I mean, everyone has heard plenty of examples of those speech patterns that have made perfectly well-educated college grads (mostly female) sound like Kardashian wannabes. He joins us. Or you might hear the hushed monotone parodied in Saturday Night Live's iconic "Schweddy Balls" sketch. All of this is from one person. All are irritating and to me, they pigeon-hole the speaker and come across as less intelligent and less confident than they realize or intend. Of course, once he shared them with me,I started hearing them, too. Their tone raises up at the parts of the word I typed in capitals.. Pay attention and I promise youll start noticing these patterns in nearly every casual conversation you listen in on. She is one of the favorite voices in the NPR. It appears "almost exclusively among women, and young women. a. period. It sounds like a popular catch phrase sports people use to show they are a sport person who know what they are talking about. Is this really a new trend? Voice. What I notice is the use of Well, before almost every response by news panelists. ) One of her favorites is Shtrategy. I dont know, but it happens more often than youd think. Seems to be a constant request for recognitionas if we somehow cant stop to ask if we dont understand something. So So, youll also find this one at the beginning of a sentence, namely as a way to manage the conversation and sound fairly authoritative (or condescending). I mean, where did this one come from anyway? Not long in to our conversations, Ive tuned out. This seems to be a dialect issue primarily in the U.S. South, but the writing implement pen is pronounced pin, as the number ten is pronounced tin!. Thank you so much, Debbie and Baz! Did college professors never say.hey, thats annoying and unprofessional? The vast majority of voice complaints that come into our office concern women and reporters of color. As Ted brought up a few posts up: the ubiquitous use of the words sort of by media drives me nuts! 2% comes from Federal grants from the commerce department otherwise there is no direct federal funding. you left out one which has spread like wildfire the last few months (besides UHMMM)it is a click as I call it every time the person opens their mouth to start a sentence,kinda like chewing gum with your mouth open kind of a sucking click-I swear these things are done to get your attention for trivial things which the person want you to listen to. Radio wouldn't have the same energy or be able to cover breaking news if every second was scripted. Ive seen it theorized elsewhere that it began as an AAVE regional thing, cant remember which region, that just spread. Its usually when someone is trying to express exasperation or frustration-uh. What are they like. Eckert, the linguist, found that the biggest users of vocal fry are actually men. All Im hearing from this post is a lot of complaining over nothing. Drives me nuts. Vocal fry is one of the main voice complaints sent to the Invisibilia team, said project manager Liana Simstrom, who handles audience engagement for the narrative podcast about human behavior. I had to fight my own brain! If I could type in this format, it would look something like this. , Your email address will not be published. Merry fucking xmas. I do not want to hear anyone speaking with mosquito tones. The number one ear-bleeding one is shtraight down the shtreet there are theesh trees and a shtop shign. People complained that young, female reporters rasped their voices in an unprofessional way. Dont know if this is quite in the same league, but watching YouTube videos, there is a channel called Triggernometry I like that does interesting interviews/chats on sometimes contentious topics. ", One listener did just that. I immediately have to fast forward, which defeats the whole purpose of advertising. Real News Host; Also, many of our viewers are likely wondering what For example, a word with almost any vowel (most commonly an a) is pronounced, instead of with the actual long or short vowel sound for that letter, with a somewhat nasal awww ie the schwa. Feel free to share in the comments! Start the answer with a yeah., I love these comments! Or, as my best friend calls it: the hissed s. For example, the word is news, not noose. An interesting one this one. 3) HGTV shows are the worst for this offensive language. It is not as if we do not live above the ground. Or it can negate what they just said, or preface a criticism or negative comment. They also make thespeaker sound less intelligent and sometimes even manipulative. Fabulous opinions everybody: a terrific discussion! Great job! It irritates me to see UR instead of you are or switched RU ,are you? The one that really gets to me, (in addition to all the ones already mentioned), is the starting of a sentence with Wait, what? ! Fry here and there. Im so glad someone has identified moronic speech that has gone from thoughtful Well,. to the contrary So, as if theyre indicating a confirmation summation that theirs is the correction of an issue. I see it in newscasts all the time being used by educated people. This may be better: You guys seems to be winning in the USA, so if it bothers you, Im afraid youre out of luck. I growl at it when I hear it. It seems to be many white females that Im noticing using this trend. walkeen instead of walking. One thing that bothers me is when people pronounce the word ancient as ankshent. This post has garnered SO many comments like yours, so hopefully, you will feel vindicated that you arent the only one hearing and being frustrated by these things. Any insight into where the hard G at the end of -ing is coming from? Initially I read your comment as a knock on the Canadian pronunciation of sorry. That means some listeners have to adjust to new sounds. It is not just annoying, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Also have you noticed that many reporters and tv personalities will repeat words over and over like that that that that,,,and, and, and and to to to to which is now ta ta ta ta (examplethey were going ta ta ta be there on Friday) etc. Lisa P. hit the nail on the head. He recently tweeted, "I've said this before, I'll say it again. Soooooo, its bad enough when girls speak that way but, when a guy does it, I know were in trouble. I cant keep track of the number of very interesting podcasts with important messages that Ive had to turn off because of the horrible vocal fryyyyyyyy. I believe he is from the Bay Area in California. They even create elaborate spoofs, like this send-up of the "annoying" podcast voice. https://youtu.be/gGEit7Fg9HU. For me, the whole So thing is one of these pet peeves that makes me want to smash whatever device Im hearing the word played upon. The truth is clear. A new one Ive just started noticing on a local radio interview, and from my husband (ugh) is accentuating the word to and a pause. My shopping experiences in the UK have changed since I turned 60 and let my hair go grey. It really became a battle of negative personalities in a race to the bottom of common decency.. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I dont know of any name for that But reading your comment makes me think that maybe a lot of this type of speaking comes as a side effect of the Youtube and social media age, where people try to stand out and get noticed any way that they can. Questions. "It has expanded my own understanding of the world and the people you have brought on board are excellent," he wrote. This sounds immature (like a 5 year old), lazy and uneducated. Trying to describe some of these patterns is difficult, so examples would be very helpful! This American Life even did a segment on the negative messages their women reporters receive about vocal fry. I am a voice artist as well and I make SURE there is no creaks in my work! Out of protest, I might start writing the word out as ta, since that is how people are pronouncing the word. Its not cute. This had to have started with someonemaybe a Kardashian? Weirdos lol . Stop adding, subtracting, and manipulating language to influence or control the listener. I hear it on NPR a lot. I commonly hear comferble, tempature, and Febooairy. The sht thing I noticed way before Michelle Obama, which is sad because she is otherwise very well spoken. She likened speaking into a microphone to a "performance that should be as authentic as possible.". Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notification of new posts by email. I have a friend who can code switch very well. That authenticity is key to NPR's original mission to "celebrate the human experience as infinitely varied." After thank you = no tip from me. I just do not understand why voice overs must be so impersonal and what the show producer clearly sees as professional or some kind of the standard tone. If I.could. The other tying vote is dropping the t, as stated above or over pronouncing the t to make up for the cur-an, moun-an folk. But I have to make one addendum to the use of right? (a word I view as a form of conversational bullying). I agree. Producers, who listen while reporters record their scripts, are alert for issues with speed and clarity, and will ask reporters to try again if necessary. Im sorry to say that the age old requirement to communicate accurately both verbally and in writing, and to effectively be your true self while communicating, is rapidly being lost to us all, in favour of these Social Media / Reality TV educated fools who cant be bothered to spell a word properly or fully, or string a coherent sentence together without an emoji! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Sorry about that, but its the only way to bring awareness to this type of conversational disease in hopes that it can be eradicated very soon. Why should we voice the t in often? Videos, I get by with closed-caption options, otherwise just NO. Dont get me started on LIKE. You obviously havent heard anyone say super over and over. Based on a 2010 NPR Music survey of its listeners * Missing: Mohammad-Reza Shajarian * Ahmad Zahir * Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan * Asha Bhosle * Esma Redzepova * Sezen Aksu * Dennis Brown * Radmilla Cody * Khaled * Twinkie Clark * Amalia Rodrigues * Concha Buika * Chavela Vargas * Camaron de la Isla thank you again for such a thoughtful response. Chris Beck in his article in SpliceToday.com describes it best, "Michael Barbaro of the New York Times' The Daily podcast, sounds like he's in his death throes in the final two words of every sentence he speaks, and then he's able to miraculously revive himself instantly to begin the next one. In the Fresh Air episode about criticism of young women's voices she said,"People are busy policing young women's language, and nobody is policing older or younger men's language.". Ummm also people who ummm say ummmm uncontrollably as well as the yeah, no phrase that is everywhere. 3) but think back to TV shows or movies from the 1950s or 1940s, the Trans Atlantic accent and men sounding like radio show hosts. Real News Host: You used the term space repeatedly. The overuse of superlative adjectives. Sh to begin start and such, is New York City and environs, similar to yuge. Its one of my many pet peeves in newscaster-speak, and I hear this one all the time especially from Rachel Martin on NPR. I suppose if the heart is in the right place, we can forgive some of these transgressions of speech. One will usually do the trick! The millions of people who comprise society absolutely do not need to adapt to the annoying speech patterns of an entitled few. Yes, no, blah blah blah. So, it is not just me that notices this. Its a virus spreading. I think this is an absurd accusation. Everything and everyone is aMAzing. Have I become a crotchety old fart or is Idiocracy truly upon us? Leaving the Ts out of a word, as in bu on or ki en. She summarized her findings to Gross this way: "Those of us who are bothered by some of these features are probably just getting old.". I dont know how these people get voice over jobs and why anyone would use them. Please share more comments on this, and specifically what other patterns youd like to see us include in the next video. Reporters strive to sound clear and concise on air. Hell start a sentence, but then even before he gets to the part that he wants to bully you into agreeing with, hell stick in a right?! ", He added, "There's a difference between sounding clear and having great journalism behind that sound and creating a sound that is pleasing to every listener in the audience. For example i had a really busy day today.. Love this article and the comments! OMG! I even contacted a renowned acting school. Thanks to ALL recent commenters for reading and sharing your thoughts on this topic. I appreciate its a casual, off the cuff chat with the 2 male hosts (in their late 30s possibly) who are intelligent & one was a teacher in London! The staccato, infantile voices of the most cultured, educated, experienced, expert young women must have some scientific basis. National faves: Jack Speer, Megna Chakhrabarti, Terry Gross National do-not-calls: Kai Ryssdal, Charlie Pierce sunnymentoaddict 6 yr. ago You might think of Terry Gross' velvety timbre. Vocal fry refers to a low, glottal, animal-like sound that speech pathologists consider a vocal disorder. Many shop assistants think they are being kind referring to me as Sweetheart or Hun. The latest speech fad that I am noticing a lot, here in the UK, in presenters on the radio, interviews, everywhere in fact, with seemingly well educated people, is that they are suddenly starting to drop their Ts in the middle of words-poveree(poverty) clariee(clarity) etc theyre all doing it. Makes me understand why people sometimes get slapped! To totally be, but, like, its totally not! Small talk usually calls for this kind of language unless youre writing a research paper. Credibility goes out the window. Is it a geographical thing? As a public school teacher here in Florida for almost 40 years, Ive noticed the precipitous decline in our educational standards for years now. 3) saying een for ingas in goeen or stayeen for going or coming I put my own example of me saying it in this Youtube link: Have a listen how many times you hear ABSOLUTELY on the tv. I thought I was an a-hole for being annoyed at these things. I even heard some say go away-aahh or similar uses. Am I alone in this? Heres what makes me hit mute/delete on any podcast, youtube speaker, Radio, etc. You know, the best way to find out the answers is to just Google it.. The Public Editor has examined concerns about pronunciation and accents, but for the most part, our office hasn't addressed complaints about how NPR reporters and hosts speak and sound. Thank you for addressing the awful speech patterns in our society. its so not fairah!!. Im happy to continue commenting as required, as Ive plenty more to say on the subject! The inflection pattern the hosts use in every sentence of every voice over is exactly the same. Perhaps Im better not to. look something like.. this. 3) Ordering at a restaurant or the like, saying Ill DO the instead of lll order the or Ill have the. EVERY FRICKIN interview has yeah yeah yeah!, more and more in the past 6 or so months. He has become hyper-sensitive to even the most polite criticism, and I blame this solely on our P.C. Sadly, I dont think these trend will die out. Or I mean, Im not lyin when I say I cannot remember any time that the person uttering that delusional phrase wasnt in political arts.. I hear it all of the time especially as I live in a very affluent, lily white area. I do think it bothers some more than others, and once you key in on ityou hear it all the time, and it becomes more like nails on a chalkboard. right? What about the most recent one where you say structure with a glottal g/sh that sounds like struh-sherr? I agree with Angela Brookman, above, in her complaint about people now refusing to pronounce the T sound in words (Im told the phenomenon has a name: T-glottalization), though I take issue with her examples, clarity and poverty. What drives me up a wall is when young people and that is who is doing this now drop the T sound in the middle of a word, such as kitten. They say kih-uhn. And mitten is mih-uhn, and written is wrih-uhn, and so forth. It really annoys me when people are speaking in clear English and then when its time foe them to refer to a foreign culture such as Latinos they cant just say Latinos like we do in English but they have to HEAVILY saturate their pronunciation so they can prove that they are almost (or actually) bilingual. While listeners sometimes write to us specifically about a particular voice they don't like, a survey of the emails we receive reveals a pattern. If you really sit down and read every word its a fascinating phenomenon. Yet many here dont seem to question their own speech patterns or prejudices. No more of that!!! Reporters get these complaints directly, too. Perhaps I need to pay more attention to the bungled up speech patterns that are in use. Thank you is the correct response. They rise the inflection of the words at the end of every sentence. Yeah, Ill second that motion. The kids were GRADED on handwriting in their report cards, and it was considered an important skill. I blame social media and non-parenting. Its definitely whiny, and its annoying as hell to my ears. To those of you who are staying up to date with these comments and following this thread, we just posted a compilation video in this blog. What fascinates me most about it is that its unconsciously infused the American English speaking world, every seems to do it, everyone also seems to get it it never leaves anyone confused. Correspondent Carrie Johnson came to NPR in 2010, after a long career in print. 4. Ayesha Rascoe is an American journalist for NPR famous for her accent and distinctive voice for news delivery. I really enjoy everyones comments and insights! In fact, theres a show on HBO where EVERY lady character has a speech impediment. Some words are not meant to have all the letters pronounced. Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. Anyone who thinks these things dont (or shouldnt) matter should think again. Person 1: What is your viewpoint on the plight of South African farmers? Playin, doin, shopping, talkin, and just today consultin. Britain? No. I stand self-corrected. One of the speaking annoyances on NPR is the overuse of surea host may say, how does this policy impact the electorate? and the response will inevitably begin with sure! followed by an actual response to the question. Its all a process, and of course, we all work to improve (one hopes) our situation, not only personally, or as a family, but as a community and a country and a world. How do these people even get the job? I also blame Britney Spears. Every time I hear her voice, I immediately reach for the volume and turn it down. At first, I thought maybe he was just discovering a new feature in the product he is explaining but it has become clear it is just something he blurts out every few minutes. If I were paying someone to speak on TV I would insist that they use the correct pronunciations. Every generation has its own trends, and thats natural, but this trend is spreading and sticking. I refuse point blank to allow anyone to communicate with me other than within the acceptable parameters of good spoken and written English i.e. The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns Being a voice-over talent makes me extremely sensitive to not only the sound of voices I hear on TV, radio and the internet, but also to the words that are chosen. What about using the words at all, at the end of a sentence. I am Jack and this is my dog Thats the sky, thats the sea, and that? I first noticed it when Joanna Gains talked and now I notice it everywhere. Mark, your comments are very well spoken, and I also consider language and ones command and understanding of it to be a sign of class and proper education. I didnt know there was a word for that! Because anybody who over pronounces their ts and ss sounds annoying to me. These are interior designers and contractors. I want it to stop, NOW! These five speech patterns have become rampant in interviews. A tragic comment on our times, indeed. A big offender is Marie Harf (former FOX News Dem commentator and former Obama State Department Spokeswoman). The bulk of revenues coming from programming fees, grants from foundations or business entities, contributions and sponsor-ships. Id love to know how it happens. The sad thing about podcasters is that they have not taken any diction or public speaking classes. New Hampshire Public Radio and the Warren B. Rudman Center were proud to welcome NPR White House Correspondent Ayesha Rascoe as the next speaker in our Justi. Another one that I see increasingly in many of those under 40, is known as g-dropping. Would you please counsel ME on it? These are just regional inflections, not errors per se. I mean, they really drew it out. In addition, the effective and efficient usage of the words effective and efficient is an effective and efficient means of increasing effective and efficient effectiveness and efficiency. Love thatNo problem. Its pervasive with men and women. How can there or here not be ON the ground, if it is, ON the ground. She dragged out the word and pitched it higher. I tried to ignore it, but as its about an hour show, ten minutes in, he says this word numerous times. Whenever I hear someone begin a statement with Look, I long to interrupt and say, Im looking.. OK. How about the recent clipping to the end of some words. Example.. I have asked you not to do that! I say something, along the lines of, Thats one way to ensure I dont talk; you dont have to listen to me. Then, I walk away seething, and loathing him more and more. I cant get used it but somehow I must figure out how to do it or Ill never be able to chill with my great grand children. There are so many of these annoying speech patterns and they are contagious. I work for a large tech company in the SF Bay Area and I can attest that uptalk, unfortunately, is more pervasive than ever. Allowing reporters to sound like themselves helps NPR reflect the variety of identities in its audience, and meet its long-term goal to "sound like America," with all of its diversity. Ask them when then the change in intonation and the rhythm, and theyll tell you they dont know. She has received a few emails about her voice from listeners, including one that said she didn't sound certain saying her own name, which she briefly addressed in a Planet Money segment. Im going out on a limb and saying they use it because it is something definitive in their conversation. Interviewer asks, Why is the current focus on companies like Exxon?, Young woman interviewee: Yeah, so Exxon is a high-profile, Mostly, young women seem to do this. Also da for the has been trending. This is why I refuse to hire young people! I agree with your comments whole-heartedly, and also wish that more attention be paid in the school environment to identifying and correcting inappropriate speech and speech patterns. culture that (IMO) is ruining our educational system. 4) adding definately before every verb Grown men purposely deforming their mouth to speak like a FREAK! So I do speak to them about that, how important it is to at least be able to READ it, but it really goes nowhere from there. Formerly worst voice was Diane Rehm. its there, though much less pronounced (sic.). terrible annoying. They arent aware of it so I think that means there are no elocution lessons. We drink when we hear Emily Bazelon and her cronies say ta on the Political Gabfest. If someone speaks in numbered bullet points, such as, Firstly_____, and second then they wish to sound more educated than they are. And lets not ignore the disproportionate amount of times speech pattern analysis (even here, in this comment section) is essentially just an excuse to satisfy a societal itch to hate things that are trending amongst young women. Budden for BUTTON bugs the hell out of me. I now hear little girls copying their mums, speaking in vocal fry, and thats sad. If the person is on TV, I have to change the channel. I am also hearing a and an used incorrectly. Part Two: Here Comes AI, Is the Golden Age of Voice Over Gone? Simply put, the standards for on-air positions were much higher when I entered the workforce: speaking well was imperative, but not nearly as important as having television looks. I do not live above the ground, if it is not as if we somehow stop. Today consultin of you are or switched RU, are you speaking annoyances on NPR the! Is that they have not taken any diction or public speaking classes hosts use in every sentence its! 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Elvis Grandson Singing On The Voice, Articles N