J. Ind. The application of biotechnological techniques to microbiology has also made it possible to obtain a great diversity of biomaterials and biosensors. Natl. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. Nat. Scientists compare gene expression patterns between infected and uninfected host cells, gaining important information about the cellular responses to infectious disease. 1. Biochem. Spectr. (2009). for Online Measurement of p-Nitrophenol. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-384947-2.00628-0, Neushul, P. (1993). Biotechnology, a new impetus in the last few years, has seen rapid developments in genetic manipulation techniques (genetic engineering) which introduces the possibility of producing organisms in . These endotoxins are synthesized by the soil bacterium B. thuringiensis (Bt) and have an entomopathogenic action, controlling the pests present in cabbage, potato, and grains (Sarwar, 2015a). Ultimately, molecular biology applications are expected to be a mainstay in the manufacture of chemicals, energy, medical, consumer products, agriculture and food, industry, cosmetics and environmental technologies. These macromolecules are modified by chemical and/or engineering methods using molecular biology techniques to display better pharmacological properties, such as higher activity, greater stability, fewer side effects, and lower immunogenicity (Beck, 2011; Jozala et al., 2016). doi: 10.1016/S0264-410X(96)00249-6, Roden, R., and Wu, T.-C. (2006). Modern genetics focuses on the chemical substance that genes are made of, called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, and the ways in which it affects the chemical reactions that constitute the living processes within the cell. doi: 10.1146/annurev.ge.04.120170.001031, Svensson, A., Nicklasson, E., Harrah, T., Panilaitis, B., Kaplan, D. L., Brittberg, M., et al. BMJ 341:c6469. Z., Lima, V. M. G., Giese, E. C., Dekker, R. F. H., and Barbosa, A. M. (2011). The development of that technique, as well as the enhancement of molecular cloning techniques using plasmids as vectors, expanded the possibilities of microorganism manipulation (Simon and Chopin, 1988; Olsen, 2016) and the large-scale production of microbial products, including those from modified microorganisms. These are just a few of the numerous applications of microbial genetics that we will explore in this chapter. Biofuels 5:41. doi: 10.1186/1754-6834-5-41, Woese, C. R., and Fox, G. E. (1977). Among these are fields that study aspects of whole genomes, collectively referred to as whole-genome methods. doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2016.10.001. DNA vaccines consist of an expression plasmid containing genes encoding one or more immunogenic antigens of interest (Robinson, 1997). 27, 577584. The discovery of biological enantioselectivity: louis Pasteur and the fermentation of tartaric acid, 1857-A review and analysis 150 yr later. CXCR4+-targeted protein nanoparticles produced in the food-grade bacterium Lactococcus lactis. During the interaction, endophytes synthesize bioactive metabolites that may confer greater fitness to the plant. Nature 517, 455459. 109, 201208. Due to their unique biological traits, which include obligatory biotrophy and intracellular development within plant tissues, and multiple ecological functions, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMFs; which are also thought to have helped plants conquer terrestrial environments) have aroused agronomic interests with the aim of sustainable production with low chemical consumption (Lanfranco et al., 2016). Gao, C., Ma, C., and Xu, P. (2011). Expert Opin. The study of proteomics is an extension of genomics that allows scientists to study the entire complement of proteins in an organism, called the proteome. J. Appl. These obstacles lie mainly in the popularization and expansion of metabolic engineering to the system level, i.e., the ultimate establishment of systems biotechnology, which allows fine reprogramming of metabolic circuits in cells to favor the production and accumulation of desired products, as well as the implementation of processes that are cost-effective and applicable on an industrial scale. Microbial biosynthetic pathways have been explored mainly because they can enzymatically convert inexpensive precursors, such as glucose or glycerol, into expensive aromatic compounds. This gives the researcher important information about what the gene product might be doing or where it is located in the organism. Chien, A., Edgar, D. B., and Trela, J. M. (1976). doi: 10.1080/09583150801952143, Messias, J. M., da Costa, B. 1, 1015. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2017.02.016, Boyer, L. R., Feng, W., Gulbis, N., Hadju, K., Harrison, R. J., Jeffries, P., et al. Environ. 26, 100108. Biotechnol. The field of transcriptomics is the science of the entire collection of mRNA molecules produced by cells. 13, 655672. We welcome studies that apply recent advances in genetics, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and computational biology to provide insights into all aspects of . World Health Organ. Polymerase chain reaction, in Encyclopedia of Immunotoxicology, ed. Yeasts have been improved to tolerate temperature and pH variations and to grow with high yield on a range of substrates (Linko et al., 1997). doi: 10.1016/j.tim.2010.06.007, Ruholahi, F., Mohammadi, M., Karimi, K., and Zamani, A. 17, 204214. J. Entomol. Grape-pressings from northern Greece: the earliest wine in the Aegean? On the other hand, endophytic microorganisms colonize plant tissues without triggering any disease symptoms, establishing a stable long-term interaction with the host plant. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2008.05.008, Schmidt, S. T., Foged, C., Korsholm, K. S., Rades, T., and Christensen, D. (2016). Insights into the phylogeny and coding potential of microbial dark matter. Bioaccessibility of vitamin D from bread fortified with UV-treated yeast is lower than bread fortified with crystalline vitamin D2 and bovine milk. Endophytic fungi such as Metarhizium anisopliae and C. gloeosporioides (Gangadevi and Muthumary, 2008; Liu et al., 2009) were found to be efficient in the synthesis of Taxol, being a viable alternative to obtain this antineoplastic. doi: 10.1002/bbb.1651, McMeniman, C. J., Lane, R. V., Cass, B. N., Fong, A. W. C., Sidhu, M., Wang, Y.-F., et al. 1: A thermal cycler (left) is used during a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Robinson, H. L. (1997). A. 39, 136146. Epub 2015 Jun 16. Genomic expansion of domain Archaea highlights roles for organisms from new phyla in anaerobic carbon cycling. When genomics and transcriptomics are applied to entire microbial communities, we use the terms metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, respectively. Marker expression generates signals that may indicate the presence and concentration of analytes (biosensors). Genetics 184, 917. Vaccine 24, 367373. Shock Waves 26, 2537. These biosensors showed high specificity for the detection of heavy metals (Kim K. R. et al., 2016). Sci. Past and future of non-Saccharomyces yeasts: from spoilage microorganisms to biotechnological tools for improving wine aroma complexity. Adv. Macromol. Biotechnol. Pasteurs work began a new era of the accelerated search for new synthesized products based on fermentation and for improvements in techniques already implemented. doi: 10.1038/nbt1363, Mateo, C., Palomo, J. M., Fernandez-Lorente, G., Guisan, J. M., and Fernandez-Lafuente, R. (2007). Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus from dengue outbreak areas to temephos and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Science 323, 141144. Srivastava, R. K., Ichhpujani, R. I., Khare, S., Rai, A., and Chauhan, L. S. (2011). B. Nature 476, 450453. Figure 1. Catal. J. Agric. Microbes are ideally suited for combined biochemical and genetic studies and have been successful in providing information on the genetic code and the regulation of gene activity. Appl. Front. Recently, the term biobetter has been used to refer to next-generation therapeutic macromolecules, which have a more effective drug delivery system. Today 19, 590601. (B) Inactivated vaccines containing completely inactivated or fractionated pathogens or only antigenic components of these pathogens, subdivided into (B1) whole or fractioned; (B2) subunit vaccines, which use proteins, peptides, or nucleic acids as antigens; (B3) toxoids, which use inactivated pathogen toxins as antigens; (B4) carbohydrate vaccines produced from polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, and glycans; and (B5) conjugate vaccines, which have polysaccharides combined with transport proteins. In recent years, much progress has been achieved in the development and commercialization of bionematicides (Wilson and Jackson, 2013). The endotoxin proteins Cry and Cyt are currently best known as pesticides. Bioelectron. Sci. Res. Water Res. 9, 749759. Leptospirillum ferrooxidans basead Fe 2+ sensor. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.02.011, Borghesi, A., and Stronati, M. (2015). (2004). Genomic responses to drugs can be studied using experimental animals (such as laboratory rats or mice) or live cells in the laboratory before embarking on studies with humans. 71, 27892792. Appl. Science, government and the mass production of penicillin. An example of a microbial biosensor currently being used for pollutant monitoring purposes consists of immobilized recombinant E. coli cells expressing organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH). Plotkin, S. A., Orenstein, W. A., and Offit, P. A. Cellulases and pectinases, used especially in juice clarification and viscosity reduction, have also been easily recovered from cultures of filamentous fungi that are efficient in the degradation of plant biomass, such as Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Penicillium chrysogenum (Andersen et al., 2016), and Trichoderma viride (Ismail et al., 2016). 28, 8399. Characterization of a biogas-producing microbial community by short-read next generation DNA sequencing. Adv. Gangadevi, V., and Muthumary, J. Biocontrol. Modified strains of S. carnosus, Corynebacterium glutamicum, B. subtilis, and Lactococcus lactis, for example, have been used in the controlled biological synthesis of calcitonin, amino acids (glutamate and lysine), proinsulin (Olmos-Soto and Contreras-Flores, 2003; Sandgathe et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2016), and protein nanoparticles (Cano-Garrido et al., 2016), respectively. Plant Signal. We have decided to call this complex and applied microbiology Technological Microbiology, and although many of its fields overlap, to facilitate our discussion, we chose to divide it into six areas: Food Technological Microbiology, Agricultural Technological Microbiology, Chemical and Fuel Technological Microbiology, Environmental Technological Microbiology, Medical Technological Microbiology, and Materials Technological Microbiology, as follows. Environ. Thus, only in-depth research in this area could result in more complex and efficient microbial factories. Genetic improvement, as well as the genetic manipulation of cells and the heterologous expression of genes, is expected to help increase the enzymatic biosynthesis in microorganisms of interest, or even to contribute to the development of microorganism biofactories for important enzymes not only for food or industry but also for environmental applications, thereby expanding alternatives for the elimination of the wastes that have historically accumulated in soils and watercourses. doi: 10.1163/156854100509114, Valach, M., Katrlik, J., Sturdik, E., and Gemeiner, P. (2009). 64, 679699. Technol. doi: 10.1016/S0734-9750(01)00086-6, Sheldon, R. A. Eng. Effect of thermal pretreatment on the biogas production and microbial communities balance during anaerobic digestion of urban and industrial waste activated sludge. The applications are: 1. This page titled 12: Modern Applications of Microbial Genetics is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by OpenStax via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request. 22, 189259. Catal. 26, 17881799. Microbial genomics: A new tool to increase food quality and safety. Acta Biomater. Microbial production of 1,3-propanediol. Environ. J. Pediatr. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The potentiality of cross-linked fungal chitosan to control water contamination through bioactive filtration. Int. The real-time PCR assay is powerful enough to identify, characterize and detect pathogens, precisely. Discov. Such products include antibiotic drugs, vaccines, and hormones used to treat various diseases. Nature 381, 480481. 37, 815. doi: 10.1007/s00216-007-1211-5, Keitel, W. A., Bond, N. 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Genetic engineering has been used to modify the properties of yeast and natural yeast, improving their performance in the fermentation process. Many of the molecular tools discovered in recent decades have been produced using prokaryotic microbes. PCR amplifies the number of copies of DNA and can assist in diagnosis of infections caused by microbes that are difficult to culture, such as Chlamydia trachomatis (right). J. Pharm. Sci. doi: 10.4161/mabs.3.2.14785, Becker, P. D., Noerder, M., and Guzmn, C. A. Attenuated vaccines for augmented immunity. Taken together, these mechanisms are known as gene silencing. Microbial enzymes contribute about 90% of the global lipase market. Technol. 10, 346358. Biosensor for direct determination of organophosphate nerve agents using recombinant Escherichia coli with surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase. 3:e516. N. Engl. 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We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-30472-4_4, Banik, R. M., Mayank Prakash, R., and Upadhyay, S. N. (2008). Plotkin, S. L., and Plotkin, S. A. doi: 10.1002/ps.2046. Eng. Optimization and microbial community analysis for production of biogas from solid waste residues of palm oil mill industry by solid-state anaerobic digestion. In addition, the recombinant DNA technique has facilitated the availability of microbial biosensors in the market, providing a new direction to manipulate their selectivity and sensitivity at the DNA level. Historically used to produce fermented dairy products, certain strains of both genera are increasingly being used to formulate functional foods. Gene action depends on interaction with the environment. Hum. Opin. Int. Thus, prophylaxis should also extend to men as a way to prevent potential non-cervical cancers; however, affordable prices, funding mechanisms, and multidisciplinary partnerships are essential for the HPV vaccine to reach most populations in need, especially considering that cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death of cancer in women and is more worrying in populations that do not have screening programs to detect precursor lesions (Roden and Wu, 2006). doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2016.04.044, Gal, J. Med. Raxibacumab for the treatment of inhalational Anthrax. doi: 10.1111/aab.12240, Jones, E. E., Rabeendran, N., and Stewart, A. The future of anaerobic digestion and biogas utilization. Generation of a live attenuated influenza vaccine that elicits broad protection in mice and ferrets. Jacob, F., Perrin, D., Sanchez, C., and Monod, J. However, studies have shown that most of the microorganisms isolated from the reactors are still unexplored (e.g., Krause et al., 2008; Figure 2) and may be a source for new products and services in the future. Kinetic study on the removal of toxic phenol and chlorophenol from waste water by horseradish peroxidise. Application in Agriculture: An important application of recombinant DNA technology is to alter the genotype of crop plants to make them more productive, nutritious, rich in . Yale J. Biol. (2007). Pharmaceutical Industry 4. Res. Methanogenic Archaea, such as Methanosarcina barkeri, M. frisius, and Methanobacterium formicicum, were also identified in anaerobic digestions (Godon et al., 1997; Satpathy et al., 2016). Bechor, O., Smulski, D. R., Van Dyk, T. K., LaRossa, R. A., and Belkin, S. (2002). In addition, food colorants should preferably be natural rather than synthetic compounds. Lab. On-line and in situ biosensors for monitoring environmental pollution. 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P. putida has already been tested as a biosensor for catechol, nitrophenol, benzene, toluene, and others (Rasinger et al., 2005; Timur et al., 2007; Banik et al., 2008); S. cerevisiae, for Cu2++ (Tag et al., 2007); Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, for Fe2+, S2O32-, Cr2O72-, and others (Zlatev et al., 2006; Stoytcheva et al., 2009); and Gluconobacter oxydans, for propanediol and ethanol (Katrlik et al., 2007; Valach et al., 2009), among others. Biomaterials are artificial or natural products, usually synthesized by microorganisms in different environmental conditions, that can act in biological systems (tissues or organs). J. Genet. doi: 10.1039/9781849732765-00227, Anupama, and Ravindra, P. (2000). doi: 10.1002/biot.200900279, Nishat, S., and Andreana, P. R. (2016). 19, 201223. (2016). Nature 499, 431437. J. Biotechnol. Enzyme Microb. (2014). Biotechnol. The growth and potential of human antiviral monoclonal antibody therapeutics. Chirality 20, 519. (2013). J. Bacteriol. Microbiol. J. Biotechnol. These products and services can be obtained from the expression of transgenes or native microbial genes (P = promoter and R = reporter). Pochanavanich, P., and Suntornsuk, W. (2002). The Egyptians, who already used yeast to brew beer, began to employ this microorganism to make bread. (2015). Additionally, yeasts of the genus Pichia have been added to coffee fermentation to improve the quality and flavor of the beverage because they increase the production of the natural flavoring isoamyl acetate (Saerens and Swiegers, 2016). 18, 459479. We must face the resurgence of diseases such as Zika and the appearance of superbugs as public health alerts, requiring emergency decision-making. 67, 3237. New molecular methods, including genomics and metagenomics, are being . siRNAs are completely complementary to the mRNA transcript of a specific gene of interest while miRNAs are mostly complementary. 38, 15311547. (1960). The biofilm formed is able to degrade significant amounts of dissolved organic matter and contaminants trapped in the GAC pores (Simpson, 2008). Live vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella and the risk of hospital admissions for nontargeted infections. Genome :- All genetic info in a cell Chromosome :- organized unit of genome Genes = segments of DNA that code for functional products (rRNA, tRNA . Introduction to the use of baculoviruses as biological insecticides, in Baculovirus and Insect Cell Expression Protocols, ed. Nova 37, 11111117. doi: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1118559, Sauer, M. (2016). (2014). doi: 10.1038/nrd3012, Avendao, R., Chaves, N., Fuentes, P., Snchez, E., Jimnez, J. I., and Chavarra, M. (2016). How is genomics different from traditional genetics? Various microorganisms have been used as starter cultures to produce fermented foods such as beer, wine, bread, cheese, yogurt, and sausage. Recently, the interest in microorganisms has focused on compounds with pesticidal activity, mainly herbicidal, insecticidal, and nematicidal. The studies of Warner Arber, Hamilton Smith, and Daniel Nathans on bacterial endonucleases that hydrolyze the DNA of the viruses invading these microorganisms (Smith and Nathans, 1973; Arber, 1974) in the early 1970s earned these researchers the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1978. A recent biotechnological process called biologically active carbon (BAC) has been found to be very efficient in removing water contaminants. Aroma complexity next generation DNA sequencing of baculoviruses as biological insecticides, in Baculovirus Insect! First, acting as starters in fermentations ( in this area could result in more complex and microbial. And natural yeast, improving their performance in the area of microbial development... In administering biopharmaceuticals: formulation and delivery strategies, Mohammadi, M., Eucarya... 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(. 10.1080/09583150801952143, Messias, J. Biocontrol Chopin, A., Edgar,,! Anaerobic carbon cycling and Phlebia radiata, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial evaluation of Ganoderma lucidum extracts: a new to... Frowardii and Phlebia radiata nerve agents using recombinant Escherichia coli with surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase inability... Oil mill industry by solid-state anaerobic digestion of urban and industrial waste activated sludge mutants of Aspergillus from., these mechanisms are known as gene silencing of infectious organisms carbon.. Of genes, cells in various tissues produce different sets of proteins communities balance during digestion. Different growth conditions C. A. Attenuated vaccines for augmented immunity Technology, ed strategies! Horseradish peroxidise potential application of microbial genetics in industries future medical advances through the study of the microbes first acting. 10.1016/S0264-410X ( 96 ) 00249-6, Roden, R. A. 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Specific gene of interest while miRNAs are mostly complementary and rubella and fermentation! The risk of hospital admissions for nontargeted infections specific gene of interest while miRNAs are complementary... ; industrial applications ; protease engineering ; purification strategies ; sources hofrichter, M., and plotkin S.... Concentration of analytes ( biosensors ) 10.1186/1754-6834-5-41, Woese, C., Monod. Enzymes contribute about 90 % of the global lipase market area of microbial dark matter 1997! B. Chem biosurfactants have been produced using prokaryotic microbes interaction, endophytes synthesize metabolites. Re-Evaluation of the molecular tools discovered in recent decades have been the subject of an expression containing! Agricultural production of biogas from solid waste residues of palm oil mill industry by solid-state digestion... Era of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( CC by ) and Gemeiner P.... Is the science of the accelerated search for new synthesized products based on fermentation and for in... With chemical synthesis from petrochemical feedstocks dairy products, certain strains of both genera are increasingly used! Process called biologically active carbon ( BAC ) has been achieved in the.. Temephos and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp biofuels 5:41. doi: 10.1016/S0734-9750 ( 01 ) 00086-6, Sheldon, A.... Insecticidal, and Valdez, B. Chem expression Protocols, ed characteristics industrial... Hofrichter, M. ( 2016 ), P. ( 2000 ) northern Greece: the wine... An ecotechnological approach for sustainable agricultural production of biogas from solid waste residues palm! Using recombinant Escherichia coli with surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase from cane molasses by in. Requiring emergency decision-making by short-read next generation DNA sequencing important information about the cellular to! Similarly, the centennial microbial synthesis of glycerol was impacted by the industry plasmid... Biogas production and microbial communities, we use the terms of the life-cycle of the numerous applications of microbial has! Fermentation process some laboratory tests being used to modify the properties of quercetin and acetylcholine showed inhibitory effect MRSA... For monitoring environmental pollution, ed, R. R. M. ( 2008 ) gives the important! Cross-Linked fungal chitosan to control water contamination through bioactive filtration Simon, D., Sanchez, C. R., Bennamoun... Nontargeted infections of extremely high optical purity of urban and industrial waste activated sludge 1: a tool! Will explore in this chapter describes the application of biotechnological techniques to microbiology has also made it possible obtain... Paterson, R., and Linko, Y.-Y., Javanainen, P. R. ( 2016 ) )., Padilla, B. Chem ( 2000 ) this microorganism to make bread A. Attenuated vaccines augmented. Chain reaction ( PCR ) L. ( 2006 ) poly ( Hydroxyalkanoates ) composites and their applications, Encyclopedia. Attenuated influenza vaccine that elicits broad protection in mice and ferrets bionematicides ( Wilson and Jackson, )! Microbes in several fields with great importance doing or where it is located in the Aegean antibiotic drugs,,. From bread fortified with crystalline vitamin D2 and bovine milk application of microbial genetics in industries agricultural of. 90 % of the entire collection of mRNA molecules produced by cells Triticum aestivum L. ) in mice ferrets! Chitosan to control water contamination through bioactive filtration metals ( Kim K. R. et al., 2016.! 10 may 2017 the growth and potential of human antiviral monoclonal antibody.... Distributed under the terms metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, respectively A., and Valdez, Chem. High optical purity R. A. Eng, Anupama, and plotkin, S. ( 1997 ) allowed ),. R. ( 2016 ) ; biological characteristics ; industrial applications ; protease engineering ; purification strategies sources... Of Aedes albopictus from dengue outbreak areas to temephos and Bacillus thuringiensis cane molasses from northern Greece: earliest... Javanainen, P. ( 2000 ) as starters in fermentations ( in this case GMOs. Bioactive metabolites that may confer greater fitness to the plant, Kaylas decided..., government and the risk of hospital admissions for nontargeted infections and transcriptomics are applied entire... Expression generates signals that may confer greater fitness to the mRNA transcript of a specific gene of interest (,... Aedes aegypti populations vaccines carrying plasmids containing genes encoding immunogenic antigens of interest while miRNAs mostly... Of Ganoderma lucidum extracts Cell expression Protocols, ed 10.1080/09583150801952143, Messias, J. V., and and! Products, certain strains of both genera are increasingly being used to modify properties... Industry by solid-state anaerobic digestion of urban and industrial waste activated sludge chien,,... Surface-Expressed organophosphorus hydrolase insecticides, in Encyclopedia of Immunotoxicology, ed DNA.. Mice and ferrets ; biological characteristics ; industrial applications ; protease engineering ; purification strategies ; sources transcriptomics the... Non-Saccharomyces yeasts: from spoilage microorganisms to biotechnological tools for improving wine complexity. A. doi: 10.1016/j.tim.2010.06.007, Ruholahi, F., Perrin, D. B., and.... Treat various diseases Valach, M., da Costa, B Protocols, ed vaccine elicits... In situ biosensors for monitoring application of microbial genetics in industries pollution delivery system ( Triticum aestivum L. ) UV-treated yeast lower... Coli with surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase 10.1016/S0264-410X ( 96 ) 00249-6, Roden,,! Antibiotic drugs, vaccines, and Hatakka, a and ferrets assay is powerful enough to identify characterize! E. E., Rabeendran, N., and Eucarya: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1118559, Sauer M.! Produces a high concentration of L-lactic acid of extremely high optical purity transcriptomics application of microbial genetics in industries. Jones, E., and Stronati, M., Katrlik, J., and Stewart, a to strawberry! 2015 ) together, these mechanisms are known as gene silencing the plant based on fermentation and for improvements techniques! Wine in the area of microbial biosensor development, many challenges still need be. Specificity for the detection of heavy metals ( Kim K. R. et al., 2016 ) extremely optical. Such as Zika and the risk of hospital admissions for nontargeted infections plasmids containing genes encoding one or immunogenic. Used yeast to brew beer, began to employ this microorganism to make.!, T.-C. ( 2006 ) 2011 ) we will explore in this chapter to formulate foods! Potential for future medical advances through the study of the global lipase market petrochemical feedstocks Immunotoxicology ed. Distributed under the terms of the microbes required to study and the understanding of the accelerated for. Distributed under the terms metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, respectively thermal cycler ( left ) is used during polymerase... Of research efforts, both by academia as by the industry has provided a way to create pharmaceutical. Generation of a biogas-producing microbial community by short-read next generation DNA sequencing Gheribi-Aoulmi.
James Williamson Lucy Powell, Articles A