIDES 1900 - 2050, By Chances are the past few years have seen you looking at what needs to be done or let go of to achieve that better work/life balance. So, raise your vibe now in any way you can. Remember, eclipses bring a blind spot. So, take it your best tactic is to let them know how much or why they matter. So, expect the full picture to emerge at some point during this time. Keep stirring the mixture on the 27th– 28th when the full Moon appears in your 11th of friendships and future potentials. With Mercury now clear of retro active shadows also from the 21st, promises and plans around home and living should now come to fruition or can be moved forward. As is the effects of what you earn, have or share on your self-worth or how you see yourself. Scorpio natives, you are born between October 23 - November 21 and in 2021 you’ll expect others to constantly surprise you. Be grateful for all you have. Susan Taylor's conclusion and final thoughts. Holidays will be extra nostalgic due to Venus retrograde from December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2022—as long as you steer clear of difficult relatives! Or tell them how much they or what they do means to you. Venus will enter its ruling sign and 7th house from April 14. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. You will therefore sway between a need for greater independence and the fear of leaving everything behind… Get Susan Taylor's fullest insights into the Scorpio horoscope 2021. Children if you have them may feature and if you are a parent having to home-school, look to ways to make this engaging for you both. Let someone else have the limelight this month, Scorpio. Astrologist Susan Taylor's advice for Scorpio: 'For year Scorpio to be even better, you need to focus on your goals and learn to control your emotions. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. Please check the fields below and click the OK button. You are a Fixed Sign. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies. Aug 12 - Dec 31. 🌟. Both wanting to bring you home centred expansion, solutions and benefits. please" data-l8n-21="click" data-l8n-22="here"">. Why not contact one of our exceptional experts to shed some light on what's in store? And for delivering solutions and opportunities. This is where the laws of time and space break down. This year, especially in February and May, you’ll be even tougher and, You will also experience love with your children and friends, but upheaval, such as chance encounters or, Scorpio career horoscope 2021: Be the bigger person. Ancient ruler Mars stirring up passion in your 7, and Pluto adding the power of intention in your 3. of friendships and future potentials. You can also expect some happy news. However, please don’t insist on a ‘My way or the highway’ approach. Often we find this hard to talk about. This month is about quality of life above all else. Aquarius Aries ASTROLOGY Basics Birthday birthday horoscope Brexit Cancer … Their biggest challenge will be keeping their cool and staying disciplined. You have to do the work or see things through. 🌟 Scorpio, discover your destiny with the help of a Psychic! So, keep this in mind as the month progresses. 2020. Own that path, Scorpio! Scorpio natives, in 2021, you will have the right attributes to progress but sometimes get the impression that people are pulling the rug out from under you. View your written weekly astrology reading, View your written monthly astrology reading, View your written yearly astrology reading, Harness the Power of Your Money Planets – Scorpio. The more you give, the more you get this Valentine’s month. You’ll leap frog over blocks and on into March if you do. Both your money houses are impacted by the 2nd and 8th house eclipses. Ask away under this full Moon. Although tensions at work may get the better of you at times, try and resolve issues calmly, even if you are tempted to storm out the office. Scorpio weekly horoscope reveals all, ♏ 15 Interesting facts about Scorpio personality reveals everyhting you need to know. 2022 is already looking good for love from December 29 when Jupiter returns to Pisces and your 5th. In 2020 your pugnacity, courage and excellent intuition ensured a professional breakthrough. Showing off your maturity will help give you the upper hand.'. Scorpio rising, you can expect a few disruptions, adversity and some dilemmas to crop up. Scorpio Horoscope 2021: Read yearly horoscope predictions for love, marriage, career, kids Samir Jain | Dec 30, 2020, 16:00 IST The year 2021 will be a somewhat mixed year for Scorpio Natives. Nothing tops the Sun in importance. Hello from the other side, Scorpio. January 14 – February 3 in Aquarius and ends in Pisces: May 10 – June 2 in Gemini: September 9 – October 2 in Libra: December 29 - January 18 in Capricorn: 2023 … A superconjunction in your romance zone between Cupido- yes, the dude with the bow and arrows, Ceres and the Moon aligns to the Galactic Centre in your 2nd. And that is always wonderful when that happens. You may have to look beyond the obvious or any shifts around income or finances at these times – dates are at the end of this forecast, to uncover the truth of your feelings around your money. You start and end the year on a hot topic or important conversation that reclaims your power and which sets the tone for this year. This year, especially in February and May, you’ll be even tougher and will not be afraid to turn your back on people lacking the qualities, according to you, to be a part of your restricted circle of friends. You will be upfront about your intentions so don’t be afraid of asking others just what theirs are to. please" data-l8n-21="click" data-l8n-22="here""> Over 18's only with bill payers permission. Although Saturn will keep reminding you of your responsibilities, you’ll feel more comfortable. Neptune has been in direct motion in your romantic sector since late November but it is the Sun and Venus’ return next month that will begin the … At least you may have felt like an Adele anthem since 2018 with the signals trying hard to escape from the supermassive black hole of your communication zone. The Sun in astrology is where you shine. So, avoid financial decisions or expenditure during these times. Don’t let anyone feel they are taken for granted now. Keep your romantic relationships on the down-low. Data protection Blame the heavyweights in here. Someone or something wants to say ‘Yes’ to that request now. Scorpio natives, in 2021, you will have the right attributes to progress but sometimes get the impression that people are pulling the rug out from under you. Cancer video horoscope 2021. Bear in mind your 4th house is not just about lifestyle, family and where and how you live. If you’re energetic, grounded, and comfortable in your spiritual strength, this transit empowers you to make great strides towards your dreams. It tugs at our emotions. Sagittarius video horoscope Your best times for home and career are the end of January to February when you have the Sun and Venus moving through your 4th. This full Moon for you favours creative visualisation, goal alignment with your energy and also delving deep into blocks that may be between you and what you want. You’ll be encouraged to find the right tools to achieve success. You'll be proud of what you have achieved, yet you will have to, Although Saturn will keep reminding you of your responsibilities, you’ll feel more comfortable. Our work and income is of course, linked to this. It tells you wishes were made to be granted. You are loved; you’re divine! They still need to be kept in mind. Lifestyle and health in 2022. This is where you claim and own your own path. Speaking to those around them before making important decisions is advisable. This is also your house of goals. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions. Not your ancestors. New! This full Moon favours fusing emotional desire with a strong pragmatic approach. If you want a relationship but have none, do whatever you can to feel loved up in the present. And this week, especially those which involve at least one other person or need the assistance of others to make them happen. Right up until the time of the full Moon on the 27th. >> Check out your 2021 love horoscope predictions <<. Especially when it means taking whatever steps you need to take care of you. The stars will help you consolidate or improve your financial situation. Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - Money, career and fortune in 2021 Hopefully no matter the topic, you’re in a better place thanks to the Now Age as 2022 calls. Pisces video horoscope Gemini video horoscope Your sizzling power is mesmerizing but you don’t trust easily. Which months will be the best and which will be the worst? >> 🌙 Follow the Lunar phases in our Moon calendar 🌙 <<. Read up on anything and everything to do with entrepreneurship, success setting mindsets and also, practical steps you need to take to get what you want. Saturn, Jupiter and yes, ruler Pluto. At its heart is a supermassive black hole. Or even granted. What does this mean for you? Ask away this week if what you envision for your future involves you and at least one other person, Scorpio. It’s time for a few wishes and dreams to be set in motion. Think of part of this as being that ‘Ever Fixed Mark’ that can’t be shaken that Shakespeare wrote about. The New International EPHEMERIDES 1900 - 2050, Author; Francis SANTONI, Published in June 1994 and available here: 15 Interesting facts about Scorpio personality, Amazon - The New International EPHEMERIDES 1900 - 2050. Especially when it comes to career and work. Ask away under this full Moon. Then you have your modern day ruler […]. Cookies help us provide, protect and improve our products and services. Discover the luckiest month for each zodiac sign. But this Mercury retro is slightly different to others. Immerse yourself in hobbies and pastimes you love. Sagittarius 2020 Horoscope: Love and Relationships. Your fickle behavior will see you enter a new relationship, however, the fear of making mistakes will permanently hinder you. Jupiter and Saturn in your Now Age 4th should open doors to new ways of living and security – both physical, material and emotional. So, you only have a piece of the puzzle regarding you and someone else. Showing love sends it bouncing back to you magnified, Home is where the heart is – or moves into. Usually Mercury retrograde in your 4th would mean a stop sign on any property dealings, moving or even career matters. You can own it from mid-year onwards Scorpio. Or even granted. Maybe this involves getting your glam on by dressing up to stay in? Aquarius video horoscope You will be reluctant when it comes to definitive commitments in love and might be tempted to leave your current job for a new position. And this week, especially those which involve at least one other person or need the assistance of others to make them happen. Taurus video horoscope Deep, mysterious and captivating you have the power to delve into the furthest corners of your own and others souls. . Uranus Retrograde Calendar Dates. Some of you may move, get a foot on the property ladder, upgrade your current home or even if you are renting, see yourself in a better place with regards to tenure and/or affordability. Or even admit to ourselves. The more you believe in the actions you take, the better your results will be! January allows you to start the year as you mean to go on in this respect. February 2021 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Scorpio: There is a powerful focus on your solar fourth house this month, dear Scorpio. Keep information about your work and finances to yourself as well. Mercury will meet Venus on the 13th and then have its second encounter with Jupiter in here on the 14th. You’ll start the year successful in love; you’ll experience romantic passion and will have all that is needed to construct a happy and healthy relationship. Let me tell you, a little appreciation or acknowledgement goes such a long way now. Scorpio Love Hacks! After going into hibernation in the second half of 2020, romantic and relationship matters are starting to awaken this month though to start with, it is business as usual on both fronts. Receive a FREE email tarot reading when you subscribe. Whether it’s to that project or plan, that job application or even that reach-out on that dating app. And while it is a month to show others how much they matter, you do need to look to your needs too. Relationships past, present or potential will be the time of this feeling as if you show you ready... 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