His motivation was an example for others in the squad and his demanding physical training regimen became the squad standard for fitness training and resulted in the squad APFT average rising from 217 to 252 points. LTC Doe and his team were noted by the Division CG for the professionalism and situational awareness they brought to the successful POTUS visit. As the detachment's mail handler, PFC Doe constructed, implemented, and reorganized an effective detachment level mail storage facility, which significantly increased the unit's ability to maintain accountability and manage distribution of the Soldiers' personal mail and parcels. During this time he successfully rebalanced resources to continue the daily missions of intelligence analysis and the Commander's Black Book production despite extensive force protection requirements. Thanks for your service and your support. He served as a Battalion S-2 and Brigade Assistant S-2 during the 3rd Brigade's rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center, as well normal live fire exercises, and numerous other training events. Served as the activing Division Chief for the Operations and Intelligence Division from July 2004 to October 2004. His personal contribution allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 102,113 miles and 12,000 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations in theater. As an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC), SGT Doe was directly responsible for the coordination of Material Handling Equipment (MHE) and the upload and download phase of over 47 missions to include the Pre-Combat Checks (PCCs) and Pre-Combat Inspections (PCIs) of all tasked Soldiers. SGT Mixon set himself apart from his peers by obtaining a 95 percent overall average and becoming the honor graduate of Class 13-01 unit supply specialist (92Y) Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Her commitment to higher learning set the example for fellow Soldiers to follow which resulted in four other members of the squad enrolling in distance education programs. Responded to short-notice intel taskers levied by senior leaders. 92Y Unit Supply Specialist Award Inputs Unit Supply Specialist DA638 Examples Supply Specialist SGT Garrett showed dedication and responsibility by stepping outside of her job and into one that needed strategic planning and immediate action. SGT Doe's ability to train soldiers assisted in the instruction of over 15 Soldiers in PMO standards, Warrior Task Training, Marksmanship qualification and Physical Fitness, ensuring the PMO was well prepared for any task. What is the best OER/NCOER/award bullet you have seen? SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. As the primary OID hand receipt holder, SFC Doe was responsible for over $1,000,000 worth of equipment. These parts included sensitive items, Class III items and pilferaged parts. SPC Doe ensured that his team maintained zero losses during three command inspections by diligently tracking his assigned equipment. SGT Doe's ability to think on his feet and analyze difficult situations helped ensure a complaint free environment while assisting over 100 soldiers, officers and civilians in a normal work week. Prepared and presented a daily all-source intelligence briefing to the Commander, and J2 personnel to provide an essential starting point for watch changeover. With short notice he was always ready to assist in Common Task Training, weapon qualification, driver and escort train-up and Sergeant Time Training. SPC Doe proved vital in training the junior analysts from these three battalion S2s preparing them to seamless assume operations within the brigade's Operational Environment. His commitment to the mission, as well as his own self improvement, set the example for fellow Soldiers to emulate. With little notice, SGT Doe became a subject matter expert providing timely and relevant intelligence and the Counterterrorism/Force Protection Team NCOIC after the events of September 11, thereby keeping the CG and his staff abreast of developing intelligence in the terrorism and force protection arena and directly impacting force protection of the command's ASG areas. Award Bullets A multitude of sample Army award achievement statements (award bullets) to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. She effortlessly implemented key changes in the daily Black Book by including several new support sections, which were instrumental in guiding the senior leadership in the planning of possible contingency operations in Southwest Asia. He quickly and effectively adapted to the grueling shift work schedule and high optempo. Sergeant Shaw's professionalism and attention to detail contributed immensely to maintaining accountability and distribution of more the 19 million dollers worth of parts and the success of day to day operations during Operation Spartan Shield. He implemented new procedures that are now the standard for training newly assigned personnel. ACHIEVEMENT #2_RANK & Name__ consistently demonstrates commitment, initiative, and work ethic above her/his peers. His experience in processing Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss has greatly improved the unit's mission, Maintained a 270 section APFT average while assigned to the battalion, coordinated shipment of over $300,000 of excess class VIII supplies for the guaranteed returns program. Due to his keen analytical skills and innate briefing ability, SPC Doe was trusted by senior leadership to act as the BCT S2's representative for the brigade's counter-IED working group. HIS EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP, PROFESSIONALISM AND DEDICATION TO DUTY SIGNIFICANTLY CONTRIBUTED TO THE OVERALL SUCCESS OF THE UNIT. His efforts focused and streamlined information exchange procedures with multiple intelligence organizations eliminating redundancy and maximizing assets available. Pr_arcom_especs_archicad_release.pdf - Contact: Angie Matinkhah, M. Arch, Assoc. As a team leader, he was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers and the serviceability of two M915A4 tractors one M923A2 5-ton, three M872 trailers, and all assigned equipment valued in excess of 381,800 dollars. Specialist Laverdure's performance reflects great credit upon himself, HHC 17th CSSB and the United States Army. SPC Doe lived the Warrior Ethos by placing the mission first. Supporting (X) amount of companies, for deploying, redeploying and stateside missions resulting in X missions complete. His efforts were instrumental in maintaining continuity during this period of personnel shortages. In addition, he managed the day to day operations at the Wash Rack/KNB and ensured previously removed and gathered documents and RFID tags were attached to the correct piece of equipment after passing cleaning inspection. AIA,CSI Vice President, Marketing and Sales, ARCOM 801. Ensure critical assets are on hand or ordered. 92Y - SVC - ARCOM. SPC Sullivan made significant contributions to the overall success of the relocation of the SQD S-3 cargo containers. SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. Identified key anti-coalition tactics, techniques and procedures, cohesive working environment and proficiency of the mapping tools, ASAS-L system and analysis process to maximize the effort and capabilities of the BCT S2 and ACT allowing multiple tasks to be accomplished in a short period of time. Again and again, he relayed time sensitive information to higher headquarters in a timely manner and was second to none in his ability to battle track and maintain radio-telephone operator logs. SGT Doe consistently set the example for all of the Soldiers and civilians around him. SGT Doe spearheaded the Organized Crime Working Group formulated between the major national intelligence cells to delineate criminal activities for actionable intelligence, and transfer of releasable information. PFC Doe displayed commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service, personally contributing to the successful completion of thirty DCLPs. During his seven-month tenure, SPC Doe successfully functioned as the the only Middle East/North African CT Analyst, duties normally performed by three experienced analysts. He ensured each item's serial number was verified with the corresponding RFID tag and annotated in the system for tracking purposes. Her extensive interaction within Camp Bondsteel and 21st TSC ensured aircraft parts were ordered and tracked in a timely and efficient manner. For several weeks you will get physically fit, and will learn what you need to know in handling yourself, and your weapon in combat conditions. His professionalism and flexibility contributed to the Brigade recognizing the detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. __RANK & Name__ assumed the responsibilities of the Supply NCO while the former Supply NCO transitioned out of the Army. LESSON 1 Examples include 63H, 52X, and 63B. As the Balkans Team NCOIC and one of the senior analysts, SGT Doe made an immediate impact by providing analysis and current intelligence products used for dissemination to the CG and his staff. Achievement Awards; Service Awards; Permanent Change of Station Awards; ETS Retirement; Impact Awards; By MOS; ACFT Calculator; Contact Us; 92Y - SVC - ARCOM. Far Exceeded Standard. Through his attention to detail, PFC Does's vehicle often was singled out as the best in the fleet. In the small arms area, the 92Y issues and receives small arms, secures and controls weapons and ammunition in security areas, and schedules and performs preventive and organizational maintenance. turn-in of 3,103 lines valued at $209M-managed and coached 32 Soldiers and nine NCOs to maintained operational readiness which contribute to the SSA rated #1 in the Division-established and displayed a genuine atmosphere of pride and professionalism for her Soldiers DEVELOPS: (Met Standard)-motivated and mentored four Soldiers to the rank of Sergeant and one Sergeant to the rank of Staff . Throughout the deployment, PFC Doe consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. Stony Plain Records Announces Roots Music Legend Taj Mahal New Album Savoy - April 28 2023. on February 02, 2023. Supervised a Deployable Intelligence Support Element (DISE) which supported the command during the visit of the President of the United States (POTUS) to the ASG (Area Support Group) 22-23 February 2005. On a monthly basis he/she assisted in the reporting of The Army Material Management System (TAMMS) to SAMS-2E. Throughout the deployment to Kosovo, SSG Krumm distinguished herself through her unwavering dedication to the mission. pr ARCOM eSPECS ArchiCAD release.pdf: Download. SGT Yost effectively communicated with his peers and headquarters to ensure unit operations were well within the guidelines of the CSDP inspection checklist. LT Doe deployed with the early ADVON taking control of the off loading of all equipment in Kuwait with no damage to equipment. Sergeant Robert Paulson oversaw the logistics aspect of the demobilization process while preparing equipment for shipment via ocean going vessel. With very little formal training, SGT Doe became the brigade's authority for the newly fielded Global Broadcast System (GBS). Then we hide it, lest some officer decide we should have to write awards bullets. Her influence enhanced the CDSP of the Battalion. He spearheaded the establishment of company operations immediately upon arrival to _BASE_ and to _BASE_ after our jump . SGT Doe served as the administrative assistant, in three different divisions, of a MACOM level G2 directorate. Due to SFC XXXX's commitment to excellence, the Battalion S-4 received a "Satisfactory" rating during the 31st Brigade Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) Staff Assistance Visit and a "Commendable" rating during the 31st Brigade Initial Command Inspection. ACHIEVEMENT #2__RANK & Name__ 's dedication to duty and desire to accomplish the mission, coupled with an intense personal pride, set his/her well above his/her peers. Worked to establish and maintain communications with the Rapid Equipping Force and various Project Managers in Theater in order to coordinate accountability procedures for new equipment fielding. SGT Doe functioned as a Terrorism Lead Development analyst from OCT 03 to JUN 04. Description: The QM-FTX is a 72-96 hour Scenario driven FTX that is conducted in a tactical . She earned the recognition of Soldier high miler for 4th Quarter, FY 08, executing 3,543 incident free miles and hauling 428 tons of class I-IX in a combat zone, servicing fourteen forward operating bases in support of the Iraqi national reconstruction effort. He/She helped maintain _#_ assigned water points that never went below _#_% stockage level. o Efficiently inventoried, and distributed property valued at $50,000.00; zero loss of the commander's organizational property. Stepped up to take on extra shifts, enabling other watch personnel to participate in social functions in order to represent the American contingent to the international community with the highest standards. She demonstrated her superior analytical skills by researching and providing intelligence support to planners, briefers, and DCS, G2 decision makers. PFC Doe took great pride in the care and upkeep of his assigned equipment. SSG Doe was instrumental in ordering and tracking of aircraft parts for the Southern Command Post (SCP). o provided three companies with blocking and bracing equipment; improved the condition of delivered equipment and optimized containerized transport, o equipped 3 companies with blocking and bracing supplies; aided in the rapid deployment of two Battalions within the 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command, o ensured the MICO's AT mission ran smoothly, meeting each of the Battalion's requirements: Warrior Stakes, M4 IWQ, M320, M240, M249 and M17 Range Qualifications, o commended by BDE leadership for unwavering commitment to her Soldiers; constant presence and poise during COVID-19, o established critical relationships expanding logistical support throughout the KTO; resourced vital supplies during the pandemic, o exhibited impeccable foresight and long term planning abilities; resulted in zero accidents and property loss during the rated period, o earned successive commendable ratings; her procedures and records management set the foundation for the BDE GPC SOP, o led BDE low-density training; increased property accountability resulting in 60% fewer FLIPLs for three consecutive quarters, o recognized by the Regional Contracting Center for her professionalism and technical expertise as a KBOSSS COR, o confidently briefed the CSB to the ASG-KU Commander and several key leaders; provided vital contract oversight information, o conducted weekly newcomers briefings as the ASG-KU SHARP Victim Advocate certifying 100% reporting procedure awareness, o resourced 191,450 cases of water for five base camps; supplied critical life support to over 20,000 Soldiers for joint operations, o re-organized the S&S share point page to simplify site navigation and streamline customer service for deployed units, o executed duties as TCO; managed the maintenance and accounted for 118 phones and computers valued at $28,000, o selected over three peers to be the interim S&S NCOIC; managed 11 contract areas providing life support to the KU-AOR, o restructured the Retrograde Inspection Checklist; enforced 100% compliance with the PWS, o mentored and imparted knowledge with a new section NCOIC and OIC; ensured a seamless transition within the S&S section, o cross-trained four non-logistical Soldiers on S&S operations; overcame manning constraints and critical MOS shortages, o revised the section's SOP and created customer sample packets which minimized errors; improved support capabilities, o successfully prepared one Soldier to win the Directorate Soldier of the Quarter Board, o supervised the turn-in of 2,116 containers during ONN returning $7,251,040 to the Army supply system, o earned CLA and Associates Degree in General Studies while maintaining a 3.86 GPA, o developed a crisis contingency plan for CL I; postured ASG-KU for improved readiness during unforeseen emergencies, o fielded just under 4 million dollars of force modification equipment, raising the unit's supply readiness level by 37%, o FUNCTIONED PROFICIENTLY AT 92Y20 POSITION WITH NO TRAINING HANDS ON PICKED UP AND RAN UNIT THRU 3 CHANGE OF COMMANDS PROPERTY BOOK SPLIT AND REINTEGRATION, o demonstrated a pattern of superior performance during the preparation, execution and recovery of Operation Winter Wolf, o demonstrated unmatched level of foresight, competence and professionalism while serving as the Unit Supply NCO, o contributed to the mission survival and success of Operation Winter Wolf. She was an integral part of the tech supply section by maintaining parts worth 3,175,00 for 11 ACFT. o coordinated successful redeployment of 1,300 personnel and their equipment from Iraq to the U.S. of an 11 Company strong BN, o supervised all mandatory clearing activities from COB Adder and Kuwait of 11 Companies and the BN, o oversight contributed to zero containers being delayed in Kuwait during redeploymento NCOIC of ADVON to Kuwait that was instrumental in the successful throughput of BN soliders and equipment to the US, o section operated at high level with total professionalism during final months of deployment when attentions can be diverted, o recognized all Soldiers in his section for missions completed during OIF 09-11o mentored junior supply sergeants through redeployment process utilizing experience from previous redeployments, o executed comprehensive RIP-TOA with incoming BN, o trained CO supply sergeants continuously in accountability during final months to ensure no surprises during redeployment, o responsible for successful input in LIW and tracking of BN equipment into the RESET program to final turn-in at Ft. SGT Doe was directly responsible for the post PMO clearance and background checks for over 30,000 Soldiers, officers and civilians assigned to the USAG Casey area of operations. SGT Doe's imagery and analysis were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 high value targets. Due to his professional leadership skills and aggressive can-do attitude, SFC Doe was selected by the company commander over six senior peers to perform duties as platoon sergeant of 1st Platoon. His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. SGT Doe was responsible for the accountability and maintenance of over $1,000,000 worth of government equipment. His input in this effort prompted many initiatives that proved vital to the counter-IED fight in the BCT operational environment including increasing the brigade's ratio of found to detonated IEDs. Bullets comments are used to explain any . SSG Rowan exhibited exceptional integrity and dedication to his duties while deployed. He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. azenis fk510 gfj229 225 40r18 (92y) xl 4 160 160cm - (Ralph Lauren) tintasbeta.com During several operations against known terrorist camps in Northern Iraq, CPT Doe distinguished himself by his efforts to ensure that maneuver forces had timely accurate information on terrorist activities in the Division Area of Responsibility. His imagery analysis directly facilitated combat operations in Baghdad which resulted in the discovery of numerous weapons caches, capture of over 1,100 insurgent members, destruction of 3 indirect fire teams, and execution of hundreds of deliberate route clearance missions. For selection as an honor graduate of unit supply specialist (92Y) Advanced Individual Training (AIT) from 11 February 2013 through 15 April 2013. We appreciate all your emails and will do our best to improve this site for you, the Soldier. Exercised responsibility for maintenance and accountability of facilities and equipment. Ultimately, he increased the S2's imagery download rate by over 800 percent. SGT Garrett showed dedication and responsibility by stepping outside of her job and into one that needed strategic planning and immediate action. He also produced a point paper outlining recommended courses of action for the commander to combat organized crime in the theater of operations; intel vital to maintaining a safe and secure environment in the commanders area of operations. These award bullets have been pulled off of years of approved awards and all of the sites listed above in the resources for a great start. If the MOS is not provided with the contribution, it will be listed here by default. 92Y Unit Supply Specialist Add to List Contact a Recruiter Job Overview Enlisted Officer Active Duty Army Reserve Army National Guard Entry Level As the Unit Supply Specialist, you'll be responsible for supervising and maintaining all Army supplies and equipment. SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. SGT Shaw demonstrated specialized skills in documenting over 100 lines of repairable and serviceable parts. All thiis was done while completing an $8 million Report of Survey at the direction of the DCG. Click on a Tab to View Bullets. He researched and produced all-source analyst comments for over 1,200 HUMINT reports for the brigade's Graphic Intelligence Summary. ArmyNCO.com is a privately owned and operated website. He/She sent vehicle statuses through interfacing with SAMS-2E daily and sent manhour reports to SAMS-2E weekly. SGT Doe assumed the NCOIC position for the Database Team for a period of 1 month and balanced daily duties with increased force protection requirements. His intuitive skills and ability to focus on the key aspects of intelligence planning ensured the right intelligence support, architecture, and operation flexibility was achieved for Commander, ARFOR-T. His extraordinary efforts were lauded by Chief, G3 Plans as key to success in our planning effort and resulted in a highly successful deployment of the Infantry Division. Three different divisions, of a MACOM level G2 directorate to planners, briefers, and ethic! $ 50,000.00 92y award bullets zero loss of the off loading of all equipment in Kuwait with no damage to.! Was instrumental in ordering and tracking of aircraft parts for the brigade recognizing the detachment the. 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