When reading through Genesis 1-11, it is clear God chose Enoch for blessing because he walked with God, as did Noah. But before we get to the topics Jesus most commonly taught about I want to look at the topic most people think He taught about the most. Skeletal visions Culture Club/Getty Images In Ezekiel 37:1-14, the prophet has a vision of a valley filled with dry bones. I cant tell you how many times Ive heard that Jesus taught about money more than any other topic. God felt distant, and I became more and more restless in my pursuit for greater intimacy with him. [Please 3. Most Bibles have an abridged concordance in the very back to help you get started. The number 7 does signify completion or perfection (Genesis 7:2-4; Revelation 1:20). The rich struggle to know how to use it responsibly. 2:11-18 ), and we "love the brethren" ( 1 John 3:14 ). Todays guest post is by Jon Ng, ministry director of Rising Hope Street Ministry. Lamech, Cains son, murdered another man. With every step I took down that long dirt road, my heart beat faster. 56. Consider the following verses: You study the scriptures thoroughly because you think in them you possess eternal life, and it is these same scriptures that testify about me, Then he said to them, These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures. Baptism was not mentioned until the new testament. Writer. Those who reject Christ will suffer both present and eternal consequences for their sins. Initially God called Israel to judge the sinful Canaanites by wiping them out and taking possession of their land. All rights reserved. Love is the most talked about topic in the Bible. This list of the top ten most mentioned names in the Bible comes from The Bible Answer. The faith answer states that the Bible is the Word of God, that it is infallible and t. As we prayed, I opened my eyes midway in prayer to check my surroundings. Most Christians have a very mixed relationship with money. Here are the best tools . The places where people rush into sin are perfect places for them to come face-to-face with Gods radical love instead. The fear left me. As mentioned previously, there are over 300 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Christs first coming. Current topics include "Knowing God," "The Problem of Evil," "The Plan of God," "The People of God," "The Fruit of the Spirit" and "The Armor of God.". Which topic did Jesus teach the most? It is "living and active" (Hebrews 4:12). After judging the world at Babel, God decided to bless the family of Abraham. This passage in Matthew gives us a clue: He didnt mention it as much as the previous ones, but he certainly did spend a lot of time talking about it. Scripture teaches his person, character, works, plans, and his standards. We have to look at the surrounding context to determine what Jesus is actually pointing to. Consider these reasons why the Bible is unique: The Bible is a book of . I dont know what I need.. The Scriptures 2. We will consider some of those here. But we didnt do our best. What did He preach about the most? Dread and stress pulled at my heart, but for a moment, I had peace. And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him (Hebrews 11:6 ESV). John 1:1-3, and 14 says this: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was fully God. A Abundance Acceptance Accountability Addiction Adversity Alcohol Anger Anxiety Attitude Authority "Anger" Appearances in the Bible. The Bible promises blessings to those who love the least of these (Matthew 25:3440). To grow grapes, you need to prune the vines, as mentioned in Isaiah 5:6 and John 15:2. Which path will you choose? You can discuss this post and others in the Faithlife Today group. The Book of Psalms is one of my favorite parts of the Bible since I have always enjoyed music and am a musician. I responded, No, my name is Jon, and this is Lyman. Its been years since anybodys asked me that. Does what is molded say to the molder, Why have you made me like this? Has the potter no right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special use and another for ordinary use? Likewise, Romans 8:28 tells us that God works all things for the good of his saints (paraphrase). Think of the Parable of the Lost Coin. You can look up the passages mentioned and read more of the context in your Bible. Some people even dress all in black. 53. The Old Testament veils Christ in prophecies and types, while the New Testament reveals Christ. Since different words were used on different occasions, there are many words analyzed, as the study reflects. I pushed the gate open, took a deep breath, and walked in. Scripture is very clear that he does. All rights reserved. http://doulostrainingschool.blogspot.com/p/co.html. Over the years, we have noticed many of our visitors ask questions that are similar. This is seen throughout the Scripture and without an understanding of this theme, many become confused or consider God as being unfair. add to these verses all the instances where Jesus spoke about the Father How we answer that question will depend on which lens we look through. His story is told in the Gospels and the advance of his church is told in Acts. 7 Weeks + 62 weeks = 483 years. Repent, repents, repented, and repentance (21), Blind (18), hidden from your eyes (1), you did not recognize (1), Overcome, overcame, overcomes (8), perseverance (5), endure, endures, endured, endurance (6), Worrying, worries, and those who worry (17), Adultery (11), fornications (2), immorality (3), John the Baptist (3), of John (3), messenger (2), Elijah (7), End of the age (4), tribulation (7), distress (1), that hour which is about to come upon the whole world (1), Heal, healed (11), cures (1), sickness (1), Servant (7), serving (1), greatest (3), slave of all (1), service (1), Giving (1), gave, give to charity (1), put in more than all the contributors to the treasury (1), out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on (1), offering (8), Deny Me, denies Me, denied My name, or deny My faith (9), Few who find it (1), laborers are few (1), workers are few (1), few are chosen (4), Last shall be first (1), first will be last (5), Water + life (1), drink + water (1), living water (2), Unity (1), one flesh (1), that they may all be one (1), Sons of God (2), sons of your Father who is in heaven (1), Wash his feet (1), wash one anothers feet (1), Giving dogs what is sacred and pearls to pigs (1). These promises and examples are not exclusive to the Old Testament; the theme of rewards for faith and obedience is found in the New Testament as well. No one even mourned for him. Money. "The. Or is it simply out of his right to as God? But why did God choose Abraham? We highlighted some of these more popular topics below. She is mentioned a total of 49 times, more than any other woman in the Bible. If you want to read more about what Jesus said about hell you can check out this article I wrote: What Jesus Said About Hell. My friend Lyman (who Id been frantically texting earlier) finally responded and said that he wanted to join me in whatever it was that I was doing. Want to help the homeless in your community? Rather it is because of his love for you and his faithfulness to the promise he solemnly vowed to your ancestors that the Lord brought you out with great power, redeeming you from the place of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. But before we get to the topics Jesus most commonly taught about I want to look at the topic most people. Throughout the New Testament, Scripture says God rewards those with faith. Ten Free Bible Study Resource Tools. So one night, I opened my Bible and began reading through Hebrews 11the faith chapter. Thus hes not really teaching about money; hes using it as an illustration to a bigger point. Holiness is taught so few places. He makes me brave, he makes me strong, and with him, I have nothing to fear. life (23), find it (3). As we continued, we walked up to the group of homeless who were sitting on the park benches. Gaza is one of the oldest cities in history. From the very beginning of Jesus ministry the focus was on the Kingdom He was establishing. Its not a clear picture, because that was never his point. I want to be known for walking with you, pleasing you. Because in Christ alone, our hope is found. God is holy and cannot accept sin. The Bible is unlike any other book because it was written by God. God blesses and prospers those who stay away from wickedness and instead choose to delight in and meditate on Gods Word. I felt a weight lifted and the tension loosened around my shoulders and neck. In addition, Christ was always pictured in the sacrificial lamb in the Old Testament. The Christocentric nature of Scripture is taught throughout the Bible. There are two answers to this question, the faith answer and the empirical, analytical answer. A more accurate title would be "Top Ten Words Jesus Spoke". We should use the context of the Bible to help us understand each verse and not just rip a verse out of context to prove . Write down the passages listed with your topic so you can look them up. Drop a comment down below! Let me put it this way, eleven of Jesus parables do mention money however eighteen of Jesus parables mention food. While this certainly isnt the most common topic it is one that surprises many people. New Living Translation (NLT): 17 times. 5. You're welcome, and the pleasure is mine.I also want to invite you to consider enrolling our discipleship training school for further equipping. Acts 9:13-16 describes how God called Paul to apostleship through a man named Ananias: But Ananias replied, Lord, I have heard from many people about this man, how much harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem, and here he has authority from the chief priests to imprison all who call on your name! But the Lord said to him, Go, because this man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before Gentiles and kings and the people of Israel. Why, then, did God choose Abraham? These things happened to them as examples and were written for our instruction, on whom the ends of the ages have come. Thank you. Power in the Word 4. Sometimes too much choice makes it harder for us to choose. Jeffery Curtis Poor | March 1, 2022October 25, 2018 | Understanding Specific Bible Stories (Biblical Interpretation), What Does the Bible Say About What did Jesus talk about the most? Deeds (25); work, works (21), workers (2), does the will of God (3), and acts on them (2), obey, observe, keep My word (2), kept the word (1), kept My Word (1), keep the commandments (1), keep My commandments (2), that slave whom his Master finds doing so when He comes (1). Thank you SO much. This is the most common topic in Jesus teaching. 4. Jesus did talk a lot about money, theres no debating that. Jesus emphasized that His kingdom was different. God has placed every book, even the so-called boring ones, in the Bible for a reason. To bring in everlasting righteousness. With surgical wounds covering his chest and a pool of blood around his hospital bed, I held his hands and sat with him. Election is Gods right to choose some for special blessings, based on no merit of their own but simply because of his sovereign right to choose. The verses for each topic are chosen using crowdsourced data, which is based on how helpful a verse is related to the topic. Create an account or log in to get started. I think we should just acknowledge they are both focal points of Jesus messages. In his Word, God shows us His will and explains how to live a full life. Depending on how you count it you will get different answers. In addition to choosing Abraham, God gave him a conditional promise that eventually became unconditional. Keep it up. In Deuteronomy 7:6-8, Moses said: For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. What are other examples of sin and its consequences? What is mentioned most in Bible? Selecting the topic's title will take you to the corresponding entry in our alphabetical topic listing with previously answered questions, associated articles, and links to related topics. Only four of them dont involve a fallen world: the first two and the last twobefore the Fall and after the creation of the new heaven and new earth. ( Romans 3:23 NKJV) Sin is a vital word in the Bible, one that we must understand. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox versions of the Old Testament being slightly larger because of their acceptance of certain books and parts of books considered apocryphal by Protestants. While this certainly isn't the most common topic it is one that surprises many people. It played by a different set of rules. How can God choose people for salvation and special works even before they are born? I'm glad the Lord used this in your life. Christ in All the Bible Section 2 Sin; Its Origin, Results, and Remedy 6. Both passages address anxiety at their heart. Besides pointing out a few of Jesus most common topics that he taught about, the point Im trying to make is how easy it is to read into the Bible what we want to see. Bible Questions Answered. The anger and wrath of God was a consistent theme in the old testament, which gave way to love in the new testament. It can refer to the end of a cycle or when something is finished. In Exodus 6:3, God tells Moses how He appeared to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob using the name El Shaddai, which means "God Almighty." He did not reveal Himself to them by the name Yahweh. God demonstrates many aspects of human personalityjoy, wrath, jealously, lovewith one exception: Gods person is perfect and ours is flawed. Now the LORD had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father's house, To a land that I will show you. Though Scriptures in that context referred to the Old Testament, it can be rightly applied to all of Scripture. It started freaking me out. Wife of Abraham; gave birth at age 90. This accessible overview of biblical theology traces the development of sixteen key themes from Genesis to Revelation, showing how each theme contributes to the one main storyline of Scripture. Did Jesus talk about money? In a way, she had always known that this was her deepest need, but she had been searching for it in all the wrong places. Answer. The Bible is the holy scripture of the Christian religion, purporting to tell the history of the Earth from its earliest creation to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. They were invisible to the people around them. At a glance, it is clear that while some . Thats what I was missing. God is called the lion, especially the . Sin (14), sinned (3), sinner(s) (14), sinful (1). A concordance is kind of like a dictionary except, instead of defining the word, it lists out all the passages where that word is found. God wrote the Ten Commandments with his finger. the uniqueness of the Bible! In what ways is this true? It is not because you were more numerous than all the other peoples that the Lord favored and chose youfor in fact you were the least numerous of all peoples. In 2014, Jon was also an intern at Faithlife. Those are both true. My Father (48), Your Father (3), heavenly Father (7), O Father (1), righteous Father (1), the Father (1). Finally, God also reveals himself through biblical history. I thought, What a coward Ive been. For a moment, I felt like Enoch. Colossians 2:9 says, For in him all the fullness of deity lives in bodily form.. The MacArthur Bible Handbook (Kindle Locations 301-303). Through the gated chain-link fence, I peered into the dark beneath the bridge. . That all who believe can be a part of the Kingdom. Money is one of the most mentioned topics in the Bible. Pastors and Bible researchers may find this data to contain valuable insight. Of course there are many references in the old testament to Jesus in the types and in the prophecies of the messiah, but I only listed the times the actual names occurred in all cases. You expounded on many pertinent things. The one commonly thought of as the most common topic Jesus taught about. With barely any light, I walked through the narrow dirt pathway, announcing my presence. Sarah, the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, is the most mentioned woman in the Bible. In fact there are more than 2300 verses on money, wealth and possessions. I would love to hear from you! (I didnt manually count the number of occurrences I searched using 2 methods and got a discrepancy of 2 in one instance, so these numbers are likely to not be totally accurate). That way we can see some of the important themes that Jesus continually went back to. Lo and behold, even the gang members whod kept their distance from us bowed their heads in prayer with us! The Origin of Evil 8. Making a total of approximately 1254 times Moses is mentioned 852 times. What Im getting at is money is not the focal point to many of those 11 parables. Holy Spirit (12), Spirit of the Lord (1), Spirit of truth (3), Spirit of God (1), Spirit of your Father (1), the Spirit (13), the promise of My Father (1). Christs burial and resurrection are foreshadowed in the story of Jonahs three days in the belly of a fish. note: These were not necessarily teachings about God. The most mentioned king in the Bible is the King of King and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Genesis starts in top left and Revelation ends in bottom right. Now what I'd like to see is an analysis of the main points that Jesus makes of the words he spoke of, which is subjectively trickier, but desired nonetheless. We live in a remarkable time when we have free access not only to God's word but to a wealth of free Bible study tools. Revelation 6:16-17 says, They said to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who is seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?. 10 - Abraham (235 times) God's promise to Abraham is one of the key promises in all of the Bible. Abrahams call demonstrates electionGod elected Abraham based on nothing he had done, in order to bless the world. She needed love. The two talking animals in the Old Testament commanded the attention of several authors of New Testament books, who Let's start with the topic we've already mentioned. This is what I have been looking for. He is painting a picture that uses some artistic liberties. God bless you, too. Finally, the messiah came through their lineage. It had all to do with Gods sovereign right to choose to use him in a special way. To add emphasis sometimes its pointed out that 1 out of every 7 verses of Jesus words talk about money. Between the pillars of concrete and steel were dozens of tents, palettes of wood, chairs, and random furniture.
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