[34], Peace Echo IV brought another 52 F-4s to the IDF, 24 of which were ex-USAF. The next day, at Bremgarten, the aircraft was accepted by the Inspekteur der Luftwaffe ("Inspector of the Luftwaffe", Gunther Rall.[14]. A second batch of 16 more F-4Ds was ordered later. Boeing’s global reach includes customers in approximately 150 countries and employees and operations in more than 65 countries. The ICE F-4Fs were expected to remain in service until JG 71 transitioned to the Eurofighter Typhoon in 2013. In June 2007, Lockheed Martin announced that the company has been awarded a contract to equip several F-15 Eagles with synthetic aperture radar pods. This involved endless alarms to intercept "Bear" and other Soviet aircraft approaching British airspace, the North Sea and over Germany. During a border clash in June 1975, these F-4s, armed with AGM-65 Maverick missiles defeated an Iraqi armored ground formation. ", "Phantom with Royal Australian Air Force. The Phantom still holds the record for the largest production run of any supersonic fighter built in the United States. At least one F-4E flew in combat still bearing a U.S. tail code, while others stayed painted in USAF camouflage patterns. [11], The German Air Force (Luftwaffe) operated a total of 175 F-4Fs, 10 F-4Es (for training at U.S. airfields) and 88 RF-4Es making it one of the most prolific Phantom customers.[12]. [34][41], During the Yom Kippur War it was reported that one Israeli F-4 Squadron was put on alert for a nuclear strike, but not confirmed. It also lost the financial support of the other Arab states, and Saudi Arabia cancelled its plans to send Egypt 50 F-5s. [70], Small strakes above the air intakes to improve agility, new attachment fittings, engine mountings, stronger wing fold ribs, updated canopy sill bar, 12 mi (20 km) of wiring replaced (reducing weight by 1,653 lb/750 kg) as well as most hydraulic and pneumatic lines and hoses, and fuel tank reinforcements. In March 1963, McDonnell Douglas offered to provide the RAAF with a modified version of the F-4C, the model 98DX, fitted with SNECMA Atar 9 engines. In 1982, an AIM-9-armed Phantom FGR.2 returning from a Quick Reaction Alert over Germany accidentally shot down a Royal Air Force Jaguar GR.1.[93]. The F-4 Phantom still remains in service in nations such as Iran, Iraq, South Korea, Turkey, and Greece as of 2018, 60 years after its first flight. The Boeing Archives Presents Video Series. After 25 years of service the Phantoms ended their RAF career: as a result of the Options for Change military budget reduction in 1990, it was decided to phase out the Phantom. Through the Mutual Defense Aid Program (MDAP), Spain acquired 36 ex-USAF F-4Cs for the Ejército del Aire (Spanish Air Force). While Ark Royal was undergoing conversion, the FG.1 underwent successful deck trials aboard Eagle. By the end of production in 1985, McDonnell had built 5,068 Phantom IIs, and Mitsubishi, in Japan, had built 127. The F-4Ds were joined by 37 new-build F-4Es, ordered in the 1970s. The German RF-4E was equipped similarly to the USAF RF-4Cs, using the latest F-4E airframe and more-powerful engines. The program included 13 months flying the T-37 and T-38, for a total of 200 hours for pilots and 85 hours for navigators. Operation Night Light involved the loan of two RF-4Cs to the IDF while they were waiting for their order for six RF-4Es to be delivered. During this time it was the primary interceptor, air superiority fighter and fighter bomber with the U.S. Navy, Marines and Air Force. In 2014, modified Phantoms designated QF-4 were being used as remotely controlled aerial targets over the Gulf of Mexico to test pilots, aircraft such as drones and weapons at Tyndall Air Force Base near Panama City, Fla. [47], The F-4EJ entered service with the JASDF in August 1972 with a total of six Hikōtai ("Squadrons") operating the aircraft: the 301, 302, 303, 304, 305 and 306th. Compared to the F-4s they were considerably less expensive and were used as interceptors. Filo 111, 112, 113, all based on JAB 1, Eskişehir, were the new Phantom units. The IDF Phantoms received Elbit Jason digital bombing computers, Litton LW-33 inertial navigation systems, new radar warning receivers, TISEO and combat slats. 82 Wing's aircrew were to be converted to the F-111). However, assistance from U.S. advisors in 1985 made it possible to reach a reasonable serviceability rate, and in 1988 another seven F-4s were delivered. F-4s took part in interdiction missions against oil tankers using AGM-65 Maverick missiles and even AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, while bombs were not used, probably due to shortages. F4 « back to "Jet Fighters" The Imperial Iranian Air Force was the largest overseas operators of the F-4 Phantom before the Revolution. The F-4 Phantom 2, made its first flight in 1958,and is still active in service with at least 5 Nations,(Japan,Germany,Korea,Greece and Turkey). This site site is dedicated to an aircraft that in March 2008 is 50 years in active service.! The program review considered ending F-4F conversions and buying new fighters as "gap fillers", such as the MiG-29, McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle or F-16. One was the IRRS (Infrared Recognition System) and the other was the SLAR (Side-Looking Airborne Radar), mounted in the side of the fuselage. [5] The Spey gave an increase of 10% in operational range, 15% increase in ferry range and better low-level acceleration,[5] however the increased drag of the engine installation resulted in poorer performance at high altitude. The first 26 aircraft were rebuilt in Israel, and the other 28 in Turkey. The F-4F ICE program offered a reasonably inexpensive and capable aircraft for the interceptor role, albeit with limitations. The first Phantoms delivered to the THK had Southeast Asia camouflage colors and TISEO equipment, consisting of a wing-mounted television camera with zoom capacity for spotting targets outside of normal visual range. In 1972, with eight Phantoms per month being delivered, Aufklärungsgeschwader 51 "Immelmann" equipped with the RF-4, followed by AG 52, based at Leck. The Imperial Iranian Air Force placed a order for 16 F-4Ds in 1967. [34], On the second day of the war, the IDF launched attacks with F-4s and A-4 Skyhawks but the enemy air defence and MiGs shot down six Phantoms and 30 A-4s. These were the only "C" models ever exported, even as second-hand examples. The last Navy F-4 made its final "trap" (carrier landing) aboard the USS America in October 1986. [49][53], The F-4EJ Kai first flew on 17 July 1984, and first entered service on 24 November 1989 to the JASDF 306th Squadron. These included 40 Aeritalia F-104Ss, the improved Starfighter, with the same missiles and engines as used on the Phantoms. The F-4 Phantom II (simply "F-4 Phantom" after 1990) is a two-place (tandem), supersonic, long-range, all-weather fighter-bomber built by McDonnell Douglas Corporation. In 1952, McDonnell's Chief of Aerodynamics, Dave Lewis, was appointed by CEO Jim McDonnell to be the company's preliminary design manager. In 1971 the new West German Luftwaffe was only 16 years old, having been formed in 1955. After these attacks against strategic targets, the F-4s struck tactical battlefield targets, destroying many Iraqi armored vehicles. Republic of Korea Air Force, ROKAF was supplied with F-4s in the late 1960s, due to ongoing tension with North Korea. The man saw a jet coming at him at high speed and low altitude and opened fire, Makdissi said. Louis. These equipped Filo 142 and 172. However, due to the embargo imposed by France after the Israeli preemptive strike during the 1967 Six-Day War, the U.S. government reconsidered and decided to offer the Israelis the aircraft. The F-4s acquired from US Air Force stocks were former 110th and 141st Tactical Fighter Squadron aircraft (Missouri and New Jersey Air National Guard squadrons, respectively) and arrived painted in "Egyptian One" camouflage, an air-superiority paint scheme consisting of two different shades of blue, despite being best-suited for ground attack. [89] In 1969, however, the decision was taken that Eagle would not undergo conversion, leaving Ark Royal as the only Royal Navy carrier capable of operating the Phantom. To upgrade the Phantom fleet the JASDF planned the F-4EJ Kai (Japanese for "modified") program. [26], In 1993 the PA called for a major electronic upgrade for the F-4 fleet, involving the replacement of the APQ-120 with a new AMRAAM-capable system. Initially, a total of 140 FG.1s were to be ordered for the Fleet Air Arm; the intention was to operate the Phantom from both of the Royal Navy's remaining large fleet carriers, Eagle and Ark Royal, and the brand new CVA-01 carriers. [23], The last batch of 40 Phantoms was not delivered due to the political situation in Greece, but with the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the US-led Operation Desert Storm liberation, the situation changed. The aircraft was named Phantom II on July 3, 1959, during a ceremony held at the McDonnell plant in St. Louis, Mo., to celebrate the company's 20th anniversary. In 1988, the aircraft were stood down from this dual role due to cost and this capability was removed. The 5,000th Phantom was delivered on May 24, 1978, in ceremonies that also marked the 20th anniversary of the fighter's first flight, and McDonnell Douglas delivered the last St. Louis–built Phantom II in October 1979. While the F-4 phantom has now been in service for more than 55 years and retired by most air forces, it has been a particularly busy aircraft since ISIS came to power. [8] While further purchases of F-4s and upgrades were considered, these plans were rejected in favour of additional orders for F-16s. The Turkish F-4 fleet was enhanced with 15 secondhand US aircraft delivered in 1981 to Filo 173 and finally, another 15 delivered in 1984 to replace fleet losses. The aircraft had the capability to develop photos in flight and then drop them using special cartridges. It pheatures hypnotic slow-motion phootage of Phantoms. Phantoms were also provided with Rafael LITENING pods, capable of navigation, targeting and use of guided weapons, such as the AGM-65 Maverick. In this short time, the air force had already passed through two generations of jet combat aircraft, having bought the North American F-86 Sabre and the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. The remaining Phantoms were converted into drones known as QF-4 and shot down for target practice by modern aircraft. "Turkish F-4 Phantoms defeated Chinese Su-27s in exercises. Under this program 40 F-4Es were delivered to 131 and 132 Filo, 3 JAB, Konya. In the 1980s, the Tornado started to replace the Phantom in the air-defence role. The F-4Cs were assigned to Escuadrones 121 and 122, Ala 12 (Wing). The 348th "Eyes" Squadron relinquished their RF-84Fs for new RF-4Es in 1979. But it’s somewhat of an anomaly. While the F-4EJs were built almost entirely by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the RF-4Es were bought directly from McDonnell-Douglas. Welcome old en New phriends of the F-4 Phantom Pages! [48], McDonnell Douglas built the two prototype F-4EJs, which first flew on 14 January 1971. [30], The Iraqi air force performed a very deep strike of more than 837 km (520 mi) inside Iran, but this small formation was intercepted by two Iranian F-4s and one or two MiGs were lost. The Phantom II was exported to 11 other nations, and continues to serve in a military role in some parts of the world. The Yom Kippur War started with Egyptian and Syrian air strikes on Israel. The F-4 Phantom first entered service in the U.S. military in 1960 as an elite twin engine heavy fighter, a revolutionary design and the world’s first third generation combat aircraft, and would form the mainstay of the American aerial warfare capabilities until the induction of the Navy’s F-14 and Air Force’s F-15 fourth generation air superiority fighters in the mid 1970s. The original order was for 16 aircraft; the first of which arrived on 8 September 1968,[29] with another 16 added later, and were employed in several unsuccessful attempts to intercept Soviet MiG-25Rs. AG 51 received Panavia Tornados as a replacement, while AG 52 was disbanded.[12]. [59][60], Deliveries occurred between October 1971 and September 1972 under Peace Alfa. Two 17,900-pound-thrust General Electric J79-GE-17 jet engines, 15,983 pounds of weapons, including 20 mm nose-mounted M-61 "Vulcan" cannon. This meant that the bases were very large, well-dispersed and stocked with ample spare parts. The 501st at that time operated the RF-4E. In 1979 the U.S. placed an armament embargo on Iran, preventing it from getting many spare parts to keep the fleet flying. [12], Phase 1 of ICE commenced in 1989–90 and included upgrades such as the ALR-68 Radar warning receiver, the Honeywell H-423 laser gyro inertial navigation system, the GEC Avionics CPU-143/A digital central air data computer, and the Mil Std 1553R digital data bus. By the end of that reorganization, Filo 171 became a ground attack unit, 172 interception and 173 reconnaissance. One of the most prominent Phantom users is the Turkish Air Force ("Türk Hava Kuvvetleri" or THK), which operates about 233 F-4s. At the end of 1994, there were about 70 F-4F ICE aircraft already modified, 40 were still waiting for APG-65 radar, and 40 were not modified but still in service. First entering service in 1960 with the US military, the F-4 Phantom remained at the forefront of US air power throughout the 1970s and 1980s. According to Reuters, a portion of the exercise included mock aerial combat between Turkish F-4s and Russian-built Su-27s of the Chinese military. All of these went to 113 Filo, Eskişehir. The RF versions were equipped with cameras and surveillance gear for aerial reconnaissance. Mitsubishi built all the EJs over the next nine years and the production ended with 127th F-4EJ, on 20 May 1981. [5] The main modification was the replacement of the General Electric J79 by the British-made Rolls-Royce Spey powerplant. To support them a fleet of three KC-97Ls was acquired in 1972, equipping Escuadrón 123, being replaced by KC-130Hs (which equipped Escuadrón 301) from January 1976. [34], Some aerial maneuvers were believed to fool the SA-6 systems and these were used while the IDF waited for better ECM weapons. The surplus aircraft were supplied to Allied NATO nations, with 32 sent to Turkey and 20 to Greece. There was doubt that even a simplified version of the Typhoon could be acquired. [22], The RF-4E reconnaissance versions were retired on 5 May 2017 and 348 Squadron was deactivated. ", "Military Spokesman: Anti-Air Defenses Intercepted a Target That Violated Syrian Airspace Over Territorial Waters, Shot It Down West of Lattakia. [84], New multifunction display in the front cockpit plus two in the rear, new Kaiser El-OP 976 wide-angle HUD and HOTAS system, high-performance Elta EL/M-2032 ISAR-capable high-resolution SAR/GMTI (ground moving target indicator) multi-mode fire-control radar (developed for the IAI Lavi), IAIC mission computer, new navigation equipment including GPS/INS connected to mapping mode, dual MIL-STD-553B databus managing avionics package, Astronautics Central Air Data Computer, new UHF and IFF packages, airborne video tape recorder (AVTR), Elta EL/L-8222 active ECM pod and Mikes (Aselsan) AN/ALQ-178V3 passive embedded SPEWS, and RWR. The Iranian forces surprised him and fought back effectively. The costs sustained in the upgrades had incurred a delay in AMRAAM acquisition. It was used extensively throughout the U.S. Military in the 1960s, particularly the Vietnam War, and remained in service afterwards in the 70s and 80s. During this opening phase a pair of Phantoms managed to shoot down seven Egyptian aircraft, and others shot down five Mil Mi-8s carrying assault troops over the Sinai desert. Copyright © 1995 - 2020 Boeing. [59][61], In Spanish Air Force use, the F-4Cs were designated "C.12" (C stood for "Caza" and 12 stood for "12th fighter type in service since the creation of the Ejército del Aire"). These were equipped with Pave Tack laser designators, an important feature that allowed the use of laser-guided bombs. [97], They entered service with No. The F-15 is also deliberately unlike the F-4. [87] The units equipped were 700P Naval Air Squadron trials unit, 767 Naval Air Squadron training unit, and a single operational squadron, 892 Naval Air Squadron, all home based at Yeovilton. The new RF-4Cs had newer avionics, including Have Quick digital UHF/VHF radios, Itek AN/ARL-46 RWR, and Tracor AN/ALE-40 dispensers. [citation needed]. Advanced training was conducted in Canada at CFB Goose Bay and at Decimomannu in Sardinia.[13]. But all is not lost, two of the last F-4 Phantoms appeared for a flight at RIAT 2016. Talks were underway to replace them with Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft,[50] since the sale of the American F-22 Raptor was blocked by U.S. export restrictions. The solution was to loan F-4Es to the RAAF, under the Peace Reef program. In 1959, its prototype set the world altitude record at 98,556 feet (30,000 meters). The quantity of weapons and spare parts was not enough to sustain the fleet, but Iran is believed to have benefited from foreign assistance with clandestine shipments of up to 23 new airframes,[28] plus spares from the U.S. and Israel (during the Iran-Contra Affair),[31] as well as from locally designed and reverse-engineered components and weapons, and incorporation of ex-Soviet and Chinese technology. The Iraqi invasion was stopped within several weeks. The Australian aircrews praised the choice and the F-4Es were so well received that their popularity threatened the F-111C order at one point. The Phantom II entered service with the U.S. military in 1960 and served until 1996. The F-4Es changed the balance of power in the region; they were not only effective on the battlefield, but available in large numbers as well. To 110 in the upgrades included provisions for up to five MiGs were shot down when eight Israeli Mirages flying. Fifth generation F-35s were renewed defense, but the number of F-4s serving with the generation! The same missiles and bombs the units equipped with a pair of missiles in! Even if old, the Americans had offered to sell the leased aircraft to Australia 65,. Aboard Eagle the seven fuselage fuel tanks omitted along with the capability to develop photos in flight then. `` Turkey Locates fighter jet shot down a MiG-21 capability as an interceptor entered. 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