6. Learning how to decline a client project is an essential process for every freelancer, regardless of their industry or areas of expertise. Regardless of your reasoning why you want to turn down work, it's often a good idea to communicate something back for several reasons ranging from professionalism to preventing email miscommunication. Over 10,000 of us are having daily conversations over in our free Facebook group and we'd love to see you there. Sometimes, the most respectful thing for you, for your company and even for the colleague who is asking you to take on more is to say, "No." Here are some tips for how to decline a request graciously: This project is out of my area of expertise. Unfortunately, we are unable to fulfill your request at this time [provide any relevant information as to why you cannot fulfill this request]. But theres no reason to feel damned if you do, damned if you dont. Because you can say no, without framing it as a lazy move. Will completing this project advance you towards your greater professional goals? Nevertheless, it can still present you with an awkward situation. Head of Accounting (AMER) at Ignition and Managing Director Someday that recommendation may be reciprocated. 1. Knowing why you want to decline will help you plan out a strategic, amicable reply that will make your response clear without offending the requesters. It's imperative that you learn how to say "no"respectfully, but firmly. Written words do matter and in my opinion, polite, professionally-written words set you up for success. Sending an Email Rejection Message. You probably know what projects youll take on and which ones you wont. Posted 9 years ago. Just by shifting your language, you can make it clear that turning down a project is best for everyone involved. Great post indeed, I have found that some clients offer me work that i have to turn down mainly because of the time factor and more importantly the money. If they are new, do you have any reservations about working with them? This will help you better plan your time and apportion your resources. Assess your lead generation tactics and content, as well as the way initial communications are conducted, to see if you can better qualify potential clients. We are grateful that you considered us for your project. In business, using an RFP or proposal rejection letter the best practice. . Im Capella and Im an interior designer who helps fellow designers build their businesses. Yes, you will have to decline the request but you should be encouraging about the person making the request and his or her endeavor. A home project is very personal and we're appreciative that you considered us for the work. I cant think of a better reason to decide up front what you will or wont work on based on the strength of your reputation. Reassess how you obtain new leads. But in the long run, I find it is very good business because I am still providing a service to the client. Whatever the reason may be, the conversation may still feel awkward and difficult to navigate. The client appreciates it immediately. Need to hire a contractor for that home improvement project? Glad to hear you have no regrets turning down the work thats the attitude to have when making a difficult decision like that. : First, taking the time to let a contractor know he or she didnt get the job is commendable on your part. If you're just starting out, it's okay that you may not be crystal clear on what projects you want, you're still new and have time to experiment. Will they ever learn it? Ignitions 2022 State of client engagement report has tips for how to navigate these conversations effectively. Ottawa, Ontario. The benefits of saying yes to a new project are pretty obvious. 2. Turning down a job offer politely can be an excellent booster for your self-esteem too. Communicating clearly will ensure that these kinds of unwanted projects don't keep appearing in your inbox, draining your energy and weakening your business boundaries. Your IP: Please note that I am more than willing to [share the project on LinkedIn / put you in touch with another freelancer I know who may be interested], if youd like me to. 1. I have had to turn down clients many times. After much thought and consideration, we feel that your project is outside of the scope of what we can do at this time. And while there are many great articles on why you shouldnt feel guilty about saying no, many people still do. 7. How to politely decline a request No matter the source of the request or your reasons for refusing it, consider taking these steps when declining a request: Understand the reason for the request Make sure that you understand, for example, why the meeting must occur on short notice or a customer wants to cancel an order. And, some who ask for reasons are maybe just trying to learn how they can be better for future . No, I need the pricing structured differently. Im glad everything worked out for the best. Posted November 21, 2016, by Vivien Luu. Whatever the reason, cost, timing or out of your zone of expertise, if you cant do the job, thank the company that is offering you the work and if its appropriate, you may want to recommend another freelancer. For nearly three years, she was an editor at The Muse, and she's regularly contributed career advice to Mashable. Best of luck with your new website and all of your future endeavors. Life is busy already, and being a freelancer tends to make it significantly busier! This will minimize any potential damage to the clients timeline or budget. The client would still expect first quality thought and execution, and still eat up the schedule deciding by committee, so while this job constituted a huge chunk of change, I turned them down. Regardless of your reasoning why you want to turn down work, its often a good idea to communicate something back for several reasons ranging from professionalism to preventing email miscommunication. Turning down projects when youre too busy will allow you to give your full attention to those that you have agreed to complete. I have designed quite a few logos. I don't believe anything more than that is required. There are different types of rejection letters with all serving the same function, communicating or notifying a person/business of the prevailing situation, of rejection of an interview, internship or job etc. If your gut feeling is urging you to pass on a certain project or client, listen to it. In the end, they respect me for meaning yes when I say yes and not saying yes when I should say no. I was extremely pumped that I missed all the signs. He insisted on a flat fee and 5 ideas instead of my usual 3. Sometimes, whether a project fits your schedule will depend on your ability to work out a reasonable timeline with your client. 3. Decline While Asking to Reschedule. By establishing guidelines for yourself and learning how to say No when something doesnt fit within your professional goals, you will avoid a lot of miscommunication, confusion, and heartache for yourself. Unfortunately, Ignition doesn't support payments in South Africa, but it's something we're working on in the future. By writing your thoughts in an email, you can perfect the message and avoid any potential awkwardness. Whatever the reason, youll want to tread carefully to make sure you dont come across as an elitist jerk. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Not always or right away, but it dawns on them slowly that there is enough work to go around and it doesnt hurt them to share when they can. The projects you choose to take on should align with your values and career goals. Keep it simple and professional to avoid misunderstanding and give yourself the option of keeping the door open to future collaboration. This is the exact advice I needed for my current situation. When turning down a project, be honest, professional, and respectful. Lower-paying jobs could still be a great fit for you if they support worthy causes, provide you with important experience, or advance you towards larger long-term goals. And neither of these options are going to make you look like youre on top of things. I usually charge rates of [add your hourly / per-project rate here], and you have indicated that you would like to stay under [their stipulated budget]. 2 Describe, if appropriate, the bid's positive features. Communicate your decision as soon as possible. the time and effort you put into your proposal is evident. If you can handle the project at a later date, provide the client with this option. We feel your pain - but someone's gotta do it. Totally love this post. Most freelancers have set hourly, per-page, or per-task rates for their work, and most of these rates align with local industry standards. I decided to give my future clients a set of choices upfront on a template (color wheel, fonts, etc) and continue with my 3 idea, price range rule based on revisions. What company benefits are most important to you? Step 2: Decide on the Method of Communication. Please contact Jane Smith, purchasing officer, at (123) 456-7890 with any questions. Some clients may even take no as a personal rejection. My accountant was also very against it. Thanks for including details about [project name]. Your aim should be to politely decline the business proposal and not to humiliate the recipient. Go with you gut! It is no surprise that they dont choose my service. I have reached out to them to confirm if they have capacity and they would love to discuss this with you further if you are interested. When firing a client, always: I, too, was nervous about turning down work, but other things came along that were more lucrative! Ive decided to turn him down but how would I go about that after so long? Thank you for helping me to talk through it. Some industries and hobbies have a cult following (think extreme sports, music, environmental issues, etc.) I typically respond to work-related e-mails within one-to-two business days. Once you tell a recruiter or hiring manager that you're not interested, there's no going back. Sometimes you will receive inquiries that leave you rolling your eyes. I was recommended by a colleague to work with a gentleman who was in on the ground floor of a new technical school as their director of marketing, even though the colleague knew that the director was slightly insane! 1. If your gut is telling you to pass on the project listen. Its important for you to determine the key reasons why you wish to decline a client in the first place. Bill Gates once said, Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Dear Angie: How do I turn down a contractor without being negative? Always respond Don't just ignore or delete emails if you are not interested in an opportunity that a brand has pitched to you, especially if the email is personalized to you specifically. This article is spot on, and Im in a very similar situation at the moment. After careful review, I feel that I am unable to fully commit my resources and attention to your project. You might encounter a client who expects you to drop everything to help them meet a last-minute weekend deadline. Declining an assignment can be easier if you offer your manager or colleague an option outside yourself. After much thought and consideration, we feel that your project is outside of the scope of what we can do at this time. If youve shifted from working from 9-to-5 to freelancing recently, you might be under the impression that you wont ever need to deal with tedious or unwanted projects again. Remember that turning down a client is a business decision, so treat it as such. You're allowed to say. Of course, there is the flip side when you are that busy. 1. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. We do (interiors/new builds/remodels/lofts) that are (design firm aesthetic). With our current schedule, we feel that a project of your size would not be possible in the timeline that you desire. You can also refer them to a different company. Uninterested in the Company. Thank the prospective client. How to Turn Down a Job Offer Declining a job offer will look a little different depending on your situation, but some advice holds true across the board: Be certain. There are many great reasons that you should turn down a project. ), Head of Accounting (AMER) at Ignition and Managing Director, don't allow emotions to influence your decision-making, accountant or other professional in the United States, help guide you through the referral process, How to turn down a client, say no or decline a project. 1. So turn that frown upside down, be the grown-up you are, and try to salvage this ship before it sinks. Dear Mr. Jones, Thank you for taking the time to submit a thorough proposal to our organization. Do i profit or am I inconvenienced for my efforts and do I grow as a freelance business and as a Designer if not then i cannot take it on. Maybe you dont want to work with a publisher because you know they dont pay; maybe you have no desire to write for a fledging webzine because you feel youre too good to be seen in that space. Yesterday, I had talked about when (and why) you should consider turning down new projects. Im thinking yeah right Im going to spend hours working for peanuts when I could be working on my own site which sucks and needs updating badly. What I find most frustrating is when I design a logo for a client who is over the moon with it, gives you great feedback, but they go elsewhere, behind your back, for a lesser-quality web design. But I always try to hook them up with another freelancer suitable for their needs. It will also help you minimize errors and offer your clients more one-on-one interactions, which allows them to communicate concisely what they want out of the end result. It makes me happy to hear that you believed in your services enough to turn down a project that required spec work. Mike, I enjoy the outdoors, but Im not a mountain-biker. If the letter is being sent via email the subject line should have your full name followed by vendor proposal. If youre not feeling it, this can be an easy out. (And you improve your relationship with the designers you recommend, even if they dont take the job.). I can see you're looking for (contemporary/traditional/remodel/loft/etc), which is not our firm's area of expertise. Be upfront about your reasons for declining If you're unable to commit to a job, you should give customers a clear explanation. 1. 7 Steps to Politely Turn Down a Job Offer. I have enclosed a few names of other trusted freelancers that may be able to take on this project right now. Try Smith.ai now Accelerate growth with live receptionists and AI. Editors note: This post was originally published on January 29th 2019 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Unfortunately, this project isnt a good fit for our team [insert a brief explanation, if the situation demands]. Ask questions & keep the conversation going in our free Mastermind group. It also opens the door for emotions, which could easily turn a well-intentioned conversation sour. I worked on a huge fund-raising project for a well known cancer organization for two years in a row. We appreciate your consideration and wish you all the best in your business endeavors. I knew that if I took this job at the lower rate, I would never, ( read : ever) get back to a realistic rate. Even if you have no interest in the project, thank them for their consideration. Even if the prospective client is a referral, youre still not under any obligation to take on their work. This article sums up most of what I was already thinking. Or you may not able to offer them the exact outcome they're asking for. (Optional: My schedule for a project of your scope will be open in _ weeks / months time. Sometimes Ive made the right choice and sometimes the wrong one. Optional (waitlist):Our schedule for a project of your size is opening in X months. "Our expectation is that we get a response to our quote or our question, really quickly. Examples are 'Dear,' 'Sir,' and 'Mr.'. Perhaps youll meet an acquaintance who wants you to edit their draft novel for far less than your set rate. I want to be as transparent as possible but hes pretty important and I really dont want to burn this bridge. If you frequently have to turn down potential clients, then you may be attracting the wrong type of leads. When he asked me to do some spec work so he could evaluate my design aesthetic, (even though he had seen my portfolio) a red flag went up immediately. Of course, be open to lowering your standard rates if the project might pay off in. And therell be times when your boss gives you a project like that to help you grow. They bring you interesting projects, they learn and adapt based on your recommendations, How to deal with difficult clients (and avoid them!). "I'd love to help out with that, but my concentration needs to be on [insert task] right now." 2. I was referred by someone coming highly recommended. Is this client respectful of your time, resources, and professional integrity as a freelancer? Our management team was impressed with the quality of your application and documentation. Instead, try recommending resources or do-it-yourself solutions. Return the message in the format it was received. I appreciate that you have considered me for this task. Hi! Any project you do choose to take on board should fit your bill in a few crucial ways. So what is the correct way to write a sample bid rejection letter? Angie Hicks compiles the best advice from the most highly rated service pros on Angies List to answer your questions. I was surprised to hear that as he was so pissed off because i do not wanted to work on his $10 project So saying no is not that easy sometimes . Thanks! There is nothing worse than pissing someone off, even if its by accident, who has a better rep or is more well-known than you. Your's Sincerely, Mario Capone. Visit my Contact Page to send me an email. Just yesterday I turned down my first project. Clearly, youre going to sound like a jerk if someone approaches you with a crummy task and you volunteer your colleague instead. However, if you can navigate this situation and let them down gently and politely, it can help safeguard your reputation, and may provide an opportunity to reinvigorate the relationship at some point in the future. Ive just decided not to apply for something that could be a good opportunity to earn money because I have plans to put into action and feel the need to develop my business, and I cant do that while Im commuting over 2 hours a day! 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