Dive underwater to squeeze through the tomb’s entrance on the right, and then again to go through the tunnel immediately to your left. The Beginning It all starts with Audrey Burnhep or Varzok win your first battle and then I highly recommend visiting the Auction House before heading out into the world. The pool is just north of the camp. Continue climbing around to the right until you can jump up and grab the overhanging ledge and pull up in front of the Crypt entrance. Climb/jump to the right toward the waterfall. There's another diving platform for the High Diving Challenge here. If you haven't completed it yet, wait until you finish exploring the Crypt, since you'll exit here. Crypt #4: Start from the Wild Jungle Base Camp, continuing the “Speak of the Dead” side-quest. document.write(''+postemail8809+'') The Hidden City – Fifth Crypt (part 1) Begin in the pool just north of the Wild Jungle Base Camp. (screenshots), ENTERING THE CRYPT: Follow the dark passageway into the Crypt. for (i=0;i