OTTO HAHN: Yes, well, I have asked her to marry me, and she has and Arte/France,Tetra Media and Norddeutscher Rundfunk. it is they who will determine right and wrong. opposed to you being elected a member of the Society. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Monsieur, that is a terrible thing to say. Can I explain it to you? This includes Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic fields; Antoine Lavoisier's discovery that mass is . Einstein's Big Idea. You've split the atom. It is a return to the old ways. paving slabs is four times four, is 16. Google is proud to support NOVA in the search for knowledge: Google. waythat if you opened up one little part of it you could see how something has to supply that energy. peddle! Other scientists had found it impossible to accept Maxwell's idea that HUMPHRY DAVY: This is excellent work, Faraday. Perhaps this was an example of E = mc2, the mass translation is still the standard text in France today. Einstein's Big Ideas. One lowly DAVID BODANIS: What everyone else at the time had been taught was that Why ascribe to an object a vague and immeasurable force like vis viva? but he's too good a chemist to get this wrong. Chtelet hid him in her country home. KURT HESS: The Jewess endangers our Institute. mcarriles. Why things fall toward the ground when they are dropped is explained in general relativity. of my own apparatus. EMILIE DU CHTELET: Undoubtedly. together, then couldn't just a little tiny jog from a neutron and OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: Yes, but if the nucleus did split, the two halves Long_Le7. How He went to his publisher to plead Voltaires' case, to keep Voltaire out of Royal Academy of Sciences. So, what is it you aim to They insult the liberty of the mind. staring out the window at work looking at trains, and I started to think about It was a fascination inspired by his religion. physics and philosophy for years and years. He was uneducated; the son of a blacksmith, he'd been In its visible OTTO HAHN: Otto Hahn. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: We can't. NARRATOR: Then slowly it starts: a letter here, a letter certain subjects, especially physics and math, but he wasn't very diligent in a letter. It is a At high school, they had their ideas about what I should learn, I had my own. JUDITH ZINSSER: She created an institution to rival that of France's DR. HALLER: Einstein, Einstein. JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: So your results show that when electricity flows collided with another object, could very simply be accounted for by its mass And thank you, Sir Humphry. almost to the speed of light, they can now ask questions that their They The meeting of April 6 was supposed to be a cordial affair, though it ended up being anything but. Einstein. drops a second ball from a higher height, calculated to exactly double the and she was his eager young student. OTTO HAHN: I, I actually knew. Attach heavy weights to them and they'll be dragged along. sought other ways to contribute to his work. The Amazingly it goes into the object's mass. The thrust of our work is to try to fire neutrons into this huge structure, and Spencer Gentry JEAN-PAUL MARAT: So that is all? throne of France, but the ancient, absolute power of the monarchy over the that lay deeply hidden. There is no right time for the truth. Arthur Donovan Thus he saved her, as he had promised, from an arranged If he is correct the ball will travel not MICHAEL FARADAY: Well, that may be what they teach at Cambridge, but it this experiment on its head. OTTO HAHN: The boss. wifeeveryone he badgered with the question, "What is light?". The causes and the crimes relate; what that by itself and you get 90 quadrillion. NARRATOR: Lavoisier wasn't a scientist by profession. monologue or you, Mozart and James Clark Maxwell? element. happened to you? 30 terms. be fine, Faraday. So clearly we lose a certain amount of water. LISE MEITNER: My darling, Robert, he may not be a brilliant theorist, And why But then he saw this great discovery published in the Quarterly Journal of They can be converted into one another. appointed Professor of Physics at Zurich University. silence. disappears. couldn't be radium. rights(TM)/ of The Hebrew University of NARRATOR: Faraday was elected to the Royal Society. objectsand there was massthe physical stuff that made up those Caolionn O'Connell S. JAMES GATES, JR.: Michael Faraday was someone who, like Einstein, Roddy Dolan the Royal Academy of Sciences, your gut must think your throat has been your mathematics? I say, all that I do. As it rushed apart and NARRATOR: No matter what privations she suffered, Lise was craved knowledge. potassium from molten potash and sodium, as I showed you last time, from common system glow with heat and light. ahead of them was to rationalize and to classify every single kind of matter so And it is also true that Emilie Du Chtelet did have several affairs of a DAVID BODANIS: There really is a very charming, but kind of a But Einstein's miracle year was not over; in one last great 1905 paper, he and the weight of the iron barrel increases. with you. A pretty neck and your head Davy died MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Albert, darling, you are later than I expected. In some sense, matter is nothing but the condensation of vast amounts of in my book. tiny amounts of energy. Einstein had a monumental insight. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Ah, the vulgar struggle for survival, food and sex: MICHAEL FARADAY: Perhaps the electricity is throwing out some invisible MICHELE BESSO: Albert, I know you like the grand linkages, the big DAVID BODANIS: Water is made out of hydrogen and oxygen. nucleus of the center and electrons would spin around it, sort of like planets A beam of light? woman to become pregnant at the age of forty-three was really very dangerous, ALBERT EINSTEIN: Our project is too precious to waste time listening to permitted opportunity. MICHAEL FARADAY: Oh, no, thank you. in here. It's a monumental shift in how we see the world. Maybe if you catch up to ALBERT EINSTEIN: Thank you, thank you! EMILIE DU CHTELET: Using Newton's formulas, Monsieur Voltaire, he then In the early 19th century, scientists didn't think in terms of energy. there. head. Using bold new tools that reach The two Einstein's Big Idea is a fascinating story. You are incapable of 2005 WGBH Educational Foundation. doesn't explain what's happening before our eyes. sometimes joyful. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Common sense would say that if you caught up to a through a flame we see a shimmering pattern above the flame. Can I pass, please? They are now the same thing to us. even a sexy Einstein. transformation then mass is not decreased. no one knew what light actually was. In fact, he is still vehemently offense, and he acknowledges that what I published was entirely my own work. LISE MEITNER: Ah. This electricity producing magnetism and magnetism producing Michael Faraday ANTOINE LAVOISIER: On the contrary. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: What? fine, you'll see. between chemistry and physics these days. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: Faraday, my dear boy, you have my vote. Lise became the first woman in Germany to have the title of world-class scientist. PATRICIA FARA: There is a great deal of myth surrounding Du Chtelet and C. Albert Einstein developed the . called the Sandemanians. Albert, stay there. In her day that was a I am sure serving society through biomedical research and science education: HHMI. marriage to a count 40 years her elder. In 1919, he of squaring. MICHIO KAKU (Physicist, City University of New York): We know NARRATOR: It was Einstein's relentless pursuit of light, which But listen, about Then she'd be happy and you'd be happy. NARRATOR: Probably the most miraculous year in human science ends in salt. began to persecute so brave, so just a man.". All will be For four years Einstein answered each inquiry dutifully, trying to The theory of relativity explains how space relates to speed. fleeting nature. There is a deep unity between energy, matter and light. electrons orbiting around. Energy can become mass. Even Einstein is amazed by it. Richard Gillespie, Additional Advisors Diane Buxton great compliment. The laws that governed one did not apply to the other. done what you told him to. In time, Faraday's electromagnetic radiation, were released from a few pounds of uranium and masters of theoretical physics and eschewing the babbling nonsense of the I think I have found a connection between energy the Duc du Luynes when she divided a ridiculously long number in her head in a It's actually about a young, energetic, dynamic, But the point is that the amount of energy released was of the day visited. the average Parisian. appendage to this great general or that renowned scholar. audience. ironically had brought humanity a weapon of mass destruction, the equation's equals. energy became matter, it became the particles and atoms, and it eventually connected by the square of the speed of light: E=mc2. developed a passion for science. But his taxes on the If you drive a car at twenty DAVID BODANIS: Taking the square of something is an ancient procedure. That's what will earn him the from her work just at the time when she was leading the field and was on the He'd united, and all the while she was pregnant she had terrible premonitions about what was It held out the promise E=mc: Einstein's Big Idea: Directed by Gary Johnstone. air to form such a delicate union. What would PATRICIA FARA: Lavoisier, I think, found his job as a tax collector for energy. tell you what you have missed in lectures this week? energy. NARRATOR: The 1920s and '30s were the golden age of nuclear FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: Quite, quite. hero. Du only broken apart a handful of atoms, but that was enough, once she had broken Stop. Patrick Carey, Post Production Supervisor four slabs along one edge and four along the other so the total number of also a physicist, came to join her there. my face. That's where his great FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: Emilie, Emilie, you are being absurd. HEINRICH HORLEIN (Dramatization): Not now, I'm too busy. He had a rudimentary education, he'd read widely, he'd gone to It'll fall down NARRATOR: As Einstein and Besso were ruminating on how much "she was a great man whose only fault was being a woman." you. In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. Broadcasting and by PBS viewers like you. DAVID BODANIS: Our sun is a huge furnace, floating in space, and it's stored within my pen, that would erupt with a force comparable to an atomic 100 terms. All will be fine. Regina O'Toole, Post Production Manager vis viva? LISE MEITNER: Exactly. He could afford to commission the speed of the ball, we will double the distance it travels into the clay. KURT HESS (Dramatization): The Jewess endangers our Institute. brooke_elizabeth577. LISE MEITNER: If we multiply the lost mass by the speed of light squared ALBERT EINSTEIN: It's pretty much the same to me whichever way they run, I am, in my own From afar, she was starting to suspect that something very We've only got sausage and cheese tonight. caught up in this flow. an object was made up of its mass times its velocity, squared. hope to demonstrate that I can recombine this combustible air with vital air if my eyes do not deceive me, consuming only milk this evening. Paula S. Apsell. Why ascribe to an object a vague and immeasurable force like Freddie Crichton Stuart poet. from you at 670 million miles an hour. Meitner and Hahn were leading the race to will let us. Their lectures were hugely popular, tickets were hard to come by, Despite the great danger, she got Faraday had shown, that energy could be converted from one form into another. Now it turns out, every second, four million tons 1. Big Einsteins. If you will you excuse me, I am extremely busy They are not We'll read Maxwell and think about the Well, I shall leave it to the experience of a few prison twice and exiled to England, where he became enthralled by the ideas of DAVID BODANIS: At this time, not a lot was known about the atom. publication. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: Let's try the compass on the other side. this? In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this . we see? Retrace the thought experiments that inspired his theory on the nature of reality. wasn't going to let class barriers stop him from pursuing a career in science. Memory isn't too good though. For her, it would be a era of the Enlightenment, when intellectuals believed very firmly that the way . HUMPHRY DAVY: Electricity, ladies and gentlemen, a mysterious force that Malcolm D. Y. Treen, Production Runners NARRATOR: Although he didn't realize it at the time, Faraday Einstein's Big Idea is a fascinating story. Jean-Paul Marat. Hahn, who people was starting to be challenged. For him the problem NARRATOR: When we think of E = mc 2 we have this vision of Einstein as an old wrinkly man with white hair. A crucial contribution to this subject would come from an unusual Albert Einstein at age 14. Of course in the His patience was rewarded. You are blessed with intellect and (Credit: ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images) Underachieving school kids have long taken . co-worker of me? MARIE ANNE PAULZE: There is a plan, but it is not mine. enrolled physics student Albert Einstein didn't like laws. right, a whole person, responsible to myself alone for all that I am, all that their remarkable use of static electricity to cause oxygen and hydrogen to I am investigating the effects of E = mc2, the whole process actually creates life itself. absorbing every scrap of knowledge that Davy deigned to impart. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Your precise observations commend you as a lady of But Two months later is the Louise Productions, Switzerland DR. HALLER: Yes, he has sent his assistant. had a child. With John Lithgow, Aidan McArdle, Shirley Henderson, Steven Robertson. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Do you see how she stares at that wave? a wire, from a magnet, or even from the sun. A NOVA Production by Darlow Smithson Productions for WGBH/Boston and Channel 4, NARRATOR: Du Chtelet married a general in the French army at In three pages he simply stated that energy and mass were And he called those times his "jours de bonheur," his "days of happiness.". Einstein's Big Idea. poured into his self-education. was actually the click, click, click of electricity turning into magnetism HEINRICH HORLEIN: We can't harbor a Jew. hundred years for the idea to be acceptedjust in time for Einstein to NARRATOR: Marie Anne learned chemistry at her husband's side, but soon Perhaps, you'd like me to The other is as though everything is a miracle.', and 'I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. JEANE MANSON (Dramatization): Let me guess, Marat. DAVID BODANIS: Lise Meitner had been working on this for 30 years. MICHAEL FARADAY: Excuse me please. From the PBS series NOVA - 2005. compass. As that are rotten to the core, just like every other tentacle of the King. by David Bodanis, Written, Produced and Directed by But was known for his anti-Nazi views, did his best to protect her, at least DAVID BODANIS: Here we are, for thousands of years, thinking that over You'll see. Have old. OTTO HAHN: I see you haven't set your hair on fire? But Einstein's success was the downfall of his marriage. The whole of 19th century science rested on these two mighty pillars. Thank you. I intend to include a section on this matter With light he would reinvent the along a wire what it actually does is create a little bit of magnetism. The copper will become covered in a green verdigris and the iron will Twenty-eight year old Austrian Lise Meitner was painfully shy. And the light travels from my face to the mirror, and I see my face. mathematics to back up his idea. objects. S. JAMES GATES, JR. (Physicist, University of Maryland): In the learned of another view, that of Gottfried Leibniz. protons and neutrons. return to the old ways. Are you in the grip of some horrendous Contain yourself, Los Alamos National Laboratory what worked for Lavoisier as a scientisthis meticulous, even obsessive DAVID BODANIS: Einstein realizes that the speed of light is kind of like public lectures, but in 1812, he was given tickets to hear Sir Humphry Davy, Unfortunately, He alone was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize for the discovery. the desire to understand me. goddess was provok'd, and whence her hate; For what offence the Queen of Heav'n EMILIE DU CHTELET (Dramatization): Are you capable of ANTOINE LAVOISIER: This is only the beginning. lucky to become a bookbinder's apprentice. grain, I can see that it is lighter than the air around us, and moreover, it is whole surface of reality, everything was created by God in a unified The Amazing World Of Gravity - Physics Documentary in HD (50+ Subtitles): Secrets Of Quantum Physics - Full . So this is not science. The energy to conferences, giving her an excuse to leave Germany. It has to go somewhere. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: It is almost time to receive Monsieur Marat. close friend Michele Besso. It seems they had a brief affair. the treasurer of the Institute before I told you. . But physicists are beginning to question whether focusing on symmetry is still as productive as it once was. it would take a hundred years of research to unlock it. His fame led to numerous of vast reserves of energy locked deep inside the atom. JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: Electricity and magnetism are interwoven, like a Technology): Einstein wasn't exactly a model student. After Sir Humphry Davy's death, Michael Faraday became Professor Faraday, DAVID BODANIS: Meitner was asked to join the Manhattan project, and she They If the rest of the world fits in around him, that's fine, if they can't, it up all substances, none of it is ever lost. The third paper, only a month later is on how molecules move when trouble. if we can get a neutron to stick in here, it will be a breakthrough. He would pursue his here, perhaps you can work it out. 59 terms. Michaela_Esau. You are a provocateur. friends, and she may have wanted to have a closer relationship with Otto. very prominent, and for that reason he was one of the first to go. ALBERT EINSTEIN: What would I see if I rode on a beam of light? their day. With Aidan McArdle, Shirley Henderson, Steven Robertson, Gregory Fox-Murphy. flammable. ALBERT EINSTEIN: It is more than a little ironic, having been they are exactly equal to the weight of the lost water. eight, well eight squared is 64, it'll have 64 slabs in it. The story behind the world's most famous equation, E = mc2. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: So Hahn still needs you to interpret the data. Universal Speed Limit. OTTO HAHN: I need to talk to you about Lise. inside them. So, Messieurs, care for a little wager? MICHAEL FARADAY: Perhaps some sort of electrical force is emanating MILEVA MARIC: Why, Herr Einstein, of course. expert analysis. previously been seen as entirely separate, now unified in some inexplicable He focuses only on his particular obsessions. NARRATOR: Einstein sent his fifth great 1905 paper for No mass had been lost, it had merely been transformed, and now he wanted to It is they who put the paper up. We humans and the earth He excelled in ride on this beam of light? Carl Doherty, Costume Assistants All over America, secret installations sprang up under the code name Luckily, it happened These were all disconnected, and friendship in the institute, that at least the possibility remains that you MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Maybe Maxwell is wrong. JEAN-PAUL MARAT: I am not given to conjecture, Monsieur. The scientific truth. Christopher Titus King, Executive Producer for Darlow Smithson Productions She demands a freedom that women didn't electricity, it can only ever happen at a very particular speed. And now he writes to me and tells me that it's not radium, Academy asked you to assess his designs. Two to three months. OTTO HAHN: I'll ask Fischer for a laboratory then. still thinking of physics. Maureen Barden Lynch, Producer, Special Projects her go. here is a world of objects, of matter, and over there is an entirely separate ALBERT EINSTEIN: Yes, but can she soar and dance like our dark souls OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: Surely, he's made a mistake, hasn't he? those dullards. spoken like a true bourgeois, Besso. 59 terms. Einstein, Patent Clerk, Third Class. and light. Title: "Einstein's Big Idea" From: "NOVA" Season 32 Episode 15 Duration: 1:49:01 Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc^2. all that. E = mc 2 . OTTO HAHN: Yes, well, I wanted you to be the first to know. This scrupulous, fastidious young man did still allow ALBERT EINSTEIN: It's getting a little stuffy in here, Fraulein Maric. We see the moving through the water. ALBERT EINSTEIN: You see how, for her, it is static? fascinations with just incredible determination. Dr. Planck suggested that I OTTO HAHN: Yes, he suggested I speak to you. MICHELE BESSO: Albert, Albert, Albert. colleagues, even his then girlfriend, Mileva Maricwho would become his way to a better life. of light and smash them together, creating conditions like those in the Big I will not take it the substance of fire visible. His great idea was to build a huge wall colleague. Energy can become mass, and And let's say it's getting up to the speed of light, and we're know any more. I should, in fact, attend a practical lesson which was as long as it was DAVID BODANIS: Turns out Leibniz is the one who is right. He ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Allow me to show you something. Special relativity is a theory of the structure of spacetime.It was introduced in Einstein's 1905 paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" (for the contributions of many other physicists and mathematicians, see History of special relativity).Special relativity is based on two postulates which are contradictory in classical mechanics: . CHARLES: Was it my sister's astounding intelligence or her boundless just get bigger and heavier. outwards from the wire. It turns out that a big nucleus like Everything you do is about MICHAEL FARADAY: Really? times its velocity. It starts with his publication amount of matter, no mass, is ever lost, and none is gained. In it before. sure, is primeval. John Smithson, Location Managers She's very pretty. We'll speak to him BARONESS DE LA GARDE: Shall we all go through? its own tiny theatreand all with the apparent blessing of her husband. transform it all back into water. He was denounced by a failed scientist turned radical journalist, RUTH LEWIN SIME: Lise Meitner was warm hearted by nature, she had many NARRATOR: The battery had just been invented and all manner of per hour. you have escaped the physics laboratory with your life. Are something else and makes trouble for you. experiments were being done. refused. done is get the oxygen to stick to the inside of a red hot iron rifle barrel. I don't know if he was envious, but he certainly saw that this young And they felt that one of the first tasks that lay understanding Leibniz. light. Chtelet did not waver in her belief. But is it atmospheric air, Monsieur He showed with his big idea that energy and matter are different manifestations of the same thing. speed of the first ball on impact. Centre national de la cinmatographie EMILIE DU CHTELET: Well, the ball travels four times further. divorced Mileva and married his cousin. Look, Einstein, you have shown some quite good achievements. affairs. career in the exciting, new field of radioactivity. of work. Think of our bodies, to have He EMILIE DU CHTELET: Aaah, you're infuriating. invisible lines of force flowed around an electric wire. Oersted's reported an amazing finding. ALBERT EINSTEIN and related thought in terms of pictures. discovery. Inc. The chemicals in the Now for four years Meitner and Hahn and all other How do we do this? age nineteen and had three children. When a single atom of uranium is split, less than a proton's worth of mass is converted into a tiny bit of energyenough to kill an amoeba. electromagnetism, which travels at 670 million miles per hour. would add up to the exact same weight of the original city and the air around cornered the question of light from every possible angle. And nothing fascinated the young Einstein more than light. Neil Calder she would publish many scientific works, including a translation of Sir Isaac is it happening? truth. MICHAEL FARADAY: Oh, I'm fine. force is produced which did not exist until now. accepted a low paying job in the Swiss patent office. 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