The room doors will open if only frozen enemies remain, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating challenge #41 (Pica Run), Every time you kill an enemy you get an invincibility shield for 1 second, While shielded, each enemy killed adds +1 seconds to the duration, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating challenge #37 (Bloody Mary), * item room, treasure room, item room pool, green, cry, plant, Tears now shoot three at a time (Triple Shot). This one will be a hidden question mark, Allows you to see what both items are on alternative path floors (Downpour/Dross, Mines/Ashpit, Gehenna/Mausoleum), UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating challenge #40 (Seeing Double). - When used, shoots an Ipecac explosive shot. Counts as 1 of 3 spider items needed towards the Spider Baby transformation. For example challenge 17: 'Waka Waka' unlocks the item death's touch which turns Isaac's tears into powerful scythes. Boosts speed, range, shot speed, tears and damage if they are above their base values by roughly +20%, Affects stat bonuses from passive items, trinkets that are absorbed or in a second trinket slot, and permanent bonuses given by items such as Void, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by getting a 5-win streak in daily challenges (must have a score of above 0 on the score screen), While held, gives the Skatole effect only in certain rooms, which will turn hostile flies to neutral and stop others from shooting, Attack, Dart and Ring Flies turn into neutral Black Flies and Pooters and Fat Flies will no longer fire at you, Items and trinkets which generate blue flies and spiders will have double the effect, causing twice as many to spawn, *, grey, gray, green, arrow, flower, plant, Some tears will randomly become a black tooth, that deal double your normal tear damage and can poison enemies, Tears become spectral and travel in a huge spiral pattern, Every time you take damage you have a very small chance to gain a Tonsil familiar, which follows you and blocks enemy projectiles, This effect can happen twice before the Tonsil trinket is destroyed, Your tears have a random chance to become booger tears, Booger tears stick on to enemies and deal periodic poison damage until they die or 60 seconds passes. The stationary head is now affected by Isaac's stats and attack modifiers, and the body will spew a controllable fountain of blood shots. This room basically serves as a consolation prize if you fail to get keys to drop, but it also makes Ascension runs much easier, because you can skip Item Rooms to get a Planetarium, but pick up the skipped items as you ascend back up to Home. After killing a 25 more enemies, it transforms again dealing 15 damage and destroying obstacles it charges into. Lovers? 15 Of The Best Items In The Binding Of Isaac 15 Mutant Spider. poop, When used, you have a 50% chance to double all items, consumables and chests in the current room, If the effect fails, all pickups and items are deleted and Crooked Penny spawns 1 coin, If there are no consumables currently on the floor, Crooked Penny spawns 1 coin, This item works with items which can be purchased such as shop items, allowing you to spawn a free version if the effect triggers, If used in a shop and the effect fails, a Restock box can be used to restore the shop items. Passive rooms with no enemies don't have a chance to spawn Red Rooms. Using the box again will put the picked up items back on the floor again, allowing you to move things between rooms, Can move any of the following: Batteries, Items, Trinkets, Hearts, Keys, Bombs, Coins, Chests and more, Using Moving Box with Car Battery will trigger 2 interactions at the same time: First it will drop all items currently inside the box and secondly will then pick up the current room's contents, When used in a room with 2 items you can choose from (e.g. Based on the Steam Workshop mod (originally called Water Balloon) created by HiHowAreYou, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by picking up the Blood Clot item 10 times, Isaac's tears slow down over time while moving across the room, and upon stopping completely or hitting an object will burst into 8 smaller tears which fire in all directions, This item will also allow you to 'feed' a tear with other tears. 11 Death Certificate. ?, Keeper and The Forgotten, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Samson, The first time you take damage in a room, Isaac will become a ghost and time will stop for 3 seconds, During this ghost effect, you gain flight, spectral tears and the damage from the next hit you take is negated, Isaac returns to his body if you either clear the room or take damage while in ghost form, Only happens once per room - taking damage a second time does not turn you into a ghost again, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Lazarus, Your tears are replaced with a charge attack that fires a homing, spectral fetus, The fetus tears deal damage equal to 75% of your current tear damage while in contact with enemies, roughly 5 times per second, Can't be held down like normal charge attacks, they will release automatically at full charge, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Lilith, Gives you a familiar that can be charged up to release a black ring, that damages any enemies that touch it with rapid hits (similar to Maw of the Void / Athame effects), The effect does a decent amount of damage, but doesn't scale with your damage upgrades, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Azazel, While firing tears, you now charge up a poop attack for 3 seconds that when released, fires from Isaac's behind, The poop attack deals your current tear damage to any enemies caught in the blast, Counts as 1 of 3 poop items needed towards the Oh Crap transformation. This will deviate you from the alt path if you are currently on it, Since this item resets your stats, this item can remove Broken Hearts, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier Mode as Jacob & Esau, Item Pool: Angel Room, Greed Mode Angel Room, Upon use, allows you to consume 1 key and fire it at an enemy, piercing enemies and dealing significant damage, The damage done by the key projectile pierces through enemies and scales with your damage upgrades (x5 damage + 30), Keys fired by this item can open locked doors/chests, secret rooms and destroy objects in the room, such as rocks, Cannot be used if you don't have any keys, Enemies killed by Sharp Key have a ~10% chance to spawn random items that appear in a chests. Glitched Crown is in this list as the strongest among them once you learn how to pick out the item you want consistently. After the sword falls, extra items will no longer spawn, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Lamb as Jacob & Esau, Upon use, spawns a giant puddle of lemonade that deals 8 damage per tick to any enemies which come in contact with it, Your tears are replaced with a sword which can be swung to deal damage (Damage * 3 + Base Damage). The Planetarium is a special rare Item Room that is more likely to appear whenever you don't enter an Item Room in a previous floor. Charge time increased to 4 (from 2), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by dying 100 times, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, grey, gray, Holding the active item button will deplete the charge bar. However, some are a little more hidden, including what might be Repentance's most interesting series of unlocks. The actual explosion deals flat 60 damage, Pestilence (Green) - Poisons the enemy it attacks, Famine (Brown) - Applies a slowing effect, Death (Black) - Deals x4 damage instead of x2, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? The effect is weaker than normal runes. Tech.5/Technology Zero/Jacobs Ladder: The extra damage is very helpful. Honestly, Repentance probably adds the fewest "bad" unlocks out of any version of isaac ever. The more items in a pool, the more likely that pool will be picked, A familiar grey spider that wanders around and allows you to see your tear damage and the health bars of all enemies, The spider will inflict a random status effect on any enemies it comes into contact with (e.g. ?, as they cannot gain red heart containers (except for counting towards the Spun transformation), REPENTANCE - Adrenaline now grants an increasingly higher damage bonus the more empty heart containers Isaac has, * Adderline, pink, syringe, needle, injection, Isaac gains electric tears, which fire 1-2 sparks of electricty in random directions upon hitting any object or enemy, The electricity will chain between nearby enemies, The electricty deals half of your normal tear damage, Tear effects will still apply to your electricty sparks in a lot of cases. No longer has an "on hit" effect, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by donating 999 pennies to the Shop, * shop room pool, shop item pool, stopwatch, blue, pocket, clock, Tears now revolve around Isaac's Body at a fixed distance until they hit the ground, Aiming in the opposite direction is often better due to how the tears circle around Isaac, Causes a lot of great synergies with items such as Lump of Coal, Brimstone, Rubber Cement, Technology and most of the worm trinkets, REPENTANCE - Tiny Planet's orbit now more tightly follows Isaac. Great list! card will teleport you to the I AM ERROR room, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Isaac boss with Eden, * secret room pool, shop room pool, shop item pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Blood Donation machines, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Isaac boss with The Lost, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, red, isaacs heart, A familiar ghost that follows Isaac around and chases enemies close-by, damaging them for 2 contact damage and causing a fear effect, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, white, lil' haunt, A familiar beggar similar to Bum Friend that follows Isaac and collects red hearts, giving Isaac black hearts, pills, cards, runes or spiders in return, For every 1.5 red hearts he takes, he will give a reward, Reward chances: Black Heart - 40%, Card/Rune - 20%, Pill - 20%, Blue Spider - 10%, Spider 10%, Item Pool: Item Room, Devil Room, Demon Beggar, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, item room, treasure room, item room pool, celebrate good times come on, the lost item pool, qt 3.14, dark bum, otp, damn it reddit, horns, grey, gray, smile, A very large orbital that moves around Isaac very slowly, blocking shots and dealing 2 contact damage per tick, Affects the speed of all other orbitals, slowing them down a lot (NOTE: This effect does not happen until you get a new orbital after Big Fan), Does not count as one of your three standard orbital slots, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, fat, brown, An adorable friendly blue spider that walks around the room laying other blue spiders which attack enemies, She can only spawn a maximum of up to 5 spiders at a time and will only do so while there are enemies in the room, REPENTANCE - Sissy Longlegs now charms enemies upon contact, * item room, treasure room, sissy longlegs item room pool, qt 3.14, dark bum, otp, damn it reddit, blue, derpface, Spawns a friendly Mulligan that walks around the room. REPENTANCE - Bombs no longer knock each other around when the player has Fast Bombs, allowing for a more controlled line of explosions. Deals significant contact damage to enemies while active (1600 dps). Using active items gives a damage up that scales with the charge time, ??? Isaac takes a full heart if hurt by Blood Puppy and it drops a full red heart for every 10 enemies it kills. UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by collecting three of the following in the same run: Magic 8 Ball, Tiny Planet, Crystal Ball, Star of Bethlehem or any of the Astrology-related items (e.g. - Gives the curse of the maze effect for the current floor. Carry them with you", "The walls will harden over time. When used in the backwards path after picking up Dad's Note, R key will skip you to the Basement 1 version of this path, which leads directly to the Home floor. ?, Satan and The Lamb as Tainted Bethany, Taking damage gives you a chance to spawn a flame orbital, similar to the ones created by Book of Virtues, Entering an Angel Room gives you +5 flame orbitals. It will hunt down other enemies, dealing contact damage which scales with your tear damage, After 5 seconds the red soul explodes (Isaac doesn't take damage from this effect), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as The Lost, *, this item is irrelevant 99.94% of you wont kill the beast as the lost me included :(, When used, gives you number of blue flame orbitals based on the number shown over this item, It starts at 1, and increments each activation, giving you more familiars each time you use it, The flames fire tears at the same time Isaac does, that deal a flat 3 damage, If a flame touches an enemy, it deals contact damage equal to double your current tear damage and then disappears, You can have a maximum of 24 flame orbitals at once, Each flame has a chance to spawn as one of many variants, such as green flames that poison enemies, or a crucifix flame that spawns a random horseman familiar + Locusts when it is extinguished, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Bethany, Soul hearts give you small permanent stat increases when picked up, Possible stats include +0.3 Range Up, +0.2 Luck Up, +0.2 Damage Up, +0.1 Tears Up, +0.04 Speed Up, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greed Mode as Bethany, Spawns a random charmed enemy which fights by your side and copies your exact movements, similar to how Jacob & Esau work, The familiars fire tears at the same time as Isaac, and have a visible health bar showing how much damage they can take before dying, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Jacob & Esau, You respawn as a tiny version of Isaac, with a greatly reduced hitbox and +0.2 Speed Up, When the effect activates you deal 35 damage to nearby enemies, Once unlocked, if you have already unlocked the tainted version of the character you're playing as, Inner Child is guaranteed to spawn in the hidden closet on the Home floor, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greed Mode as Jacob & Esau, Item pedestals now cycle between 5 random items, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Isaac, Enemies that touch Isaac will now bounce off him and fly off in the opposite direction, Bounced enemies will take 10 damage if they slam into the wall, This item also gives a random chance for enemy shots to bounce off you without taking damage, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Magdalene, 33% chance to reroll items with a quality of 2, Quality is a hidden mechanic in Repetance for all items and ranges from 0-4. The damage done by Glass Cannon is calculated as follows: dmg = (dmg * 10) + 10 (i.e. You get a couple of seconds of invincibility to move away after, The main benefit of this Soul Stone is that it automatically activates if you die, meaning it is effectively an extra passive life while held, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Lazarus, Activates the D6 and D20 effects, rerolling all items and pickups in the room. The size resets when leaving the floor, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Lazarus, A fetus familiar follows Isaac, and upon entering the Boss room on each floor, it will transform into a copy of the boss, This makes bosses a lot harder, however you now get 2 boss item drops, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush as Jacob & Esau, You gain two familiar demons, that stay by Isaac's side and fire shots in the same direction as you, The familiars deal roughly 40% of Isaac's damage, scaling with damage upgrades you get, They sit near and rotate around Isaac depending on which way you're firing tears. The Best items In the Binding of isaac 15 Mutant Spider full heart if hurt by Blood Puppy it! When the player has Fast Bombs, allowing for a more controlled line explosions. Baby transformation 25 more enemies, it transforms again dealing 15 damage and destroying obstacles it into! 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