In order to tailor a specific sales approach to a prospective client, active listening not just hearing is key. Afterward, trigger some discussion about the way they communicated; some example questions include: This exercise was adapted from 104 Activities that build (Amazon). Possible imagined response: Interesting! How much does language affect our thinking? Poor listening results in misunderstandings. This is called Active Listening. Shannon, C. E. (1998). You will need a volunteer for this activity. It helps us to understand how they have formed their perspective on the topic, even though we may disagree with that point of view. Regularly, people express views and ideas during discussions that are different to ours. Nikolova, N., Clegg, S., Fox, S., Bjrkeng, K., & Pitsis, T. (2013). Therefore, a key skill of every good Active Listener is to actually listen - no talking, no interjecting, no interrupting, no shifting the focus onto ourselves, no daydreaming or planning our response. How did you confirm that you had correctly understood your partners description? Were there different interpretations for the same cue? Ellen then needs to ask A What?, prompting you to repeat the items name. Discuss how the speaker felt to have your full attention. Uncertainty reduction through everyday performative language work: the case of coaching. You will keep rehearsing this image in your mind until you can easily visualise yourself listening actively to the other person(s). What might have contributed to this confusion? Tomasulo, D. J., & Pawelski, J. O. This exercise is about listening, clarity and developing potential strategies when we communicate. In what ways did being a watcher impact your perspectives of the talkers? . At the individual level, we can make conscious use of this EQ skill to gauge how others are feeling. & Demerouti, E. (2007). An Active Listening skills exercise designed to help quieten the urge to interrupt and to begin shifting your internal dialogue (aka self-talk) from focusing on yourself and what you want to say next, to focusing on understanding the person speaking. When your thinking is clouded by an emotion, you must first de-escalate yourself before you can harness that emotion. It is being attentive and respectful to the person talking. Im Listening can be played with an even number of participants, as they will need to find a partner for this one-on-one game. Goulston, Mark, Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone, New York: American Management Association, 2010. How did you feel about the feedback you received? Conclude this Active Listening activity by discussing what they experienced - see the suggested follow-up questions below. Was their influence helpful or misleading? Listening Skills Ice-Breaker Tell the students you would like to read them something and then ask just one question to see how well they were listening. Tell the group what your dreams are as a team member, for the company, or for the community (e.g. What was the impact and how is it affecting you today? Each person must secretly decide on the cue that best describes their feeling towards their groups topic. But Active Listening isnt about having safe, comfortable conversations with people who agree with us. The objectives of this Active Listening exercise are to help you: It is torturously tempting to do the talking, or to let our minds drift off somewhere far away. Give each pair a conversation starter question (see the resource list below). Or, have you noticed someone in the corner of the room who has been dying to contribute to the meeting? Give Participant 2 a different simple picture and Participant 1 a blank sheet and pen. It could be a weekly meeting with a work colleague, the daily family time around the dinner table, or a mid-week lunch catch-up with a friend. But appropriate eye contact and nodding are okay to show that you are paying attention to them. They might be up to their ears in work, or their colleagues complaints might seem trivial. Discuss anything else that impacted you both. Each group will receive one conversation topic and a list of non-verbal cues (lists of topics and cues are provided below). Once theyve finished the game, start some dialogue about what happened: This activity comes from The Wrecking Yard of Games and Activities (Amazon). Youll be able to think through what youre hearing, enabling you to reply more deliberately and robustly. If you could be the CEO of any company, what company would you choose? Active Listening Improv According to a recent study by HubSpot, 69% of buyers say a sales representative listening to their needs is the best way to make the sales experience positive. For this exercise, everybody has a handout that summarizes the goals of the discussion. What were you really into when you were a kid? Dont interrupt or try to share your beliefs. [3]. The studies on average say we spend 70-80% of our waking hours in some form of communication. Dont use this conversation as an opportunity to argue them towards your convictions. This exercise from the team at MindTools is a good way to help participants develop more empathy, consider other perspectives, build their communication and negotiation skills. How did you come to that view?, Emotion - Confusion. This is similar in some ways to the Back-to-Back Drawing exercise above. (If your download doesn't appear within 10 minutes please, check your Spam folder and Gmail Promotions folder.). Step 2: After the five-minute role play is completed, the speaker spends two minutes giving feedback to the listening partner on the effective listener skills used. A process guide for training workshops focused on working in groups, communication, conflict resolution, community organising and conversation frameworks. They are designed for adults (not children) and suitable for both personal listening development and workplace training workshops. Conversation starts at the surface level.,,, seek information and clarify understanding,, Cognitive empathy is different from emotional empathy,, better understand their external/public response, Want to Avoid Poor Discussions? Do this step if your particular emotion (such as anger and fear) had increased your stress levels during those discussions and stopped you from thinking clearly. One by one for each emotion, imagine yourself back in the discussion when that emotion surfaced. Active listening is not planning your response to what the person is saying. This creates the learning tool of the group providing advice to the facilitator. zDevelop the environment. There is no limit to the group size for this game, which requires only enough pens and paper for everybody. In this study, giving a diagnosis and treatment options was only one part of the job. An Active Listening skills activity for pairs (or done with a volunteer). We cant stop these emotions from appearing. Follow-up question: What kinds of clarifying questions did you ask? What has worked in the past for your team? How was being a watcher, compared to being a listener? This is a solo Active Listening exercise. It's how they say it. Follow-up question: Would anyone else like to share an experience of misinterpreting a non-verbal cue? So, enjoy! If youre a cross-functional team, why not try out an activity that challenges assumptions? This is cognitive empathy, which is the goal of Active Listening. Then, let them share the story of what they did with it; When onboarding new people, invite the group to bring in an object which symbolizes their wishes for the new team member. Just take a couple of minutes to identify what triggered any strong emotions, and to think of how you could have harnessed them. Stay focused on getting to know this person better. This technique is useful for quickly going deeper in discussions when you need to better understand why a person has expressed a view that is different from your own. Otherwise, the idea is identicalinformation gets misinterpreted thanks to noise, but we can improve our verbal communication and listening skills to minimize this risk. As you can probably see, the activity is aimed at helping teammates appreciate that feedback has positive goals. What did you feel when you were observing from the outer circle, listening but not contributing? This acquired understanding is invaluable for all sorts of reasons, including enabling us to genuinely connect with our conversation partner(s) when its our turn to speak. E: Empathize - Having empathy in business pays off in all relationshipspractice understanding and compassion when listening to your customer's grievances. I too would like to be able to utilize them as a resource for my workshop. Use paraphrasing lead-ins such as I think I heard you say and It sounds like. Once people have paired off, they sit back-to-back with a paper and pencil each. The observer watches how the process between the listener and speakers goes. Work engagement: An emerging concept in occupational health psychology. After everyone in the group has had the opportunity to act out their non-verbal cue, the group should compare notes as to how accurately they managed to interpret the feelings behind each others cues. To practice active listening and assertive communication. Click on the tiles below to jump down to the instructions for each of the Active Listening games. Ensure that Participant 2 does not see it. Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). Theyre not simply warm-up activities! Here are the 7 Active Listening games, activities and exercises, paired with the essential listening skills that they are designed to help you target and develop. strengthen your ability to cognitively empathise with others, especially with people who hold different views to you. When we give attention to our relationships as well as the task(s) at hand, we create trust and collaborate more effectively. . Deadlines, role boundaries, budgets, and the why, how, what of tasks. Smith, K. (2018). Doctors also described effective communication as being able to summarize what the patient/other had related to correct information and display understanding. After 5 minutes, every pair is to compare the drawing with their original and briefly discuss what did and didnt work. What are some ways that we can distinguish between non-verbal cues that relate to the topic and unconscious mannerisms? Armed with their handouts, talkers begin to engage with the topic. Step-by-step instructions are provided. Rogers, C., Farson, R. E., "Active Listening", Gordon Training Inc.,, Extract from 1957 article. To enhance our influencing skills and the quality of our working relationships with others, it helps to practice being aware of your own non-verbal behaviors. How critical was communication throughout this exercise? Instead of drawing pictures, you could give Participant 1 an object created using Lego building blocks that Participant 2 must build. begin shifting your internal dialogue (aka self-talk) from focusing on yourself and what you want to say next, to focusing on the speaker and trying to understand what they are saying. This approach means engaging in a three-part role-play exercise: 1. Bad listening roleplay: Facilitators roleplay listening blocks and poor listening. Clarify Understanding IV. Here is another talker and listener exercise that can be done in pairs. [1], And as a bonus for subscribing, you get this Active Listening exercise 'Just Listen' as a PDF. While speaking, what could you do to decrease the chance of miscommunication in real-life dialogue? Communication exercises may not feel 100% natural at first, but they let us work withrather than live in fear ofthat discomfort. With a little bit of respectful digging using the Active Listening technique called The 3 Whys, we can quickly uncover their internal/hidden core beliefs and values regarding that topic in order to better understand their external/public response. Reorganized information where required (e.g. If their original conversation starter is too personal, then allow them to choose a different one. This process will train you to automatically de-escalate and harness your emotions in the height of a conversation. This is a companion resource meant for use after completing the Listen Up! What do you do? With respect to the Asking role, what was it like to ask someone Why three times? Another approach to active listening is to give people practice through role-playing scenarios. Succinctly, ambiguity contributes to stress, and clarity is empoweringsomething that is easy to overlook and which this game reminds us of. What thoughts do you have about interpreting non-verbal cues? Question-prompts will help you to identify what triggered those emotions and youll learn a technique to de-escalate you from that heightened emotional state. Mostly though, we hint at our feelings and attitudes using more indirect non-verbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, abnormal silence, posture, tone of voice, volume, and rate of speech. What feelings do we understand the easiest, when only facial expressions are used? As they share their thoughts, drill deeper by asking questions that encourage them to elaborate further. Then, once you adequately understand them, you can switch into the role of speaker in order to share your perspective. Each participant will secretly decide on, and mime, the non-verbal cue that best expresses how they feel about their groups topic. Your sign-up bonus has been sent to your inbox. Drollinger, T., Comer, L. B., & Warrington, P. T. (2006). With nobody in particular starting first, they are asked to count from one to ten as a group, but each member can only say one number. When presented with a foreign view, it can be tempting to immediately disagree or to avoid going there. Prior to passing on the toy, ball, or what have you, players ask something about the object and answer a question about it. [1]. Discuss the difficulties of communicating with each other and discuss Active Listening strategies that they could use to overcome those difficulties. speaking to paProvide students with a copy Tell them their shared aim is to collaborate: first to find the rope, then to lay it out into a perfect square together on the floor. A facial expression that conveys an emotion. According to Shannon and Weavers Theory of Communication (1998), this simply creates more noise and negatively impacts our ability to reach resolutions at work (Smith, 2018). After everyone has attempted both roles, reassemble the group. What are some things you want to accomplish before you die? Toward a learning organization: The strategic building blocks. What would you talk about? Identifying what triggered each emotion can be rather insightful, especially if you often experience that reaction. Warning: digging deeper can result in lively discussions! Say something like, Hey, Im keen on developing good listening skills. In other words, if we try to speak first rather than take the time to understand their perspective, then we risk becoming irrelevant or misunderstood. Here are some tips to help make your conversation productive: After having that conversation, come back to this Active Listening activity. These interpersonal and team communication games cover topics such as misinterpreting information, awareness of our assumptions and engaging others. So, plush toys, tennis balls, or similarbut the more imaginative they are, the better. How did you utilise the 2-minute collaboration pause? But active listening encourages pleasant social interactions, which in turn, these boost our well-being and life satisfaction (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). 5 Effective Sales Role-Playing Scenarios 1. Initiate the discussion by asking something like, Hey [Joe, Joline], I was wondering if youd mind telling me a bit more about what your [veganism, political position, environmental convictions, religion] means for you. At the end of 5 minutes, give Participants 1 and 2 two minutes to compare Participant 2s drawing with the original picture. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself entering into that regular discussion time with the intention of actively listening first rather than being the first to do the speaking. Any message a person tries to get across usually has two components: the content of the message and the feeling or attitude underlying this content. [2] That is, it's not what they say. It is not a method for creating opportunities to talk about themselves. In a larger group of participants, this can be done multiple times as players pair up with different conversation partners. Excellent content and I cant wait to use some of this content as well. Let me know in the comments how you use them and any improvements that I could make. Repeatedly perform these debrief/reflection steps after your regular discussions to reinforce the mindset of being a listener. These 17 Active Listening Exercises have been culled from communication and training experts around the world. What would be the most ethical way to give away five million dollars? The objective of this Active Listening activity is to increase your emotional intelligence by heightening your awareness of emotions that emerge during discussions. You could give students a randomly selected scenario, such as one of the . become more comfortable conversing with people who disagree with your beliefs. A facial expression that conveys a serious, light-hearted, or intense presence of mind. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA, Contact a Commons librarian if you would like to connect with the author. In the context of a discussion, cognitive empathy is the ability to understand the topic from the other persons perspective. What matters? What Active Listening techniques would you modify or replace next time? The goal is to collaborate and help each other, not to compete. With 2+ co-workers, pick one person (a speaker) to whom youll explain the instructions. (2012). Any number of co-workers can participate in this very simple mime game. Other possibilities include role-play scenarios within a more traditional personal safety training setting, which give officers the opportunity to . Often experience that reaction Listening roleplay: Facilitators roleplay Listening blocks and poor Listening ( speaker... How others are feeling - see the resource list below ) Participant 2 must build and help each,! J. O within a more traditional personal safety training setting, which requires only pens! Imaginative they are designed for adults ( not children ) and suitable for both Listening! 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