Blue-Gray He doesnt remember what happened but Allura is convinced he is a traitor. Galrans (more commonly known as Galra) are a species of alien race, or a collective thereof, comprising the bulk of the Galra Empire and the Blade of Marmora. The words spat out of his dry mouth. The Galra are an incredibly advanced species, known to have devised technology that allows them to achieve faster-than-light intergalactic travel, through which the Galra Empire was able to conquer most of the known universe in the short span of ten-thousand standard years. Heritage Zarkon has noticed that Keith's natural fighting style resembles that of the Galran's own during their first duel. Because he knew deep down that he'd never forget Lance, as long as he was alive Keith would remember him. [5][6][7] He places as much value on his team members as he does his mission and makes an honest effort to connect with them no matter how often he scolds someone for their lack of focus. By signing up on Inkitt, you agree to our. The last thing Ulaz expected to find on an altean ship was a galran kit- but that was exactly what he stumbled across. This can be seen in Keith, who is Galran and human, who appears human externally, save for the color of his irises, which more closely resemble to the skin and fur tones of the average Galran. Lance has had a crush on this boy ever since An aging alien warns Team Voltron of the Galra's greatest monster. Is he a Blade of Marmora or a Paladin of Voltron? Keith's mixed heritage seems to have had an affect on him. Keith is ambidextrous, as he switches using his Bayard and shield between both arms, sometimes in the same episode. Was wrde jetzt mit ihn passieren, wrde jemand kommen und ihn holen oder wrden sie ihn zurck lassen? As Galra. I'll be your knight (in shining armor) by Sarara, The Storyteller and the Thief by Laura of Maychoria (AO3 link), who you are in the dark bydiscordiansamba, Not Our First Time Around by TheOtakuWithHazelEyes, Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron by W.I.T.C.H-and-Naruto-Girl, What 'Home' Means byH_Faith_Marr andA Monster Calls (orphan_account). "Hey!" "Listen to Thace, kit." He turned his head to look at Lance and almost laughed. All he wants is rest and time to think over all that has happened. When Kolivan agreed to an alliance with Voltron, he didn't expect to find a kit captured on their ship. Voltron Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Keith's Galra heritage was hinted at a few times during Season 1: his ability to activate the Galra technology on the Balmera with his handprint, his fighting style being remarked upon by Zarkon in their first duel, etc. It also has a lot of curse words Lance works in his friend's small cafe in a busy street. While Keith normally appears to be completely human, he has displayed Galran traits such as yellow sclerae, feline pupils, and sharpened teeth during moments of extreme stress and emotion. After the Trials of Marmora, Keith is hurt, exhausted, and frankly, terrified. Keith does not. Keith was originally only known to be in his late teens. Shiro has always been afraid that he'd have to hurt his best friend. Keith constantly confusing the blades to the point of them being worried and/or impressed by humans. Too much guilt, too much shame. This is Blade of Marmora fin-fiction when Kolivan, Antok, Ulaz and Thace find that Keith is a kit and find that he was alone and become his family. He gets thrown in a cell with Lotor and learns something new about himself, leading Lotor to decide he must mentor the youngling. Occupation Despite his tendency to jump into battle, Keith can be quite calm and cautious at times. ABANDONED! Keith is based on the character Keith of the previous. Relatives Therefore, it stands to reason Keith inherits his Galra lineage from his mother. This self-sacrificial nature is something he extends to the Red Lion to prove his worth and when he confronts the mystery of his Galran heritage. Keith is rescued after being kidnapped by Galra, and Lance helps him through his first day out of the healing pod.4. Keith enjoys a day out at the beach with the other Blades, but then wakes up to remember why exactly sunscreen exists. happy keith! In the Galra Empire, the Galra commonly venerate Zarkon in the fashion of a deity, with some having an almost worshipful fascination with their supreme dictator. Or, Keith goes 'missing', the team get captured and separated from their lions and the castle. And for some reason, Keith needs to do both, and move on from the boy with bright eyes and a beautiful smile. Keith, disregarding Kolivan completely (why does he even bother at this point), volunteers himself for the task. On a journey to an abandoned Galra outpost, Keith blacks out and wakes up in chains. Debut Ending up to a weird alie So I'm on a journey of discovery. Considered to be the most talented pilot of his generation, he refuses to live by other peoples rules, instead choosing to carve out his own path. "Voltron: The Untold Story" or "5 Heads are Fatter than 1", When You're Living On Your Knees, You Rise Up. Upon realizing he is a Galran kit but doesn't look like one, they correct that "error." The Galra are varied in height, though most are comparable to humans, with Zarkon being a notable exception, standing at an estimated 9-10 feet tall. Keith is conflicted about where he belongs. Due to his father being human, Keith's maximum possible percentage of Galra heritage is 50%. "I'm sick of pretending!" He was able to calmly and decisively lead the Paladins against Lotor and his Sincline mech. So this was technically his first coming out. Other races throughout space served only to advance that agenda, and were unfit to be anything else but slaves. Keith's latent leadership abilities came to surface along his journey, though he is less decisive and more aggressive as a leader than Shiro, though he is quickly calming down into a leader of great skill, as noted by the Black Lion who only allows born leaders to partner with it. And yet, here he was, tucked in a pile of giant cat aliens, and he couldn't be more content. Keith was used to abuse, lived it most of his life; so, he should be fine when it starts happening in space, right? the rest of the voltron crew in the background. You expect us to forget? Hunks voice broke completely and Keith shook his head. Keith was known to have been close with his father, and now having known his mother, he is far more at ease with his heritage, feeling at peace at last. Normally extremely perceptive, Keith's fiery personality sometimes causes him to forget crucial details of his missions, such as being so focused on destroying enemies that he forgot the Balmera was a living creature and that he had to be careful to not cause any damage to it in battle. while this summary sucks i promise the fics are pretty good :), 1. neighbors/college au2. One night Pidge wanted you to come to the roof of the Garrison. Moving forward is hard. It even reached Keith, however, two more Galra ships landed between them style Jacket the! Drama, Angst and (mostly) fluff ensue as they all come to terms with it. And what if Keith isn't Once know as Kit Keith, now known as the first book of the Kit Keith series; Hunting the past. Voltron Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Their fics have a nice balance of heartwarming moments, angst, and action. Since returning from the Quantum Abyss, Keith's ability to connect to Black's consciousness directly seems to be indicative of his newfound maturity. maybe smut. No name recommendations will be Zapped!. A hybrid. Despite his gifted natural connection to the Red Lion, Keith was able to tap into and connect directly to the consciousness of Black. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. It should be noted that, although reverted to normal by the healing power of. Continuation of my AU where Keith turns into a galra earlier than expected, and it doesn't go down well with any of the paladins. Dort sahen die Paladine von Voltron das Keith sich sehr gendert hatte. It was in these mountains that he learned of the existence of the Blue Lion once Shiro returns from his captivity in the Galra Empire and fellow Garrison cadets assist in the Lion's discovery. Ich nehme Vorschlge an also einfach bescheid geben. When you blame yourself for dropping your best-friend to his death. Keith is a kit Keith (Voltron) is a Mess Nightmares Redemption Keith and Shiro are Adoptive Siblings Galra Keith (Voltron) Blade of Marmora Keith (Voltron) Dads of Marmora (Voltron) thulaz klance Child Abandonment Pack Family Keith is a little OOC Galra are big cats Keith is ticklish antolivan Sexus - Freeform Protective Krolia (Voltron) Enraged he promises to come back for revenge. Keith didnt want to believe it, was hoping that he was wrong, but in the back of his mind he knew. Thus far Keith's experiences and performance have given much promise that his inner struggles will at last crystallize into a beacon of hope, like grim percussion replaced by the clarion call of a trumpet. #Galra are aggressively social but Humans only pick up on the ''aggressive'' half of that, #updated as of feb 2020: I added the clasped-hands to body language and also the blinking thing, #I'd forgotten about them when I originally write this post but Lotor in particular does both, #updated //again// as of nov 2022: realised I'd written chuffing into the fic but not this post oops. Little did you know where that night would lead you. Keith is conflicted about where he belongs. However, secrets of Kei Short story! Vorschlge? After mistreatment from the paladins, an ancient p As a paladin of Voltron, Keith was expected to be at the top of his game. But like fire, Keith's impulsive and explosive tendencies can be harnessed as a valuable tool and weapon to ensure the survival and victory of his friends and innocents. Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. After mistreatment from the paladins, an ancient p. Completed keith kolivan promise +18 more # 3 Caring for the young by Astr0Z0diac 6.4K 105 8 As a paladin of Voltron, Keith was expected to be at the top of his game. Earth Keith has an immense sense of justice, selflessness, and the desire to fight alongside his team to bring light to the darkest time of the universe despite the costs. Having finally discovered the reason why his mother left him was for his protection, Keith finally made peace with his past on Earth. Sequel to A Kit's Cry. Keith Orphaned at a young age before enlisting in the Galaxy Garrison, Keith is somewhat of a lone wolf. Turns out Galra live a lot longer than humans and Keith, by their standards and since he's part Galra, is a child. Black Paladin Red Paladin (Formerly) Leader of Voltron Second-in-Command of Voltron (Formerly)Member of the Blade of Marmora (Currently) And she just so happens to be able to help him deal with those things. Keith's Galra heritage reveal from Allura's POV, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (19), Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro (9), Post-Episode: s02e08 The Blade of Marmora (10), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5). so this is my first book so I hope it doesn't suck. Readers can read all books for free, without any ads and give the authors feedback. Please consider turning it on! She'll come to regret this decision. What's his deal, anyway? An Au featuring Kit Keith the BOM and the the various misadventures involved in caring for a Human/Galra hybrid. Is that why his mother was never around? It feels a lot like goosebumps, but the hair on his head does get notably fluffier (something Keith himself has always attributed to static) in a very ghibli-esque manner. When his Galra heritage was revealed, he felt dejected due to Allura's hatred of the Galra extending even to him, and while frustrated and hurt, did not fault her for it. This can be seen in his wariness of the local Arusians, taking a while to warm up to the friendly aliens before trusting them completely. Some people take it better than others, but the person who takes it the worst is Keith himself. To humans, this typically comes off as dismissive and rude (and to Lance in particular, as if hes not even worth the effort it would take Keith to argue with him) but to the galra this is actually a sign of submission: in an attempt to, Blinking! This went to such a point that Zarkon refused to even consider options that consisted of the Galra peacefully working together with other races, even if those methods showing great effectiveness. Keith is known to possess Galra heritage, as evidenced by his Galra knife (which he has possessed since early childhood) activating after passing the Trials of Marmora. After discovering his Galran heritage, Keith began to volunteer for increasingly dangerous assignments from the Blade of Marmora, seeming to feel the need to attach him to the closest connection he had to his biological family. Though not much larger than most humans, the Galra are quite adept in combat, agility, and speed. Apart from piloting the Red Lion and Black Lion, Keith utilizes this equipment: You fight like a Galra soldier.Zarkon battling Keith, Keith's specialty lies in close-combat with martial arts and bladed sidearms, using a fighting style said to be more Galran than human. Keith is quick-witted, making many deadpan remarks and observations at other's expense, particularly Lance's, who believes Keith is his rival. This can put him in situations far beyond his comfort zone but cause him to achieve impressive feats. Even with constant provocations from Lance, Keith shows only disinterest in a rivalry and makes attempts at bonding and working together with his entire team. "Galra comrade?" She arrived on the planet - the one she was named after - as a prisoner, but she left as someone who would help save the universe. lance, pidge, keithxlance. Read 9 from the story Blood Will Stain -- Volton Galra KeithxLance by CriBabyBoyo (Wisdom the Wizard) with 9,905 reads. This author can write anything: gen 'fic or shipping 'fic, plotty novels (e.g. His normally pale skin is near translucent save for a bright splash of red splayed across his hallow cheeks and dark purple rings that circle his eyes. His mother, Keith's human ethnicity is unknown. Keith (Voltron) Revealed as Galra Keith (Voltron) is a Mess hes. This one can be read as a sequel to lost & found or it can be standalone it really doesn't matter, EDIT: i posted the fourth one as a separate fic bc it got really long. It felt like coming out, except that Keith never really traditionally came out. Gender Not Lance, Keiths eyes watered before he hunched over. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. If a Galra were to be defeated in fair contest, they were expected to accept the defeat, and consider the matter at hand closed. The Rise of Voltron Following his brief and tumultuous experience as leader piloting the Black Lion, his decision to leave Team Voltron only occurs so that "Shiro" may return as the Black Paladin, as Keith constantly compares himself to Shiro, who guided him in his youth, and feels the older man is a better leader than himself. Keith hatte das Schloss verlassen und lebte bei den Blades, aber seit dem er dort Lebte, hatte sich sehr viel fr ihn verndert.Keith hatte angst vor der Ablehnung seines Alten Teams aber die Blades waren sich sicher, das Keith ein besuch im Schloss gut tun wrde, also schickten sie ihn fr eine Woche zu besuch. Known to be an orphan, Keith has trouble opening up and connecting with others aside from Shiro, who has acted as a mentor and guide for him; Keith quickly seemed to forget his fellow classmates once expelled from the Galaxy Garrison. Keith glared and growled at Lance as he sat down on the empty side of the couch with the four Blades sitting with him. Other than the note he left behind. Was she galran, all this time? Most of all bc I haven't watched season 7-8 and only Keith scenes of season 5-6. Synopsis: Allura reboots the old paladin group chat. He instantly recognized the symbol on Ulazs blade the moment he laid eyes on it, for he had stared at the exact same one on his own blade countless times before. During a mission gone wrong, Keith is accidentally aged down to his 9-year-old self. Keith is highly observant of his team's well-being and will rush to protect or avenge them when needed, even if it means putting himself directly in harm's way. When he is not in his Paladin armor, Keith wears a dark blue-gray t-shirt underneath a red, white, and yellow jacket cropped to his ribcage, with the large cuffs of the jacket rolled up to expose their white color. Luckily for Keith, Allura came to terms with her own suffering and feelings towards the Galra, making amends with him by stating that she considered him and the Paladins her new family, and what is important in a person is who they are, not their blood. Keith shares key characteristics with his Galran mother, Krolia, including a protective streak, a tendency to be impulsive, and a habit of incorporating his own emotional agenda into his missions against the advice of senior officers such as Shiro or Kolivan. While Keith is imbued with a sense of justice and bravery, this can manifest itself in a stubborn personality, making him someone who refuses to back down from a fight despite any warnings from his teammates that he should flee. This author is very good at balancing an ensemble cast (even with their more romance-centric works); the characterizations and dynamics stay true to the spirit of the show. The Lions need more love. These are my favorite Klance comics. Following his reunion with his mother, Keith matured considerably over his two years in warped space. Keith wears black pants that his shirt overlaps; his boots are white with black and red accents. Please be nice I will have run on sentences and will have so Keith was on a mission for the Blade of Marmora, and he was caught up in the bomb. Disappeared without a trace. Keith's Blade has opinions, not that anyone ever asked for them. Luckily, Ulaz finds Keith crashed into his base many months later, and he's not letting the younger get hurt any time soon. But I read a lot of ffs, so that's where my knowledge comes from XD. Description Do you have any more Keith does a cute Galra thing headcanons because those are so pure and wholesome I love them. Keith's mindset in this state allows him to think and react much faster than normal, turning him into a one-man army. Sagt bescheid vielleicht mache ich noch einen Teil. In this sense, his personality is cooling down from a raging fire to a strong and powerful whirlwind. No judgement. He couldn't even look at his teammates, his friends, his family. They adopted an almost "dog eat dog" outlook on life, viewing the universe as something they had to forcibly take in order to ensure their own survival, and a Galra who did not embrace suchan outlook could not expect to make it very far in their society. by MolMcN 5.4K 326 12 During a mission gone wrong, Keith is accidentally aged down to his 9-year-old self. This is most prominently witnessed among the Blade of Marmora's leaders, who admonished Keith for his previous inability to let go of his obsession to discover his connection to them. Due his emotional trauma, Keith attempted to be off-putting in an attempt to spare himself the pain of possible rejection. Excerpt:Inside, the Red Lion hung suspended within her own particle barrier. Haggar takes a personal liking to him, trying to replace Shiro with the Red Paladin as the new Champion. Can be read as a stand alone piece or as part of the series. While the original series presented viewers with a fully-formed 30-something Keith who was "specially trained and sent by the Alliance" as a well-balanced exemplary leader, here Keith is being shown undergoing the trials and tribulations necessary to forge such a leader, like a blade made much stronger from being tempered in heat and cold. I'm a rebel fighting against the Galra. different ships mostly sheith His ability to access genetically-encoded Galra tech is what revealed him as having Galran heritage. For Day 2 August Writer's Month; trope prompt; hurt/comfort. Actually carrying it out proves to be far more difficult than he could have expected, leading him to realize that the real threat might never have been Zarkon. Even Lance is growing concerned at his teammate's behavior. He is quick to give sarcastic quips and blunt commentary. This, coupled with his temper and emotional instability, is not aided by Keith's difficulty opening up to anyone personally on the Voltron team - though Keith knows very little about his own past to tell until meeting the Blade of Marmora and reuniting with his mother, Krolia. ! No, Keith, they dont. Or Pidge grows up, Lance and Hunk win best brothers of the year award, and Shiro gets to give. Kolivan is looking at him funny again. However, as seen during his battle with the Galra Emperor, Keith's determination also allows him to connect more deeply with Red, unlocking previously unknown weaponry. Krolia (mother)Unnamed father angst Stories that start with kit Keith and end with Paladin Keith. One of the best, if not the best, genficcers working in this fandom. The Galra as a culture are known to work in terms of absolutes, with victory or death being a common motto and philosophy within their varying organizations, such as the Empire as well as the Blade of Marmora. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth getting trapped in a black hole for here. He is also surprisingly strong despite his lean frame and his tendency to stress speed and agility over strength in a fight. The author also does a good job worldbuilding, whether it be with canonverse or AU. Keith hatte das Schloss verlassen und lebte bei den Blades, aber seit dem er dort Lebte, hatte sich sehr viel fr ihn verndert.Keith hatte angst vor der Ablehnung seines Alten Teams aber die Blades waren sich sicher, das Keith ein besuch im Schloss gut tun wrde, also schickten sie ihn fr eine Woche zu besuch. Prominent canine teeth are also common among them, though not a uniform trait of the species. Completed lance hunk completed +6 more # 2 Klance: Truth or Dare by SevenSidedStories 502K 14.3K 24 Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Keith Kogane is bitter, grieving but in denial about it, angry at the world, and homeless in New York City. The power unleashed by Red's upgraded cannon was enough to inflict critical damage to Zarkon's central base and large portion of his vast armadas. He wanted to be free, but they'd never let him, because he looked like the enemy, he had the blood of the enemy, so he should suffer in place of the enemy.There was nothing he could do but accept it. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Affiliation Read Kinda done from the story Blood Will Stain -- Volton Galra KeithxLance by CriBabyBoyo (Wisdom the Wizard) with 3,239 reads. Excerpt:She leaned angrily across the table, pointing a long bony finger in his direction as she spat her accusations. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth getting trapped in a black hole for here. Part 3 of "Star Child" Series: Krolia is back with Ranveig to complete her mission and Keith is left on the main base to be raised by the Blades. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. What if Lotor stays at the palace and finds something about the Hothead red paladin. GALLERY He is not fond of the idea of abandoning a teammate, even if he considers thinking as a Paladin to weigh the greater good over single life. It was like Keith left the universe completely. Keith is the current Paladin of the Black Lion of Voltron, and the former Paladin of the Red Lion as well. Biography Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found . Most of their achievements have been seen in terms of military technology, such as technology that is genetically encoded to their species, though it does not seem to distinguish between pure-blooded Galra and Galra with other heritage like Keith. ___________________________________________, Basically, this is me saying that there is no way he could've gotten to the castle practically uninjured. Home Planet August 2017, AfterBuzzTV with Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery, August 2017, ComicBook: "Voltron: Legendary Defender Showrunners Explain Keith's Big Change in Season 6", June 2018,,, Consequently, Keith ages two years ahead of the rest of Team Voltron, on top of the year he experiences along with everyone else, making him 21 years old at the youngest by season six's end, three years older than his age in season one. Rein, Bomben platzieren und raus aber es war nie so einfach und Keith schaffte es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". A collection of oneshots about Keith and the Dads of Marmora. Keith always yelled as he sagged below everyone in everything 1 week power-saving drill. Read Chill! Led by Kolivan, they have existed for centuries. Will the BoM survive their kit growing up? [14], At the Galaxy Garrison, Keith was the top pilot of his class. Moving on is hard. Additionally, Galran genetics are apparently unreadable and undetectable to human scientists prior to Earth's introduction to the greater galactic and intergalactic society, as evidenced by Keith, the only known human-Galran hybrid, was able to attend the Galaxy Garrison without issue. Though diverse in their appearance, the Galra have four common characteristics: purple-to-grayish-blue skin, long limbs, yellow eyes, and pointed cat-like ears. Age So maybe not cute exactly, but still very distinctly galra, Keith is also capable of making low-frequency sounds such as throaty growls, typically when angry or threatened, accompanied by a snarl or some sort of show of fangs in a. Fluffy hair! Keith does have some issues with trust. Dort sahen die Paladine von Voltron das Keith sich sehr gendert hatte. Galra were also apparently expected to earn their own keep in the lives they lead, and apparently resented the implication of being given anything unearned. Originally found in the Legendary Defender ficlets series. This means that he was the only o Voltron Legendary Defender Fanfic He meant no harm." "He needs to learn to keep his mouth shut," Keith said with a growl. But also very fluffy :3 a good mix if you ask me. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Keith is truthfully as goofy and free-spirited as the rest of his teammates; it just takes a little longer for the somewhat stoic Paladin to show this. What if the whole war is just a big misunderstanding? The showrunners have explained that Keith's two-year journey through the Quantum Abyss was not about aging him, but to give him time to really bond with Krolia, without losing time with the rest of the team. Team Voltron gets captured by the Galra, and each experience a different kind of pain Keith always felt like he never fit in, when his Galra heritage was revealed it certainly didn't help his situation. I can destroy entire fleets alone. Male A slightly longer and more deliberate blink is an expression of good faith amongst the galra, as having their eyes closed for even a fraction longer than necessary might give an enemy the upper-hand (ergo to do this in the company of another is to have confidence that they will not hurt you). The Blades (with help from the Paladins) find Keith, but he's not as they remember him. The original empire of Daibazaal consisted of an imperial family and a structured class system with a society that emphasized battle prowess and military power. Blue-Gray he doesnt remember what happened but Allura is convinced he is traitor. And wakes up to a strong and powerful whirlwind and turn them into globally successful authors watered he! 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