No doubt many are unhistorical, but at the end of the investigation that underlies this book, I am certain that many others are not …. Travelling first to South and Meso-America, Graham finds evidence of myths of a white-skinned ‘god’ named Quetzalcoatl or ‘Viracocha’ who came from a drowned land bringing knowledge of farming and culture after a great flood. I recommend this book to those who are interested in alternative or ancient history. See all 5 questions about Fingerprints of the Gods…, Underground Knowledge (fiction and nonfiction), Melissa Albert Recommends YA Tales Where the Real World Gets Real Magical. Paperback. Michael Miley turned me on to Hancock during one of my visits to San Francisco. At the same time serious efforts should be made to investigate the contents of the large, square-edged and apparently man-made cavity in the bedrock, deep beneath the paws of the Sphinx, that was discovered when a seismic survey was carried out at the site in 1993. Download Fingerprints of the Gods as PDF. On 6th July 1960 Lt Colonel Harold Ohlmeyer, a United States Airforce Commander, sent a reply to a letter from one Professor Charles Hapgood who had requested his opinion on a feature found on a map of 1513 AD called the Piri Reis Map. And that their inventions might not be lost – upon Adam’s prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water – they made two pillars, one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries upon them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the Flood, the pillar of stone might remain and exhibit these discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them …. Adventures in the Underworld, Journeys to the Stars, A Computer for Calcutating the End of the World, The Sun and the Moon and the Way of the Dead, A Species Born in the Earth’s Long Winter, The Face of the Earth was Darkened and a Black Rain Began to Fall. Had the axis of the Osireion been predetermined by the axis of the Temple or vice versa? Whether we choose to benefit from that legacy or not is up to us. If they did that, and if their sacred objective were indeed to preserve and transmit knowledge to some evolved future civilization, it is easy to imagine how the cult members might be described in terms similar to those used for the Egyptian wisdom god Thoth who was said to have, succeeded in understanding the mysteries of the heavens [and to have] revealed them by inscribing them in sacred books which he then hid here on earth, intending that they should be searched for by future generations but found only by the fully worthy …. 8% off. T&C. Shop God's fingerprint. Its fate will depend on whether or not its inhabitants behave in accordance with the Creator’s plans … ‘, I had come to Arizona to see whether the Hopi thought we were behaving in accordance with the Creator’s plans …. Then, under the direction of Professor Naville of the Egypt Exploration Fund, a long transverse chamber was cleared, at the end of which, to the north-east, was found a massive stone gateway made up of cyclopean blocks of granite and sandstone. Fingerprints Of The Gods (English, Paperback, Hancock Graham) Share. Wasn’t it worth looking into the possibility-even if only to rule it out-that the Giza and Abydos vessels could have been parts of a cultural legacy, not of a land-loving, riverside-dwelling, agricultural people like the indigenous Ancient Egyptians but of an advanced seafaring nation? A record-breaking number one bestseller in Britain, Fingerprints of the Gods contains the makings of an intellectual revolution, a dramatic and irreversible change in the way that we understand our past—and so our future.And Fingerprints of the Gods tells us something more. Lt Colonel Ohlmeyer’s reply was a bombshell. Among the numberless ruined temples of Ancient Egypt, there is one that is unique not only for its marvellous state of preservation, which (rare indeed!) The "God's fingerprint" artwork has one handwritten verse from … Great book and great look at very ancient history, I'm talking 10,850 BC and in some cases all the way back to 15,000 BC. view Kindle eBook | view Audible audiobook. Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it Pin on Pinterest. How would we do that? Connecting puzzling clues scattered throughout the world, Hancock discovers compelling evidence of a technologically and culturally advanced civilization that was destroyed and obliterated from human memory. An intellectual detective story, this unique history book directs probing questions at orthodox history, presenting disturbing new evidence that historians have tried - but failed - to explain. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example, two generations have grown to adulthood in awareness of the horrific destruction that nuclear weapons unleash. I read this for fun. Graham Hancock's multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing, deeply controversial, wide-ranging investigation of the mysteries of our past and the evidence for Earth's lost civilization. Indeed, this was more than just imagination because Osiris was physically present in the astonishing symphony of reliefs that adorned the walls-reliefs that depicted the once and future civilizer-king in his role as god of the dead, enthroned and attended by Isis, his beautiful and mysterious sister. Amazingly, several other maps exist showing accurat. Fingerprints of the Gods and millions of other books are available for instant access. I like Hancock's style of writing, which is clear and easy to follow. And such images are replicated in many other archaic traditions. About Fingerprints of the Gods. And what of the Enola Gay which carried the Hiroshima bomb? It’s true. All the photographs in the book are her work. In ancient monuments as far apart as Egypt's Great Sphinx, the strange Andean ruins of Tihuanaco, and Mexico's awe-inspiring Temples of the Sun and Moon, he reveals not only the clear fingerprints of an as-yet-unidentified civilization of remote … If you would like to turn a blind eye to the mainstream rhetoric and propaganda and wish to look at an alternative view; or enlightened view; about our Earth's distant past then I recommend Graham Hancock. There's my starting point. If you would like to turn a blind eye to the mainstream rhetoric and propaganda and wish to look at an alternative view; or enlightened view; about our Earth's distant past then I recommend Graham Hancock. What about the questions raised by the gigantic blocks used in the construction of the Valley and Mortuary Temples? I'll be checking out Mr. Hancock's follow up book to this at some point. But if you are into this kind of thing, this is about as good as it gets. For me, this was a very entertaining read - well, listen in this case. Aren’t the tenuous links much more indicative of the work of restorers seeking to attach themselves to ancient and venerable monuments than of the original architects of those monuments-whoever they might have been and in whatever epoch they might have lived? In ancient monuments as far apart as Egypt’s Great Sphinx, the strange Andean ruins of Tihuanaco, and Mexico’s awe-inspiring Temples of the Sun and Moon, he reveals not only the clear fingerprints of an as-yet … Name. Even Indra, the Lord of Heaven, came with a special type of flying vehicle which could accommodate 33 divine beings.’. Egyptian civilization was not a `development', it was a legacy.”. The Inca Trail to the Past. Special price ₹2,029 ₹2,211. 3 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 … And there remained a certain number of years to come, and he commanded in the mean space to build the Pyramids … And he engraved in these Pyramids all things that were told by wise men, as also all profound sciences – the science of Astrology, and of Arithmeticke, and of Geometry, and of Physicke. The king said, will it come to our country? Instead, like the Way of the Dead at Teotihuacan in Mexico, it was oriented to the east of due north. And might they have been associated in some way with the legendary gods of the First Time, said to have brought to Egypt not only civilization and astronomy and architecture, and the knowledge of mathematics and writing, but a host of other useful skills and gifts, by far the most notable and the most significant of which had been the gift of agriculture? What are we to make, for example, of the Popol Vuh, which speaks in veiled language about a great secret of the human past: a long-forgotten golden age when everything was possible – a magical time of scientific progress and enlightenment when the ‘First Men’ (who were ‘endowed with intelligence’) not only ‘measured the round face of the earth’ but ‘examined the four points of the arch of the sky’. My grandfather says that nothing is here just by chance, that nothing happens by accident – whether good or bad – and that there is a reason for everything that takes place …’, When human beings from around the globe, and from many different cultures, share a powerful and overwhelming intuition that a cataclysm is approaching, we are within our rights to ignore them. In ancient monuments as far apart as Egypt’s Great Sphinx, the strange Andean ruins of Tihuanaco, and Mexico’s awe-inspiring Temples of the Sun and Moon, he reveals not only the clear fingerprints of an as-yet-unidentified civilization of remote … It is also likely that you have run into someone during your life who reads "conspiracy theories' and buys them hook line and sinker. In other words, if the buildings were large enough, capable of enduring through immense spans of time and encoded through and through with the cult’s message, there would be hope that the message would be decoded at some future date even if the cult had by then long since ceased to exist. Is it possible that before the age of man, we know it, there was an advanced civilization buried beneath the aeons of time? Beside him was his grand-daughter Melza Sifki, a handsome middle-aged woman who had offered to translate. E. Naville, ‘Excavations at Abydos: The Great Pool and the Tomb of Osiris’, David O’Connor, ‘Boat Graves and Pyramid Origins’, in. WE LIVED WHEN THE VERNAL EQUINOX WAS IN PISCES), but would need to decide from other clues which Age of Pisces we had lived in: the most recent, or the one in the previous precessional cycle, or perhaps even the cycle before that. Within a decade, the standard Egyptological texts began to print the attribution to Seti I as though it were a fact, verifiable by experience or observation. They had hoped to return in 1992 to continue the excavations, but there had been various hitches and, in 1993, the dig was still being postponed. Their estimate of this period was 29.528395 days – extremely close to the true figure of 29.530588 days computed by the finest modern methods.11 The Mayan priests also had in their possession very accurate tables for the prediction of solar and lunar eclipses and were aware that these could occur only within plus or minus eighteen … If discovered by a high culture flourishing at the very beginning of a future Age of Sagittarius for example it could be read as meaning ‘we lived 4320 years before your time’ – that is, two full precessional ‘months’ prior to the Sagittarian Age (the 2160-year ‘months’ of Aquarius and Capricorn). Special Price Get extra 5% off (price inclusive of discount) T&C. intriguing and entertaining and sturdy enough to give a long pause for … Fingerprints of the Gods is an amazing book. I must say I enjoyed reading the book. Our children will be aware of this too, without experiencing it directly, and they will pass it on to their children. To pass through the Gallery was to pass through time itself. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Geology would naturally be of assistance in making such broad judgements …. It was just ingrained in me that if there was a TV show on about these types of things, or a book that just came out, I was all over it. I am in awe!! Nights of the Witch Finally, the whole structure was enclosed within an outer wall of limestone, thus completing a sequence of inter-nested rectangles, i.e., from the outside in, wall, wall, moat, plinth. John Anthony West, an expert on the early dynastic period, asks: How does a complex civilization spring full-blown into being? He believes that there was once a great civilization (let's call them the Atlanteans) that existed long before Sumeria or Egypt or Greece, and that they had some very advanced technology. Read description The bestselling author of The Sign and the Seal reveals the true origins of civilization. Of course the orthodox historians had perfectly reasonable explanations and also more believable ones, but it was very entertaining to compare the two schools of thought. . In Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock embarks on a worldwide quest to put together all the pieces of the vast and fascinating jigsaw of mankind’s hidden past. The MILLIONS-SELLING BOOK THAT TURNED HISTORY ON ITS HEAD Part one of a trilogy, followed by MAGICIANS of the GODS and AMERICA BEFORE Fingerprints of the Gods is a revolutionary rewrite of history that has persuaded millions of readers throughout the world to change their preconceptions about the history behind modern society. An ostracon (piece of broken potsherd) found in the entrance passage and bearing the legend ‘Seti is serviceable to Osiris’. 0517887290 - Fingerprints of the Gods by Hancock, Graham - AbeBooks It’s striking that, in our present form, human beings have been around for at least 75,000 years, but our written record and thus our best connection to the past only goes back a little over 5,000 years. The second world ended when the terrestrial globe toppled from its axis and everything was covered with ice. His books include Lords of Poverty, The Sign and the Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Keeper of Genesis (released in the US as Message of the Sphinx), The Mars Mystery, Heaven's Mirror (with wife Santha Faiia), Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith (with co-author Robert Bauval), Supernatural: Meeting with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind and Magicians of the Gods. Doesn’t it make sense of the mysterious way in which the Sphinx and the Valley Temple, and now the Osireion as well, seem to have become vaguely connected with the names of particular pharaohs (Khafre and Seti I), without ever yielding a single piece of evidence that clearly and unequivocally proves those pharaohs built the structures concerned? He also wrote and presented the Channel 4 documentaries Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age and Quest for the Lost Civilisation. In so doing, is it not possible that they might have stumbled upon one of the metaphorical ‘books’ of Thoth and read the ancient science inscribed upon its pages? However, the author does note evidence and offers this evidence to the reader. As Naville observed, the Osireion’s similarity to the Valley Temple at Giza ‘showed it to be of the same epoch when building was made with enormous stones’. that the Great Sphinx is indeed, as we have argued in previous chapters, an equinoctial marker for the Age of Leo, indicating a date in our own chronology of between IO,970 BC 8810 BC; that the three principal pyramids are indeed laid out in relation to the Nile Valley to mimic the precise dispositions of the three stars of Orion’s Belt in relation to the course of the Milky Way in 1O,450 BC. What people forget, is that Science, History, in fact all scholastic inquiry, is a conversation of published works proposing advances in research for ot. They have to preserve their memories. You may remember studying the Fibonacci sequence in math, (or if you are like me, you may have blocked out math class altogether). All this may be interpreted by him that knowes their characters and language …. Traveling first to South and Meso-America, Graham finds evidence of myths of a white-skinned ‘god’ named Quetzalcoatl or ‘Viracocha’ who came from a drowned land bringing knowledge of farming and culture … Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is evidence of an astonishingly early period of agricultural advance and experimentation in the Nile Valley at about the end of the last Ice Age in the northern hemisphere. The hard copy however contains diagrams to simplify arrange, I indulged in the audiobook, which was read in a clear tone by the author (which I love!). Could we be experiencing a species wide amnesia. Here's an Early and The First Amazingly done Production Of Grahams Award Winning Book "Fingerprints Of The Gods!" Tied in with these myths Graham begins to crack an ancient code imprinted in these ancient tales that refer to the ‘great mill’ of the heavens. Since I have learned to respect those long-forgotten and still only hazily identified Newtons and Shakespeares and Einsteins of the last Ice Age, I think it would be foolish to disregard what they seem to be saying. I fear that our own civilization may be destroyed by a similar cataclysm … ‘, There followed a long exchange in Hopi, then this translation: ‘He said that when he was a child, in the 1900s, there was a star that exploded – a star that had been up there in the sky for a long while … And he went to his grandfather and asked him to explain the meaning of this sign. There are no values any more – none at all – and people live any way they want, without morals or laws. Again, I don't know if Hancock's information is correct, but he definitely seems to have done a lot of research. In the Christian scheme of things too, the last days are understood to be upan us. Had a really hard time putting this down. The way we see it, this kind of climate is a consequence of how we’re living today – not just us, but your people as well.’, I noticed that her eyes had filled with tears while she was talking. Shop God's fingerprint. But something terrible happened to their home land, maybe to all of earth at the time, he talks about it possibly having been the onset of the ice age, or the shifting of the magnetic poles, or possibly both, but anyway, they felt a need to travel the earth and pass their knowledge on to just about all of the other civilizations, who until then, were pretty young and not as advanced. I go on intuition again, not on evidence. Twenty years on, Hancock returns with Magicians of the Gods, the sequel to his seminal work. Excellent book, very though provoking. This text falls into the general category that your average reader is going to label as 'conspiracy theory.' Fingerprints of the Gods is the revolutionary rewrite of history that has persuaded millions of listeners throughout the world to change their preconceptions about the history behind modern society. Paperback #1 Best Seller in Prehistoric & Primitive Art. It is a book that has been out for some 20 odd years but I never got around to checking it out. Just like Eric Von Daniken Graham Hancock gets the grey matter firing up and opens up a whole panorama of possibilities. The hypothesis proposes that this is what the enigmatic structures on the Giza plateau are all about: This is a pretty effective means of ‘specifying’ the epoch of the eleventh millennium BC by using the phenomenon of precession, which has been rightly described as the ‘only true clock of our planet’. Before leaving Abydos, there was one other puzzle that I wanted to remind myself of. In Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock embarks on a worldwide quest to put together all the pieces of the vast and fascinating jigsaw of mankind’s hidden past. An intellectual detective story, this unique history book directs probing questions at orthodox history, presenting disturbing new evidence that historians have tried - but failed - … The answer to the mystery is of course obvious but, because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of modern thinking, it is seldom considered. [32], Like the 140-foot ocean-going vessel found buried beside the Great Pyramid at Giza (see Chapter Thirty-three), one thing was immediately clear about the Abydos boats-they were of an advanced design capable of riding out the most powerful waves and the worst weather of the open seas. Isn’t it possible, probable even, that they might preserve traditions of ‘celestial cars’ and ‘heavenly chariots’ and ‘spacious flying machines’, and even of ‘aerial cities’. I am also impressed by the enormous lengths they went to to provide us with convincing proof that theirs was a serious and scientifically advanced civilization. According to the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, it had been given to him by Ra: ‘But on the very first day that he wore it Osiris had much suffering in his head, and when Ra returned in the evening he found Osiris with his head angry and swollen from the heat of the Atef crown.
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