Register Start a Wiki. At the same time, you'll want to select your character's Class, since species affects how well the character can do in each Class. The Galactic Alliance had supported this beneficial terraforming under the encouragement of the New Jedi Order, and found itself facing a secession movement with this deadly new development. (1995). Star Wars Names - "Humans" People from the following planets appeared "human", ie, they were from the dominant or most widespread race in that part of the galaxy. Only "pure" works of art (such as operas, holovids, books, etc) were allowed to be produced, viewed, and spread, since only Human culture was worthy enough to be allowed to prosper in the New Order. [47], Humans were noted for being naturally learning and extremely adaptable—not only in terms of physiology, but also mentality and society. Many of the galaxy's biggest manufacturing concerns hold contracts with the Geonosians. They may indicate which family the Iridonian belongs to, where they grew up, or they may well be just a matter of personal preference on the part of the Iridonian. In their stead, the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) introduced the First Order, a faction that arose from one of many Imperial Remnants between 5 and 21 ABY, and eventually destroyed the New Republic in 34 ABY, while the Resistance (formed in 28 ABY) continued to fight against the First Order. They originate from the planet Habassa II which was enslaved by the Empire. The human colonists kept to the grassy plains and ocean coastlines, only occasionally treading into Gungan territory. We're all fine here now. RELATED: Star Wars: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About The Jedi 1 Base species 2 Cartel Market species 3 Playable class by species 4 References The Cathar, Togruta and Nautolan species are only available by unlocking the species in the Cartel Market with Cartel Coins. [Star Wars] Human race. Star Wars race name generators. It was a painful process that could take as much as ten hours. New York: Bantam Books. [51] However, many older Humans were still healthy enough to pursue very active careers, as exemplified by Gilad Pellaeon, who still served as the supreme commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force in 40 ABY, at age 91. They originated from Giju. This mind control exists even after the host's death, although the "Geonosian zombies" have pure white eyes. On the contrary, those afflicted with nanism could be as small-sized as 1.3 meters. Its story of triumph over evil, of a hero’s tragic fall and eventual redemption, has become an inextricable part of our culture. [citation needed], The Gorog originally were based on the moon Kr on the Chiss border and were destroyed by Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker, Han and Leia Organa Solo, a group of Jedi Masters from the Jedi academy on Ossus and a squad of specially equipped 'Bugcruncher' battle droids. See more ideas about star wars species, star wars, star wars rpg. They have the ability to block themselves from the force, similar to the effect of the Ysalamiri of Myrkr and are a black and blue color. The human rac… — Grand Admiral Thrawn, to Darth Vader[14]. As light is not available there, they evolved cranial cones, receptors to electromagnetism and other emissions. [citation needed]. The Hapans are the people of the Hapes Cluster and the Hapes Consortium. They're both killed. If you choose to search the remains of a Sith, Hssiss would come out of nowhere and attack you. Raynar Thul became a joiner and then the UnuThul or king of the Killiks. Zabrak. We know EU ( Rakata and stuff ), we've seen a ton of other different races, but they are mostly humanoid ( twileks, zabraks, muun, Sith, etc). How are you? Take the controls as Anakin Skywalker, or any one of over 21 Podracers, and feel the full-force blast of two massive jet engines at simulated speeds of up to 600 mph. [4], During their early history, Humans seem to have been subjugated by the Rakatan Infinite Empire. This attitude lasted until Queen Amidala united the Gungans and Naboo to fight the Trade Federation in the Battle of Naboo. Humans are native to many different worlds and are characterized by multidimensional complex personalities, that are both individual and unique. Initially introduced as the Yuuzhan Vong in the book series The New Jedi Order(1999–2003), the species were an extragalactic, technophobic, fanatically religious species who were intent upon conquering the galaxy, which they attempted during the Yuuzhan Vong War (25–29 ABY). The origin of Humans in Star Wars is unknown (though many in the galaxy believe that they originated on Coruscant). Omnivorous These were described as being near-Human, and were believed to have descended from Humans that evolved along distinct lines on other worlds. [38] The delivery itself normally took place after nine months of pregnancy. 2.) The term "Near-Human" was used for species and races which had evolved significant physiological differences from baseline Humanity. H'nemtheans are reptilian humanoids, from the planet H'nemthe, have four conelets and double cheekbones, resulting in ridges of bone and skin on their faces. Notable exceptions include every episode of Ewoks except for the final episode (Battle for the Sunstar) and the Star Wars Tales comic "George R. Binks". The Gorog are led by the two dark Jedi Welk and Lomi Plo. They are often known for their limited abilities in precognition and, because of this trait, can often be found in Jedi Academies. Subspecies They live in underwater cities on the planet Naboo. Minorities need to exist in Star Wars because we need stories about them. Gands are not allowed to use personal pronouns unless they have achieved something extraordinary. The Gwurran of Ansion look like the native Ansionians, only smaller. Their body comprised a head, neck, torso, and four limbs. Durge fought and bested a young Boba Fett in combat but was later beaten on Muunilinst by Obi-Wan Kenobi, before being killed in space by Anakin Skywalker, near the end of the Clone Wars (Anakin trapped Durge in an escape pod then used the Force to guide it into a nearby star). Givin are renowned for their extensive knowledge of anything that has to do with numbers, and often are regarded as some of the best mathematicians in the galaxy. Iridonians are also well known for their skill with technology and highly advanced weaponry. During the last pre-Republic years, Humans reached the Outer Rim and populated planets as far away as the Tion Cluster. A Findsman is a shaman as well as a police officer. Welk was killed by Luke Skywalker in the Battle of Kr. They are first mentioned in the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series. One commonly recognized individual of this race is Darth Maul, Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious. The Ebon Hawk once played host to a temporary colony of Gizka, in an incident involving mishandled cargo, an Aqualish, and a Tatooine shipping company. Games Movies TV Video. During the Yuuzhan Vong War (25 ABY–30 ABY), the various species and governments of the galaxy were forced to unite to defeat the invasion of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong. Only a Geonosian nicknamed "Klik-Klak" and a queen egg appear to remain on Geonosis. The invasion is coming, Lord Vader. Language [3] Unlike other mammalian species such as Wookiees or Ewoks, they had only a light covering of body hair. 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Gran had a great deal of power within the Galactic Senate, during the later years of the Old Republic. [49] At any rate, individuals past the age of 80 were considered old,[50] and most Humans still died in their early hundreds unless they were wealthy enough to afford rejuvenation procedures of the sort available at Aurora Medical Facility on Obroa-skai. The Human fingers had multiple points of articulation, and one of them was an opposable thumb that allowed for fine manipulation. 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Eye color I think I would have no problem finding a variety of outfits that would look great on my character. Members of this species are shrouded with the dark side and feature large armor plating on the dorsal region. But I have now bought the Empire time to prepare. Gados are native to the planet of Abregado-rae. Because Jawas enjoy scavenging, they tend to build their Sandcrawlers and engage in the same activities on other planets as they do on Tatooine.[22]. On the MUSH, Near Human is an unrestricted race, but players must still apply to the RPAdmin if their differences from Human standard involve the addition of something non-aesthetic to their character (like special powers or abilities), or if the differences are very drastic (tall or short beyond normal, odd numbers of regular appendages, additional appendages, etc). Here are the 50 best aliens in the galaxy far, far away! Mammal (simian subgroup)[2] [18] It is believed that they are among the galaxy's first space-faring people. Predominantly Human worlds outside of the Core included Eriadu, Naboo, Socorro, and Bakura. Eeth Koth, a member of the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace is the speciment officially named as a Zabrak person, but Sith apprentice Darth Maul also looks as if he belongs to that race. So, which intergalactic travelers reign supreme? They are the ancestors of early spacefaring pioneers, conquerors, traders, travelers, and refugees. These Humans were eventually responsible for the Unification Wars, which resulted from their expansionistic views. Over time the humans spread across the galaxy and colonies were established on distant planets, where friendships and enmities were formed with the numerous races they encountered, so too spread the creatures that they had brought with them from their original homeworld so long ago, the debased ways of human culture would over time infest the inhabitants of the galaxy, who as they became more entangled with them over the years, forgot the warnings of the Celestials and embraced the ways of this provocative new people.[67]. It has been alternatively postulated that they came from that planet originally, spreading along with the Infinite Empire. They are amphibious with huge eyes and beak-like mouths. BlondeBrownBlackRedWhite (usually with age)Gray (usually with age) "[7], Physically, Gamorreans appear in Return of the Jedi as greenish, slimy (and apparently smelly) pig-like creatures. Their nervous system is composed of thousands of clusters allowing them to regenerate limbs and pull nearby limbs back onto their bodies. The Gungans reproduce sexually;[citation needed] although they seem androgynous, the males tend to be taller and more muscular than the females, who usually tie their long ears back. They have an advanced vascular system that circulates blood. These were quickly assimilated into the nascent Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR).[4]. Classification The only race the Vong saw as a threat, or as close to a threat as they were willing to believe, were Wookiees. Though Jawas are based upon Tatooine, some Jawas have left the planet and built up their civilizations elsewhere, such as the tribe on Arvala-7. Apparently another racial variation, species or subspecies of human. The Grizmallt are the original settlers of Naboo. Joiners are regular species who become one with the hive. The Rebel Alliance became known as the Alliance of Free Planets and eventually the New Republic, the new dominant Galactic government. They appear when Owen Lars and Luke Skywalker buy C-3PO and R2-D2 in Star Wars: A New Hope, as well as one Jawa appearing among the riffraff in Jabba the Hutt's palace in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. The Sith had successfully used the galaxy's dormant prejudice towards the Yuuzhan Vong. Humans. While near-Humans were biologically related to Humans, other humanoid species merely shared broad external similarities such as an upright bipedal posture. Human Race Tiro Pants. Geonosians do not have a standing military, although they do arm themselves with sonic blasters and static pikes. Juventus Human Race Training Pants. Some people used the adjective "Terran" to refer to subjects or institutions associated with Humanity (Terran cuisine, Ter… Why is humanity the most widespread race in the Galaxy? However, Darth Maul's red-yellow eye color was apparently the result of corruption by the Dark Side. The Yuuzhan Vong used biotechnology instead of mechanical technology. Because of this the Vong attempted to conquer the universe with little thought to the damage they were doing to the universe or its inhabitants. [citation needed], The Huk were a race of aliens hailing from the planet of the same name. They are brutal killers that will annihilate anything that gets in their way. The human respawn animation is a reference to body reconstruction scene in … Alas, the new Sith Order under the leadership of Darth Krayt sabotaged the project by causing mutations and diseases in life forms. They can grow up to more than 98 feet in height and dwell on high crags far from the forests of the forest moon. [citation needed]. Alter the scores according to the species ability modifiers and continue detailing your ch… Yun (an Epicanthix) and Jerec (a Miraluka). The Habassa are mentioned only in the X-wing computer game. The History of the Marvelous Wheel, Part 1, Slugthrowers: An Overview of Popular Music and Musicians in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Part 1, Slugthrowers: An Overview of Popular Music and Musicians in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Part 2, Galactic Architecture 101 and the History of Centerpoint Station, Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, Cartel Market Specials: Week of April 3, 2017, The War for Iokath: The Faction Battle Reignites, Cartel Market Specials: Week of April 10, 2017, May the 4th Hits the Cartel Market: Final Week, Steadfast Champion Pack Hits the Cartel Market, Cartel Market Specials: Week of May 22, 2017, Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Road Map 2017, Cartel Market Specials: Week of June 12, 2017. In other languages At the end of the Galactic Republic's history, the Clone Wars worsened relationships between Humans and aliens, since the Republic was led by Humans while the Confederacy of Independent Systems was led by aliens. Ithorians are natives of the planet Ithor, a lush world with sprawling rain forests. Two Jawas and a Sandcrawler are seen at the end of The Rise of Skywalker. This has led to many unfortunate deaths as many male Gotals will be attracted to females of the H'nemethe species who tend to disembowel their mates. Average height Hapans speak the Hapan language. [2] As such, they were similar to a number of other species variously designated as apes, including the sentient Ma'alkerrite ape-man,[7] the non-sentient Ferijian apes and a number of mammalian humanoids with a similar physiology. Their own language is difficult for non-Ithorians to learn, as the Ithorians have twin mouths on opposite sides of their necks. Non Killiks become what are known as Joiners if they spend too long with the Killik. However, millennia of distortion introduced into the historical record combined with the Sand People's extreme hostility to the idea of introducing new interpretations into their oral tradition made it impossible for Revan to investigate this further.[57]. Wikis. [11] All Geonosians have a hard exoskeleton, elongated faces, multi-jointed limbs, and speak in a strange clicking language. Many species in the galaxy appeared to be very closely related to Humans, as they shared many physical traits. [13] Many Humans were partial to food products that were unhealthy for them because of their high fat or sugar content. The Star Wars galaxy is full of various creatures and aliens, and most of the known races can be played on Star Wars MUSH. Under Cal Omas, the former government's policies of cooperation between Humans and nonhumans continued. Iridonian eye colors are often similar to the eye colors of humans, with blues and browns being the most common. The first time a vessel landed on Gamorr, the various tribes fought for days over who would win the right to approach it. AlderaaniansCorelliansHapansChalactansKuatiLorrdiansNabooTioneseKorunnaiMany others Lomi and Welk joined the Gorog and all of their values were passed to the Dark Nest, corrupting the Gorog. Don Bies, Nelson Hall, Alexander Ivanov, and David West Reynolds. Over the next several decades, the settlers slowly spread across the planet's largest landmass, building cities and villages to support their growing numbers. These large humanoids are encased in heavy armor most of the time, which serves as their exoskeleton. Hssiss were large dragon like creatures that appeared on Korriban. Shortly after, the Sith turned against Emperor Roan Fel and his Imperial Knights. Other games have shown other leaders including Boss Gallo. Physical characteristics Their societies were capable of transforming very quickly in response to a wide array of conditions, which explains why two Human populations could have next to nothing in common culturally speaking. In certain cases these tattoos can be quite elaborate (Maul's extensive black tattoo was actually a Nightbrother tattoo, not a traditional Iridonian tattoo), but most Iridonians tend to be conservative with their designs. The amphibious Gungans dwell in the southern wet swamplands, lakes and seas of the planet.[13]. These creatures have also appeared in a picture released by the author of the show The Mandalorian, Jon Favreau, to show the release of season 2 of the show coming out in fall of 2020. Category:Human races | Star Wars Universe Wiki | Fandom. Unlike the Humanocentric Galactic Empire of Palpatine, this new Empire treated Humans and aliens more equally. Despite overall physiological uniformity, baseline Humans varied greatly in appearance,[1] and no two Humans looked exactly alike. They are amphibian in blood and seem to have evolved from frogs and toads, given their incredible jumping. See also Category:Human races , as the distinction between Humans and Near-Humans is often blurred. Humans have appeared in all six Star Wars films, as well as in nearly every Expanded Universe story. [39] In some circumstances, women could die during childbirth, although it rarely happened on worlds that had top-flight medical technologies. Star Wars 53: The Last Gift From Alderaan! They are very independent from the rest of the universe and are not part of the Galactic Republic. There are twelve playable species in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Cathar, Chiss, Cyborg, Human, Miraluka, Mirialan, Nautolan1, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood, Togruta, Twi'lek, Zabrak. The Hallotans are scaly creatures who are native to the planet Muskree. Opening a Transdimensional Gate, they went to to the Prime Universe, where Tilotny seek the humans of Ereth. However, their uprising was stopped as soon as it had begun by the Jedi and the New Republic in 24 ABY. Many of the names listed below are probably common to many planets in the galactic-wide culture. Other fans suggest that parallel evolution could have produced Humans in the Star Wars galaxy as well as in the Milky Way. 10 Wookies - More than 400 Years. Smuggler: Human Trooper: Human Bounty Hunter: Rattataki Imperial Agent: Chiss Sith Inquisitor: Zabrak Sith Warrior: Sith Pureblood I would've said Cathar for a couple of them, but none of the voice actors for player characters have the right accent for a Cathar. They are the ancestors of early spacefaring pioneers, conquerors, traders, travelers, and refugees. [16], The Hoojibs are small furry telepathic creatures that are indigenous to Arbra. [citation needed]. The Iridonians are humanoids whose most distinctive feature is the array of small horns on top of their heads. Excitement! Although immediately distrustful of one another, neither species attacked the other and the humans were allowed to establish their first settlement without incident. The term near-Human was more specific than humanoid. A notable Legends villain from this race is Prince Xizor. However, by the time the Emperor's reign descended over the galaxy Gran became less prominent, and suffered from Imperial oppression.[12]. They are characterized by three eyes on stalks, a protruding, goat-like mouth, and orange skin. They have a tough, hairless, and often reddish skin, as well as two downward-sloping horns on the sides of the head. Two siblings, male and female during the Great Hyperspace War. [citation needed], Frozarns are pink humanoids with green eyes and tough armor. Finally, they had one head perched atop a torso. Gardulla the Hutt is mentioned in The Phantom Menace as the former slave owner of Anakin and Shmi Skywalker before losing a podracing bet to Toydarian junk dealer Watto; she also appears as a member of the Hutt Council in The Clone Wars. Many Gands choose a strange profession, the Findsman. ], There existed a classification of Human beings in use at the Fusai library branch of the Celebratus Archive, which cataloged Humans by degrees. Admiral Trench of the Star Wars: the Clone Wars series is of this race. For Star Wars humans, see Star Wars humans. To get rid of them the Gizka were given poison and when they attacked other Gizka they passed on the disease exterminating the population. Kharrus died in a shuttle crash, and Philo was shot in the back by Cad Bane. It could be straight, wavy, or curly. Have you ever wondered: Why do the aliens in Star Wars look so similar? Of them, Jabba the Hutt is perhaps the most famous, appearing in The Phantom Menace, A New Hope, and Return of the Jedi (where he was the first major antagonist.) Human races exist (based on varying skin tones, at least), but they lack identification. From SW1ki , a Wikia wiki. Humans are one of the most widely spread species in Star Wars (The Old Republic). There are other hives like the main hive Unu and the artistic hive Saras. The out-for-universe answer to the question of why there are so many humans in the Star Wars series is, as Ian Auld points out in his comment above, a matter of pragmatism. A hybrid was the result of interbreeding between two different species. An 80-year-old male Human displaying several signs of aging, such as white hair, wrinkles, and slightly sagging skin. To comply with the hyperdrive, their gastrointestinal system was much longer than that star wars human races true such. 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