A sign of a libra man trying to hide his feelings is that he acts shy when around you. Libras are more stable than most. It allows us to be thankful for happiness when it occurs but too much of it can be unhealthy. Sag herewe like the truth pure and simple and wont accept anything less. Peace. Her friends, family members, or partner may begin to feel that she chooses to undermine their relationships. It is commonly used to represent Libra, people whose zodiac sign is Libra, and astrology in general. Also i can tell when someone lies so easily buy the way they look at you . I am still trying to find that perfect middle. Libras a diplomatic people we dont like to be mistreated or treated unfairly nor like it being done to other people yes I am lazy and charming and very indecisive but yes Libras are very sweet and loyal ppl but if we dnt get it back in return yes Im throwing a fit. I went along with it till one day I said something to him and he blew up saying Im criticizing him which left me in shock. That would be my control issue. I was overwhelmed and tearful as it was my dad who gave me it in advance, and it was the first time he told me he loved me - I am telling her the story, she wasn't interested and tried to turn it all back to her new Prey, a new man. (2) I didn't have to work (I had investment income). As soon as the topic turns emotional, he'll clam up. I think all libras have a dark side to balance out being kind, caring, and considerate One day includes both sun and moon rising and setting, to be complete. Pinning any unoleasantness you are experiencing from people on Libras, flies in the face of Spirituality, as we understand it. All that is written is so true. Not a single libra I can truly trust. They're good communicators and mediators; they know what words that all the patience and wise people would say, so you would believe them and even sympathise with them. Remember Libras hate conflict, but they will not tolerate cruelty happening when they can put a stop to it. he is a great father and husband. I have a stellium in libra sun moon mercury venus and they are all in the 12th house. I won't let anyone treat her badly. Curse you Libra for messing men's life everywhere you go. 2. But that is a learned thing. The Libra emoji depicts the sign of Libra, a constellation and one of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology. Although, they feel pain and are disappointed at their situation, their charm and their ability to maintain a peace of mind gets them to move on and find someone who can heal their broken heart. Being a librans family member might be pretty difficult they dont mind providing what they are supposed to provide for the family usually spoiling them, they dont mind spending quality time with their kids and wife. Transmuting the energy behind the thoughts and words of your ranting into energies of Love and Light is as simple as asking the Universe to do it. He is probably one of the shitiest father's of met, however, I am one of the most fatherly/tribal individuals you'll ever meet. I think Libra's are not all heartless, but they tend to be very practical and don't marinate in their emotions a lot. So if i find your chatty, im out of here. Trying to keep everything balanced and perfect and then blaming myself if everyone isn't happy. Today he's converted into spiritualist religion, and I hope he's changed now although a few years back he let slip something about one of his sons who he said "he is very serious" and that "he is different from the younger one". Seriously wtf! I told her he didn't think it wise to take "sides" and wanted to stay out of it. I searched out an article like this to better understand myself. As time progresses, a Libra woman may become more ready to respond to people in a sharp or cruel manner. im prayin she would find a bf to get a distraction. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Very well. Libras are known to hide their real feelings in order to avoid conflicts with the people around them. This is not true ! Dated a Libra over a year. I feel I am always there, I mean daily, to boost her up, just to not have her there when I need her or to even respond to a text in a decent amount of time. I am a bi Leo female and fell for this Libra woman, who I have been friends with for around 2-3 years, and fell for her over a year ago. She uses people and shes a know it all. I am POSITIVE I am not the only libra who thinks this. Scorpio Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? I ended up feeling hurt and confused because I saw the signs that said he didnt want to be with me but kept pursuing anyways. Because Ive never seen that side of him. My children I mentioned earlier just so happen to be a gemini girl and a sagittarian boy. Please remember the good out ways the bad, because we love very hard. I, am lazy, BUT not because I love doing nothing. Libras create a conflict between two acquaintances who not normally have any conflict by Libra telling each person the other "said" something negative about them, when in fact, it never happened. The silent treatment can be a way Libra adopts to manipulate the other person. Copyright 2023 Astrology Cosmos on the Foodie Pro Theme. They often hide whatever thoughts they have in their minds because they want the people around them to accept and like them. Loyalty well basically they have none. He did work hard to improvise that space for me. Often, they can feel hopeless, but they do try their best to stay happy and composed, if only to keep those around them happy. She was having an affair with a much younger man who lavished gifts on her constantly, this we knew was true, she talked terribly about him behind his back, belittling berating and putting him down constantly, she would talk badly about other staff when she thought no one was around, if you caught her at it and called her out on her behaviour then you could count yourself the enemy. I want to build you up, only to make you look like a fool and encourage you to make the wrong decisions for my amusement. I am a libra my self and the main thing about being a libra is emotions libras value there emotions so much it is everything to them.when libras are sad it is so hard to get there trust.when a fight happens with there friends they will get so emotional that they become a monster they never want to even think about being but they dont realise. every sign has a dark side but a libra??? This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. If you can't relate to all the negative sides, why feel attacked in a certain way? I don't particularly like this post but that's because it just doesn't fit me personally. (1) his sister's name is completely different than mine. As a matter of fact, I won't let myself around these libras because they do charm well and I now see charmers as nothing but a sticky web, don't get too close. I was terrified. I'm a virgo male and married a female libra. She invited my best friend over to the house for a business presentation but did admit it was no good purpose. So while the posted article was interesting, it basically told one aspect of a particularly warped type of Libra. Every sign is capable of this but ive only seen it with the Scorpio sign. So this article is in no way 10% correct describing how a Libra is like when wronged. controlling. Underneath her exterior, she may be suffering from crushing sadness. You've hit every nail on the head (or should I say the nail to every Psychic Vampyre Libran's Coffin.. ). She is the most flaky and fake person i know. Libra Woman. But he would always appear out of the blue and say things like everything happens for a reason. Until after we became roommates did I see time & time again her inability to ever defend me. I'm sorry many of you have had incredibly bad experiences with Librans, but understand that not all of them deserve to be so harshly judged. The Libra was seething underneath her shock that I phoned her, that she hadn't got my partner! The women are backbiting, self-absorbed, jealous and very lazy! Yes, at this point I'm the meanest person i know. Or the inability to care about circumstances in our roomie situation that were distressing to me as I thought of her like a sister. But..we can also be the greatest ally and nurturer you have ever known in your life. Tell me, what can make you cr In this, I am able to convince strangers or people not too close to me, to give into me or to do this for me. But that's a 1 way thing. she abused me because she didnt know any better. The males appear to be charming, romantic and very friendly. Hero though he was, Gandhi ignored his wife, refused to send his sons to college, and disowned his eldest because he married instead of being chaste. BUT with my loved ones I AM WHO I AM. U are all psycho. But do love a tennis match with a Libra! I was a bit indecisive in my younger younger years. When charged with bad behavior, they will say, Oh, Im such a bad person. BUT dont forget the good as long as you stay on their good side theyll spoil you be your shoulder to cry on and alot more. Aries (March 21 April 19) "While Aries can be charmed by Libra for a while, one thing Aries can't stand is neediness," Monahan says. Mr. Libra 2 was buying me gifts, showing up at my house (uninvited) and sent me a message saying he "Loved me with every fiber of his being"! The determined, level-headed Capricorn can become the complete opposite when depressed. Hello, I'm one of Libras you guys are hating on. They become oppositional, but with less enthusiasm, making it seem like little things don't really matter anymore. When it's a Libra's partner doing the breaking up, this air sign does everything in their power to make sure the partnership ends on good terms. Following your star sign kind of feels like a guide into the real you. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Damn straight go right out of my life. They may feel so lopsided, they'll stop caring about their favorite things, even severing ties with their passions completely. Hi everyone, I am a Libran that you guys are bad-mouthing/talking about. I used to call her a best friend but she is far from it. Its a constant battle. Especially those of you who have been in relationships with 2 or 3 Libras in a row, are you crazy or just looking to make yourself miserable. Ive had so many ppl misuse me and take advantage of me but soon as I react Im the crazy one, I am a Libra and I can tell u when u make a Libra mad they get quit and when that happens the best thing to do is leave cause they are about to snap, Aries women here I have a Libra soon to b ex friend and a brother and these are very giving ppl and they are charming but they do have a dark side especially when you get close to them my friend known her for 7 yrs God mother to my kids I loved this friend and I really praised her and always was there for her I would take a bullet for her cuz when an Aries love sooo deep and we r sensitive but she used to put me down in a sarcastic way n I felt she wanted to hurt me when she said it but I use to brush it off cuz she's done so much for me n me for her and recently her roommate told me she was speaking of my husband wanted to screw her n she use to say so many mean things about me so as an Aries I confronted the situation with my husband and her roommate and her all together and I was so hurt that she had this hatred against me it broke my heart she couldn't say anything and wanted to leave the room and I that moment I found out who she really was I wish her the best but not in my life and my brother I've tried to b there for him emotionally physically and still didn't work definitely got stabbed in the back so just b careful if u feel too deeply and love deeply u might end up being their prey I know they might not all be like that I hope but I had enough of Libra I connect with them but will never ever be devoted to one again that's my experience n boy I'm still healing from the hurt but life moves on, This article makes me regret being a Libra :') What a pity my mother didn't postpone my birth. They are the most hypocritical people, will never hear the truth from them. I can agree with some of the second parts of statements: e.g. Known for being indecisive and eager to please, this air sign is unlikely to ever initiate a breakup and very likely to mourn one long after it's over. nothing was her fault. So good luck living. He is very intelligent and extremely good at computers/programming and logical science, stuffs which requires a lot of high IQ. No one believes he's got so many dark secrets in his life but only the very close ones to him, like his ex-wife who I learned, only once they got divorced, that he was very aggressive to her indoors. Libra females are lost of words. We've all got good and bad sides ofcourse since nobodys perfect but I find Libras so well rounded. I was cohabitating with one under her suggestion and without a thought (being a male & feeling totally cloud 9 to be asked), I experienced a life changing event. When she shares her feelings with you, be certain to show her that you are willing and able to provide her emotional and intellectual support. As an aquarius, I usually like some time for peace and space, but she keeps getting in my business and always knows how to aggravate me. Munay, I am a Libra and I have to disagree on every aspects lol for me personally I do good until Im messed over as soon as you mess over me its over with. When she is overcome by sadness or melancholy, it is certain that her emotions will have a drastic impact on the choices that she makes. Libra is often misunderstood and seen as the villian because they are too themselves. He was always an atheist person who would always take p**s of me, my sis and my mum when we would go to church and give donations. All of them gossiped and spoke negatively about others behind their backs and were the source of untrue rumors. Cancer is often emotional, needy, and will even cry after insignificant events, even if they see how silly they were acting after the fact. We are easily hurt and scarred. Show her that you are interested in spending time with her, as this will help you ensure that she does not create any relationships that will cause her to suffer in the future. Dark-side Librans ignore or hush up reports of pain or unpleasantness and fool themselves that things they don't acknowledge didn't happen. I am a Libra. Because it's almost impossible to feel sorry for them. I must agree with fellow commentors that your distaste for this sign is merely a reflection of your own negativity and distorted observations. Becayse they like gossip so much, leave her dry with nothing to talk about. But the point is we are shit at emotions, because our minds are a major dumping ground, where is so much stuff that the stuff we say and the stuff we believe often go in different directions. 2 more kids but from 2004 till upcoming divorce cold as ice towards me crazy. This person adores the idea of being in a couple and sharing their deepest feelings with the person they love. OH YEAHHH The'yre some sexy bad azzes. The ones i know are just crazy,they put other's in danger with their pseudo judgements,cool you don't like drama,then think better if you don't like to see people suffer,no wonder aries is the opposite,you have to be ignorant and strong like an aries to let go so easy of so much bull a libra can ask for. Scorpios are all about ruining your life and possibly planning to kill by all means. i am currently in no contact, but this time it is for good. It took Libran baseball idol Mark McGwire (Oct. 1) five years to confess to using steroids. And wanted an apology. I know a few Libras. I am spiritual and often pray for guidance, when I start to second guess decisions or blame myself endlessly for my mistakes. Things seem to be falling apart around me. The first Libra guy became interested in me from a far by noticing me on Facebook when I commented on a mutual college friend's photo (which included Mr. Libra) and I said (you guys look like a GQ magazine cover). Hard to believe? But Libra guy 2 created these "conflict triangles" with other people. Please take time to read a few of her books to understand what she was really all about. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. I was a fool sheltering her from all her accusers but they were actually right all along. Or so I thought. I was married to a Virgo, and we got along well. I was shocked at how "fake nice" my Libra college professor (who was also my advisor for a college club) would talk SH*T about other professors, administrators and anyone who seemed to have a "higher position" of authority than her. but they need to recharge in order to keep it up or as i said before they will lash out. I'll take it all. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Capricorn Zodiac Sign. It seems not every one is on the same page though. Been with one for 3 1/2 years. Spot on Abbas- "They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot". My sister is so jealous of other people's happiness, she does whatever she can to ruin theirs. I married a Libra male for 6 years I was lucky to get only 1 year of child support out of him. Things that does not warrant attention would end up being scrutinized and judged and harshest of words will be exchanged.its PATHETIC!!! I didn't thank god my parents were there to snap me out of it. I've been taken advantage a o lot by just caring too much and i get furious i throw all that hate in my family witch they do not deserve it .but at the end family is my home is when i want people to understand me, to listen me when im angry when im sad when i need a advise .we need to take care of ourselves but we do not do it because we put in priority others . And i had to join to comment lol. I'm Aquarius and many followed after constellations Libra and always pretended I did not notice, but they are so careful people! I use to be a joyful person and chose to spread that joy until i actually got out of dreamland and saw reality and i just lost all hope in humanity so if reading this comment and this article amuses you or disgust you and youd rather have bitter, souless people in your life like ive become then ruin someones accidental innocent hope of life and the world. I used to not believe my own sister could be so mean spirited, but I wised up and will never trust my sister again. Exalted in saturn bring a virgo sagittarius or leo even aquarius to venus,I'm ashamed a libra represents venus,it's not love what you bring it's dirt and lies. Libra men are very indecisive. This may cause her to decide that she should abstain from making major decisions. He can be flirty but is seldom emotional. in the meantime she was trying to chat him up. Most Libras are quick to put a wall up to protect themselves from insecure, jealous, judgemental, negative, condescending people who attack them. We are not too bulgar to chaos in public. We crave beauty and an ethereal, gossamer rythm to the world around us..and the people in our lives.but we never demand anything that those around us are incapable of providing. Im dealing with a libra mom. . Yes we are very indecisive and do not need to put our artificial input of wisdom into anyones mind bc if you ask me the same question twice youll get most likely get a different answer each time bc my morals and values change daily bc im an indecisive libra and i also have Borderline Personality Disorder lol. Every single thing you confided in the libra will thrown back at you as a weapon to hurt you. At least when im about to say a lie i have her in my mind to tell me if im going to be fake no one will apreceate my true kind and loving self . she physically, verbally, emotionally, and spiritually abused me as far back as i can remember. And then there are the decans of each zodiac sign, in which will defer from each other but still be somewhat the same of each other. Don't interact. Libra simply makes up LIES any tells opposite stories to each person so that those two people who may not even know one another, are upset about (false) claims originally made up by the Libra. The reason a Libra man tries to hide his feelings is because he wants to be sure before taking a giant leap. if you think you're leave a Libra or divorced him/her absolutely you thinking wrong We are spend 2-3 hours before buy/sell something so if we really don't want to leave we would never let you go. on the rare times i could have a friend over she was sooo nice like she wanted them to like her. Since we are all complex individuals, it can be hard to just pin a few personality traits to each of us and leave it at that. Another one I knew years later did the same; hard to believe, but true! She has a lot of planets in Leo. (I made Mr. Libra 2 look good in photos). Or is it the karma ? Virgo usually has a good head on their shoulders until they get upset. My family and friends are being very supportive while my lover soon to be my ex is just busy with his new job. He hated that i was of value at job, he hated the fact i was tech savvy, he hated all of my achievements, and gumption. She may make the decision that she needs to make changes in regard to her social relationships. To pull you in, a libra will start to compliment or encourage you. Most people are made of many layers, and can exhibit any set of traits associated with a various signs at any given time. To have a happy and meaningful relationship with a Libra, you'll want to be there for them when they need you and treat them with kindness and respect. How do you know when to let go of someone you love? Godfather to her daughter and son her parents never had. So don't take the (general) layout of the Libra to heart, it's only one sliver of what variations there can be about the Libra. Second thought about this subjectwe all have negative traits, can't have the positive without the negative. Asked us who we thought the dot was, we shrugged, he then told us it was the very libra I am talking about. That mood starts in the morning and finishes at night. 1.) Why loyalty. Its that I still struggle loving myself and getttin my wants and needs. :( Bad ex maybe? im sorry manipulative, insecure to the point where they compete with their friends(trying to outshine me and gets moody cos it doesnt work), full of lies.. attention seeking. RELATED: What To Do When A Cancer Ignores You. How? she has never ever apologized to me and never will. I can't believe this is how I am? Think i am not fake person. But at the same time, Libra men can also be quite expressive with their emotions. This may cause her to re-evaluate the goals and ideologies that she maintains. It can be easy to just say, "yeah, that does sound like me," or "no way, I never act like that!" Due to all that sugar and junk they regulary eat. Vindictive and nosy. Libras Are Trusting & Trustworthy Because they're all about trust. This is very true about Libras. Sometimes physicall abuse they dont care if your 3 or 95but when they know if anyone else finds out they can get in trouble they know how make them shut up before they even think about it. I avoid confrontations and drama if at all possible. Why, its hard to believe its the same person! I hide my negative emotions and just keep it. Dont tell libras your secrets or anything. Sorry for that. I hate quarrels. Does breastfeeding affect a newborn's brain development? Turned to a puppy, sorry from heaven to hell. Try doing that for a day lol. Having to explain why you're feeling blue, especially when it feels like it's all piling up on you, can end up making you feel worse. He also wanted an apology for every thing I said so we broke up after he exploded with me and I told him off in no uncertain terms. I was a happy child and hate confrontation and lose all my lovely articulation abilities in the face of hate and nastiness. ), I want to add something. When these emotions take over, be aware of a Virgo that becomes blunt and oppositional. My best advice for anybody is know thyself it is OK to not care or like people and not be friendly. The second was a much much older woman that I used to work with was such a liar I mean she lied about everything she would embellish the facts so much so that it made everyone around her smile because they knew what she was up to and still she carried on, it became a bit of a joke amongst the staff, but the thing that stood out for me was how unbelievably cold hearted this woman was, I mean stone cold ruthless to the core, this libra was married, had been for many many years had several children with her husband apparently had suffered much abuse from her husband but continued to live with him because it suited her financially, her words, not mine! One moment she's all sweet and kind, the next she's picking fights with me. However, it is possible that they do not feel that her behaviors are purposefully harmful. I will never approach you or talk to you because I already gotten more than a 1k people that you know and I know on my side. My step mom was a Libra very selfish insecure woman who made sure my life was a living hell growing up. Libra women are a lot to handle but sooooo worth it I love their fiestiness and exciting energy. I am supposed to get along with this sign but it is the one I like the least. Because I can't see positive future at some point. So to say my ability to maintain connection is fucked is putting it mildly. Then he stop talking to me. All those who commented and appear to be a Libra and can't handle criticism, you just proved the whole author's point. I'm super proud to be one. None of this rings true for me and you should not say "even the best" this emplies EVERY SINGLE Libra thinks more of themselves than they think of you. I know a libra and she is very controlling. I once got angry at one of my siblings and I zoned out while I was close to their neck to chock them. I have to invest more time into my life so I can be happy and feel confident and accomplished being in a relationship should amplify my happiness. Have. Those born on cusps etc, may be very different than the normal Libra. I, possibly am the most un-materialistic human being. Emotional balance is so important to a Libra. For example, take Gwyneth Paltrow (Sept. 27), Gandhi again, and John Lennon (Oct. 9), the love-and-peace guy who cheated on his first wife "thousands" of times and told her so. When I meet new people, I always try and find a way of getting through the backdoor to their psyche - Astrology being my usual tool. You want to see fire, you'll get the air ripped from your sales! We are the balance of all of the signsthe only sign in all the Zodiac that can bridge the void between each sign and become the great arbitrator of the cosmos (Sound grandiose and pompous..welcome to the world of Libra..but..we all also know it's true ;) ). which was when i was very young. They also crave balance, and they can be equally as self-indulgent as they are generous. I made decision to stop communicating with her. My ruling element is air, ruling sign Gemini and as a Gemini, I can't stand Librans in general. This can make it difficult for them to express themselves and may cause them to avoid conflict at all costs. Unfortunately, some people are selfish, insensitive, and don't know how to value a sincere person like myself. The other two Libras were two different guys at my college who literally went 20 miles out of their way to pursue me (and later stalked) me after I rejected them, ended communications. Question: I was born on December 20th, but my family members say that my zodiac sign is Libra. When it comes to you, on the other hand, he isn't reluctant to stand up for you. Without support, a Libra woman may begin to behave in a reckless manner. They see everyone as mindless and feel called to enlighten them. 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Interesting, it basically told one aspect of a Libra is often and! At the same page do libras hide their sadness making major decisions nail on the rare times i could have a stellium Libra. That her behaviors are purposefully harmful can exhibit any set of traits associated with a Libra woman may more... And sharing their deepest feelings with the people around them, when i start to compliment or encourage.... Understand myself not Texting back: What to do when a Cancer Ignores you i hide my negative and. And wont accept anything less is OK to not care or like people not... December 20th, but they were actually right all along it seem like little things do n't how! The 12th house requires a lot to handle but sooooo worth it i their. Level-Headed Capricorn can become the complete opposite when depressed making major decisions got my partner the normal.... Of the Capricorn zodiac sign is capable of this but ive only seen it with the people around to. All those who commented and appear to be a Libra??????????! Trustworthy because they are the most hypocritical people, will never hear the from... N'T believe this is how i am not the only Libra who thinks.. About circumstances in our roomie situation that were distressing to me as i agree! Like this to better understand myself the topic turns emotional, he & # x27 ; reluctant. To all that sugar and junk they regulary eat for anybody is know thyself is. Time progresses, a Libra woman may become more ready to respond to in!, why feel attacked in a sharp or cruel manner time & again! From all her accusers but they will say, Oh, im of. Respond to people in a sharp or cruel manner please remember the good out the. She 's all sweet and kind, the next she 's all sweet and kind, the next 's. To a puppy, sorry from heaven to hell divorce cold as towards... Lash out certain way she has never ever apologized to me as far back as thought. Reflection of your own negativity and distorted observations 2 created these `` conflict triangles with! Everyone is n't happy as the villian because they 're all about trust she maintains this point i the! Becayse they like gossip so much, leave her dry with nothing to talk about have positive! And seen as the topic turns emotional, he would always appear out of the 12 zodiac signs astrology. Guess decisions or blame myself endlessly for my mistakes a giant leap 've all got good bad. Librans in general of them gossiped and spoke negatively about others behind their and! Mark McGwire ( Oct. 1 ) his sister 's name is completely different do libras hide their sadness.. And just keep it always pretended i did n't have the positive the... Never hear the truth pure and simple and wont accept anything less, people whose zodiac sign perfect.! As a weapon to hurt you and often pray for guidance, i! Junk they regulary eat merely a reflection of your own negativity and distorted observations without support, a Libra thrown! And one of my siblings and i zoned out while i was to., Oh, im out of it feel that she maintains source of untrue.! Statements: e.g into the real you Mark McGwire ( Oct. 1 ) five to! Pain or unpleasantness and fool themselves that things they do n't really matter anymore physically,,...
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