Only here, Tom Morrow actually does his job as he is supposed to. This was cross-posted from Quotev, username @literaturelover. Youre the communicator. Gibbs had called Tony, a quick five-minute conversation that he didnt need to bring anything. He wanted Gibbs back, his Gibbs not this strange cold zombie-like guy who was the shadow of the man he could barely remember some days. but I remember everything In him and Tony. And if that didn't work, Gibbs knew he had other ways of making things happen. I focus on the pain The first time DiNozzo had been away from the team for a long time, hed barely been back and Kate had been killed. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". a trans British guy meets tony stark and hell finds a new location at shield high. Its about Alex., There is no us any more, Tony burst out. All that mattered was the oblivion he found in a jelly jar of bourbon. All people never saw him as anything other than "howard's son", "stark's greatest creation". or accurate. ), Some things will make you re-evaluate your life. Or a half dozen. The brief stab of triumph Gibbs felt was squelched by the profound sadness tearing through him. My First Smut. Tony stared into Gibbs eyes for what seemed like forever. Making love with long strokes of his hands down Tonys body. After the situation in Somalia and Tonys part in it, he was being promoted, made team leader and being based out of the Pentagon. It was a beautiful early-fall day and was perfect for a cookout. And as always, hed retreated to the basement, only this time hed firmly locked Tony out. Tony is angry and disappointed in Peter, and Peter just wants to prove himself. He'd been pushing and needling him for a long time. as well as Gibbs sipped his drink, fingertip tracing over the small scar at his hairline and wondered if he could fix this. Abby is too distracted by her grief for Gibbs to back Tony up, so he decides to go to the most Abbish person he knows for help: Penelope Garcia. Even the bottle of top-end liquor Gibbs had offered him hadnt swayed him. He fixed his eyes at a spot just over Tonys ear. Also, can be Tony as an abused child, or adult. He was tired and he was raw. What about when he bumps into one grumpy old NCIS marine? You eat? Tony asked, studying the features he knew so well. And when theyd sent Tony the personnel file and picture, Tonyd been shocked and stunned. God knew what the night might bringgood or bad. We had something. everyone I know Tonys Little Black Book: Turn of the Women, 10 Popular Castle Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2022, 10 of the Most Popular Chicago PD Fanfics to Check Out in 2022, The Best Criminal Minds Fanfiction to Read in 2022, 20 of the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories (2023 Edition), 10 Amazing Kim Possible Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, The 10 Best Fanfics Based on The 100 to Read in 2023, The 10 Best UnOrdinary Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. They seemed to know how to work him. I know. Out? Gibbs echoed, his voice strangely quiet. Was this his third or fourth today? Having a family member on his team was a bad idea. Tony's Fics. Vance had pulled them off field duty. Or: Tonys an alcoholic whos beginning to discover his sexuality, and Stephen is a med student whos using Tony as an emotional outlet. For reference, these will all be in word count, which can be kind of meaningless without context. God, she wishes Gibbs had made Tim be the one to bring her, but of course thats not her luck. Got that right! Tony said, exhaling slowly. An alternative timeline after Avengers assemble; where Tony gets highjacked by an all powerful entity. Tony couldnt deny that he felt as if hed been replaced. Bucky finds the file of one John Doe and pushes Steve into taking the unnamed Little in. Founder: lilpretender - Stories: 79 - Followers: 1 - id: 97821. What? Gibbs asked, exasperated. Closed the case.. He was used to dealing with the physical much more than he was this kind of pain and anguish. The events that unfold after that fateful day change the McGarrett siblings' lives as they know it. This rankled and he started to comment on it, but Tony put a hand up, shaking his head. He glanced over his shoulder, shaking his head. It was always Hatori and McGee, always Alex. And to serve that end, he's going to make sure that those that he trusts--Tony, John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Elizabeth, Major Teldy, Radek, Miko, Kyli and others--have the power to combat anyone who tries to take Atlantis from them. Ducky had taken a look at the tests and said everything would be okay in a few days, but they were all still healing and it hurt like hell for Alex to function right now. When they werent working side by side, something huge and unique would be lost. Gibbs figured Alex sensed something was wrong, something that went beyond the team being hurt and him being unable to stop it. Nor had the gentle reminder of conflicts of interest and chain of command. This story really is about friendship but also team building. Scully gives him a ride to where the two Marines have been killed, and to her shock . Though Gibbs knew DiNozzo had the bed that was far too small for fucking. Hilde, I hope this was worth the wait. It was close, but it wasnt Gibbs team. Gibbs and his team have arrested a group of marines that were running around naked. So if you like crime shows, then NCIS might be just the thing for you. Which freed Gibbs up to come home and deal with Tony. "I killed the kid and his old man, too," Daemon added. "Juanita, I need 2mg of Versed and another 12mg of morphine. And good luck with Vance and Secretary Davenport. all my filthy life i loved someone i barely knew. Hes known all the ex wives.. 2022 All rights Reserved. Just gotta get back on the horse and ride em off into the sunset.. Where was all of this coming from? But Tony couldnt help being Tony, and he was curious. Gibbs had locked him out! Tony moved out? McGee asked, trying to modulate his voice. CELLS WORKSHEET Labelling diagrams 2 Label the parts of. And that wasnt him, but what he and Tony had wasnt his typical relationship. That sharp tone was in Gibbs' voice again and Tony couldn't hide his wince. Since becoming leader of his own team, Tony had changed, and Gibbs was trying to shield him from the worst of what was happening at the Navy Yard. Gibbs knew that Alex's kidneys were bugging him. The guy everyone says you should have kicked off your team years ago. God, Tony really needed to know this guys name. It had been eighteen years since that accident in Oceanside where he lost his family. Gibbs cupped Tonys cheek and leaned in, brushing a gentle kiss over DiNozzos mouth. It was only three, but Tony could eat. Its not going to be easy, Alex pointed out. It focuses on how Tony seems childish but proves it wrong. The wind causes a mishap and Abi catches feelings. Chapter 1. Ziva David. However, their arrival brings complications for everyone - revealing a lie, a prophecy, a secret and a nemesis. . It was different from Shannon, but it was the only thing he could compare it to. Why? Tom/Judy fluff (maybe) Tom/Tony hurt (maybe) Community: nfacommunity. Oh" McGee glanced over at Gibbs and he frowned, or Gibbs assumed his did. Find it again, Gibbs said, breaking the silence. When you stopped talking to me, maybe. Penelope Garcia. I know you too well.. What? Gibbs asked, jerking his arm away, wincing as his ribs protested the motion. This isnt really a crossover, but as the writer said, some characters from other shows make a guest appearance. It hit Tony with a clarity that almost brought him to his knees. Word . And for the first time since hed had his wife, he wanted to go to the wall to fight for his relationship. 2. 326 Stories. A chunk had cut deeply into him but Gibbs hadnt wiped up the blood, had just let it flow, itchy and burning, down his face. peter and tony are both trans and autistic. Once and for all, Gibbs echoed. They didnt throw out the past like this, because it always devolved into scoring pointsusually Tony scoring them on Gibbs. Tony does not realize he is a broken Guide until a fight between life and death unleashes his gift. These are all women from various fandoms like Avengers, Buffy the vampire slayer, Scandal, Greys Anatomy, and many more. This time Samas is going to make sure his people are strong enough to stand up to any enemy. They were equals now in a very unequal way. Wasnt good at all. And Gibbs had two broken ribs. Warning: ADD and ADHD, Language. Episode: s03e24 Hiatus Part II. His brother knew him damned well, and there was no way Alex was going to let Gibbs get away without eating. Shed graduated top of her class and brought the team smarts and witnot to mention beauty. He knew Gibbs all too well. No, Gibbs replied quickly. "No," I said. When was the last time theyd had sexor intimacy. When we started being roommates who fucked sometimes. He had no idea why Vance had agreed to it. He couldnt help extending his hand, even though he let it hover in the air above Gibbs shoulder and didnt dare to actually touch him. Tony didnt know if he had the strength to scale it any more. Coffee? Tony asked. Hatori, Alex too.. ncis. You can use the words, use the hands, the actions. He reached up, a fingertip trailing over Tonys hairline. Focus: TV Shows NCIS, Since: 01-18-12. These are recommendations made by Tropers for NCIS fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. He picked at the label, eyeing his watch, trying not to think of anything. Here he comes across some strange cold cases that intrigue him immediately. Hows things? Tony asked as Alex clasped his hand in a strong grip. Theyd had a weird friend/enemy chemistry. Practically no other crime show can touch it, and it has legions of fans worldwide. The man is nothing short of infuriating, and god knows it will be hours with him, and he certainly wont leave. This work isn't hosted on the Archive so this blurb might not be complete This story is a crossover between NCIS and Criminal Minds. And as two car doors slammed, Gibbs couldnt hide the rush of energy that brought him up onto the balls of his feet. In chapter 5, we follow Gibbs and learn about his desires for Tony. Not tonight. Tony stared out at some point over Gibbs head, and Gibbs didnt dare break the silence. Gibbs has left for Mexico, and Tonys gut is telling him hes in trouble. Casefile. When Tony is given a promotion, he stands to lose the most important thing in his life. Annoyed that Tony was still here? But now he has even more choices, and whatever he picks will have great consequences for his (former) teammates. You mad hes a boss now too? his father continued. No matter how angry Tony was making him. The Avengers must decide what to do and somehow keep Tony from falling apart. Through pain, tears, and many, many late nights, the learn to believe that maybe the world is an okay place. There had been a hesitancy to his voice, a subtle uncertainty that was very un-Gibbslike, that was very, very wrong. Didnt think either of you could wait. You hungry? Alex asked. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. An older guy, former Dot Commer. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Unable to meet his brothers eyes, aware that his brother was a junior agent under his watchsomething Gibbs had never expectedhe only shook his head and walked away. Thanks to kaylashay for the gorgeous graphic! This is NOT SLASH. NCIS is a hugely popular show that consistently dominates the ratings for CBS. The dark and cool room suited his mood. Passionate about reading fiction? Gibbs couldnt hide his wince, but he looked away, swallowing hard. Never a description. Want to move on to the coffee mugs? Gibbs asked, trying to make a joke. 9.6K 414 14. And with a new team, he had a huge learning curve anyway. Gibbs and Tony settle into their new life, but will Gibbs be able to keep Tony or will he lose control to someone else. He tried to peer over Tonys shoulder, but the other man effectively slid into the gap, blocking Gibbs view beyond the door. After everything that has happened, he couldnt say he really missed her, but it was a loss. Thanks for reading! Take a chance with Tony. "Brother do you wish to travel to Midgard with me?". This story is part 1 in the Director Morrow series. Tony strained to listen, his stomach clenching when he heard the basement door snick closed. There was a dangerous finality about that. Yes, it was short term and Alex was technically TDY here before taking over Cold Cases, but it was still a terrible idea. "Anthony DiNozzo!" came Ducky's outraged voice, "do not even think of getting out of that bed." Gibbs shouted at the same time, "DiNozzo, stay exactly where you are!" Tony slumped back, defeated by this two pronged attack, "No need to shout," he muttered. But the way a shudder wracked through Gibbs, the way his lips thinned, and the way he suddenly looked lost were almost enough to bring Tony to his knees. This is the story of her life, her . Dont repost without permission please! That resonated. Warning, mature content may follow in the stories themselves, and mayyyy feature some character pairings that will raise a few eyebrows. Series. He needed to decompress. By 00AwkwardPenguin00. But he knew it would. The author follows the season perfectly and ensures the timelines still fit the original series. Tony stood, pacing, watching Gibbs, who was looking at him impassively. Tony sat up as Gibbs walked in, his entire being attuned to his lover. And Ducky. Tonight it wasnt scenes from one of his favorites, but a jumble of memories and hopes, wishes and dreams. Gibbs never locked him out! Tony flinched and Gibbs clenched his fist, breathing through his discomfort. The other probie was a guy named Cal Hatori, someone whod been in McGees FLETC class. 137 guests Abbs was as warm as ever, but she never seemed to have a lot of time for Tony any more. Thats good. Tonys vision narrowed and he looked at Gibbs sportcoat and a rusty stain at the collar. You moved in three readheads, Tony pointed out. He's a video game expert as well as TV and Movie guy. He figured Jackson had mentioned his brother to Tony and was glad Tony never questioned him about it, even though a small part of him always wondered why not. But it is still a very original take on two very different shows. With a brief jerky nod of his head, he walked over, sitting down gingerly. Dont, Tony.. This makes it a little hard to follow sometimes. Even his favorite foods were cleaned out, dumped in the trash as if none of it mattered, as if they hadn't been a unit for so damned long. Please consider turning it on! Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. These days, that just didn't feel like a whole lot of comfort. My brother cares about you, Tony, The only question I have is if youre both brave enough to take that step together. And yet he was so damn scared they might lose it all. When Todd and Michael and the other Wraith characters start making their appearances, the ability of the Igigi queen to communicate on their level changes everything. This was written as a commission for Hilde, who wanted a story based on the song HURT by Johnny Cash. Now that Tony had made his decision, a peace crept over him and he felt limp with relief. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. More often than not, hed sleep under the boat. You good with that? Gibbs asked, stroking Tonys hair, fisting his shirt and tugging him closer. Gibbs had ridden the elevator down, grabbed his gun and coat, and stormed out without so much as a word, knowing that the teams eyes were locked on him. With Ziva too. There are plenty of other ways to make that boy feel wanted. He trusted McGee as much as he trusted anyone and knew McGee had the interests of the teamnot to mention Gibbs safetyas his top priority. The distance seemed to be enough for both Vance and SecNav. Mostly me thinking what random ass cross over do I need in my life today? Tony had always been doing something, whether it was chucking paper at McGee, or playing on his phone, or fidgeting in his seat. OR: Tony and Sara, daughter of Bucky and Steve, bond and new relationships are formed. Just some good tony with kids either babysitting a friends kids or kids from cases or anything like that. Tony replied, striving to keep his voice even, though he wanted to yell. 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